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 Aug 2014 M Raowler
 Aug 2014 M Raowler
Out my window
the same world
different day, day after day

I want to grab my bolt bag
tie a red bandana
around my sweet mutt's neck
hop a train, act sane
for a change

Georgia's down the tracks a spell
and Birmingham's half-way to hell
New Orleans in September
sounds pretty good

Woof and me
living free
no cares to carry on our backs
singing clickety-clack, clickety-clack.

r ~ 8/13/14
  |.     Clickery-clack
/ \
 Aug 2014 M Raowler
18 is a hard age
to be black
and dead

tear-gas in our eyes
burns, baby, burns.

r ~ 8/14/14
|    RIP
/ \
 Apr 2014 M Raowler
Once Cornered
 Apr 2014 M Raowler
I once painted a dartboard in the corner of a room.
Half on one wall, half on the other; hit bullseye every time.
I thought I had found an answer.

I once jumped out of an airplane.
Nowhere to go but down.
That wasn't the answer, either.

I once walked a trail bordered by a swift river and a sheer cliff.
I could go where I had already been, or someplace else.
I found the answer.

r ~ 4/27/14
\• /\
  / \
So dark, so very dark
but I hear a voice
and I can feel a breeze
but I don't know where I am
all I know is that I'm alone surrounded by people

I can hear people calling my name
Since I lost my sight nothing is the same

I didn't just lose my vision, I lost so much more
My independence
my job
my confidence
my self-esteem
I will never get to live my childhood dream

It's hard to only see one color for the rest of time
no color, just
Someone very close to me
 Mar 2014 M Raowler
Jack Kerouac
And how sweet a story it is
When you hear Charley Parker
tell it,
Either on records or at sessions,
Or at offical bits in clubs,
Shots in the arm for the wallet,
Gleefully he Whistled the
Anyhow, made no difference.

Charley Parker, forgive me-
Forgive me for not answering your eyes-
For not having made in indication
Of that which you can devise-
Charley Parker, pray for me-
Pray for me and everybody
In the Nirvanas of your brain
Where you hide, indulgent and huge,
No longer Charley Parker
But the secret unsayable name
That carries with it merit
Not to be measured from here
To up, down, east, or west-
-Charley Parker, lay the bane,
off me, and every body
 Mar 2014 M Raowler
What makes every moment count?
how do we come alive every second?
does the mystery of creation suffice life?

Light up my reality
let us talk of things perceived
leave sound and sights behind
A journey through to the other side

Created become the creators
every moment opens
for us to look inside
There this is what we find
faking it? no! we have left that world far, far, behind

Feel it? life in a moment passing by
an addictive cocktail feeling high
mixing past present and future
capture its sweet nectar

We have stood still in the universe of our minds
stopped counting the seconds that make up man made time
Gone way back father than our ancestors beginnings of life

We are the moment happening
every thought every twitch
making up the picture perceived
Talking silently together while the moment passed

Here we are at last
Savouring  the future of the present
making up our past.
 Mar 2014 M Raowler
just like the man on the moon
when i yell for help
no one hears
but the endless emptiness
of space
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