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kj Foster Oct 2014
Darling is a word,
smithed for prettier ears.
Eventually, rejection becomes
the familiar hum.

Hope was the thing to be feared.
Possibility  made my breathing shallow.

Turning my back to the moon,
I trained my eyes to ignore
the silver shadows on the black horizon,

Gravity wasn't just keeping me grounded,
it was keeping me safe,
from floating off into unknown space.

"We can't protect you, where we have not been", my Past selves whispered.

At least I think that is what they whispered.
I was preoccupied,
While they whimpered,
I was letting go.
kj Foster Sep 2014
We are each of us,
a slip away from cracks
with no one but dark shadows
Gazing o'er our backs,

We're wading in the water
for the worthy ones to save,
as another helpless stranger,
twists underneath the wave.

You cannot tame the ocean,
Or soothe her trembling tide,
But you can make strong your vessel,
And pull the struggling ones inside.
If I were ever to chance upon, a real life Genie
and being ever so kind, he granted me wishes freely
I wouldn't waste any time, and ask him quite loudly
'Give me a Flying Carpet, and make the sky cloudy!'

Astride my bed with wings, I would swiftly reach the sky
and dive through the clouds like through butter a hot knife
feeling the wind in my hair, laughing with unbridled glee
as a soaring eagle feels in the air, light, and free

Next I'd become a Lion, to roar and roam the jungles deep
Growling and tearing into poachers, and savoring the meat
I would rule all the mighty creatures, as their rightful king
and all the forest's denizens would my praises sing

Soon after I would ask for a ship, and a crew of souls brave
I would visit all lands afar, upon my Master of waves
without a single glance behind and not a spot of bother
I would see and feel and taste all the world has to offer

From above I'd go beneath, diving as a blue whale
The murky depths of the oceans whistling past my tail
All the wondrous sea dwellers, and all the buried wonders
would become a part of my enchanting under sea tale

Last of all I'd ask the genie, to build with his hand
a nation built for all the poor orphans of every land
where they eat and drink and make much merriment
and also study, play, and sleep with gladness in them
Magic, as alluring as it is impossible
kj Foster Sep 2014
No higher cause,
than to die for love.
I reach to hold,
anyone above
kj Foster Sep 2014
My heart a pulsing star,
like solar flares,
Lovers Beware.
kj Foster Sep 2014
When we pass,
reduced to soil,
our shadows detach,
from mortal coil,

They find new masters,
who draw fresh breath
not long after,
We, old ones, enter death.

Long after we have gone,
Our shadows cast further on,
They too learned our lessons
and pass them quietly along.
kj Foster Sep 2014
Every joke and temper flair,
Came from the man who was always there.
Forever by his family’s side,
He holds the children as his pride.

Never letting injustice stand,
Papa carved the line in sand.
Setting free that which is true,
He gave us all great lessons too:
"Always think before you speak,
be Serpent-wise, and Dove-like meek.”

Nothing was ever lost on you,
No stray marlin or shade of blue.
It was all the Author’s intention,
written from a higher dimension.

Papa, you’ll never know how much you’ve done,
You’ve treated the strays just like your sons.
Particles, waves and Lapiz lazuli,
These are the gifts you’ve passed on to me.

Now I close this series of cobbled rhymes,
Hoping to see you in "a Thousand times…"
This was written for my grandfather's 77th birthday, filled with a lot of snippets from stories I grew up hearing. The man raised me, and if I have any positive impact on this planet, it is just another tribute to his legacy.
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