A cranky locomotive used to yell
Every time it passed my house
Nobody liked him as he shrieked past
The windows rattled and shook
He woke you up from a peaceful sleep
And worst of all he was unapologetic
He was a locomotive built proudly
And he emulated the confidence
Built in a time of proud and honorable men
A fire burned in that old frame
A hot sweltering fire that always pushed him forward
He was blunt and to the point
One day that locomotive failed to fly by
No hollers or shouts or rattles
It was peaceful without him
It was quiet without him
An unnerving quiet that people admittedly
If I had known that it would have been the last time
That rambunctious, cantankerous, and proud locomotive
Was tearing through the town
I would have waved
Or smiled more
Or even cried
A cranky, loud, and obnoxious locomotive
Used to let everyone know what was on his mind
But in the silence when he no longer passed through
Everyone wished they could see him again,
Wanting to know what he had to say