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I                          think
of      these    little      children
these    weeping    angels    their
lives    stolen      from    this
earth      by a
bullets and when I think of the
Twenty I think of their families but mostly their
words I just want Christmas I just want to have Christmas
And then I think of their homes each of twenty trees
Sheltering gifts with no owners, sheltering them as if
To protect the memory of the innocents, lonely presents
Can now only shine and glimmer with all their gaudy
Holiday glory but no longer a jolly happy shine now it's
More a glaring harsh shimmer and shine sad, and cheap
Compared to the lives of the little ones these presents may
Be repurposed regifted, or set aside but their original and
True owners shall nevermore know the joy they can bring
She was not born to be a bride,
She had no child of her own.
When she faced evil face to face,
some will say she died alone.
But to the children whom she helped hide
when terror roamed those halls.
She didn't die for nothing
She died to save them all.

Some learn their purpose early,
Others at the final turn.
Many blunder blind through life.
There are those who never learn.

Someday past suffering and grief
may her family feel some pride.
She was Victoria Soto,
Not for nothing did she die.
Written in honor of Victoria Soto a teacher at the school in connecticut who died saving the students in her first grade class.
My heart is burning,
burning with regret.
My soul is crashing,
crashing and bleeding me dry.
My life has become empty,
so empty I feel alone.
I give you my everything,
my feelings, my love, and myself,
But I always fall too soon, too fast.
When I'm in love it never lasts.
Last night you said you loved me
And your eyes had the same expression of a homeless dog
But we know that pronouncing every letter of "I love you"
What you really meant was "love me, love me"
Words caused by the need of a warm body by your side at bed
And by the possible passion inside your chest - or your *****.

What I forgot to tell you is that my chest - or my ***** -
Has the same need of a warm body on my bed.
Maybe I - in all the human fragments inside me -
Have the need of having somebody.
Somebody, someone, some you.
What I forgot to mention is that
Perhaps that someone is you.
The sad look in your eyes,
breaks my heart.
I don't know what it is,
but then I might know what it is.

I don't need to know
if you are okay,
I can see it in your expression.
The limpness in your bottom lip,
the way you shoulders are slumped over,
the way your eyes glide their way
to me and then look back at the table.

That's a stupid question.
I won't ask you that.

But I need to know
if you will be okay.

I don't care when.
The sooner the better though.
But if you feel like
you will be okay,
that you can see the light
at the end of the tunnel
and find your way
out of the mess,
then that's all that I need to know.

I just want to know,
Will you be okay?
Your not within my reach
Your just a fantasy
But when I touch you
It's like pure ecstasy

I hate you
I want to slit your throat
But only if you had one
Your dead to me

You left a hollowness in me
You made me bleed
Your just a dream I had
Now I hate you

I gave you so much
You took everything
Like a greedy thief
And then abandoned me

How much blood do you want?
Your a dangerous game I played
Where the winner is always you

I'm not good enough for you
I sound like a *****
Know this: I can't cry
But I hope you choke on all the blood

Terrifying façade,
long and tall, overpowering
but frail.
Ready to crumble and fall.

Snide wire intertwined,
exit wounds in the concrete flesh.
Each thorn stood to attention,
unwelcoming guards of the now unwanted.

Block after block
of relentless alleyways,
like a labyrinth of colossal gravestones.
The sky opens.

Water rattles bullet-like,
upon the once majestic city walls.
The cathedral moans its last hymn
as the steeple betrays itself.

The descent prevails.
i know it was the right thing -
that it wasn't fair,
to only give you part of my heart.

but i'm drowning in missing you,
and for the past 29 hours
(29 hours
of not having you)
i kid you not,
all i've done is cry.

i can't eat
and i wish i had ended it because i didn't love you
because that would have been easier
but that's not how it was.

how it was was that i needed time
and it wasn't right to take it
while i was still half yours

(and the funny thing is,
i don't even think
i want him anymore
and i miss you in ways
i didn't know were possible)

maybe i made a mistake but it's
too soon to tell and i'm
too crippled with hurt to know.
you're hurting and heartbroken and
it's my fault
and i care about you more than anyone in the world
(and even so, i've caused you pain)

i love you but
that doesn't mean
i can have you.
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