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3d · 21
Anxiety in our mind stops us to take proper decisions
The evening dust is flying, flying to die
The day is on the cusp of its breath in the sky
The year is sinking in shadows tonight
It will never rise٫ it's dying tonight
The bubbles of dreams and hope are no more
The waves have washed them from the shore
We are left with the only abiding images
To look at them in their hollow cages
I see I see the glow in the steamy sky
The light of the new day passes by
It's the light of the New Year that gleams
It has arrived they are its beams
Let us dream let us smile O my dear
The buds of hope will blow let us cheer
The sea of joys will flow everyone will drink
The ship will sail smoothly it won't sink
5d · 93
Brilliant minds
                Don't ignore their mistakes

But rather
        they correct them to move ahead
5d · 25
In the present scenario،
            Only Sunday time
                      Is the finest thread

To sew unstitched relations
Feb 5 · 88
Reading 2
Mohd Arshad Feb 5
Reading is a long walk in the garden of kashmir when it is full of blossoms!
Feb 5 · 102
Mohd Arshad Feb 5
Reading is polishing a rusted mind.

Reading is an adventurous journey.

Reading is a memorable confab because all words speak to me.

Going into a mind is like entering a holy place and reading scriptures there.
Feb 2023 · 242
Choclate Day
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
What are thy lips

Feb 2023 · 288
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
He can change

A stone

Into a gem
Feb 2023 · 242
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023

I'm so blank!
Still, do you love me?
Feb 2023 · 192
Rose Day
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
The sun is sharp in the sky
Leaves are talking as slowly
As if they are shy of
Making their love in the open
And butterflies are trying
To listen to their feelings
I'm waiting for her
I think i can't better place than this
To put the rose on her palm
And lock her lips with mine
Feb 2023 · 224
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
Make a wall but keep a hole in it
If I cry my brother can hear me
Feb 2023 · 227
Poet's Heart
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
The land
Of the poet's heart


Feb 2023 · 362
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023

Give me permision to read you
Feb 2023 · 224
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
Your eyes
                  Are deep valleys


I am drowned in them
Feb 2023 · 156
Butterfly Haiku
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
Butterfly is a
Colourful canvas where poem
Finds its perfect sketch
Feb 2023 · 170
You and Me
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
You and me
Two rails of a railway track

So close
Still apart forever
Feb 2023 · 141
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
I have a fresh rose
                   in my hands
                                Still I smell only you
Feb 2023 · 154
You and Me
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
You            so
                and            close
                 me             ever
                are              still
                two             always
               parts           separate
Feb 2023 · 138
Spring Time
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
Who is there?
Oh, it's Winter on the pyre!
Who are groaning?
Oh, Frost, Fog and Snow
Are on the galloping gallows!
He would bounce back I know,
But I don't care about Phoenix.
Everyone is glad for the golden days.
Let us go out to sip this beauty!
Don't you see the day is delicious!
See! See! See!
Earth is wearing gleaming-grass;
Daffodils are unfolding
Their golden-yellow cheeks;
Bluebells and daisies are dancing in joys.
Hear! Hear! Hear!
Swallows are fluting their rhymes;
And cuckoos are playing their sweet tunes.
Now I pine for taking
Purple hyacinths from those
Whose hearts are pricked
By my thorny words.
Let us dole out
Snowdrops, lilies and poppies to everyone;
And to you I will give tulips.

Let us cheer
Like the cheering cherry blossoms!
Feb 2023 · 109
Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
I have a fresh rose in my pockets,
But I still smell you, my darling!
Jan 2022 · 684
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
The key to heaven,
And escape from snake desires;
On lips goodbye falls!
Jan 2022 · 241
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022

Yet my hope,

What a saint!
Jan 2022 · 186
Don't feel depressed
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
Don't feel depressed
Though you have been defeated
It was just the flip of a coin
That didn't turn your way

Don't feel depressed
Though you have been put to shame
It was just a dark cloud
That loomed over your head

Don't feel depressed
For you are the waves
That can upsize such defeats
In a single moment

Don't feel depressed
For you are behind the fog today
But will shine tomorrow
Even in the desert of darkness
Jan 2022 · 192
Haiku.. Agony
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
In every leaf that
Falls, agony lies hidden;
We dont hear, we watch.
Jan 2022 · 126
Haiku.. N
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
On the road the son
Weeps on his father's silence;
Jan 2022 · 597
Haiku.. New one
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
The beggar left bones;
Puppies circled him to grab;
The sweeper swept them.
Jan 2022 · 222
Dream.. Hiaku
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
On the cheeks of fog
Our shattered dreams visualise;
The sun restores them.
Jan 2022 · 143
Haiku..... Diabetes
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
The mouse gnaws at bones
At the pace of day and night;
After that it squeals.
Jan 2022 · 194
Diabetes... Haiku
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
The mouse gnaws at bones
At the pace of day and night;
After that it squeals.
Jan 2022 · 152
Poetry //////
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
Is the axis

On which society moves
Jan 2022 · 124
Haiku Series-B
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
On her golden hair
A snow butterfly slides down;
My fingers stops it.
Jan 2022 · 134
Haiku Series A
Mohd Arshad Jan 2022
In arms of the clouds
The moon sleeps with eyes open;
Some glowworms twinkle.
Dec 2021 · 158
स. Poetry
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
Without poetry,

Society is an autumn tree
Dec 2021 · 156
स. Ss
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
Without sorrows

Who would care of our tears?
Dec 2021 · 101
स. new year
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
The year
               In which
                               We lived together

              our joys
                             and sorrows

Passed silently
                           Leaving us
                                               With its a new
                     Which we call
                                               THE NEW YEAR
Dec 2021 · 614
स. Snowflakes
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021

       At my window

I kiss
Dec 2021 · 109
Haiku. Statue
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
Oh, statue watches;
Time only runs on the road;
A single rose falls
Dec 2021 · 215
Imagist poem.. Ego
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
My eagle



Came down the ground

At sunset
Dec 2021 · 272
Chill.. Imagist poem
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
Invisible pins fly
                           Among balloons

None deflates
                           but screeches
Dec 2021 · 134
Mohd Arshad Dec 2021
I hear tears
Like and old leaf
              On the ground

They are snow
          And they live and die in silence
Dec 2021 · 66
Nov 2021 · 172
A.. I Stand Alone
Mohd Arshad Nov 2021
I stand alone
When the gloom of dilemma suffocates me

I'm not heading in the wrong direction
As it has been my passion
And I'm going to my cherished destination

But I stand alone
When I need a hand to cover the distance

What tomorrow unfolds will be in my palms
Still I stand alone
Still I stand alone
Aug 2021 · 123
Latest... Imagist poem
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Behind the almirah,
I saw Anxiety,
Trembling and gleaming
Like the eyes of the rat
That cowers and pants.

I dared to speak to it,

And it like a traumatised patient
Only stared at me

And I, a little child,
Got scared.
Aug 2021 · 190
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Is not an incidence

It's a long process of being disciplined......and sacrificing desires.
Aug 2021 · 183
Latest... Ff
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Failure is the door
Through which success enters
Aug 2021 · 192
Latest.. Da
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
It was horrible!

All persons were rejoicing in dance
While the Geeta was sobbing in the room
Aug 2021 · 488
Lstest... Kkk
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
The dullness of life
Lies in not enhancing knowledge......
Aug 2021 · 242
Latest... Imagist poem
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Like dews resting
                   On petals

Like snow
                  Holding fingers of leaves

Thy memories were shining
Aug 2021 · 200
Latest.. Truth
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Your true capacity is to discover the truth
Aug 2021 · 186
Latest.. Failure
Mohd Arshad Aug 2021
Failure is not death

It's Renaissance for a new wonder
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