Think- wow that was awesome
Feel- I feel so good
Think- I hope he ...
Think- he probably thinks I am too much
Feel-not good enough
Think-why I am never good enough
Feel-hurt and alone - rejected
Think- I am being rejected
Think- we were so good together
Feel- why would I feel alone worthless and hurt after such a great experience?
FEEL- what I experienced was awesome. I loved every moment of it, every sound every feel and every move, every look.
I feel that what I think ends up messing up what I feel.
I think perhaps I should just let feelings sit without trying to categorize them too fast.
Every morning I wake up with a bunch of feelings, a lot of thoughts and I try to work them out through written word/poetry. Most of the time I have no idea what I am going to write about. I simply open a NEW POEM window and start expressing how I feel, what I think.
This morning I want to separate the two. Because what I feel has little to do with what I think- I-We make it over complicated. What I feel gets muddied up by what I think. What I feel without thinking is pure-PURE and good. I only taint it by adding thoughts-ATTACHMENTS- to my experience. My experience and feelings were perfect before I started adding "crap" to it/them.
I find this to be MY TRUTH.
Thoughts bring expectations, doubts, and negativity. It clouds what was real with a bunch of ****!
I am going to remember ALL OF IT without expectations, doubts and n TRIPPIN because I am keeping my thoughts out of it.
I think* I THINK* (too much) I think we over think stuff and **** it up. Some things should just be left as experiences without putting all that thinking on top of it to TAKE AWAY the feelings. YES THINKING COVERS YOUR FEELINGS FOOL! But you knew that didn't you?
just a random thought to show a good example of how things get diluted by thinking too much