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354 · Apr 2014
I hate what you did to me
I fume, I bare wolf teeth
I snarl and I ******* growl
I hate what you did to me
But look at me now

I shake inside ****** at you
It really bugs me
I am not over being ******* at you
Block party continues

I hate what you did to me
I remember all the promises you made to me
I hate that you lied to me
But look at me now

I am going on, becoming new
I do not wilt in a corner due some lack of you
I hate the hole you left in me
But look at me now..stronger..than thee
mother ******* Danish ******* coward!!!
352 · Jan 2014
It is funny that I am drawn to the photos he Favorited after he is gone
I see his name everywhere Mr deleted
Flickr friend to flickr what?  all the net doors you have shut
I miss your words and commentary..memory will not serve me memory
Mr deleted is the only sentiment left on pages we shared
You deleted yourself how dare you
no comments left just I stare at you
Mr Deleted..your commentary is still needed
He does not know
I do not tell him
All of the poems that are about him
I have to express myself
My feelings do not sit well on a shelf
My feelings rarely get dusty
Though a few are amazingly rusty
But he does not know all I feel and say about him
It would be a lot to take in
Some feelings are passing whims
Which I give a few breaths and a laugh
But some are haunting me day and night
I feel like everything felt so right
I just want to be around him
I cover my face and I smile
A twister of a puzzle
We stay away for a while
While we trip about each other
I keep expressing myself
But he does not know all of the poems I write about him~
351 · Apr 2014
Things come and go in a dance
Feelings rise
Sometimes new, sometimes very old
I dance them out-
My feelings get to play
Harmful if I hold much like this butterfly
So I let my feelings out and I let the fly!
Feelings have wings - they must fly
Never tucked away, yet never die
Specially if they step out within my day
I flow with what feelings are bestowed upon me
Why throw them away?
Why tuck them away only to forget the lesson life has for me to get?
   That is why we are living is it not my friend?
Movement leads the WAY
New movements pop out with old feelings I let shout
I wonder where is this from..
I suddenly feel like I am dancing with Johnny Clegg and Savuka~
My hands go up in the air and make new shapes
As I dance around the globe
Literally on my floor is a vivid globe for witch I beg for guidance
I smile, I dance..and give the Universe a fair ******* chance
To give me what I am asking for
A new place to bloom and self explore
I have packed my ships
I have my own sail~
It is time to use it
Find a new shore
; )
Just packed everything mine on the entertainment center ; )  Cook books are next ; )
348 · Apr 2014
I let go
I say yes
I give up the hold I have on keeping this mess
Universe take my plea
I will accept the new things you offer to me~
I say yes, I fought you-I confess
I did not listen, fighting to fix this love in any way
I tried to hard to make this place RIGHT
It is now time to give up this fruitless fight
I open, I flow
I let go of the fear
I am ok with what I know is very near
I pack my things, knowing it will be alright
I feel a new bounce in my dance
I breath with ease in this circumstance
I cheer
Universe give me more
I smile and open my doors
; )
I need a storage unit so I can move..Universe help me get one so I can move on~
345 · May 2014
;( to ; )
It does not matter what I think
It does not matter what I feel
The choice is always someone else's to make
This land I live in makes no sense
So I must vacate
I am done playing games
Being third string
Set on the sidelines
Waiting to be called in
This game is over

I am moving on
To the land of Karen
Where everything is calm
Where what I think
Dictates my day
And what I feel leads my way
I am so excited
I sigh a silent cheer
My new life is already here
; )
345 · May 2014
If we would have kissed
If we would have kissed would I feel so distant?
If we would have kissed would I be hurt?
Would I have lost more?
If we would have kissed this would be a very different story
You enter my dreams and haunt me
Like no other
It makes me wonder how different things would be
If we had kissed
I cannot shake this feeling
Things would be very different if we had kissed
I cannot imagine all that we now have missed
Paths already taken, and that which we still walk within the mist
If we had kissed things would be so different
Maybe waiting shows some strength
Dedication to doing what is right so we do not sink
Timing is off but the lips are right!
I really wanted to kiss you
But not tonight
; )
The game continues
the lips remain kiss-less
340 · May 2014
I want to run
watch you play
see you enjoy the waves
snap your photo when you do not know I am around
TO watch you be YOU

That is what I want to witness
Just to watch you be you
It is hard for me to just sit here
Knowing where your at
I want to pounce
Like one of your cats

I want to run TO
Shakes head
There is something about you..
337 · May 2014
55 Miles
That is what I have got
This mileage leash pulled very tight
It is ok
I just won't come home tonight
I will save my mileage for a morning return trip
But then again you will be alone
I hope you enjoy all the Control
you think you have
Because if I really wanted to I could take a cab
Go ahead and take my keys
Nothing I ever do will ever please you
Everything I do ever do goes past your eyes
You see nothing good, you pick only negative
That is why today divorce is my objective
Setting my odometer back to zero
just made you my personal hero
Now I will drive straight to the court house
YOU pumpkin will turn right back into a mouse
Cinderella is leaving your castle
Living with you is too much hassle
In 55 miles I will be gone
leaving you nobody to pick on
Enjoy yourself defeating ways
Go on my way
335 · Apr 2014
Whoah Trigger
Oh Those words that make me Quiver
We call them lovingly, Triggers
Words that bring us Alive
Senses joined, Amplified~
Simple words said to Me
Set the scene of Intimacy
Keys that unlock the Mystery

I set the locks, I make the Keys
I Change the Locks
You cannot trigger Me
So Whoah with YOUR tirggers
As they are Not the Right Key
My Box will remain Locked
A Mystery~
332 · Jan 2014
no not never
Not like the last one.
No counting sunsets til it is dissolved.
No kids are involved.
Never thought this would happen.
Not until another I found him tappin.
No destroying me.
No lies or tricks work now
Never going to forgive him.
Not regretting all I have learned.
No diamonds to be returned.
No gifts given with sentiment within them.
Never gave so much emotion
Not given it back.
330 · Apr 2014
Tech drives me insane
I want to rock but the chair squawks like old chains
I have been yapped at more than twice
No more boogie in the chair cause the sound ain't nice
How would I know I have headphones on
My ears hear only nine!
How can I hold still?
I want to rock cause that is how I chill
but my every move disturbs you
you ******* negative **** you
323 · May 2014
Stop running
I cover my eyes
I cannot
When I stop it will be time to turn you off
To click you away never to be heard from again
in any way
You will leave my sight and never return
it will burn
both of us
I will say goodbye to you
and never look back
I gave you many chances
you always lack
never present
never HERE
You will not miss me
just my services
eat your fear
Cause when I stop running your time will end
I will no longer pretend or try to mend
When I stop running you and I will end
So what your asking is for our end
to happen now
so I will stop running
and the ride is over
go away now
* I will tie my shoes and walk much stronger*
I have no need to keep running from what we both see coming
So right now I stop running
I just offered you everything you asked for
You asked for years for this
I just said Yes
Now you say NO!
So off with me
Away I go
Not providing all that you begged me for
I was finally ready to do your chores
Raise your kids
Teach you how too do so many things
Our time was cut short and I wanted to make it up
Clearly, with intent I asked for this Universal plan
But again you drag your feet over some MAN!
You can tell me it is about anything you want.
I know better.  I know what drives you
More than anybody ever!
YOUR  life would change so much
I know that scares you, me too
But we love each other so much
How could it be anything but good?
I would be giving up a lot of myself once again?
I want so much more for you-in the end
Knowing living with me would force you to live and not Pretend
Make up your mind my girl, think it out
Because once I move
It will be too late to shout
I will not be so close
Though I won't be far
It is time for me to plan
But if your OUT I understand
Do your life cycles as you will
I am choosing to stop struggling and living with the ill
I am moving to comfort, music and dance
I am moving to make my own life happy and full of chance!
Offered you a way out of your mess
But if you choose not to take it
It is simply your game of chess
I won't be able to save you later
So it is time to reconsider
Do you want to share a house with me?
Want help with those kiddies>?<
It is time to pick and choose your destiny
Want to go down that path with me?
let us heal and make those kids better humans ; )
316 · Apr 2014
If you call me that again
If you call me a multi-personality person again
I will remind you I am a multi faceted gem
Laugh at you cause you know I am right
Won't stop you from poking so light
You like me so stop the fight
This personality blooms and fills up the room
You enjoy it and you know it
Go ahead it is ok to show it
But call me multi personality again
I will come up with a sweet ebil plan
And I might have to drug you again
Fill your head with the Karen..again
Watch your head spin
while I grin
and laugh at you
you crazy..I like you
You know how to get a rise out of me
dat fun, so easy
But call me that again and I will pounce and pretend
Your cats are my friends
and we will gang up on you
use you as a scratching tool...
314 · May 2014
Butterflies within the butterfly fly
I keep trying to deny
Waves of surrender wash over
I smile
Wandering the path
Waving as I stroll
I see you there at the shore
I start to giggle once more
I was on the wrong date
Somehow -like Fate
The wrong date was the right one
You cannot  debate
Got a great connection with you
We have a understanding that is true
This butterflies has butterflies flying
No more cocoon
314 · May 2014
Feel without Thought
Think- wow that was awesome
Feel- I feel so good
Think- I hope he ...
Think- he probably thinks I am too much
Feel-not good enough
Think-why I am never good enough
Feel-hurt and alone - rejected
Think- I am being rejected
Think- we were so good together
Feel- why would I feel alone worthless and hurt after such a great experience?
FEEL- what I experienced was awesome.  I loved every moment of it, every sound every feel and every move, every look.

I feel that what I think ends up messing up what I feel.
I think perhaps I should just let feelings sit without trying to categorize them too fast.
Every morning I wake up with a bunch of feelings, a lot of thoughts and I try to work them out through written word/poetry.  Most of the time I have no idea what I am going to write about.  I simply open a NEW POEM window and start expressing how I feel, what I think.
This morning I want to separate the two.  Because what I feel has little to do with what I think- I-We make it over complicated.  What I feel gets muddied up by what I think.  What I feel without thinking is pure-PURE and good.  I only taint it by adding thoughts-ATTACHMENTS- to my experience.  My experience and feelings were perfect before I started adding "crap" to it/them.
I find this to be MY TRUTH.
Thoughts bring expectations, doubts, and negativity.  It clouds what was real with a bunch of ****!
I am going to remember ALL OF IT without expectations, doubts and n TRIPPIN because I am keeping my thoughts out of it.
I think* I THINK* (too much) I think we over think stuff and **** it up.  Some things should just be left as experiences without putting all that thinking on top of it to TAKE AWAY the feelings.  YES THINKING COVERS YOUR FEELINGS FOOL!  But you knew that didn't you?
just a random thought to show a good example of how things get diluted by thinking too much
312 · May 2014
No right to
I miss you
I have no right to
but I miss you
I want to hug you, kiss you
Spend time watching you smile
Cause I miss you
I do not want to
I have no right to
You do not want me to
But I miss you
My missing you
I feel when I breath
Your not mine
I have no right
Missing you is something I fight
I sigh heavy
I cannot lie
Missing you I cannot deny
310 · Apr 2014
Now I am not sure
Because this morning is slightly a blurr
So many words all such goodness
I kinda got lost in all the worth and bliss
How can a girl like me resist?
I am dealing with seasonal allergies
And I will call that the cause
But if I stop and let myself pause
I am wondering
wondering the cause of this dizziness
Feels like something else
is not that from which I sneeze
This kind brings me to my knees
That which I want more and more
That tingle on top of my head
relaxation of body, and mind
that special kind of dizziness
The dizziness which makes me smile
Have not felt that in awhile
I smile and shake my head
I might be in trouble-over my head
Vertigo or you instead?
309 · Dec 2013
I hope I don't need you
I refuse to feed you
Your hunger for me
I do not want to want you
Get out of my head,
Stay away from my heart.
This was a tease from the start
and that is where we part
There must be more
to get through my door
so much more to explore
but *** talk is all you know
such a ******* bore
You just made my block list
oh yes, I insist
because all your *** talk
I can resist!
307 · May 2014
Should have never shared
Any of myself with anyone
and not you
I should have never shared myself
You took everything I gave to you
But what came back?
I shake my head NO at you
I should have never shared myself with you
Any decisions I make now will have self doubt
I shared too much of myself with you
Now I am not sure what is true
Not sure where I am going
No one I am owing
When I walk away anew
I walk the line between hope and despair
For what I want with you
But those feelings are not shared by two
leaves me hurt
wishing I had not given away so much of myself
I should have never shared myself with you
I know that is my pain talking
and I would not trade you for anyone
But since your gone
I close myself up
I should have never shared so much of myself
but what can I do
307 · Nov 2013
Special Rain
I’ll never forget the good times
Holding hands
Sitting for hours
In the rain
That one day
A day I will keep in my heart forever
I’ve never felt the rain
As I did that day
Felt special feelings for you
I still do
Always will
That one day in the rain
Is forever with me
The day I was with you

Karen Lee Cosson
26 years ago written about my current husband
307 · Mar 2014
4 windows open
I got 4 windows open
he is on every one of them
How can I look away
*** I melt in every way
I laugh a lot, you know why?
He is ******* hot!!!
I cannot look away~
He sends me photos
Eyes looking right at me
I told him if he sent him looking at me
I would look right back ; )
He knows what I am doing
While he is in my view
Putting on a happy face
A time or two!
I have 4 windows open
He is on every one of them
I actually blush just looking at him
; )
304 · Jan 2014
Across the world
over the seas
is a man
who truly sees me
feels me
comforts me
to no end
without him
I was so cold
lifeless breath
turning to mold
then he returned
my breath came back
I ate again
hunger no longer lack
I feel a peace
from across the world
without a single kiss
a life holds mine
with a gentle touch
Oh I love him
ever so much
302 · Apr 2014
The spinning star
I lick my lips and go round once again
Each step out of sight
trust yourself, it will be alright

I stop I read you
I blush and I want to feed you
Heat leaves my mouth in a huff and a pout
my lips like what yours are saying right now

I want to spin faster and faster
eyes closed and no one to view
But my knees are weak I swear its true
***..LAUGHS..AHHHH you create dew
MMMMM awesome awesome dancing with you
My feet bottoms sweat and my prancing gets faster
Spinning ever yet
The floor grows more slick with each step
I spin I spin..not quite there yet
I am blushing I am blushing ..
so I start to count the steps
7 steps a spinning outward
make this star now flowered
299 · Apr 2014
Why Did I Say Hi?
Why did I say hi?
caught my eyes
Because I suffer insomnia
I thought what is his secret
I want to know
Hope he can sympathize
I am a stranger interrupting
Possibly that sleep he finds obsessive
perhaps he can't find it,
or does he spend his time sleeping peacefully
While I cannot find it
I had questions about his obsession
I admit that was what made me send the questions!
Shocked that I got answers
Though now I cannot remember what they were
How can that be it is all a blur
I cannot remember his obsession my first question
It is about the humor-this is my confession!
297 · Apr 2014
*Grin* I got what I wanted
I had a really bad craving
There was no mistaking
I had wild urges and super surges
I wanted so bad I went and chased a few skirts
I wanted words more than anything
I craved that attention full of sensuality
Thoughts of pleasurable endeavors
Such flattery for which my phone has never seen
I have to admit..that was quite keen!
However that was much like the first bite
of my favorite ice cream!
So I sure hope you come back soon
Cause my thingy down starting to swoon~
293 · Apr 2014
To dance with a flying pink spread to each side
Organic super spun my threads
Gathers open with each leg flair
Around the round I spin
PINK smooth and silky sheer
Teasing with such movement and play
Offering a unique sway
Gushing with delight
Aroused leaping up and down
PINK dances in sync
Technician across this super waxed floor
Originate a new dance -move it new
Generate your own play - be you
Against the grain in nothing new
PINK saves me once more
291 · Apr 2014
I let them rise at will
otherwise the battle begins
it would be all uphill
So I let them rise
I do not hold them
I simply recognize
I let them breath
The messages they have
I receive
I have a lump in my throat
I will never try to swallow
when you do that you simply wallow
So I let them breath
I accept what lessons
I must receive
I ignore not
The things I have been through
I have not forgot
So out and up with emotions
Waves come at will
I accept their motions
I let them rise, breath, live and weave
What comes next
My deck clean
Nothing held in or on my chest
I am a blank slate
the state I like best~
284 · Apr 2014
ty bb
Relief hits
I buzz
All fixed
Restless gone
Peace beyond
Relief I sigh
No lie
Soulful cry
Relaxed am I
281 · Apr 2014
The Common Thread
Daddy issues?  I shake my head
I simply have a thing for daddy types
They love their children, protect at night
Do I have daddy issues?  Sure I do!
I never had one how about you?
Why are they so appealing?
Do you not have a clue?
They love openly and even tie a shoe!
Just because I get the hots for Daddys'
Does not mean I want you to be mine
It means I like the loving types who know how to unwind!
275 · Apr 2014
Things change rather rapid
My feelings no longer my trap
All it took was words from you
and I take it all back
My feelings of rejection are small
what your going through is huge
my feelings disappear
now I have only compassion
things change fast around here
My ex's kids are crying
I help them out because their father
always denying any contact
Friends mother is dying
How can I be the one crying
over little ****
support now I am supplying
things change rapidly around here
271 · May 2014
Only One Place I want to Be
There is only one place I wish to be
Unfortunately for me
You see it takes two
Both you & me
And that is not the place you wish to be
There is still only one place I want to be
Hoping time will provide
Show us what is right
Maybe in time things will change
Feelings will rearrange until we agree
There is only one place I wish to be
I hope someday there we meet
269 · Apr 2014
Nothing to go on
This boat is just wandering in the ocean
I have not really thought out my motions
I am too full of emotions
I act out, I rebel
Overtly coming out of my shell

I have no idea what you think of me
Swimming around in that rebel divorce sea
Showing more than I should online
Flirting with girls all the time
All the **** shopping trips
The up-skirts on the swing sets
All the people I have on my list

None of that goes with the words from my lips
Telling you your the only one I want to kiss
It is very true, I really like you
But I have no idea what your thinking
I am acting out and rebelling

I am always afraid what I am doing
has made- you run for the hills
This is true..cause I am rarely hearing an opinion from you
it is not all you of course
I have abandonment issues which feed those fears
but if you asked me to stop showing my **** I would of course
; )
260 · Apr 2014
I wish
I wsh "WoW Impressed!" meant  "I like you best"
I wish it said :I feel that way about you too".
Even follow up words, email, text can add that sentiment
but it isn't.=, you don't.
I have asked all my guy friends what they think
It is not pretty, the picture they paint
Practically says I have no chance in hell
But wait
I am trying to remain patient, I really am
But at times it just seems like you do not give a ****
I have feelings too you know
I have had no problem letting them show
I express myself all over you
No reason you do not understand my point of view
I would hope you cared enough to spare me the rejection
This time through
Leaving me wordless and being silent hurts
All I wanted was a few simple words
So I know you still care
But my wishes fall upon dead air
258 · May 2014
I don't know how
"Stop acting like a little kid and come lay on the bed!" he said.
"I don't know how!" she plead.
There is no way to lay with the stranger you have become
There is a separation which I placed and shall remain
The contest is over you fool.
You paid no attention or affection til I was through.
We have nothing to say
If we spoke we would have hell to pay
Hell is this illusion of a game we play
To speak to a black hole is to be emptied each day
There is no winning, no sunshine shared
No positive spin to every ray
There is draining, negative energy I battle each day
The more positive energy I offer the more angry you get
No offering of value and I give and give yet
You only come to me once I have given up, spent
I do not know how to explain to you
There is no way back
We are through~
So I vent
258 · May 2014
What did I leave you?
I took you to my favorite places so that you would know me.
What kind of prize is this at the end of the road?
You never took the time before to come with me
Until our story was ready to fold
So what kind of prize is this I am leaving you?
I do not know.
I will not be there if you go to find me
I will have a new home, and new places to roam
So what is it I have left you?
I hope that one day you will find peace within
I know you will feel lost and angrier than ever
Hopefully these places I have taken you will make you feel better
I could never bring you peace no matter what I said
That is part of the reason our relationship is dead
There is no going back, no remedy
But I wish you peace my love and in the end you will see
You could not grow or change with us still together
And with this change I hope you grow and feel again something..
Something besides anger
This anger of yours has made me run
There is no arguing with a black hole that is spun
There are no words that I have ever been able to say
To make anything better for you in any way
I am wasting my energy even trying
To stay any longer would to be a disgrace
We are not good for each other anymore
We must face it
It is the saddest thing ever you have to know
I cry endlessly and regret some of our choices
But you never connected, not even with our boy
That is more than I can handle that is why I left
But I still do not want to hurt you and that is why
I took you to my favorite places
So you have somewhere to go
When your feeling down and can't let go
Any feelings but anger and stress..I am so sorry
I love you
but your too big of a mess
252 · May 2014
I care
WE avoid
TRY to fill the void
TOO erase the pain
HARD to know what is real
TO walk a straight line out of the darkness
NOT make mistakes and lose each other
TOUCH each other in many ways
EACH a sight to behold
OTHER people do not understand

WE have comfort
NEED is a call that is answered
EACH listening with intent
OTHER people just don't get it

I really love your smile
CARE goes both ways
ABOUT time
YOU relaxed
247 · Apr 2014
They Return
The sounds of want
Little whimpers
Sighs with shivers
breath with sound
enter submission
giving into desire
sounds on fire
I heard them last night in my sleep
Been so long in a waking state
I thought the sounds that I had made
would never return, no trance state
I missed giving in ..I missed those sounds
For so long they have not been around!
I heard them last night in my sleep...
You woke them up in me
247 · Apr 2014
You make me cry
You make me cry
help me cry let us not be misunderstood
I get that it is good
You think its great
Everyone else thinks it is a bad thing
I think they are emotionally LAZY
Avoiding Life' STING
For six months I could not shed a tear
Not over anything
Now I cry whenever I think of what I fear
I let it out, sometimes shout
I am not running right now from my own frown
I know I must rain, free my soul
You poke at me playing a very important role
Just cause you make me cry does not mean I want you gone
on the contrary, you ring true
Call me on my **** Moth
You make me cry
With you that is safe to do
For that I thank you
Glad we can share tears
244 · Apr 2014
Not Saved-Not Let Go
Not sure now if I should have opened my eyes
Maybe I should have opened them more and really taken you in
But if I had done that your images would make me sin
I still cannot handle even a glimpse
When I see you there I feel sorrow
I did not know it would be gone so fast my friend
I did not know there would be no tomorrow

I do not like that I want you like that
Left with a few feelings I have to combat
I understand our paths

But I did not save enough memories to live on'
That is what I get for living in the moment
Less to take away, to hold-falsely mold perhaps
In limbo those feelings be
Not saved, not let go
Just lived with thee
I do not know how to process this...this trying to forget while trying to remember..and should I?
243 · Apr 2014
of all the days
So many things have happen
I should have cried
i should have cried
So many days filled with sadness
So many days with hurt
But I cried not one of them
I was left
i was hurt
I am walking the divorce road curve
I am lost for so many reasons
and despite this past season
I have not cried
Not for him, not for me
not for the deaths happening around me
But today I cried
out of relief
but somehow I feel as if this cry is just a thief
and another follows and it will be deep
of all the days
today I cry
242 · Apr 2014
Twice Around to HappyTown
A slow ride that first time
Happy town visits always make me smile
Been a few days, for me that is a long while
Lost my car that usually drives me there
I couldn't find it anywhere
So I hitched a ride with Johnny Depp
And again he refused me at almost every step!
Geez I know your taken, no mistaking
but this tension I must be breaking!
You took so long and left me standing cold awaiting
I know your just making me do the chasing!
I cannot thank you enough
so a second time around
I call your bluff!
Drive me there again, do a second take!!
call it..Director Johnny Depp!!!
What a film we could make!
Lick that stuff off my lips
Cause it is no longer within my hips
I smile and declare a second ride
We have film time to spare so lets not lie
Standing with legs together held so tight
that second trip to happy town was more than ******* alright!!!
239 · Apr 2014
Oh Johnny!
You tease-You taunt
I want I want!
You have funny answers
trying to distract me
still I spark
All your teasing
makes me laugh
but still I persist
Your lips need to be kissed
Yet you resist!
You keep teasing me
and I like that
238 · Apr 2014
2 words
would drive me insane
but make me happy and
You do not know why
but you anticipate!
I want you to want me
let it swell
enjoy more n your plate!
Now you sit right there while I dance around you
Please let the scent created already surround you
Say nothing because I won't let you
You sit there and want
That is why right now you wait..
because Im ******* teasing you
235 · Mar 2014
words in a box
I open the box once again
hoping to express without a pen
the depths of things felt within
but the words don't come there is nothing to spin
I go to write over and over
I close the box, thinking-overboard don't go over
I have so much to say but want to show restraint
but the feelings I have bring out feelings I wish to paint
I want to express the way I feel
I sigh, deep truth and real
I open the box once again
wanting to just smile..somehow just smile and sigh
so that you know
I am enchanted by everything I share with you
No words needs but I can't help it..I want to say so much
I close the box once again thinking-just feel
he will know..he feels you strong and true
and because I feel that so strongly I want to open the box again and say
but then I smile
close the box
smile and buzz with you ; )
231 · Apr 2014
Open that hand to chaos
Clench in the hand not
Why would it be different for him
He is the same as I
We of strong Will
We must fly
Why then I, act as if I could possibly capture
such a creature as I?
Why act a fool, cannot seem to help myself
I, babble like a fool and wish for more too
But fool am I as my number passed by without the use of it
I want so bad I clenched my hand trying to capture it
He fly away without delay and I thought for sure I blew it
But I cannot forget just what it is that I want and was drawn to
Happens to be quite like me and flutters away
In dismay I was left to play and I am still quite missing my bb
I realize today I've acted in ways that would make a butterfly run
as I had begun to close my hand and try to capture it
As hard as it is so me to think before I react this all is a small task
to let you land peacefully on an open and that will not try again to close on you~
206 · Apr 2014
; )
; )
I cannot see the bottom and that makes me smile
You care enough to type for a while
and I thank you
204 · Apr 2014
That Which Makes Me Cry
Losing the voice that just came back alive
Stuck between a slide show of memories
and trying to forget
I do slide back and forth
I want to slide right back into that show
feel all the warmth and open my eyes
Back to closed, as are my thighs
Losing that voice makes me cry
The best part of me just died
200 · Mar 2014
One of those things
I look at you
And I want to close my eyes
I take you in
It is no surprise
I close these lids and hold you in
Not letting one detail left behind
I hold you close
My lips vibrate as I remember yours
Little face twitches, of course
Big smile takes over my face
I sigh, breath in deep

I am shaking my head no
but I really mean YES YES YES
That is me swimming in it is all
Back and worth my mind sways
My head follows, the smile stays

I love looking at you
But I want to take you into a dark dark room
Have your way with me
Love looking at you
But want the lights off you see
I want to feel you, experience you
Swim deep in your sea

I know you understand
You know me
Just one of those things
that makes me ..Me
You can turn the light back on later
So we can stare
into We

— The End —