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Deborah Sweetsilverbird Birch
67/F/Vancouver    ..a Canadian writer and published poet for many years; my poetry sometimes says much with just a few words. On the internet I have been ...
Brazil    I sit. And think. And overthink.
m i a
20/F/m a r s    twenty. aquarius. lover of all things. i'm not here to impress, i just want my words to be heard nothing more, nothing less. ©
How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there ...
Mercury Chap
Hidden behind the screen    Universe can't twist and turn but words can. Follow me on Instagram! @Mercury_Chap
y i k e s
24/F/Everywhere    tiny dots on an endless timeline
Amulet Atari
Chelle Quezon
Manila, Philippines    a non-romantic poet
Olivia L
Earth, Apparently    Trying to "find myself" I suppose
Ava Bean
Portland    Perpetually sleepy Pisces who takes refuge in music, dance, and writing
22/F    "You're a poet right? Why don't you write something like that?" -David Tomas Martinez

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