I don't think
that you know
how much you really
mean to me.
so I'll just remind you now:
you are the reason why
I wake up every day,
with a smile on my face.
and I look forward to
the sunrise after each night,
when I can see you.
the sun can't compare
to the way you light up a room.
and even the stars-
the thousands of riveting constellations,
can't draw me away from you.
I honestly can't imagine
life without you.
the time period 'before you'
seems centuries ago,
like a whole other world-
a different lifetime.
now, I hope I didn't sound too cheesy,
or cliché in my ramblings,
but you deserved to have this poem
all for you,
so you can finally see,
that I don't take you for granted,
and I never will.
so I may not say this too often,
or if I do,
I could seem insincere,
but trust me this time,
and I swear this upon every star-
every piece of matter in the universe,
I l o v e y o u.