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Last time I left you
you left your wishes
in the sweet, slow kiss you attempted
before the twilight landscape
our figures injected black richness
to twisted shadows of the thicket
where we stood laughing afterward
What, in whispers I promised you
last time I left you, follows me
so in shadows

I threw away
your pictures
I burned it all
over the years for the fear of holding on too long
I still recall
the sneakers
you wore that night
drinking beer
at my side outside the mini-mart
each next time in the present when I close my eyes

and it fills me
and it kills me
with pain
I ate with the ice cream bar we
shared between the two of us
you gave me all when you had enough
and it kills me
Now that I have felt your lips upon mine, I am completely unable to think about anything besides you. It's actually quite funny because I told myself I would not fall in love with you, and that is exactly what I am doing. It's not actually the kiss that made my heart race, it was the look you gave me before you kissed me. Not only did you pick me up and kiss me, you paused after the first kiss and gave us both the chance to smile and then placed your lips on me again. Kissing is a beautiful thing, and kissing you is extraordinary.
she wears her jewelry proudly
purple, sometimes green,
maybe yellow
but it is always

she will tip back her head
and show you her
long neck and you
are overcome by the sight
of such
in one person.

sometimes she wears bracelets,
purple bands encircling
her dainty
and the colors are so beautiful.

she hardly ever wears rings
but for the purple one,
maybe an amethyst
that sits upon one of her fingers
and she will flinch
even wince if you try
to touch it.

but sometimes, maybe just once or twice,
you might even manage to
that her necklace,
and those lovely bracelets
and that beautiful amethyst
which she wears so very proudly
is made up of

 Jan 2014 Mike T Minehan
I don't think
that you know
how much you really
mean to me.
so I'll just remind you now:

you are the reason why
I wake up every day,
with a smile on my face.
and I look forward to
the sunrise after each night,
when I can see you.

the sun can't compare
to the way you light up a room.
and even the stars-
the thousands of riveting constellations,
can't draw me away from you.

I honestly can't imagine
life without you.
the time period 'before you'
seems centuries ago,
like a whole other world-
a different lifetime.

now, I hope I didn't sound too cheesy,
or cliché in my ramblings,
but you deserved to have this poem
all for you,
so you can finally see,
that I don't take you for granted,
and I never will.

so I may not say this too often,
or if I do,
I could seem insincere,
but trust me this time,
and I swear this upon every star-
every piece of matter in the universe,
I  l o v e  y o u.
 Jan 2014 Mike T Minehan
in the middle of the meadow,
where the flowers sing,
and the sun smiles,
lays a girl,
who looks at the sky.
and she gets lost in her imagination,
staring at each cloud as they pass by.
but she can't find her cloud nine,
because it's not with the sun.
and as she smiles,
like a love struck idiot,
she realizes that he's the only thing
that keeps her from wishing to be
one with the sky.
 Jan 2014 Mike T Minehan
Lost in the crimson smear
of your bruised lips,
wading in your milky folds
as time crawls on all fours,
I open all my eyes
and feel the you
in me.

Everything is One

My body,
blood and breath
become yours
as skins blend.

My eyes drink from
your lips and
my lips eat from
your skin and
my skin feeds from
your soul and
my soul is
shrouded in thick shadows,
bound in leathery lusts,
shackled with a will of steel
forged from the
transcending of suffering.

We are One

Each breath and subtle movement
brings me closer
to our core
as infinity
opens inside of us.

We are Forever

Lost in the grey garden of
my dying memories,
drowning in the deep nothing
as I crawl on hands and knees,
I open my throat and purge
the you from me.
I too...
wake up sometimes
longing to touch you
to taste
and excite you
I want to wake you up
with soft lingering kisses
and tender rhythmic touches
I want to slide my tongue
deeply within you
playfully persistent
until your back arches
and your breath catches
I want your spirit to soar...
before your eyes
are even open
I want to give to you
the passion
joy and love
that you have hungered for...
I want you
to begin each day...
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