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Mike Hauser Jan 2
In this house there is still room
For both me and for you
What used to be considered one
Has become a separate two

What thoughts we had about our future
Now is no more than the past
Would it be weird to still call you dear
Or would you rather that not be said

I find it hard to break old habits
Especially when it comes to us
Sad to say but you won't let it
Turn back to a case of love

Just in case you haven't noticed
I struggle deeply in my sleep
This bed we shared now feels so empty
Without you curled next to me

While we share the same tin roof
Of this house minus a home
Separate individuals
Little wonder it feels so alone

I thought together we could make it
There and past the ends of time
We still might with added heartache
Now that you're no longer mine

In this house where all I do
Is consider me, without you
What used to be thought of as one
Has now become a separate two
This has nothing to do with me,
just thinking about couples that can no longer stay married
but still live under the same roof. Seems so sad...
Mike Hauser May 2014
Conspicuous Consumption
Look at all I have
I've got money burning
In this power grab
Between the haves and have nots
I'm one of the haves
Enjoying this life of luxury
Sitting in its lap

Conspicuous Consumption
Take a breath and breath in deep
Take as many as you want
Although this stuff ain't cheap
Money is no object
It means nothing to me
Now that you ask, yes Virginia
Money does grow on trees

Conspicuous Consumption
In this world of give and take
If it's no longer suitable
It becomes throw away
Even if you tire of it
No need for it to break
Conspicuous Consumption
The phrase of the day
Mike Hauser Jan 3
I don't believe a word these days
That I'm being told
With half the people that I know
Under governmental mind control

I'm pretty sure they're doing it
But not exactly how it's done
That is why I'm studying
Conspiracy Theory 101  

I know there's lizard people
Running the media machine
You can see it in their eyes
And the way their tongues whip, whispering

I'm furthering my studies
Until they're fully grown
Between me and all my buddies
Conspiracy Theory 101

From the earth in all its flatness
To man walking on the moon
What it is ain't what I thought
Did you also think it too

Chasing down reality
We've got it on the run
On the other side of normality
Conspiracy Theory 101
Mike Hauser May 2017
I'm pretty sure I know their ***** little secrets
With Big Brother watching over me
And what I know you know that I can't keep it
Remember this in case tomorrow I'm history

U.F.O.' s are flying past my building
I see them wink, little men of green
It's time to foil up all my outside windows
Keep the gamma rays from infiltrating

And of the mailman I'm more than a bit leary
Letters and bills are not all that's in the post
A very good reason for most of today's junk mail
Is in the hiding of tiny microphones

When I head out to the grocery, people are awful friendly
Asking how I am, checking up on me
Pretty sure every one of them is a Russian agent
With that English accent down to a tee

When l'm alone at home doing daily dishes
I often hear strange voices gurgling from the sink
I'm always very quick to close the refrigerator
The other day I caught the honey ham glazing back at me

And all of this because I'm privy to their secrets
How do I know, my source's tell me so
If I told a few to you, you never would believe me
But then again there's just some things the common man should never know
I have a guy on Facebook that has gone over the edge with conspiracy theories that it borders on the absurd.
So what do I do about it? Write a poem of course! Duh!
Mike Hauser Jan 2020
You've been the constant beside me
The calm inside of my wild sea
That pushes and pulls the blue in my soul
The forever peace to my needs

You've been the flowering fragrance
The treasure that says you can keep it
The silver and gold as life unfolds
The first sliver of light come to greet it

You've been the miracle in the making
The gift of the day for the taking
The stronghold of hope that never let's go
The grace that is made in the saving

You've been the goodness in the deed
The perfect tone to my phones ring
The fine-tooth comb that combs out my alone
You've been the constant beside me
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
I've been drawn in and consumed
Like a moth is to the flame
The warmth and light are so enticing
But they both burn all the same

That's the way it has become
Between poetry and me
What used to bring me comfort
Now burns to the third degree

At first it kindly took me in
Guided me in words that set me free
As it gently took my hand
Then bit the hand that feeds

I watch as my friends live their lives
Happy Go Lucky Free
And here I am tied to this ball and chain
That I call poetry
Mike Hauser Jan 2020
CONSUMED by the world
and all of its ills
the continuous plight
that won't leave my mind still

CONSUMED by the arrogant
air that's expelled
drawn into tender lungs
where the innocence melts

CONSUMED by the anger
CONSUMED by the hate
by the wicked of days
in which we play

CONSUMED by what i think
is expected of me
by the social acceptance
i foolisly feel that i need

CONSUMED by comments and arguments
thrown in my face
CONSUMED by the lack of love
the overabundance of hate

CONSUMED by the thoughts
that circle my head
that leave me exhausted
till there's nothing left
I'm taking an extended break from all social media...
Feeling overwhelmed by it all.
See ya!
Mike Hauser Feb 2018
What if love was contagious
Like some sort of disease
Affecting all religions and races
Bringing the world to its knees

Where a cure is never found
Where no one even tries
A disease that for years sticks around
Contaminating all of mankind

From a kind word being said
To a hug when it's needed the most
In hopes it quickly spreads
With everyone being the host

What if love was a disease
And it was highly contagious
No need to put us all in quarantine  
Because love is a disease that would save us
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
How much more can we allow
They soon enough may find us out

The stories that we often paint
Into the publics crazed mind frame

A sliver of the truth we need
To keep the lies within belief

We'll tell them what they need to hear
To keep them on the edge of fear

Where we've found out but they don't know
Works very well with mind control

To let them think on darkened days
They need us here to keep them safe

Well tell them all how they should vote
Give them drugs to help them cope

And with the ones that don't comply
We'll take a knife to their lives and spread the lies

We'll keep them tight in a glass jar
Like the bugs we know they are

It's all about what they don't know
That helps us keep them in control
Mike Hauser Mar 2017
Many are the days
That I take a break
As nature calls to me

When I hear her say
Come this way
Set your spirit free

Where I fill my cup
On mountain tops
In a mix of evergreen

Pouring just enough
As I find I must
Often wash my spirit clean
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
I bought a bag of Love today
From the Jiffy Mart
I did it out of convenience
Which in hindsight wasn't smart

I went straight out to the car
And opened the bag up
What fell out in my lap
Was nothing but fluff

I bought the cheapest version
So of course it didn't last
But at the time of purchase
I was strapped for cash

I should have saved my money up
To where I could afford better stuff
But you don't think of those things
When you want love bad enough

My advice for those in the market
Take your time, never rush
Save up as much as you can
So one day you'll have the best of Love
Mike Hauser Jun 2013
The skies are gray and cloudy
It's like this most every time
I come here to visit you my dear
Or is it all just in my mind

I could sit and talk for hours
Of all the good times that we had
But the conversation always rolls back around
To the day of your untimely death

It is at that moment I choke on my words
For there is nothing left to say
When all that I have left of you now
Are my memories and your grave

I wipe your headstone clean once again
Leave the flowers where they lay
With that same cloth I wipe my tears
Then turn and walk away...
This poem is fictitious...
Still it brings a tear to my eye...
There seems to be a finality to it that he just can't let go...
So sad...
Mike Hauser Aug 2014
I live my life free and easy
Taking it one day at a time
It could be described as cool and breezy
Living this way in time cause it's my dime

I don't follow any pattern
Making it all up as I go
Whatever bed post I hang my lantern
Only at that moment in time will I know

It's not like I don't really care
There's just not a lot that you can do
Rolling down the hill of life you'll eventually find
What ever it is you've got coming to you

And don't you just love surprises
The not knowing of what's coming next
I'm the first to take my on advice as
I toss into the wind all that I have

Cause I live my life free and easy
Sort of floating through this life
It's nothing less than cool and breezy
Living this way in time cause it's my dime
Mike Hauser Aug 2019
Outer Space
On a cosmic pickle
At the speed of Dill
Makes my tonsils tickle

Star struck tunes
Powered by
Sonic pickle juice

What's a spaced-out cowboy
Supposed to do
In a bucking galaxy
Pickle groove

Riding high
On a cosmic pickle
At the speed of Dill
Makes me giggle
Mike Hauser Apr 2016
I have had this question
I've been meaning to ask
Where I feel now is the time
Before there's no time left

I'll be a gentleman about it
As this really needs to be said
If you wouldn't mind me asking
Could I borrow a kiss

If  you lend me the kiss
I promise to give it right back
I guarantee to do this
With no need to ask

So if you wouldn't mind
Before this time is missed
Take this for what it is
And please let me borrow a kiss

If you'll pucker my way
I'll return it post haste
Even add a bit of interest
If you'll let me borrow a kiss
Mike Hauser Aug 2014
It's a sticky situation
Like the sap from Maple trees
With the sweetest of sensations
Like honey from a bee

It's a desperate feeling
Like hunger pangs unleashed
But also kind in its dealings
Like a caged bird being set free

It's a door that swings wide open
A coolness to the breeze
A moment of interloping
But only cause it feels the need

It's a tree reaching for the Heavens
The strongest beating of a drum
It's the Answer and the Question
As assuring as the stars above

Could it be love
A wonderful collaboration with a girl named
I'm truly amazed at the talent of these young poets and believe me krissie is one of them! Feel free to check out her site you won't be sorry...
Mike Hauser Nov 2020
could we fall in love again
pretend we're newlyweds
side by side, holding hands
with the time that we have left

could we fall in love again
make it meaningful
raise what we had from the dead
bringing back the hope

could we fall in love again
follow those foot steps
live and let live on the mend
being the promise kept

could we fall in love again
like there is no tomorrow
leave behind the mistakes we've made
along with all the sorrow

could we fall in love again
in the frame of yesterday
make the effort, take the hint
let love have its way

could we fall in love again
start the day anew
follow through with the attempt
like two love sick fools
Mike Hauser Jun 2017
Do you think if we met today
We could fall in love again
Or do you think too much time
Has passed underneath that bridge

Two lives at one time on the same path
Sharing such a tinder age
Coming to that inevitable fork in the road
Both going different ways

You with your family headed North
I by myself the West
Life with or without runs its course
Most times for the best

With both our runs successful
Playing out how it was meant to be
You with a husband me with a wife
Picture perfect families

I would not trade a minute
For all that I've been through
And I'm pretty sure if I asked
You'd say the same things too

Just a thought that popped in my head
While playing its age old tricks
If you and I were to meet today
Could we fall in love again
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
Could you ever learn to love again
With all the heartbreak in-between
Learn again to have faith in men
With all they've done and all you've seen

Could you ever learn to trust again
When you've heard your share of lies
Bring yourself to forgive
Let the anger inside you die

Could you ever learn to smile again
And in time not think twice
When your mind comes to rest on men
Whether past or present in this life

Could you ever learn to love again
Ever learn to trust again
Learn to smile inside again
When it comes to men

Could you?
I wrote this for a friend that has had her share of the wrong men in her life...
Mike Hauser Jun 2014
Could you...

Find humor
when told of the tumor

when the answer is cancer

at the heart attack

Kick back
in the face of death

when your not given that long

Whistle a tune
when they tell you it's June

Have no remorse
as the disease runs its course

Bow your head
when there's nothing left

Could you?
Hopefully this poem is not to morbid. Death is just something we all face and I sometimes wonder at how I'll be taken out and how strong I'll be when that time comes. Being a Christian I have the assurance of a better tomorrow but being a fallen man there's always that question...
Mike Hauser Jun 2019
Find humor
when told of the tumor

when the answer is cancer

at the heart attack

Kick back
in the face of death

when you're not given that long

Whistle a tune
when they tell you it's June

Have no remorse
as the disease runs its course

Bow your head
when there's nothing left

Could you?
Hopefully this poem is not to morbid. Death is just something we all face and I sometimes wonder at how I'll be taken out and how strong I'll be when that time comes. Being a Christian I have the assurance of a better tomorrow but being a fallen man there's always that question...
Mike Hauser Apr 2016
Could you imagine a time
Imagine a place
Where mankind is aligned
Living in peace

A world of no hatred
Or hunger per say
I'd love more than just ask
Could you imagine this

No more senseless wars
Between all the lands
Where peace by the score
Reaches its hand

Out to us all
In stunning bliss
Where not a soul is missed
Could you imagine this

Where every disease
And sickness is cured
With all of our needs
Met by the score

All of one mind
In all seriousness
Could there be such a time
That you could imagine this
Mike Hauser Aug 2023
We measure our progress
With the moves that we make
Inch ourselves forward
Step by outlandish step

In the direction we're pointing
Crane our necks to the sky
Feeling anointed
Never questioning why

The flag we are flying
Is coming unfurled
Not quite perfect timing
In this counter-clock world

Shifting our purpose
To suit growing needs
Feel that it's worth it
Desire mixed with greed

All with our hands raised
This show of unified force
The blurred lines are fading
As we run out this course

Should have known better
Tossing the swine all our pearls
Not quite perfect timing
In this counter-clock world
Mike Hauser Nov 2024
whenever i find i'm bored in life
i like to count my toes
starting with the pinky
then back and forth across the row

i count the line one at a time
or sometimes double up
if feeling spry i multiply
but with that wish me luck

i might even do 2 by 2
if in a hurry to get through
you never know when counting toes
in which direction it will go

that's why i find when bored with life
i take off my shoes and socks
wiggling my tootsies
then tippy toe across the row,
counting all the toes i've got
Mike Hauser Jun 2020
You can black out the windows
Bolt all the doors
When you hear someone knocking
Prostrate on the floor

Press the mute button
With the ring of the phone
Where you're always alone
In a country of one

You can construct a sign
Raise high your fist
Write out demands
On your latest wish list

Scream till you're horse
At the top of your lungs
All this and more
In a country of one

Call a single summit
To bring about peace
Declare that you've won it
Then set yourself free

But can you talk
And at the same time chew gum
Walking the walk
In a country of one

You can tell yourself lies
Until you're satisfied
Question the answer
With no reason why

Subtract the hate
Add in the love
But still jump the gun
In a country of one
Mike Hauser Mar 2024
You say to yourself you lack courage
But what is courage all about
Getting up every day and making your way
Through life's troubling sights and sounds

Or standing up for the less fortunate
Turning and calling them friend
It takes a lot of the courage you've got
Every time you make amends

It takes courage to live your convictions
To everyday do what is right
Whether or not you're put on the spot
Be it in or out of sight

Courage when you stand up for the truth
In times filled with lies
Courage to do what you need to do
Courage to be a light

Never say that you lack courage
Even the brave are sometimes afraid
Take what you have and move past that
Facing yet another day
With courage along the way
Mike Hauser Feb 2015
You don't find courage in the moment
That you're called to draw the line
But in the grit of consistency
You've developed over time

Everyday we're called to face the brave
In one way or another
And those moments to heart we will save
For when need pulls back the cover

It may be something as simple
As standing up for others rights
Or something much more difficult
As laying down ones life

Whatever the situation
Take it day by day
For courage is in the making
Come whatever may
Mike Hauser Mar 2014
cover me up*
cause i've had enough
of this so called life

to add to the gloom
before you leave the room
please shut out the lights

to keep up the pace
of standing in place
can be a daily affair

it's like i'm not here
it's like your not there
it's like i don't even care

to add to it all
before the fall
life seemed to be working out fine

took what love i had
spent it like cash
down to the very last dime

so cover me up
cause i've had enough
of this so called life

to add to the gloom
before you leave the room
*please shut out the lights
Mike Hauser Jun 2019
There are cracks that
She falls in between
And with that said
There she goes again

Falling in between
All the cracks unseen

No one sees so
No one really knows
Doesn't even matter
To those who matter most

In what crack she stumps her toes
When and where she comes and goes

As she falls into
Another crack along the way
Same results
The only change is a different day

As she once again is falling in
To the cracks the world has made
Mike Hauser May 2014
Your Mom and Dad bought you love
Cause they had so little time
They could afford to really spend
Or they would have otherwise

They knew you were a loner
But did not understand
How a few short years down the road
You'd play out a losing hand

Only in passing were you ever thought of
As their troubled son
Never once in questioning
Why you needed all those guns

The hapless victims in your path
Wrong place, wrong time
As you shoved them to the other side
Cut down in their prime

Crazy is as crazy does
And crazy as they say

Was the day you cracked the lid
And let crazy have its way

The road on which you traveled
Burned the bottoms of your souls
So you took the one less traveled on
The one of lost control

Never with that much to say
You held it all inside
All we're left with now is who to blame
And the haunting question why

Not the only one who's out there
Just the latest in the string to act it out
More among the cracks and crevices
Of that there is no doubt

How will you be remembered
For the loved ones lost years to come
The memory that you left us with
Is that of the troubled one

Crazy is as crazy does
And crazy as they say

Was the day you cracked the lid
And let crazy have its way
Mike Hauser Aug 2019
Looking down on the crash site
The very spot where we fight
Perfecting on the crash and burn
Lessons given yet seldom learned

Daily sifting through rubble
In search of the once happy couple
The one that held us both so tight
Before we took this nose dive

Ruined lives in mid-flight
Looking down on the crash site
Both of us taking turns
Perfecting on the crash and burn
Mike Hauser Mar 2015
When you start to crave the rave
That mankind sometimes tosses your way
And you loose sight of the reason why
You do what you do when this first came to light

When it soon becomes your goal to receive the praise of man
Instead of making it more for the gift in hand
It's a problem that's festered from the beginning of time
That spreads like the plague through the heart and the mind

You may try and surrender, raise the white flag
Telling yourself there'll be no more of that
Still in the heat of the battle you take the enemies hand
And once again crave the rave of man
Mike Hauser Dec 2018
Everytime that you see me
I'm down on my hands and knees
You can bet, no secret kept
Crawling back to you again

It's so hard to run away
When all I do is run in place
Never able to escape
Crawling back to you each day

I accept you're in my head
Clinging till there's nothing left
One way street, read the signs
Crawling back with you in mind

I need a flame of different light
A different frame of you in mind
All that you have put me through
Crawling back again to you

After all this time you'd think I'd know
How to stand up on my own
And yet with all that being said
Crawling back is all I have
Mike Hauser Jul 2023
Fact is fiction, fiction fact
Not sure we can get it back
Who's to listen, who's to laugh

Crazy has come up to bat

What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours
Unless we change our minds of course
Are we bored with the soup du jour

Crazy's knocking at the door

From reality have we lost touch
Queasy feeling in our guts
How many of us are out to lunch

Crazy is crazily twisting knobs

Not sure if we should flip or fly
Spinning left, twisting right
Trudging through these troubled times

Crazy lately barks and bites

Two to Tango, who to trust
Barely room now on the bus
When blowing bubbles who needs gum

Crazy has snuck up on us
Mike Hauser Mar 2018
There's a hole in my head
Where the crazy gets in
Till I open my mouth
And it comes spilling out

It's almost the same
As the falling rain
Gets ****** back up
So it can do it again

I count myself lucky
There's only one hole
No telling how far
This crazy would go

Not that the hole in my head
Isn't well fed
A continuous flow
Of both here and to go
Mike Hauser May 2019
Fact is fiction, fiction fact
Not sure we can get it back
Who's to listen, who's to laugh

Crazy has come up to bat

What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours
Unless we change our minds of course
Are we bored with the soup du jour

Crazy's knocking at the door

From reality have we lost touch
Queasy feeling in our guts
How many of us are out to lunch

Crazy is crazily twisting knobs

Not sure if we should flip or fly
Spinning left, twisting right
Trudging through these troubled times

Crazy lately barks and bites

Two to Tango, who to trust
Barely room now on the bus
When blowing bubbles who needs gum

Crazy has snuck up on us
Mike Hauser Jun 2016
She says she thinks I'm crazy
I think she may be right
If not hanging on the edge
At least close to its side

So much so she worries about me
I wonder where all that comes from
You may call me crazy
But I think it might be love

All I really am is guessing
Speaking way too soon
Because if she is in love with me
Then she'd be crazy too
Mike Hauser Apr 2018
How can love
Lift you up
To the highest heights

And then
Just as quick
Kick you over the side

How can love
Hurt so much
Where all you do is cry

And then in
The same instance
Break you into smile

How can love
Be more than enough
And yet still question why

If only love
Could be understood
I wonder what we'd find
Mike Hauser Apr 2015
I believe crazy has finally stepped up to the plate
Here for its meet and greet
As we hang on the ledge by the thread of our pants
Sitting forward on the edge of our seats

With skyrocketing prices
Everywhere that you go
You've gotta be a gazillionaire
Just to walk through the door

without your morning dose of ordeal
you'd almost forget how normal it feels

And heaven forbid someone knocks on your door
Which sends you scurrying off into hiding
When clearly you've posted above the bell

Not to mention the fighting of traffic
As the traffic fights back with you
Try not to frown or even smile
When the person in the next lane comes into view

Yes crazy is here to shake all our hands
Put us all into a spin
I'd like to tell you more about it
But it's hard to know where to begin...
Mike Hauser Sep 2016
Call me Gillespie
At the thought of choosing sides
This all makes me Dizzy
Where ones befuddled and the other lies

White toothed grinning alligator
Beady-eyed crocodile
Which will we regret later
We'll find out for sure after awhile

One to build a wall to keep us all
Safe from those who want a home
The other swinging doors wide open
Sweeping out deplorable's

Reading from the dictionary
They would make a lot more sense
Starting out with the B's
Blah, Blah, Blah, He said, She said

I wonder when we the sheeple
Will stand up and call their bluff
Give this all back to the people
Finally say enough's enough

Is this the best they have to offer
Who's to win this losing game
Will it be the constant cougher
Or the billionaire that's clearly insane

Sadly, this crazy train needs a conductor
To carry this fragile freight
Watch out for the Loco-motion though
As we jump track on this runaway
Mike Hauser Jun 2024
Ripley's Believe It Or Not has got nothing on us
Take a gander at the world outside
Just when you think it can't get any stranger than this
The Crazy Train arrives

With the bleepity bleeps out on the streets
Protesting the latest niche
They just follow along, lemmings in throng
Right off the edge of the cliff

And with the two old men running again
Wait a minute, haven't we been here before
What's even crazier than that, is the simple fact
We believe all we're being told

We have people that say they're He/She, Them/They
When asked who they think they are
And then get mad when we don't call them that
If you ask me, they were mad from the start

Then there's the money we spend not even trying to win
The latest in this long line of wars
As they continue to hide, the fact they're supplying both sides
And yet they still ask us for more

You can try and stick lipstick on this pig
Still, there's no way to deny
We've lost the bag of marbles we had
That at this point we'll never find

I could go on and on so let's just call this part one
Before I put the Rocky franchise to shame
As the rails daily laid may go beyond number  8
When it comes to sequels on this crazy train
Mike Hauser Jun 2014
There's something crazy going on these days
Down at the city zoo
The giraffes have joined the high society club
While the monkies are getting tattoos

The elephant's are packing up their trunks
And moving to the Bronx
With all the hippos on a diet
In an effort to lose their junk

The Lions have stopped lying
The cheetahs have stopped cheating
And as far as all their drinking
They're both going to A.A. meetings

The orangutans are the ones to blame
For a pyramid scheme gone bad
Left the zebras all in the red
When they lost everything they had

The crocodiles are out sunning themselves
By the pool drinking Piña coladas
While the mother snakes go on Maury
To try and figure out who is the father

Yes, things are a little crazy these days
Down at the city zoo
But if you were locked in a cage all day
Wouldn't you go crazy too?
Mike Hauser Jun 2018
There's something crazy going on these days
Down at the city zoo
The giraffes have joined the high society club
While the monkies are getting tattoos

The elephant's are packing up their trunks
And moving to the Bronx
With all the hippos on a diet
In an effort to lose their junk

The Lions have stopped lying
The cheetahs have stopped cheating
And as far as all their drinking
They're both going to A.A. meetings

The orangutans are the ones to blame
For a pyramid scheme gone bad
Left the zebras all in the red
When they lost everything they had

The crocodiles are out sunning themselves
By the pool drinking Piña coladas
While the mother snakes go on Maury
To try and figure out who is the father

Yes, things are a little crazy these days
Down at the city zoo
But if you were locked in a cage all day
Wouldn't you go crazy too?
Mike Hauser Jun 2014
I dress for comfort not for speed these days
And believe me I dress for comfort a lot
Forget the hassle of even tying a lace
When I slip into a cool pair of Crocs

I'm blessed to live near a Crocs store
And you know I can't help but go hog wild
Walls and walls of Crocs from ceiling to floor
In every imaginable color and style

When I dress for the night to show off my stuff
The smell of plastic permeates the air
It's like a drug, this shoe in which I am in love
I'll shout in the air! My love affair! I do not care!

You see I have my casual Crocs
As well as my Sunday go to meeting pair
They make me wish it was Sunday
more often than not
Cause when I wear them I'm in heaven
and feel I'm walking on air

On normal days when I mow yards for a living
I put on my Manly Work Crocs
When Winter is here and the cold comes a-licking
Crocs look stunning with knee high socks

So you see I have all of my bases covered
You've gotta love it, like it or not
Of course I walk on one side of the street,
my family the other
Cause I like to jump up and down, turn around,
skip and bounce whenever I am wearing my Crocs
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
I see you with that cross of gold
That is hung around your neck
Does that mean that your a Christian
Well I had no idea

Believe me when I say to you
I'm not here to judge you of your sins
But that cross you wear means much to me
So where do I begin

First of all do you know the one
And why it is he died
And why it's sometimes referred to as
The Sacrificial Cross of Christ

And what about the countless followers
Who gladly gave their lives
To spread the truth that they held to
The Cross of Jesus Christ

Some might wonder and disagree
Yet still find it rather sad
That at thirty three one would willing
Give up what little life they had

It wasn't what he gave up
But what it was he gained
It wasn't for himself he died
But for the sinful plight of man

You see in ourselves there is no hope
Nothing that we can
Do to earn what we don't deserve
In this state of fallen man

That is why it is he came
To justify the lost
And remind us of the Fathers love
In that Sacrificial Cross

So you may have only thought of it
As a piece of jewelry that you wear
Next time you hang it around your neck
Remember what it is and why I care
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
This life I live in front of you is a crossword puzzle life
Blank boxes running up down as well as side to side
Fill a few in there is still so much I hide
Inside of this, my crossword puzzle life

A  lot of what you see is still a mystery
Just enough I revel to you to make you stop and think
Black and white on the outside is what I let you see
All the while a crossword puzzle is what is hidden underneath
Mike Hauser Feb 2017
It's like my life is set on cruise control
Push the button and watch it go
Trying my best to keep a steady flow
In this traffic pattern of do's and don'ts  

In my quest to stay ahead
A blur at times of who I am
Moving lane to lane then back again
Trying to avoid the latest traffic jam

By now I know my tank is low
Holding my breath in hope
Not sure how much further I can go
In this life set on cruise control
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
Call me mad if you must
But please first hear me out
I just got back from the Cryogenics lab
And guess who's head I picked from the crowd

If your thinking Jimmy Hoffa
No, he's somewhere deep asleep in concrete
I grabbed someone much more spectacular
I grabbed the frozen head of Walt Disney

You see years ago he had himself chilled
At least that which contains the brain
The useless part they put in a casket
And far be it for me to dig up a grave

I've now got Walt packed on ice in a cooler
It wouldn't do to have his head melt
What kind of operation do you think I'm running here
Some kind of Mickey Mouse?  

First on my agenda find Mr. Disney a body
One that won't give out on him too soon
Cause once we thaw out Walt and he starts to talk
There's no telling what he'll want to do

So I let my fingers do the walking
Here's something interesting...Bodies By Jake
I just hope we find Jakes place in time
Before the ice melts and we are to late... about false advertisement!
Jake the snake didn't sell bodies at all
Walt and I are more than a little disturbed
There really should be some sort of law

Guess I should have thought this all over
Long before I thought of it now
So as a special treat I thought Mr. Disney and me
Could go see his "World", so we headed South

Standing in line to purchase tickets
The cooler shakes when Walt hears the prices by chance
No need to tell you that if he had lower extremities
He would crap them if he wore any pants

We decided to do something a little cheaper
And with a Disney movie just out today
It was kind of hard to follow along though
When all you could hear was his body spinning in the grave, miles away

Guess it's to early to try and bring back Walt Disney
Maybe one day I can try it again
But before we leave for the trip back home
We stop at the concession for diet soda and Jr. mints

Once we got back to the Cryogenics lab
They're looking for me so over the fence I let the head fly
No need to worry, one of the guard dogs grabbed it
And I'm sure drug it right back inside
I hear that the Disney Corporation, after reading this have gathered together their top notch lawyers and are wanting to set up a meeting...
I'm thinking they're going to offer me a movie deal!   Wish me luck!
I'm thinking Leonardo DiCaprio could play Walt...
Mike Hauser Aug 2013
pardon me please

while i cry you a poem

filled with sadness and sorrow

that spills from the soul

an ever deep longing

only a poet would know

pardon me please

while i cry you a poem
I haven't felt right about this since I ran I broke it in two.
Mike Hauser Jan 31
Little Bobby Norton
Disappeared that cold Winters night
No one saw it coming
But none were that surprised

There had always been the rumors
Floating round these parts for years
Still nothing does hit harder
Than a womans desperate tears

Rumors from the children
Spoke of haunted woods just past dusk
And the thing about little Bobby
Is he'd always been curious

The town brought in the trackers
Who showed up with hound dogs
Bringing assurance to the masses
They'd stop at no cost

With underlying whispers
They'd bring him back dead or alive
Spent the night looking for clues
Hoping for some sort of sign...

As I tell this story
Fourteen years have long gone past
They never did find Bobby
And sadly, he wasn't the last

You hear every so often
Another kid does not come home
Yet no one goes out searching
They've found it's best if left alone

All the parents can do is try
But sometimes it's not enough
Cause just like little Bobby Norton
Some kids are just curious
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