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1.5k · Jan 2017
This Thing Called Life
Mike Hauser Jan 2017
It's not for the faint
Or the weak at heart
I'm not pointing fingers
But you know who you are

It can serve you for breakfast
Sunny side up
Spit you out by mid-morning
Then have you for lunch

It will fill you with doubt
Make you laugh, make you cry
This crazy mix of emotions
This thing we call life

Runs the highest of fever
While giving cold chills
Makes you a believer
As it lies through its gills

It can take you out early
Or keep you out late
Invite you to go fishing
Then use you as bait

It's a turn of the cards
It's a roll of the dice
It's a flip of the coin
This thing we call life
1.5k · Mar 2014
The Weapon
Mike Hauser Mar 2014
We all carry a concealed weapon
All have since we've been young
Sharp as a knife, used a lot in life
The weapon is the tongue

It has the power to cut you down
Bring you to your knees
Also strong enough to lift you up
Both it does with ease

Yes, it can lift you up
Or it can cut you down
The latter is done far to often
Stabbing at the slightest sound

The problem with this weapon
Is the lack of self control
It comes out slicing and dicing
As if backed against a wall

We even turn it on ourselves
And carve like we're abstract art
Leaving not a mark upon the flesh
But wounding deep the heart

I've talked of using it as a knife
But it also doubles as a gun
Firing from long distances
Beware the weapon in use...The Tongue
1.5k · Nov 2015
ruby red shoes
Mike Hauser Nov 2015
she thinks ruby red shoes
go with everything
from polka dot blues
to metallic emerald greens
clicking her heals
while fashion traveling
over the rainbow
of wild color schemes

bats her baby blues
in her ruby reds
cutting ties loose
if truth need be said
with folks back home
those down on the farm
holding no candle to
what she now has going on

she's found the future
discovered the fame
that circumstance lent her
in black and white days
now technicolor
with purchases made
where ruby red shoes go with everything
life tosses her way
1.5k · Feb 2015
Raining Orangutans
Mike Hauser Feb 2015
One warm day in May
It started raining Orangutans

Which in itself would be deranged
If it wasn't so very strange

They puddled up in the street
Which made walking slippery

Don't go out without galoshes on
Stay inside and hide if you have monkey phobias

Cause they're coming down rather hard
In the trees and in the yards

You can hear a certain jungle beat
To Orangutan pitter patter under feet

If you have a boat to row
It might be good to set sail now

It just so happens one day in May
It started raining Orangutans

Which in itself would be deranged
If it wasn't so very strange
1.5k · Sep 2013
Techno Fire
Mike Hauser Sep 2013
My neighbors all came out to gander
At the first sign of light
I had just flicked my bic
On what was to be a huge bonfire

The whispers becoming frantic
When they saw my kindling wood
Every piece of technology that I own
Which between me and freedom stood

I had my DVR, my stereo
Even my microwave
Every modern convenience
To which I'd become a slave

My Gameboy, Xbox, Playstation3
Every system known to man
All that played the game of me
I gladly let fly from my hands

I heard someone holler from the crowd
Quick call the authorities
When they saw I went back inside
And brought out my T.V.

Before it was all over
For the coup de la resistance
I tossed in my cell phone while it was ringing
Then did a little dance

As I was standing at my front door
Waving to those who had joined me
I turned off all the lights
And did a long well needed sigh of relief
1.5k · May 2013
The PeRsOnAliTy Profile Test
Mike Hauser May 2013
I was sitting at my computer
All intelligent and nonchalant
When a personality profile test popped up
In the most interesting of fonts

I decided this might be fun
So I clicked onto the site
And right away started answering questions
On what I did and didn't like

As soon as the test was over
With my feet planted firmly on the floor
I hit the button enter
There was immediately a knock upon the door

What appeared to be three business men
All in matching suits and ties
With darkened sunglasses all around
Like Hollywood Movie Stars in disguise

Before I knew what was happening
They threw a hood over my head
And carted me off without the slightest word
Not a single Howdy-Do was said

My new found friends threw me into the trunk
Of a waiting limousine
Where just as quickly as they arrived
We all left the scene

We came to a run down abandoned  Army base
In the middle of the desert
I had the feeling that what it was that was to come
Most certainly wouldn't be pleasant

They set me in the middle of a room
As men circled all around
I knew this had to do with the test
And wondered at what it was they found

When in walked "The Bossarooni"
And said don't worry son we're not here to mistreat cha
We're just curious as to why
You like anchovies instead of pepperoni on your pizza
As you can plainly see my poetry has turned to a more serious tone as of late...
If you even care to call it poetry...
But I am having fun!  WhooHoo!!!
1.5k · Aug 2014
I Want My Baby Back
Mike Hauser Aug 2014
Sitting here hoping you miss me
Cause things ain't been the same
Since that good for nothing city slicker
Keeps trying to give you his last name

Rolling into town
Like a brand new Cadillac
Well I'm here to tell you mister
I want my baby back

He may take you to far off places
Places we could never go
Like over there in Georgia
Where you could visit the streets of Rome

Or take you to a romantic dinner
With candle light just you and he
Toasting you by the riverside
In Paris, Tennessee

You can drive a world away from here
In his fancy sports car like it weren't nothing
Clinking your bottles of Lone Star beer
High stepping it out in Dublin

I even here tell he's taken you
To the sunny shores of Naples
Way down South in Florida
Something I was never able

But can he take you out frog gigging
Or catch fireflies in a jar
In all your worldly gallivanting
Don't you miss the way we were

Has anything he done for you
Been as sweet as chewing on a piece of Bahia grass
While standing in an open field
Watching the clouds blow past

Or listening to a Whippoorwill
Sing out it's nightly song
On the front porch you and me swinging
To it's rhythm all night long

Don't give a hoot about places he takes ya
That's about all I gotta say about that
After all this highfalutin society traveling
All I want is my baby back
1.4k · Apr 2013
~ Abracadabra ~
Mike Hauser Apr 2013
Was the last word that I said
In hopes that you my dear
Would disappear
from the thoughts inside my head

I so wish it were magic
I so wish it were true
That all of this could really happen
And that I could forget about you

But as it now stands
With nothing up my sleeve
The memory of you
I'm afraid will never leave
Mike Hauser Sep 2014
There's more to this,
This thing we call living.
Everyone's all about the take,
What happened to the giving?

We take what we can
And still we want for more.
Receive one or two of something
While wanting three or four

There's gotta be another way,
A way to be grateful.
But when we don't get what we want
Everyone acts so hateful

There's a feeling of being owned,
Before we've done anything
A song that needs to be sung
That we can't even sing

Lyrics to write down
To give our thanks and praise.
But instead we wallow,
Depressed for days and days.

*This might just sound like
A difficult way to live,
But wouldn't be great to take what we take
And give all we have to give.
Another wonderfully fun filled collab and poem with (The Girl Who Loved You)
1.4k · Nov 2014
Married To His Truck
Mike Hauser Nov 2014
Doing what it is he likes
Rolling his way down 95
Keeping it real, keeping it alive
Talking all that trucker jive

Always has himself a date
With a girl in every state
No excuses does he make
As he pulls in rather late

So many girls have tried their luck
Most of them just giving up
This trucker here is hanging tough
Married to his truck

You can ask Sarah, Betty Lou
Mary, Sally, Jennifer too
They'll all tell you the honest truth
There's not a lot that you can do

As he rides the interstate
Keeping it steady, keeping it straight
Leaving progress in his wake
Riding with his babe

Never are the moments rough
Can not ever get enough
In the lap of his love
Married to his truck

If you ever pass him by
You'll see on him the biggest smile
As they travel mile after mile
Doing life in style

Though the girls he does adore
Always leaving room for more
With the blacktop as his course
Pedal to the metal foot to the floor

**Never will he give it up
Always hanging in there tough
Call it what you will, he calls it the best of luck
Married to his truck
Mike Hauser Dec 2013
I've spoke of the pork rind
And my love for it's crunch
Now I must give due credit
To whom I'm having for lunch

The Pig or the "Porkster"
In my circle he's fondly called
But to all the outsiders
He is simply known as the Hog

He comes in many flavors
Bacon, Chitlins, or Ham
There's even an air of mystery
In the can known as Spam

He's at all the major holidays
The guys a Rock Star
Those sweet on him call him Honey Ham know who you are

Why he's even in China
Where the Royal Family has succumbed
I hear the Emperor's pet name for him is
Pork Egg Foo Young

Well I could go on for days
Talking about that little feller
But could you please pass the Mustard
........ preferably the Yeller
1.4k · Mar 2016
The Letter (Hello Vietnam)
Mike Hauser Mar 2016
It just happened to be when you turned 18
At the height of the war, Vietnam
The letter for you from a relative you never knew
By the name of Uncle Sam

Requesting you join him for a party
You and a few of your friends
Ooh La La here comes Paris
Island life you would live to regret

Where they turned your school boy fantasies
Into that of nightmares for men
In the confines of time you never dreamed you would find
The thoughts that now crisscross through your head

Then came the news, they picked you for a cruise
The last time you slept in your warm bed
On the very same day you packed it all away
Including what little sanity you have left

Here you were promised the tropics
There is where reality set in
Instead of the fancy sweet umbrella drink
They placed a cold gun in your hand

It came with a set of instructions
In black & white **** the yellow man
Where democracy rules, communism's for fools
As you share this for your Uncle Sam

You spent all of your time in the jungle
Battling those they told you to hate
Going to sleep at night in hopes that you might
Wake up to at least one more day

When they finally told you it was over
With fewer friends and far less of a man
You'll remember the names as they call from the graves
On the hillside of war, Vietnam

Back home to the sweet taste of freedom
Not quite the same as when you first packed your bags
Now they spit on you for what your Uncle put you through
You have to wonder what is the sense in that

The colorful world in which you once lived
Remains to this day a deep shade of gray
And all of this because you happened to get
That letter on your 18th birthday
1.4k · Jun 2015
wednesday afternoon
Mike Hauser Jun 2015
wondering at what there is to do
with no major prospects on the loose
two day break from monday
wednesday afternoon

the sun talks itself into shining
amidst the midday gloom
no way of denying
wednesday afternoon

too far off from saturday
to carry much of a tune
what else is there to say
wednesday afternoon
1.4k · Mar 2013
The "Rocket" Ship
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
Some very good friends sat around in their basement
I think we've all been here before
The room of course was smokey and wasted
The four buddies were bored right out of their gourds

They all thought they should do something special
So they decided to build a rocket ship
Throwing a bunch of old plywood together
They then sat around, smoked some more, and planed their spacey trip

Jody spoke up first and said let's go to the moon
But they'd heard that had already been done
That's when he came up with the brightest idea
I know what!  We'll go to the sun!

Go to the sun?!  We may be high but we're not crazy!!
They replied, this ships made out of wood
That's when Jody explained his brilliant idea
Nodding like Bobble Head dolls they all understood

As Jody dug deeper into his intricate plan
All the guys seemed to like it a lot
They would go when it's dark in the middle of night
When the suns put out and it isn't so hot

Since Jody's the genius, they put him in charge
He seems to have a grasp on what's left of his brain
There were four of them but only room for two
They drew straws 'cause they were having difficulty remembering their names

The straws turned out to be the same length
Cutting them, somebody forgot
So they picked Jody as their Captain Kirk
And Jason as his sidekick Spock

Out in left field, the excitement was contagious
Jody yelled, 'To infinity and Beyond'
They knew that quote came from some famous movie
But had a memory lapse so they gave him more Bobble Head nods

At that point they realized they had no engine
Being impaired, not a one of them cared
They all went back down into the basement
And took another kind of trip without going anywhere
1.4k · May 2017
Should Have Seen It Coming
Mike Hauser May 2017
Who do we think we are
God's who'll live forever?
Mere mortals on swinging stars
All birds of a feather

Why do we waste our days of youth
On the very young
Age old wisdom tells the truth
We should have seen it coming

The bite of bitter age
Chewing on the pain
Remembrance of the past
But not the present days

The wringing of the hands
Till they go completely numb
Given half a chance
We should have seen it coming

The rhythm of the train
On top these rusty tracks
The days we gave away
We're never getting back

With the hour growing late
In the setting of our sun
Too late to correct mistakes we made
We should have seen it coming
1.4k · Jun 2013
Big Bad Bart (Mountain Man)
Mike Hauser Jun 2013
Alright all you pigeon chests
Came the sound of thunder from the open door
As Big Bad Bart replaced the space
Giant mountain man of lore

Making his way into the bar
Sweeping Nancy boys out of his way
Stepping up to the the jukebox
Kicking it till some good ole country boy music played

This mountain man has made it his goal
To grab hold and unsissify
Any Wimpy Wally's
That happen to catch his manly eye

He started off his conquest
Out in the great North wood
First stop The Red Eye Back Door Saloon
Need I explain the name to you

He went in with his moral barrels a blazing
But there wasn't much he could do
Village people the only band on the jukebox
Y.M.C.A. being the only tune

He didn't let that little nitch stop him
Or slow him down by any means
Giving America back to the menly men
And not the mousey men with their girly dreams

Till the day that Bart locked eyes with Stanly
In that San Francisco flower bar
Those two haven't left each others side
Going through life now arm and arm

They spend their time skipping through fields of pansies
Giggling freely hand in hand
The way Bart now feels this was meant to be
Mia Mono, Man to Man

Bart's lumberjack buddies can't believe it
And don't know what to think of their friend
Although they all secretly admit
He does look good in those Hot Pink Hot Pants
My apologies to...
The Gays
The Mountain Men
The Lumber Jacks
The makers of Hot Pink Hot Pants
Did I leave anyone out?
If so I apologize for that too!
1.4k · Apr 2014
The Town Of....Turnaround
Mike Hauser Apr 2014
The town in which it is I live
Is rightly named Turnaround
Where some folk turn their lives around
While others get turned around and never found

It all depends on which side of the street
You find yourself on at any given time
To how much it is your willing to take
Versus how much your willing to go out and find

So if you ever find yourself in Turnaround
Take this old mans kindly advice
Hold on to good that you have learned
And use what you have learned to turn around your life
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
I spent my early life
Looking out from behind
The chain link fence on the turkey farm

There they fed me right
Fattened up my thighs
After all, what could be the harm

If it was up to me
I would never leave
It's where I prefer to spend my years

But alas will come the day
When all good turkey's have to say
Arrivederci...I am outta here

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          Unlike those sloppy pigs that live next door
          To be a tender turkey is my call
          And all you want to do is eat me
          Yes, you wanna eat me

They just took Turkey Jack
To the shed out back
Where we never heard from him again

Just like yesterday
With my friend Turkey Dave
Strange they haven't messed with Turkey Slim

Am I the next in line
Could this here be my time
My head placed on the chopping block

As I say my goodbyes
To all the gals and guys
I gobble to Mary Lou as an after thought

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          So delicious they're coming back for more
          Tenderized to the very core
          All they want to do is eat me
          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          A slap in the face to the Honey Ham
          To be a tinder turkey is my call
          Heavy on the gravy with a side of yams

Now that you know my tale
I hope I told it well
Enjoy this day with your family and your friends

So remember then
Don't leave the stuffing in
And dinner will go the way that it was planned

          I was born to be a Butter Ball
          The highest honor of them all
          Into the open oven I must fall
          Cause all you want to do is eat me
          Yes, all you wanna do is eat me
The votes are in and have been tallied! Who am I to go against the will of the people. Back for another go round!
If you don't remember the tune, YouTube is a wonderful place to either find your mind or lose it!
1.4k · May 2014
Strawberry Jam
Mike Hauser May 2014
She spreads strawberry jam
In the palm of her hand
Adding flavor to her handshakes

Sips life through a straw
Taking it slow
Enjoying the taste of each new day

She wears vintage clothes
Because everyone knows
The past holds hidden treasures

Along with rose colored shades
To help her stay
In the frame of mind that nothing much matters
1.4k · Jul 2016
A Nation Divided...
Mike Hauser Jul 2016
We no longer need
The Russians and the Chinese
To be our enemies  
When there's you and me

Like water and oil
This mixture will take its toll
On both the young and old
Poured out on our American soil

This spewing of hate
We've had as of late
No progress is made
Nor strong foundation laid

If no purpose other
Than the need to come together
And love one another
Brother to Brother

We know this because
A divided nation will fall
With nothing left after all
Will you heed the call
1.4k · Jul 2014
Mike Hauser Jul 2014
The closer I draw to you Lord
The more I see of myself
The sinful man
I know that I am
Needing you more than life itself

Until I no longer can stand
Falling into your mercy and grace
For it's all that I see
Being all that I need
You above everything else

Not dwelling on countless misfortunes
Rejoicing when trials begin
Knowing inside of the fire
I will be refined
To where I should always have been

Held tightly to your *****
Tucked safely under your wing
Where given the chance
I drop all pretense
And you then are all that I see
1.4k · Oct 2013
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
We are all but dancers
In the rhythm of life
While some seem to dance it perfectly
Some can't get the steps down right

Don't let that stop you from dancing
We each have our own heartbeat
Whether or not you are sure footed
Or if you were born with two left feet

Though we often feel that life can be
A large gymnasium at times
Waiting for someone to dance with us
As we sit on the side

Instead of waiting to be asked to dance
Like so many often do
Where ever it is you are right now
You can dance just for you

Perhaps a ballerina floating gracefully
Across life's massive stage
Giving your own rendition
To the beauty of swan lake

Or dancing to the river
Perhaps something in modern style
Whatever dance it is you deliver
How ever far it is the mile

Dance like there's no tomorrow
To your very own rhythm
For no one else can dance like you
The dance that you've been given
1.4k · Mar 2016
Jesus Is For Losers
Mike Hauser Mar 2016
So tired of playing
The same old worn out games
With a nickle and a song
Lifting my own name

Thinking out loud
That I can save myself
You see if not me
Then I ask who else

I'd be rich if I could
Sell off all this shame
Bottled tight up inside
But can't give any of it away

I keep holding out
One of the proud
Jesus is for losers
That's what I'm all about

He takes me just as I am
Down upon my knees
Jesus is for losers
And yes that would be me

I show up right on time
To my own open grave
Stinking to high heaven
Where sin has me its slave

Find I'm drowning in
My own wishing well
Thought back then that I could swim
These days not so well

Got it all locked up tight
Yet I myself have no key
In which to open up
This hardened heart in me

Randomly beat
Facing defeat
Jesus is for losers
I'm pointing fingers at me

Wondering at how
I became part of the crowd
Jesus is for losers
I'll take all that I'm allowed

Never much
On push and shove
Jesus is for losers
When you've had enough

Just as I am
Least we forget
Jesus is for losers
Are we not all there yet...
1.4k · Nov 2013
The Serious Side
Mike Hauser Nov 2013
I do believe the time has arrived
For me to tap into my serious side
It's been fun and games in this poets life
Deeper meaningful pieces I feel I must write

I'll start off by writing of the experience
Of those in the throes of life's masterful dance
Of a child's do's and don'ts, cans and can'ts
Catching an orphan's tears if given the chance

I'll weave rhyming tales on the mountain tops
Of a silence so thick, you can hear a pin drop
Filling a wish the lost never had, never got
A profound idea the moment it's caught

I'll pull the thoughts out of the clouds and the mind of the wind
Of a perfect lines ever beginning and end
I'll open the lonely hearts up of all women and men
Then I'll write it all over again

But this time I'll add all the sorrow I see
The loss of a child and a family down on their knees
Of the heartache that will and will never be
The pain that we feel but prefer not to see

Yes, I do believe the time has arrived
For me to tap into my serious side
1.4k · Jul 2014
Mike Hauser Jul 2014
Did you seriously just hashtag a hashtag
Is something like that even allowed
People will be tripping over themselves
You really know how to rile up a crowd

You're bringing all that is known to the tipping point
What's left of what's sane to the brink
Turning civilization onto its head
Before you tried this stunt, did you stop to think

That you would be creating a mob of angry villagers
Digging out their pitchforks and their torches
Stirring the posse into a frenzy
Before they've even mounted the horses

Or that this fiasco would upset the apple cart
Spilling its contents all over the floor
Cause an epidemic of heebie jeebies
Perhaps even the war of all wars

I'm not sure when you hashtaged the hashtag
You were aware of what it might do
Is it to late to take it all back
Otherwise I believe we're all *******

1.4k · Feb 2014
The Cliff
Mike Hauser Feb 2014
I've come to the point in my life
at what I thought would be a crossroad turns out to be a cliff.
Not one that I have to climb mind you
but one that I need to step off of.

...and yet I hesitate

I know that what awaits me over the edge
is the loving Father
and all the blessings and adventure I could ever imagine.

But could something also be waiting for me
beyond my imagination?
Could God ask something of me I'm not willing to give
or give up?

That's what frightens me.

I look behind me and see my comfortable life
with it's share of joy and heartaches and I do want more.

But do I want more of this

or more of


Will God ask me to move to Somalia or
just move off my couch.

I don't know what tomorrow might bring
but I do know that if God brings it...

It's all good!

and so here I am at the edge...

1.4k · Oct 2014
Mike Hauser Oct 2014
She makes her home between the pages
Where she makes her bed in rhyme
She counts the poets and the sages
As close friends over time

She takes the poetic world of wonder
And carefully packs it away
Not knowing at this moment
What she will and will not save

Though she knows that it is priceless
She has learned this over time
Giving off a poetic fragrance
As the very breath of life
1.4k · May 2014
This Single Teardrop
Mike Hauser May 2014
This single teardrop
That fell from my eye
Lands with open palms
This tear that I cried

Singled out by the sun
In its glistening
Standing barren alone
Caught up on the wind

Finding its way
To the heavens above
This single teardrop
Purchased in love

Where it settles in clouds
Among drops of rain
This single teardrop
That holds your name

Falls back to earth
Mixed with rain from the sky
Onto your upturned face
This single tear that I cried
1.4k · Jan 2014
her madness
Mike Hauser Jan 2014
she loves to dance in bedlam
to the beat the shadows throw
in a gown of sequin macabre
since her mind left home

where webs of  deceit hang from chandlers
and madness is the party game
blowing the horns of something's wrong
in an eerie game of charades

the cook that's in her kitchen
bakes a don't dare go there souffle
though she dips her fingers in it
through out her darken days

you may take the chance in joining her in dance
on this the razors edge
when all is said and the day has bled
she pulls the sheets of madness up on her bed
1.4k · Jul 2014
the wanting of love
Mike Hauser Jul 2014
in the wanting of love

you continually play your part

as the wanting of love

takes another notch from your heart

with the wanting of love

always fresh on your mind

it's the wanting of love

that takes all of your time

in the wanting of love

comes the salt of its tears

as the wanting of love

seasons all the lost years

with the wanting of love

you warm to the touch

it's the wanting of love

that's your permanent crutch
1.4k · Jul 2017
A Diet Poem
Mike Hauser Jul 2017
This is a poem
You can digest with ease
Low on the sodium
Less calories
High in the fiber
Plus gluten free
As your mind
On this poem feeds

This diet poem
Won't add extra weight
Or make you regret
Mistakes you have made
While filling your mind
Or stuffing your face
A great midnight snack
This poem will make

This is a poem
That is saccharine sweet
A satisfiing writing
Tasty in treat
You can feel the pounds melt
On your way to lean
As this diet poem
You sit down to read
1.4k · Oct 2013
Garden Troubles
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
There's trouble growing in the garden
As the carrots make fun of those that are green
The potatoes are keeping their eyes out
Staring down those bleeding heart beets

Leaves of spinach are flexing their muscles
And of course the corn are all ears
Broccoli is green with envy
With the onions always in tears

The rhubarb has a thing for the strawberries
Can't seem to get along with anyone else
New to the winter garden which has the vegies talking
Not sure this frost will ever melt

The asparagus has been here forever
And the pole beans are always vaulting the fence
The lima's are out searching for the wisdom of the succotash
As the lettuce wonders where its head went

Yes there's trouble growing in the garden
Like we haven't all seen this before
The only time they get along is flash frozen and packaged
Chilling behind the grocer's freezer door
1.4k · May 2013
"Bovine One" The Rocket Ship
Mike Hauser May 2013
Farmer Jones set out to build a barn
A shelter for his bovine
When the wood started disappearing
A little at a time

The cows were taking it to pasture
On the other side of the dell
Little by little in the middle of night
Hoping Jones wouldn't be able to tell

This plans been festering for ages
At least since some of them were veal
But cows aren't very good at telling time
So how long is really hard to tell

Anyways they know they have a plan
That's what matters when it comes down to it
And what it is they've been planing
Is "Bovine One" The Rocket Ship

This time they're going to the moon
They had a cousin who jumped over it once
But that was so many years ago
And cousin Eddie has long been somebody's lunch

They got the plans out of Science Illustrated
When Carl went in to use the can
The day Farmer Jones stepped out of the house
A little secret the cows are keeping from "The Man"

They know nothing about jet propulsion
So the cows broke down and asked the goat
The smartest of all the farm animals
Another little secret nobody knows

In the process of building they used galvanized nails
The goat said in space regular nails would rust
I never would have thought of that
I guess goats are even smarter than us

When "Bovine One" The Rocket Ship was completed
It was on a Wednesday the count down did fall
The day Farmer Jones noticed his wood was missing
And the authorities were called

As they began to investigate
A bright glow came from over the hill
Still to this day no matter what people say
They don't know what the object was nor ever will

The Rocket Ship is still up there in orbit
With umpteen cows inside
Next time you hear a cow moo, look up cause you too
Could see "Bovine One" as it passes by

Did they ever make it to the moon?
No one around really seems to know
I bet you could get the answer though
If you were to go and ask the goat
1.4k · Apr 2013
"The Mighty Lion"
Mike Hauser Apr 2013
The power never satisfies
The hunger in it's eyes
Bearing sharpened teeth
Preying on the weak
Portrays itself as free
With the powers that be
When there is nothing else
It will pounce upon itself


With it's mighty paws
Disregarding natures laws
Purring like a kitten
The innocent are smitten
The Big Cat plays by jungle rules
Other rules are for utter fools
Predators are all the same
In how they play the game


A King that once ran free
But that was not meant to be
Pulled down by it's own greed
Brought to it's very knees
A tumor no man could see
Inside out is how it bleeds
Now that the Lion feels the need
It's to late to set it free

Mike Hauser Mar 2013
In the middle of the night
With sleep still in my eyes
I stepped into my kitchen
And received quite a surprise

As I reached out my hand
And flicked the light on
There were balloons, confetti, party hats
With a banner that read -WELCOME HOME-

I'd caught thousands of roaches
In the middle of song
They all turned and looked at me strange
As if I'd done something wrong

I heard a scream from the crowd
A foreign language to me
The next thing I know
I'm knocked down to my knees

As I'm being dragged
Across the linoleum floor
I see a little red button
That opens up a trap door

I started getting real nervous
The deeper we went
If I was a cat with nine lives
I think eight I just spent

They took me before the king
King Ralph Roach was his name
I only knew that
Cause that's what his name tag displayed

I was assigned a public defender
But that did me no good
He spoke Roach, I spoke Human
Each other we never quite understood

"GUILTY!"  Came the verdict
I hollered what was my crime!
"Interrupting a roach in the middle of having a good time"
Came the judges reply

Squishing to be my death
The day after tomorrows last night
I said that doesn't make any sense?!
Hey, we're roaches....we're not known for our timely insight

So here I sit in my cell
Wishing I could take it all back
If I had just not gotten up
For that late midnight snack that a tap, tap, tap
(You didn't think this was the end did you?)
As my hours getting late
A roach we'll call Chester
For anonymity sake

Told me to stop all that blubbering
I've come to break you out of here
I stood and we hugged
Which would be strange if it wasn't so weird

We slipped past room after room
With all kinds of parties inside
One thing you can say about roaches
They know how to have a good time

When we reached the surface
All I saw was blessed heavenly light
I went straight in and packed my bags
And gave the house to my Ex-Wife
(Okay, now it's the end!)
I pride myself on my deep poetic insight..
1.4k · Jul 2014
Love Along The Coastline
Mike Hauser Jul 2014
Down along the coast of Carolina
Together where the green blends with blue
Land slides into the ocean
My life slid into you

That's a day I'll never forget
A lifetime I will never regret
The tears that flowed when we both met
As I fell head over heals over you

That day we made a promise that would stand the test of time
A promise formed deep down in our hearts
In that promise, forever bound is your love to mine
From which we will never depart

With the alluring sound of surf meeting shore
Introducing itself time and again
In your gentle touch I have found something more
In the love we share I have found a true friend

Down along the coast of Carolina
Together where the green blends with blue
Land slides into the ocean
My life slid into you...
1.4k · Nov 2017
Her Soft Tenderness
Mike Hauser Nov 2017
Her soft tenderness
Can be ******* a man
When he's used to bricks
Mortar and sand

It'll shake the foundation
Built with his hands
Leave a man aching
For all that she has

She can tear down the walls
Erecting his years
Where he once had a cause
Now tossing his cares

Knows that it's true
Without a word being said
Her soft tenderness
Can be ******* a man

She can catch him mid-stream
Have him change his mind
Make him want to leave
All he's built behind

Pulls him to shore
Beached in her warm sand
Her soft tenderness
Can be ******* a man
1.4k · Jun 2015
Dead Man's Underwear
Mike Hauser Jun 2015
I'm wearing dead man's underwear
I ask what's wrong with that
Something you see they no longer need
Where they now are at

From Jockey's whitey tighties
To boxers by the score
Don't much matter to me
What this dead man wore

With the right amount of detergent
The proper amount of bleach
Like I said four lines back
Don't matter much to me

Now please don't rush to judgement
Or my life preconceive
We all have our different ways
Of carrying on their memories

Me...I just do it in dead man's briefs
Had a customer recently die and today his wife offered me some of his clothing along with his underwear...
Did I take it? I'll let you decide...
Mike Hauser May 2016
Is the grass greener
On the other side of life
Or more of a dream

And do the people
On the other side of life
Dream about this side
1.4k · May 2017
Jacob Dear (a mother's love)
Mike Hauser May 2017
Jacob dear you are still here
Living in my heart
With every beat, the memory
Of you held in my arms

The day we met although short lived
It's you I still adore
But who am I to question why
God needed you more

As surly as I live we'll meet again
On the other side
But until then I will keep you in
Both my heart and mind
Kim Johanna Baker's poem Jacob touched me so much I was moved to write a poem...
1.4k · Oct 2013
I'm Going To Be A Rap Star
Mike Hauser Oct 2013
That's it I've had it
Tired of being ignored with a wink on the side
I'm tired of being told what old men should do
Going to start taking life on the flea..or is that the fly

I'm going to hit the streets of the city
And be known as that cool guy that raps
After I add a tad bit more Poligrip
So my dentures can get down with that

I'll get me a ball cap and turn it sideways
My pants already hang down past my crack
I'll even learn the latest catch phrase
Like, Hey dude..what's up wit dat?!

Think I'll even rhinestone my walker
For that little extra bling, bling
They'll say check out that crazy rapper daddy-o
Man that cat can really swing

I'll keep the lyrics clean like I do my diaper
That's why I bring my nursie with me
After all she's a wonderful wiper
Don't worry I pay the extra wiping fee

I'll also get her to hold up the cue cards
Since my memory over the years has waned
No longer to be known as that old white *******
Beating JZ at his own game

I'll get jiggy with it every chance I get
As I fizizzile my way to the top
I'll be bigger than that guy with the candy name
That young whipper snapper will melt in the hands of this rapping GrandPop
1.4k · Jun 2013
~The Guitar~
Mike Hauser Jun 2013
I found this old guitar
In a run down thrift shop store
R.J. were the initials scratched into the back
Could this be the guitar of lore

The guitar that Robert Johnson held
When he signed on the dotted line
Here is the music you live for son
But from now on your soul is mine

The very same blues guitar he played
Like there was no tomorrow
Alas tomorrow for him came
Filled with pain and sorrow

I picked up that old guitar
Started out strumming a few simple cords
Laying around all of these years
It sounded sweeter than sin and more

I can't remember ever playing so well
As I watched nimble fingers fly
Don't know how long I'd been in the back
Losing all consciousness of time

When I found the old store keeper
Asked him how much he wanted for my find
He said it looks good on you son
It's all yours...
If you'll sign on this dotted line...
1.4k · Apr 2014
little cowboys
Mike Hauser Apr 2014
I think of all the little cowboys
Riding around in toy cars
Learning valuable life lessons
As tiny arrows pierce their hearts

When I think of little cowboys
I think back to yesterdays
When I too was a little cowboy
In all my cowboy ways

And how little cowboys love little cowgirls
That feel at home on the range
How they ride and rope and rustle
All of the live long day

When the little cowboys day is over
They hang their spurs up for the night
Thinking back on the days adventures
As they live out the cowboy life

Soon sleep takes the little cowboys
In their pajamas made of jeans
Riding the range at night by campfire light
As they lasso all their dreams
1.4k · Sep 2018
Mike Hauser Sep 2018
Hello Mom, I'm lost here in IKEA
It's been fun but I may never see you again
They say the arrows point the way
but they've been pointing the way for days
Swedish Meatballs, the only saving grace there is

In the linen section, I've been circling for hours
Waiting for landing instructions from the tower
As big as this place there has to be a runway
In a fog, quickly running  out of power

At a later date, I finally make my way
At the seventh gate, I see Dante wave
As he's pouring over plans assembling a pair of white nightstands
I'll come back and check on him in a few days

In housewares, there are too many cooks in the kitchen
I look around and see something here is missing
The main ingredient, food...still waiting for those meatballs dude
In that special sauce that does more for a man than just glisten

I should have known the way the front door ****** me in
I'd never see my family and friends again
As I wander through the halls of prefab furniture at low cost
My days of sanity are quickly drawing to an end
And even with IKEA's plans, I'll never be put back together again
1.4k · Dec 2014
Sugar Mountain
Mike Hauser Dec 2014
I want to live on Sugar Mountain
Where life is syrupy sweet
With Candy cane trees and Chocolate fountains
All the sweet treats you care to eat

I'll hike the trails of Candy buttons
Supporting myself with a Pixie stick
Being careful of the sugar muffins
So that I don't stumble over and trip

I'll fish the day away in Vanilla lake
Throwing back all that I catch
So that it keeps the lake churning and sweet
Swimming free the Swedish Fish

I'll slide down Lemon drop hill
With my friends the Gummy bears
Later we'll try our luck on Licorice Stilts
All sporting wigs of Cotton candy hair

As the sky grows a Dark Chocolate evening
We'll lay our heads down on soft bubble gum
All the while asleep and dreaming
Of the sweet days that are yet to come

Living a life on Sugar Mountain
Where all is syrupy sweet
With Candy cane trees and Chocolate fountains
And all the sweet treats you care to eat
1.4k · Aug 2013
"The Bionic Man"
Mike Hauser Aug 2013
It wasn't exactly my plan
To give the world the upper hand
In turning me
Into what I appear to be
That is a Bionic Man

It was an innocent start
This hardening of heart
That no longer fells sorrow for the troubles of man

I'm afraid this heart's made of steel
That no longer can feel
Making me out to be a Bionic Man

What about the warm hand I used to hold out
To the stranger in doubt
Now this hand has become as cold as ice

I find that these days
That it barely waves
To the neighbors that I have in my life

Bionic Man, Bionic Man
No want for the unwanted
When there's no love for fellow man
I've become a machine
No need for those who are in need
When I've become what I am
"The Bionic Man"

Then there's the mind
That is cynical most times
Not knowing who are what to believe

I know it's not right
But this mechanical mind
Forms opinions before facts even seen

Steely gray eyes when they stare
Show they could not even care
What goes on between you and me

Sometimes they're droopy and tired
When not properly wired
They're numb to all the things that I see

Bionic Man, Bionic Man
No want for the unwanted
When there's no love for fellow man
I've become a machine
No need for those who are in need
When I've become what I am
*"The Bionic Man"
1.4k · Jul 2014
Mike Hauser Jul 2014

is over grown

with lost and found

looking up

and looking down

stepping in

and stepping out

cut the ropes

that keep you bound

to your place

in underground
Mike Hauser Aug 2018
Sometimes I sit and wonder
At the joy and plunder in this life
While some are dragged down under
Others are lifted to new heights

It's not like we're even given a choice
The powers that be have their own voice
On the verge of life and death
As time runs out its course

It's hard for you to grasp a clue
When you're being thrown for a loop
Out of nothing that you say
And certainly, nothing that you do

Sometimes it gets hard to count
The reasons aren't important now
On the verge of life and death
There's no way to figure out

Who's to say the time we make
Won't change today from yesterday
Is it circumstance or is it fate
That some stay while others fade away

I've seen them come I've seen them go
Whose next I guess soon enough we'll know
On the verge of life and death
With no way to know who will or won't
1.4k · Dec 2014
Taylor Swift is Stalking Me
Mike Hauser Dec 2014
Why yes, I dated Taylor Swift
And no, she didn't write a song on it
I'm not quite sure what that means
Unless it is she still likes me

That might be the explanation why
I catch her out of the corner of my eye
It makes perfect sense now I believe
That Taylor Swift is stalking me

When she found out that I like to rock
She went straight from Country into Pop
Any country bumpkin can plainly see
That Taylor still has eyes for me

When I'm out shopping at the Grocery store
And I catch her sneaking down isle 4
Taylor girl you can't fool me
Your not only here for the Pickled Beets

The other day my car dinged low on fuel
So I pulled in for Petro and to check the oil
You'll never guess who's pumping gas
Do you really even need to ask

And when it is I'm home alone
There's that ring of the late night call
With heavy breathing on the end of the phone
To the tune of Shake It Off

I'm a bit more worried than I am flattered
She seems these days Mad as a Hatter
Who after all this would not believe
That Taylor Swift is stalking me
1.4k · Nov 2015
How Much Longer
Mike Hauser Nov 2015
How much longer must we stand here
As the waters continue to rise
We are a people, a Holy nation
Waiting on the coming tide

With the knowledge of what we hope for
Having confidence in this
That our God and mediator
Will judge all in His righteousness

While here we all must suffer
As this earth is not our home
Making clear we have another
As the Spirit testifies in moans

Awaiting the day the good Lord frees us
Letting him have his way and will
Relying on his word to daily free us
Till every Jot and Tittle is filled

How much longer must we stand here
As the waters continue to rise
We your people, your Holy nation
Waiting daily on the coming tide
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