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 Jun 2023 Mike Hauser
 Jun 2023 Mike Hauser
If the feeling is pure,

unbiased and untainted,

why then does the heart

                            bleed black

Rubber, dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you
think they be?

The butcher,
the candlestick maker
the widow maker

A rock of the boat ,
A large wave
Gave a forceful jolt
A Brisk breeze
A loud sneeze
And they all
fell into the sea

The butcher caught
the largest fish that day
The candlestick maker
blew out his last wish they say
And the widow maker
claimed their souls
All three
Rubber dub, dub
three men in a tub
This is example of a limerick
If you paint your canvas white
embracing just the light

Keep neatly out of sight
the wonders of the night

No colors on your page
No red expressing rage

No blue to show your mood
Your emptiness conclude

You're missing all the splendor
your magic brush could render
Just a short one. I was thinking about how so many people want everything to stay the same.
 May 2023 Mike Hauser
Love me
Like a sudden death
Like a first breath
With sulphur and sparks
Attack me with your love
Bite me, maul me, smother me
Like a dangerous starving bear
Leave your love on my skin
Like the rain does to island cliffs
I am a woman lost to the world
Lonely and tired
So be one with me
And let me posess your heart
Like carvings on a stone
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