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Mike Hauser Mar 3
this life can be
both bitter and sweet
all depends on
which side you lean
while there are some
who know to run free
when it comes to
bitter and sweet

i believe there's a need
for both bitter and sweet
if it wasn't for bitter
how sweet would sweet be
would we even know
which part to keep
if we were not shown
both bitter and sweet

some people are keen
on bitter not sweet
others prefer
the sweetness of sweet
take what they're given
in any given situation
bitter or sweet
both of their own making
Mike Hauser Mar 2
If there's anything that I forget
It's most everything I do
Unaware of what I'm doing here
The moment I walk into a room

There had to be a purpose
Before all this went down
Again, the game of "Rack the Brain"
As I dumbfoundingly look around

Or in the middle of a sentence
As conversations flow
My thoughts tend to slip, going down with the ship
Flushed out of sight from my mind's toilet bowl

Here one minute, gone the next
These random thoughts inside my head
To the point of no return
Took a chance, up and fled

And when it comes to names and numbers
I struggle at times to remember mine
With less memory than my mother
Who, bless her soul is pushing ninety-five

When it comes to memory
I forget most everything I do
Unaware of what I'm even doing here
Is pretty much the general rule
Mike Hauser Mar 1
Have you got TikTok Rot
Head in a constant spin
Telling you their brand of truth
As you nod along, with a goofy grin

Have you got TikTok Rot
Finger in a constant swipe
Can’t find your way to concentrate
While they infiltrate your mind

Have you got TikTok Rot
Eyes in a constant shift
Before you know it you’re all out of focus
With the foolishness, they put in your head

Have you got TikTok Rot
Constant in your drooling
Where all you know is what you’ve been told
No idea of what you’re doing

Have you got TikTok Rot
In a constant state of panic
On the edge of certain death
If they were to ban it

Have you got TikTok Rot
Hey Buddy, what’s that smell
It’s all the rot inside TikTok
A generation stumbling over themselves
Mike Hauser Feb 27
Do you find you're easily triggered
On a daily basis
Before you know your head explodes
At any given situation

Has the store of thought in which you shop
Sold you a bill of goods
When offered paper or plastic
Would you like more trash or less woods

With every pull of the trigger
Comes a stern warning
Karen get your gun
Your fragile world is crumbling

You find your day to day doesn't go your way
When you view the nightly news
As of late you're more afraid
Of what you perceive in front of you

Screaming from the roof tops
With the coming storm so clear
You do your best to warn the whole lot
But no one seems to really care

With every pull of the trigger
Comes a stern warning
Karen get your gun
Your fragile world is crumbling
Mike Hauser Feb 26
fingers serve a purpose
in case you didn't know
the one you tend to point with
also picks your nose

the pinky at times digs deeply
removing wax so you can hear
is dainty at tea parties
holding itself aloof up in the air

with its next-door neighbor
who says...put a ring on it
men in this could care less
but women live, breath, and want it

and let's not leave out the middle
who lashes out in anger
when of course you add the voice
the faster the finger gets there

as an added feature
there's the thumb that tags along
helping you to get there
be it somewhere else or back home

so, use your fingers wisely
and they'll reciprocate
keeping them close to you for ready use
to easily display from your pocket safe

...because you never really know these days
when you might perchance need a good wave
I had to really dig deep in my psyche for this one 🤪
Mike Hauser Feb 25
i've come to find
i have no life
with broom in hand
work all the time
day and night
don't seem right
the cards i play
this working life

i've come to find
i do hard time
this nightly dirge
this daily grind
wish i could hide
from the bite
worse than a curse
this working life
Mike Hauser Feb 23
I often wonder why
God choose to use his people
To give it the old college try
In getting his message across
We are his church
And over there's the steeple
You know it's got to hurt
To watch as we get lost

It's true that he foreknew
That we would be a problem
A crowd without a clue
Lost world filled with sheep
Here I am
Wondering all of this out loud
In the questioning
Of why on earth would God choose me

When he says go out
And kindly love your neighbor
Without a single doubt
A very noble thing to do
Not being as easy
As it may seem on the outside
Believe you me
It's harder than it looks

Being in our nature
To bite the hand that feeds you
I would like to wager
God is the perfect of cook
My best guess is
God knows what he is doing
Life is a risk
That's why we have the good book

Here's the facts and nothing but the facts
We don't know what we're doing
We'd rather sit back, relax
Instead of out there winning souls
We are his church
All underneath one steeple
If it doesn't hurt
We've yet to pay the cost
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