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Mike Hauser Feb 17
wonder where
it all went
the days we had
the time we spent
in living life
the way it's meant
the best of times
I wish we'd kept

but alas
it moves so fast
strides by at first
without a catch
holding to
the simple fact
all you have
never lasts

it comes on hard
this age of old
never warned
seldom told
the course could run
where it would fold
in on itself
these days of old
Mike Hauser Feb 17
It's time for me
To leave this world behind

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

Not to keep me here
But more for a steady flight

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

And that your memory of me
Is that I was kind

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

Long after I've gone
To the other side

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

In your daily thoughts
And prayers at night

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

All the wrongs I brought
May they be made right

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

As I take my last breath
And let out a final sigh

Hold me tight
And say goodbye
Mike Hauser Feb 16
they say you can't
you know you can
lot's you can do
with little left
they throw a no
you catch a yes
give it a go
full steam ahead

they hold you back
every chance they have
they see you smile
they'll have none of that
you're told lose hope
resistance met
give it a go
full steam ahead

for your own good
they know what's best
it's understood
you do what's said
tossed to and fro
with steady hand
give it a go
full steam ahead
Mike Hauser Feb 16
always hoping that we find
things will always work out right
while the forces in this life
tell us to go fly a kite

eventually you find this out
it's easy peasy to lose count
standing outside of the crowd
filling you with all this doubt

fingers crossed in the process
different outcome, bring it on
still with all of your precautions
again, the short end of the wishbone

both sides of the tracks
green grass is what you lack
come to think of it as a matter of fact
you try your best but just can't

somewhere or another you once read
how to avoid the mess of stress
that lies in waiting up ahead
saying something about death

fingers crossed in the process
different outcome, bring it on
still with all of your precautions
again, the short end of the wishbone
Mike Hauser Feb 15
I know that you and I
Come from opposite sides
While you have kept to the left
I still side with the right

May I make a simple suggestion
Without further ado or long-drawn-out questions
If we could be a little less fickle
Maybe both meet in the middle

Try somehow to hash it out
Not sooner or later but here and now
Not give way to the same mistakes
In this constant persist of give and take

Meet in the middle and hug it out
No marking of tallies or keeping of count
Setting what differences, we have aside
Stand firm on the ground with the common we find

With all the signs that you and I
Come from completely opposite sides
You to the left, me to the right
Can't we come together and end this frivolous fight
I know I write about this subject often, but it really bothers me the division we have in this World, and I believe a lot of the arguments we have are put in front of us to keep that argument going while the powers that be are behind the scenes pulling the strings. (I can't even give an explanation without rhyming🤪)
Mike Hauser Feb 14
Those not in the know, might call me wonderful
Those that have never lived with me
If you only scratch the surface, you might think I'm perfect
Those that really know, have had enough of me

Those without a clue think there's nothing I can't do
I just hope that they don't dive too deep
You can ask my mother who might say with a slight stutter
She thinks there might be something wrong with me

Those that I just meet might think differently of me
Than those that have known me over time
The less that we hang out the less you figure out
Most of the time I'm walking a thin line

If I hang too long around, I might wear my welcome out
This without a doubt there's no denying
Those that don't know me might believe anything they see
With all of this I only wish that I was lying
Mike Hauser Feb 14
why do you keep on running
are you not yet tired
of this continuous searching
for your inner child

and once it is you find him
what then
will that bring you closer
to the position you wish you were in

will that take you to the place
that you need to be
setting you on the course
of finally being free

how many years has it been
now that you've lost count
since you've been without
your missing inner child
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