You shake your fists at the heavens
Angry at things you don't believe
Deep into doubt, there's even a God around
How can you believe in what you've never seen
You laugh out loud at those who do
What's good for the gander ain't true for the goose
The way you find you live, is lost to your detriment
Loosening of morals while tightening the noose
You even mock the fiery furnace
As one big party with all of your friends
There'll be no time to laugh when you realize you're dead
When all done and said, hits the bitter end
You might want to come up with a better plan
Try and do life a little different
Take time out to understand
Treat how you live as a precious gift
For beyond these walls stands eternity
And believe you me, you're free to choose sides
No one but you, blame's you into heaven or hell
When you breathe your last breath the split second you die