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Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Michelle K Jul 2014
It’s sad to say, that you were with me today,
And now I sit here, in trials and dismay,
How you left, was painful and I was confused,
Why you had to die now and leave me unamused.  

At such an early age, you left this world, To a place unknown, one of no words,
Gone too soon you had to leave,
And all your loved ones, you’ve left bereaved.  

I can’t say, I knew you well,
But from the time we spent, everyone could tell,
That I was meant to meet you,
To know you better,
And now I’m thankful, and I hope you’ll be greater!  

I wish you the best, and say hello to the rest,
Give my Papa a high five, and I pray that you’ll be alive,
That you’ll enjoy every moment, with the Father above,
For eternal life, you shall feel the love.
Jun 2014 · 752
Michelle K Jun 2014
So many are times when we are told we are insignificant,
That our voices don't matter,
"You are too young to know what is going on. You'll understand when you're older."
A few of those times, they're probably right but what about the others?
What if somehow I understand the situation more than you do,
But I can never tell you that simply because I respect you too much?
Why is my level of wisdom and maturity determined by my age?
Have I not lived enough to know or am I simply too young for your liking?
What do I have to do to prove that I'm mature enough to understand?
Or is my proving evidence of my immaturity?
These are just but a few of the questions I will ask and definitely not fear to ask ,till I get the respect I so dearly earned,
Whether you see it or you don't.
Jun 2014 · 688
It's never enough...
Michelle K Jun 2014
We cease to feel when we've felt too much,
So much, that we no longer know how it feels to have happiness, let alone being happy.
So much that we don't know what we have, till it's no longer there or it ceases to exist.
The worst is only the worst when compared to the best.
The best that I lost.
The worst that I fought.
It'll never be enough!
Well I guess I had to figure that out for myself!
Michelle K Apr 2014
Last summer, I sat down at the peer as I watched the tides set in. The sound of the waves crushing on the cliffs brought in a solitude in me that was beyond my recognition. Was it the fact that they brought me peace, or was it that for once in my life everything was working out?
By everything working out, did it mean that I was finally happy with all that’s happening or was it that everything I wanted, which doesn't necessarily bring me happiness, was working?
Am I so caught up in a reality that was set for me by others, that I’m slowly losing myself?
I don’t know who I am, so how can I help someone else if I don’t even know how to help myself?
I just want to scream sometimes but my voice is never loud enough. Not that I’m not trying, but because there’s always someone holding my throat, telling me, it’s not worth it. There’s no point because no one will hear you. What if someone hears me, then will they help me or will they assume someone else is meant to do that, thus ignoring the little sound I could create?
Are we so drawn to our day to day lives that we've forgotten what the outside looks like? What really matters in life?
What if what matters now is all pointless. Then are we just wasting precious time? Are we pushing away all the people who matter, just to get the satisfaction of those who don’t?
But this question arises, what if I’m actually happy, but I just don’t see it and probably take it for granted?
Wanting something that’s not yours, doesn't make you happy, it makes you more upset than before you knew it existed.

— The End —