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 Nov 2013 Michaela B
She comes, and she goes but she never stays
She looks, she smiles, but she never speaks.
I look at her; she is a beauty of forever,
She brightens the way like a shining star.
She walks like a snake sweetly,softly and silently
her open hair flying in the open air
I know, does she know?
What a beauty she can make!
 Nov 2013 Michaela B
Jeremy Bean
I live inside myself
my own little world
I read my own books
and poetry
and listen to my own music
sure, I absorb others material
as much as I can
but I am only a lurker
looking over the Earth
from my dark little island
gazing over seas
both digital and real
wondering how the others do it
Are they just good at pretending?
Are they really not as insincere
as they all appear?
These feelings, or lack thereof
are thrown up like smoke signals
from the fire inside me
hoping another
might see or hear
with eyes, ears, heart, soul and mind
that are almost mine
to rescue me
from this strange illusion
of my own creation
Same home
for nineteen
but moved every
six months
Daniel Magner 2013
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
in the winter i met a boy
who lied about his love for me,
who hit me
never knowing why
and still, he said:
"i'm only doing this because i love you"
he left bruises on my arm
and scars on my wrists,
he always made fun of my
he never failed to say: "i love you"
with his mouth full of lies.
it has gotten so bad
to the point where i started
believing that
i deserved all he was doing to me

in summer, i met a boy
who treated me like a princess
he bought me nice things,
wrote me letters
he took the pain
a w a y
my parents approved of him,
my friends did too
he kisses like the devil
while keeping all of my demons
my friends told me
keep him. stay.
now i know
i deserved
than the boy i met in the winter
i wrote this poem about my past trauma expierence, if you're ever in an abusuve relationship and you don't seek help or leave him because you think he loves you, you're not the victim. don't stay because he says the right words just to get what he wants. it gets better, it always gets better. leave. him.
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
I am not a writer.
I am not a poet.
I am neither fantastic nor great in anyway.
I am far from perfect.
But, what I am is completely human.
Being human makes for an extremely complex life full of things that many of us don’t understand. Being human does not make you entitled or stunning, it simply makes you human. It is what you do that will define your worth. Sometimes though, a person does not have to impress you to gain your affection. Maybe this is why I find you so remarkable- a complete miracle. Not a sign from the gods or a blessing- but a living, breathing, wonderful phenomenon. I don’t know why I love you, but I do. Maybe it’s something simple in the way you smile, or even the way the light reflects your eyes. Maybe it’s something hidden and rare. Whatever the reason doesn't matter, because right now, all the reason I need to love you is for being human. I simply love you for being that outstanding, one-of-a-kind, incredible you.
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
Her Gravity
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
Her beauty
Was gravity
And I always found myself
Fighting against it
Until one day
I fell
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
How complex
The heart can be
Taking a lifetime to cultivate
Only seconds to break
 Oct 2013 Michaela B
I wanted her charm all to myself
For I am a jealous man
And how selfish of me
To want to keep her always
And how greedy of me to hide her away
For a bird always
longs to fly.
And when I see her
In the air
Making love to the sky
All I can do
Is curse my feet
for being chained
to the
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