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 May 2013 Michael Grace
Today you came back.
Just like old times,
you said with a smile.

Seeing you across the table
the way you used to be,
I was forced to remember
that at that table, you and I
used to share glances and hugs
and smiles and stolen moments.

I was forced to remember the way
it rained on that very first day back at the
start of January and we were forced
to stand because the tables were all wet.

I was forced to remember how you'd
held me in your arms and wouldn't let go
and I was forced to remember how I really
didn't want you to at all.

I was forced to remember how we were
everybody's ever after, everybody's meant to be
and nobody's disappointment except our own.

And then I was forced to acknowledge the words
that have been hanging on the tip of my tongue.
All this time I've thought of saying them, but then you
would know the truth and I couldn't let that happen.

All this time I've wanted to say,
I miss him being here, with us
laughing and joking, sharing his smile
and his music and his dreams.
I miss him being here, making things
interesting, amusing us all and me

And I contemplated telling someone
but I feared you would find out.

I'm glad you came back for today.
I hope you don't leave again too soon.
And for making me admit this,
I guess this round goes to you.

You know you guys love me,
you said smiling.
Sometimes, I said sarcastically.
Sometimes, you repeated with a smile.
Still keeping score. The other "You; Me" poems are in my poems list :).
Woke up this morning
and went out on the street
sniff a few flowers
and went back to sleep
yes my head was cloudy
but the sky was blue
and I did'nt feel lonely til i thought of you.
 May 2013 Michael Grace
Undone by his wings of black and white,
              I spit in his               

As he shadows me
on these solemn days -
in singular.

His head tilted
and beady eyes
watchful; Hunting.

He senses

Fly away!
Take your sorrow...

Leave me be,
with this
:/ A clever, mischievous bird has taken a shine to me -  inspiring a little Folklore...
Seeing a single Magpie, is known as a bad omen in Britain
& we have some odd ways of warding off the bad luck!

Some spit over their shoulder when they meet Mr Magpie,
Others salute him with a respectful Good Morning.

Whilst counting Magpies, is an old childhood game...
One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy, Five for Silver, Six for Gold
Seven for a Secret ne'er to be told.
Grandiose and lofty it may seem
Nevertheless it’s a thought that captures
A dream I consider supreme
It triggers a spontaneous feeling of rapture
Whenever it crosses my mind.
It’s that a lawless society is an empowered society
The premise being that life is kind
Lending credence to society imposed piety.
As succinct as it is,
It sums up my simple idiosyncrasy as me
It’ll be a paradigm shift that’ll put my mind at ease
And fill my heart with glee.

The existing realities are grim        
         Stupefying for lack of a better word.

Andy Bryn.
Is life really kind
Or does it serve humankind with sweet sorrows
On silver platters
Whilst taking a back seat
Enthralled by man’s inadequacies.
Or is it indeed kind…
A kindred force to reckon with
Sweeping mankind in a whirlpool of pleasantries
And a myriad niceties.
One thing’s for sure
It is an enigma
An unsolved mystery
And it’s bent on ensuring that this supposed.
State of affairs persists
Ad infinitum.
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