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 May 2013 Michael Grace
Part I

It sparkles on their cheeks
The cheeks of the Fairies dear
They are always beautiful
Their cheeks sparkle with glitter
And they are forever happy
They are a lot like my big sister
And they have wings of silk as well
Their hair is curly
And their lips are cherry
Their pretty wings
Flutter in the breeze
And the swirls on them
Are made of golden glitter

your mouth is on fire, i am
between it. the smoke
which we are forever in need of
swims like salmon in between brain and skull

scared (rinse and repeat this part)
i beat into you, desperately
carving the cold flesh twitching
as though recalling a bad dream

but you cave into yourself. a sand castle
shifting and dripping with sea
eyes cast off like anchors
i want, w-want, sorry (in a whisper)

stuttering and shaking and trying,
forever trying, to save
something, anything
of this moonlight which wakes me

i break open my chest, unzip the seams
of my lungs and invite you inside
offering a home,
how selfish. how heavy,

and you crumble into dirt and ash,
prayers answer, destiny
met. left behind, i am buried under you.
asleep. unseeing.
shaking with the insurmountable distance
between their skin and my own
moon people shifting darkness with the mystery of snow.

i have never been able to dance,
i have never moved in any kind of godly pattern
of emotional symmetry, my actions
are a perpetual breaking of glasses onto linoleum.

my tears are a tricky laurel of thorns,
constructed for a cause useful to no one,
prayers become active tumors of apologies.

somehow (i know nothing)
the carving afternoons of applications and *******
sweet smelling kisses, chocolate loves
the sea has fallen with the resolution of biblical music

and you are very far away.
i would have held on tighter, had i known anything, had i known
the smashing confusion of this heart.
The creak of my bones,

rubbing in disagreement to my

stretching, hoping for relief while

thoughts of murky water mold and

pull apart like  a bowl of warm soup

Relief of a multitude of sorts, my

mind and body

bickering as an old married couple would,

stuck together to the very end

and yet disagreeing on

how much I should sleep

Words begin to have no meaning,

only becoming a soft mumbling of

utter nonsense that should be perfectly clear

like that pond of murky water

It drowns me in hopeless longing

for clarity, a decent night's rest

and relief.
 May 2013 Michael Grace
It's been a few weeks since it rained,
and even longer since I've let myself go.
But I'll always remember the day I did.
It was the last day of sophomore year,
and we were itching for a little fun.
You and I went out for a celebratory drive,
belting old Taylor Swift songs
at the top of our lungs,
and not giving a ****
what anyone else thought.
All of a sudden, a storm hit
and you pulled the Volkswagen over
with a twinkle in your eyes.
You pulled me out of the car,
and we danced in the middle of the road.
Within seconds, I was soaked
through my dress, through my bra,
sending raindrops coupled with chills
all the way down my spine.
The rain stopped as soon as it started,
but I'll never forget that day.
Dancing in the rain is oh so stereotypical but everyone should try it at least once. As always, tell me what you thought! :)
 May 2013 Michael Grace
Peggy Day
Everything Changes lessons here are steep
When life rearranges the destiny we seek
Everything changes hold it close in your heart
Don't let the sadness hold on to you in the dark
Everything changes with every beat of the drum
Go with the rhythm look how far we've come
Everything changes like the sun and the moon
We'll be there shinning it's coming around soon
Hold on to your hope, go forth with dignity
Let love shine through you for all the world to see
Even through changes hold on, hold on, hold on
 May 2013 Michael Grace
Are untamed
Reckless blood and wit intertwined
A twisted, brazen

Your mind
Is so clearly different
It leaps and soars, so acrobatic
And your thoughts appear to me so hazy and enigmatic
Your mind is simply not pragmatic
Yet your perception knows no bounds.
You have thoughts that come close to insanity
That sometimes flow in the form of profanity.
Your spirit
Is either very high or very low
Up and down, to and fro
There is no in between for you
Some say you are stupidly crazy
The dull ones say that, the ones too lazy
To see beyond the rugged surface.
The subdued and vapid ones
Will never understand the magnetism
Of your sweet, exquisite devilry.

On your face you often wear
A fierce and restless stare
A wan, discontented expression
As though you're always awaiting
Something bigger,
Something better.

Are fluid, swaying fire
And I will never tire
Of watching you burn
I can see you brain boil and churn
As it reels into into areas of
 madness and chaos.

Your psyche
Is an endless field of dark reverie,
Of fear and vagary.

I know your night terrors
Your savage dreams of death
Screams and bated breath
Unutterable visions
The grotesque world of horror thats spins itself out
And dribbles into your drawings
All those creatures, skeletons gnashing and clawing...

Are gentle and thoughtful
Yet you are terrified
Of this dark thing that sleeps within you.

Your eyes - they’re stunning
They’re tempestuous,
Wild, like some fierce animal peering out of a rusted cage
Oh, your eyes
They are something beautiful, but annihilating
Like Autumn crocus flowers, innocently poisonous
Lids splaying delicately like its violet leaves.

You are tall and strong
And uncontrollable,
And your smile
Is the biggest paradox I've ever encountered
And fatal.

You are not
A creature of the commonplace
You are not a slave of the ordinary
You are not a mindless drudge of the mundane
You are free.
Or bewitched, what's the difference
Yield to the temptation within,
I try to mask under
my pale flaky skin.

There is nothing
you can do anymore.
You're fleeing from the ones
you love.

And in silence,
You mourn the lost.
Grieving over the ones
you left alone.

Taste the bitterness,
in your throat.
It swells in you,
and erupts...

The snow flakes fall
and I long to be exposed,
Because when they touch
it rips through the web.

And uncorrupt sins,
They speak, they scream.
They don't forget,
I won't forget.
Nostalgia, love
I consider it an art that I still love you.

You call from time to time.
You practicly never write.
Except when you want me in your bed.
You behave like there's nothing going on when we're in public.

But when we sleep together, you always hug me.
You never let me pay for my beer.
You make me smile, oh, so magnificently.
You took me to your favourite place on the river bank.
You crossed 50 km to see me just because I was mad at you
and I didn't want to pick up the phone.

I honestly believe we have found each other,
we both just need a little time to see that we have already met before.
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