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Sep 2019 · 306
Moth to a Flame
Michael Blonski Sep 2019
Sometimes I notice the trees
Sometimes the city lights are all I see

Distracted like a moth to a flame

My old hometown will never be the same
We’ve all moved away,
to warmer places,
to live in more luxurious ways

But there will come the day
We'll miss the old grassy field
where we used to play

Where we drew each other’s blood
and bruised each other’s skin

When we were young and thin
and too ignorant to understand the
we are in
Jul 2019 · 237
This Ginger Beer
Michael Blonski Jul 2019
Sipping from the ginger beer's bottle
I hate its taste
But it reminds me of her
If only just for a little while
Jan 2019 · 519
Bloated (10w)
Michael Blonski Jan 2019
The world is scared and bloated
like a preteen pregnancy
Jan 2019 · 498
Online Dating
Michael Blonski Jan 2019
I see your picture
reading through the same
yoga, cooking, and travel
version of a person
trying to cast a wide
instead of focusing
on the truth inside

Where does the end lie?
All I know is that
I’m alone
and want to share
the experiences of
a life
dare to explore the soul
and the fire
Nov 2018 · 494
Words of Wisdom
Michael Blonski Nov 2018
I once met a man
and asked him what he saw
where he's been
he said he's been to every land
every space
and he's never been the same

he said what are you hoping
to find in the

It's inevitable
he said and you will see
that you may walk through
the forest and touch the trees
and crunch the snow on the
mountains' caps

but you'll never live
the same way twice
you will change
and shed your skin

you will become the earth
and settle deep within the roots
love will come
love will go
there is no time capsule in
the world I know

that can preserve anything
Aug 2018 · 342
Michael Blonski Aug 2018
I stand before the monumental
I am crushed by its shadow
I am humbled by its ego
And I can taste envy

I ride the turbulent waters
Like the kelp behind
An ocean liner, I am jostled
Holding firmly as
I slowly inch my way
Out of the water

Eventually I will be free
By searching, by fighting, or by accepting
Fates cruel woven string
And what is clear to me
In the end I shall breathe
Jul 2018 · 310
Michael Blonski Jul 2018
I ride a turbulent sea
deep within the confines
of a leaking vessel
Riding the fate of billows
Riding towards a final crash
or revival along a sandy shore

Either path will bring peace

But I do not wish to ride this vessel anymore
Only allowed to watch leaks around
rusty rivets
Only able to smell the stale iron air
and touch cold metallic skin
When I know I have the power to swim
and take my chance among the salt
and spray
May 2018 · 228
Pull the tab, take a sip
Michael Blonski May 2018
Do you ever
move through your fears?

Pull the tab, take a sip,
contemplate what brought you here?

A heart full of blood
a mind flooded of
of thorns  



Breathing but gasping
for air

What has brought us here?
Apr 2018 · 241
Dead Space
Michael Blonski Apr 2018
This dead space
in my mind
Lost in the world
worships decline

I can no longer
see your grace,
can no longer
touch your face

I refuse to let
you leave place

You must stay

Without hearing what
I have to say
Mar 2018 · 326
Michael Blonski Mar 2018
Imagine rain
that doesn't quench soil's thirst
Imagine heat
that does not warm your body
Imagine the radiance of the sun
blocked by a 2 story billboard

Then reimagine me.
Feb 2018 · 277
Old Friends
Michael Blonski Feb 2018
Old friends
provide the momentum
to explore
lesser traveled paths

To laugh
to cry

Old friends
Show you the reasons

A sip of whiskey
is nothing more
than a drink when

When peering at
your bare chest
to witness your blood
pumping is best
as miracle

Old friends
provide lyrical
and remove the sour
of daily thorns
on flowers
Jan 2018 · 505
Becoming Embers
Michael Blonski Jan 2018
I don't want to start
A revolution
Inside my head
I just want to
Be alive
Before Im dead

The mist of the ocean
Drowns me
Once again
And I'm happy for the toast
From the most
Selfless friend

Dance with the moon
Sleep under the sun
Tomorrow's alarm
Proves I'm not done

Life is a brightly lit fire
And I plan on

You're already
If you speak
Jan 2018 · 788
I Stand
Michael Blonski Jan 2018
I stand
Like a pillar
A star and a

Not revolving

I'm no longer
For I am a

to kiss the clouds
while planted
into the nurturing
Jan 2018 · 282
She looks like the Devil
Michael Blonski Jan 2018
She looks like the devil
A devil to whom
I'd sell my soul

Meltdown my senses devil
You are in control

I am numb

I am the tortured one
For I see you drift away

To unknown realms

Forced to float around the
Omnificent sun

Forever chasing your
Dec 2017 · 264
Michael Blonski Dec 2017
Drop the needle
on the sad song
twirl in the misery
you crave

Sing along
with the words
reflecting true
life's harmonies

Whisper to yourself
it's ok

The bright lights
pierce the window veil
its energy block
you know this situation

Comfort in shadows
masked realities
its the rhythm
that makes blood

Each beat is duplicated
by the heart that rings
and when you finally
feel your pulse rise
you become more
you become

you become
Dec 2017 · 246
I was
Michael Blonski Dec 2017
I was 18 years old
I loved people
I admired her
entranced by her affection

I did drugs
lost friends
Swore I'd find myself
I was an optimist

I vandalized my
ran from the cops
refilled my coffee cup
sneaking into the diner's kitchen

Didn't care
didn't need to

I used to not fear
the world
Nov 2017 · 238
Michael Blonski Nov 2017
I am threatened
by the blank page
what secrets will
I expose?
Who will I be
when I become

The past that has
broken my skin
gave me scars
I am not ugly
I am
Nov 2017 · 242
On Violence
Michael Blonski Nov 2017
need not be
a striking fist

A silenced voice
the lack of choice
violent acts
that hide behind
that cry
for the power
to erase

that which harms

that which prevents

a free flowing stream
from crashing into the

The denial of hope
and the blockade
of dreams

it wont be extinguished,
it grows the crops
that feed
those who sit
in powerful chairs

Dare to challenge,
dare to speak,
you're not alone
for the
peace you
Nov 2017 · 1.5k
Why I Failed
Michael Blonski Nov 2017
For most,
they fit the mold,
they sit neatly
within all the gaps,
morphing into
shapes society deems

I was another story

I failed the tests
I failed the assignments

My time was spent
trying to learn to be,
I am not,
but who I wanted
to be

I wanted to discover
the forest from
the trees

I rejected their narratives
the so-called "model student"
I became myself

I became a life
Oct 2017 · 301
Hate Poem
Michael Blonski Oct 2017
I see the front page
I read the headline
we ride this
on borrowed

I don't have
a large enough

to raise

Michael Blonski Oct 2017
I've grown weak
from swimming
love and

Could there be
nothing more than

Is humanity
on an ever quest
for love and

Or does it grow
out of the sadness
it proclaims?

What is this poetry thing anyway?

Most of what you encounter
is nothing more
than a lie
a ruse to swindle you
into false realities

Grab a match
wield a hammer
tear it
Oct 2017 · 286
Burnt Match
Michael Blonski Oct 2017
My life is a
striking the box,
exploding into flame

The power of friction

Burning brightly,
with youthful energy

Slowly the flame dies
until a smoke trail leads
to a burnt match tossed
to the floor

smoldering in place
Aug 2017 · 259
Sharp Teeth
Michael Blonski Aug 2017
Sharp teeth
in rows on a strong jaw
at the finger tips
that scratch
razor wire claws

Breathing with
beating expectation
that's what we do
that's what we're known
victory against

Don't underestimate me

Don't declare the heart stopped
it pumps for life
it pumps for others
it's ready for anything

Your sharp teeth are dulled
Aug 2017 · 409
Michael Blonski Aug 2017
Sink deeply
Into sleep and
Dream of
Bright places
Where you can rest
And write the pages
Of your life
You deserve

Reset your beating heart
To the beat of heavy rhythmic
And succumb to the voice
Of gracious mystic

Let your eyes devour
The light of reflected dreams
And lungs gulp
What ink has already

We'll find a way out
And dive deeply
Into the seas that surrounds
The souls of
True loves
Aug 2017 · 299
The Social Nomad
Michael Blonski Aug 2017
Refusing to be assimilated
passed unnoticed
the social nomad,
found solace in the dead,
refuses the moon's call to night
and the sun's call to light
drinks from centuries
marvels at oceans
rather portray life
than find meaning in
dried paint
Aug 2017 · 282
I Bleed Red
Michael Blonski Aug 2017
I bleed red
as do you
I suffer in my body
in ways you
how shocking it
is when we
not all bullets
are made of lead
not all bombs
are detonated
to ****
but to control
removing all humanity
from flesh
and bone
Jul 2017 · 304
Pen Touches Paper
Michael Blonski Jul 2017
As pen touches paper
my hand is guided
by the gift of her light

Ignoring the bells,
that ring from my home,
I'd rather live in fairy tales
than to live alone

Dust off old pictures
and remember how
a true smile feels

Play old records
and remember lyrics
that reveal
what's real
Jul 2017 · 402
Purified Blood
Michael Blonski Jul 2017
Gather the dust
of my

Kneel upon
the grit
of the ancients

Burn away
what's inside me,
the curse
I know

Peaceful breathe
anguished air

piercing my heart
purified blood
Jul 2017 · 304
Finding words
Michael Blonski Jul 2017
Did you ever
try to write
but no matter
the words chosen
they don't feel right?

They mock you
from the page,
erase them in rage,
as they don't say
what you feel
on the

And you're
too proud
to hide behind words
that don't
reflect your
Jul 2017 · 269
Michael Blonski Jul 2017
I'm glad I have suffered
I can truly feel

Absorb art with
a glance

Recognize true love

And above all else,
there is no longer
fear in my
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
The Trees
Michael Blonski Jul 2017
The trees breathe in
and tell me
they too feel alone

They too feel
by parasitic

Used up,
until they

Feeling trapped
inching their
way to
the sun
Jun 2017 · 417
Jungle Trek
Michael Blonski Jun 2017
Itchy bites
Soggy shoes &
Soggy cloths
Covered in dirt,
& thorns
Walking through rain
& the sun's evil rays

Extreme boredom
interruptions of excitement
Love & bitterness
Envy & appreciation
pills to combat the pain,
the sickness,
& a drink of *** to forget
about missing where I belong

Paths into the unknown
& common roads
with uncommon people
birds & monkeys calling,
as we bid farewell to our own;
those who've escaped

With the blending of days
we seek motivation,
& we find
what we're seeking in our
ability to breath
Jun 2017 · 295
Ships Sailng
Michael Blonski Jun 2017
I move upon
the swollen earth
Following contours
until they reach
dull points

Grinning with mischief
sipping on flavors
rooting myself down
by sea side fabrications

Praise the death of
A new day to dance
A new day to find
undiscovered gems

We are ships sailing
Jun 2017 · 349
Michael Blonski Jun 2017
I wait for radiance
to slowly kick-in
Trying to escape
by bleeding once

It's been awhile
since I've felt
deserts warm winds,
soft skin on your neck,
as my essence caves

So now, water logged
pages smear and tear
I sing to myself an old
for my heart to hear,
cleanse my mind, and
build a kingdom
to reside in
May 2017 · 514
Hidden Side of America
Michael Blonski May 2017
Life was hard
Growing up
No college fund
Bills unpaid
Gas and lights turned off
Hard to do algebra
By candle light
Hard to read books
With shivering hands
Two parents
Worked a job a piece
When they were not arguing
They were silent
Misguided and caught
In the clutches of the
American Dream
Now with me
We dared to mention
The truth of reality
May 2017 · 335
Hidden Side of America
Michael Blonski May 2017
Life was hard
Growing up
No college fund
Bills unpaid
Gas and lights turned off
Hard to do algebra
By candle light
Hard to read books
With shivering hands
Two parents
Worked a job a piece
When they were not arguing
They were silent
Misguided and caught
In the clutches of the
American Dream
Now with me
We dared to mention
The truth of reality
May 2017 · 313
Executioner of Sorrow
Michael Blonski May 2017
When we read words
Of sorrow
Authored by another
We attack the page with
Lines and erasers

The words become
A threat
A danger in the brush

We are executioners
Of sorrow
Survivors of the prose

With each other we are
Through sorrow we grow
May 2017 · 349
I am the Moon
Michael Blonski May 2017
I am the moon
I am full of life
I'm partially hidden from view
Slowly to be covered
in shadow
May 2017 · 362
A Crow
Michael Blonski May 2017
Her long hair
either side
of her hazel eyes
and her lipgloss
the truth of
her whispers
I remember
her desires
the flowers that
and the texture
of her goosebumps
as I held her
on top the windy earth
a laughter
a crow
sowing seeds
of feelings
we dared
not explore
as we drift
with the undertow
Apr 2017 · 320
The Bubbles We Live In
Michael Blonski Apr 2017
Our feet have
a finite
amount of space
to walk
like sunlight passing
through monolithic
towers of economic

Our small planet
minute by minute
day by day

roads, signs, fences,
urban decay

walls, boarders,
wars, governments,
& hate

We've lost our ways

limitations of a vast
wilderness we once
as the wind travels
in the spaces

trapped like electricity
in machines
and now we
live in small bubbles
and believe that freedom
to isolate ourselves from troubles
Apr 2017 · 391
This Damn Computer
Michael Blonski Apr 2017
You should know by now
that your flashing cursor
lives in a temporary domain

That you will only
remain silent
between chatting neurons
and won't live to see
the day 10 years
from now

I'll be sipping from
champaign flutes,
you'll gather dust,
and your color will fade
by the sun without guilt
nor remorse

Your logo is a curse,
a badge,
that reads
Hello My Name Is:
existence temporary.

for you don't know me
nor the font I choose
you don't feel these words
like I do

You think your so
perfect by correcting
the misspelled
and underlining
past mistakes

You can take your
fascists dictionary
and grammer

and depart into
a cold
black screen
Mar 2017 · 412
Daydream's Flesh
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
I must travel
to where the cold wind
the future is a piercing
through daydream's flesh
blood becomes
geometric shapes
fitting like puzzle
pieces in the
their lines are bold
and their points
are sharp
as the continents
on a globe
I travel to the place
where cold wind blows
for shielded behind
thick wool is
all I know
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Synthetic (10w)
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
Fake a smile
Fake a fist
It is all synthetic
Mar 2017 · 440
Brittle Truths
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
Two leaves
blowing with the wind
shy in front of the sun
and restless
in front of the moon
we conquer
lonely deserts
and friendly grasses
we pierce the ocean's
discovering submerged
and gather brittle truths
Mar 2017 · 641
A Soul On Fire
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
There are those who say
that those who existed millennia ago
where primitive, unintelligent,

Savage and ruthless,
lower on the
evolutionary tree

While we breath in
smog birthed from industry
to produce garbage we
toss into the sea
Mar 2017 · 463
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
We can learn a lot
about ourselves
by the way we've treated

We put some on
the covers of
and sent others
to the glue
Mar 2017 · 861
Human Skin
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
The world
as we know  it
loves to tell us
who we are
and what we will

But the world
doesn't see the truth
in our minds and
the love in our

We are guided by our
And the romances
we have are with
the search for
our being and not
with the world's
desire to dress
products in human
Mar 2017 · 485
Michael Blonski Mar 2017
Sometimes it seems I
don't have the skills to recollect

My thoughts struggle
to catch their breath

Crack the spine
and scribble them

life rafts
float survivors
the then and
Feb 2017 · 366
The Beat
Michael Blonski Feb 2017
reveals a mouth
with missing teeth
as well as
a set of untouched whites

Sounds that accompany you
deep into the night
as your finger taps
to rhythms
that linger
past the rise of starlight

To connect with song
is to connect with humanity
and the journey of our
phantom being

We've killed and made love
to beating drums
and from a few lyrics
we've grown closer to our
lovers and
when lyrics become a
tool to remember

Noise from speakers
morphs into our voice
our strength
our peace and
our sovereignty
The purest escape
from reality
Feb 2017 · 341
The Foreseen World
Michael Blonski Feb 2017
What do you do for a living
and how much money do you make?

Where did you go to college,
was it ivy league? Or somewhere I never heard of?

What have you contributed to the world
and what legacy will you leave behind?

At what point in my timeline did these
question make my stomach ill?

Why am I trapped between give and take?

Must we all live in the foreseen world and
give up the natural flow of our lives?
To satisfy the desires of titans
while we scramble to die?
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