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‘What will you buy when Christmas comes
To show me your love, dear heart?
Will you fill my bower with fruit and flowers
To enjoy while we’re apart?
Will you buy the things that you promised me,
Like a bangle for my wrist,
Or a diamond, topaz, sapphire ring,
Or a giant amethyst?’

He stood, head down and he held her hand
As she lay so pale in the bed,
He didn’t tell her his job was lost
Or what his employer said.
There were charges he would have to face
That would fill her heart with gloom,
That by Christmas Day he would be away
And not be returning soon.

‘I’d rather give you the crescent Moon
As a coronet, dear Tess,
And pluck the stars from the Milky Way
As sequins for your dress,
Then call on the Charioteer, my dear
For your transport to the heights,
Where the gods will fall on their knees to bless
This glimpse of paradise.’

She smiled, then faded away to sleep
And dream of a ghostly tower,
Where her prince stood long at the battlements
At the height of a fateful hour,
An army lay in the fields about
In a siege for her, no less,
‘We’ve come for the Queen of Golders Green,
And we won’t leave without Tess!’

While he sat bowed in a lonely cell
And wept at his sense of loss,
He’d only needed another month
And the price would be worth the cost,
He’d not be there when she needed him
As she glided out through the door,
The Judge fixed him with a puzzled eye,
‘Just who was the coffin for?’

On Christmas Eve she awoke before
Her heart pit-pattered and stopped,
Her fading eyes had looked to the door
Along with her hopes, they dropped.
But in her hair was a crescent Moon
And stars were all over her dress,
While a Charioteer came into the room,
‘I’ve a chariot here, for Tess!’

David Lewis Paget
 Dec 2013 mr inkless
Paola MRB
Tons of thoughts.
All of them without sense,
captivates the mind
of someone wandering around.

Wandering around the world.

Wandering in between two sides.
Good or bad,
death or life.
What would you choose ?

Ask yourself what would you choose...

If your life were a complete disaster,
if all the morning you doubt about you,
if you not recognize yourself anymore,
if you regret your existence.

No, no because a specific reason.
Just think about fell emptiness ,
about feel nothing.
Cause that is the worst you can feel.

Eyes full of tears,
a heart full of deception,
a life full of emptiness,
and the opportunity to choose just one side.

*-Paola M.R.B
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
Acidic music flowing through us,
From the stage and down into the floor
Vibrations' thin tendrils
Swarming up through thick soled shoes
And into our spines,
Forcing heads to nod
And bodies to sway.
Eyes close in the ecstasy of forgetting
For in that moment
Nothing else can take your mind.
There is sound;
And sound alone.

And you forget that you are all alone
And you forget that you felt anxious
You forget people might be watching
You forget how many drinks you had.

Staged puppet masters,
Make a crowd of grown-up kids
Sway before them.
Children with ******* and beards.
Youths in go-nowhere jobs,
Sleeping on mattresses on the ground
Reading poetry aloud at night
Planning travels in their minds.

***** the young professionals.
We are the left overs of a power hungry generation;
We are just here to hear
And feel
And move.
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
i fell again, the same wounds
they opened up.
took pieces of me away
took me away
took away my mask,
the happiness everyone was used to  
the smile faded

my body is a vessel that can't handle my emotions no longer
they spill out of me
my eyes- tears fall
my fingertips- i hold on too strong or not at all
my lips- chapped
my hugs- full of something.. longing
my emotions are showing in everything i do
i can't stop

i am exposed
i am raw to the bone

every feeling that touches me makes me fall
every comforting word makes me doubt
every hand to hold lets go

no one to turn to
no one understands
no ones comfort is enough anymore

even when i reach out
even when i try to get help
there's always something else
sorry i can't talk to you right now, i'm high as ****

the people i thought i could rely on, i can't
the people i love, don't get it
the people that have been there from the start- everybody's too consumed in their own lives
who am i to disturb them?

all i feel is pain
all i feel is the ghostly lips of the past on my forehead
..telling me to let go
all i feel is negativity

i'm too far gone
too far in
too late

sleep doesn't heal me anymore
drugs are no good

everything good that has been in my life
the good i've built for myself
has been spread upon the skin of others
has been left in the places i can no longer go
the places that hold my secrets
the places i left my feelings with

i'm emotionally raw
and i just want to be relieved

i've been strong
i'm tired of fighting
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
A Duvall
i need to stop looking at you
as if you aren't made of skin and bones
i idolize you
as if you're made of chocolate, and coffee
and caramel and honey.
you are music and the deeper tones of life.
you are smoke and sleep and lies
you are beauty and starlight
as confusing as a birds cry
because i don't know if you are
negative or positive
a giggle or a scream
you are a mystery
but forgetting you,
that idea is history
because you're my hobby.
you are my foremost thought.
and im tired of not knowing you
so whether you are lovely or not
i will find out
i will take the chance
and see if your kisses run too hot.
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
I wish i was interesting
I wish i could sing beautifully in front of my friends
I wish i know how to dance, be it ballet or hiphop
I wish i can be beautiful without even trying
I wish i wasn't so scared to speak for myself
I wish i could draw or perhaps paint
I wish i was fearless, not afraid to be whoever i want
I wish people love me, the way i love them
I wish i wasn't so clumsy, in life and love
I wish i am attractive enough for boys to notice me
I wish someone could give me a tight hug now
I wish i get to meet my soulmate soon
I wish my friends understand how hard my life is
I wish my family doesn't pressure me anymore

I wish for alot of things
But none of them came true.
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
Daisy King
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
Daisy King
but it's not worth stealing anymore
because all that glittered was never even gold
in the first place, and if there ever was a shine
it was made lacklustre with lust
and covered with rust over times that
even history books don't touch
(history repeats itself, keep eyes down,
avoid the looks, try to keep yourself from thinking
all of the men are just crooks)
and soon what you stole you see
you didn't really want that much
and soon it's getting old and your bones ache
under eyes so cold, but it's probably fake
what you thought was snow, so go
and don't make the same mistake,
don't make it twice. Did someone forget
to mention that the roads aren't going anywhere
only roundabouts back to tension,
not paved with gold? They are made of ice.
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