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Look in the mirror
He said
And say these words
to yourself

You are beautiful
Just the way you are.

I couldn't
I couldn't say those words.

I couldn't even look
Look myself in the eyes

Not without crying
Not without dying

Why sir
Why should I do this
I cried to him
He just looked at me

You were made
To be perfect

You are beautiful
On the inside

That night I knew
I had to change

I couldn't do it anymore
Hating myself

I had to find peace
With myself

So that night
I looked in the mirror

But I saw something
Something strange

It was me,
But I could look into my eyes

So I did
And said those word

You are beautiful.
This is the a same high I accepted Jesus Christ into my life.
 Nov 2013 mr inkless
He fights for the freedom of us all
even though many would love to see him stall
his name is written on every wall
but you never call him until you fall

when you call him, he's right there
with his promise to always do what's fair
when he's gone you won't care
until it's time for another prayer

like a fool, he comes running again
right there to cleanse you of every sin
but after you get your new skin
once again, you kick him in the shin

— The End —