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 May 2013 Michael
Terry O'Leary
The fire in her eyes tonight
calls forth the thought that they invite,
though I recall, not long ago
my absence seemed more apropos.

The smile that lingers on her lips
says more than many verbal slips -
the times it pierced me, sad and grim
lie in the past, though far from dim.

She flayed me once... nay, more than twice,
she flayed me both with flame and ice,
and once again, predictably,
she primes me for catastrophe.

The curious naively watch
her try to carve a deeper notch,
for even they don’t claim to know
the depths to which she’d really go.

Upon my face a smile appears
which hides my thoughts, obscures my sneers,
for now I too have learned the rules
from her - ah, yes, the best of schools.

Because I’m acting somewhat cool,
thus pouring on her fire, fuel,
she  burns and yearns and wants me more
than when I was her cuspidor.

Since, unbeknownst I’m not the same,
she plans again her guileful game.
But when her teardrops seep and swell,
will she be proud she taught me well?

The others leave, I stay behind
(they all know what she has in mind)
and take her in my arms once more
then slip her through her bedroom door.

She whispers secrets in my ear,
as I once did (she didn’t hear);
I listen with a mirthless smile
while thinking of a desert isle.

The night is passed, her trusting grows;
I leave before the morning glows.
Aroused, she’ll seek a waking thrill
but find instead a dollar bill.
 Apr 2013 Michael
There is a candle burning in the dead of night
Shining brighter than any other light
The smell of wild fills the air
Leaving the towns people without a care
A starry night fills the woods around
Leaving nothing but quiet for this town
A cabin of wood sits on a hill
Leaving everything and everyone standing still
The town peaceful, but full of secrets
That only the residents could truly see it
The visitors that came by, could never believe
How such a small town can be so full of grief
What's there to cry about in a peaceful town?
A place with no laws or rules that bound
When voyagers enter, they feel at home
They do not know what is a stake in modern Rome
The people so stagnant stare on with blank faces
Waiting for the visitors to feel their silent graces
The people of this town have seen so many bleed
So many vanished to the works of creed
And in every citizen is a little guilt
For the evil motives on which the town was built
For when a group of tourists stay in the cabin on the hill to sleep
They do not know that tourists is that on which the towns people
Written in my creative expression club by myself, and two other poets during a writing activity.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Terry O'Leary
Mid *** shots from vacant lots, which strike and ricochet
A painted girl with flaxen curl (named Wendy)’s on her way
To tantalise with half-clad thighs, to trick again today;
And indiscreet along the street she gives her pride away
To any guy who’s passing by with cash and time to pay.

In concert halls, beyond the sprawls 'round shabby cabarets,
Unjaded thoughts of Camelot imbue divine ballets.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Terry O'Leary
Some boys with cheek play hide and seek within a house condemned
their faces gaunt reflecting want that’s hard to comprehend.

With veiled excuse an old recluse is waiting to descend.
His eye despairs above the stairs, he’s never had a friend
to talk about his hidden doubt of how his world will end -
to die unknown, forlorn, alone? No use a farewell penned!

And soon the boys chase phantom joys then, presto when they’ve gone,
the old recluse, with nimble noose and ****** features wan,
no longer waits upon the Fates but yawns his final yawn
(like Tinker Bell, he spins a spell, though fairy dust's withdrawn).  

With twisted brow, he’s tranquil now, he’s floating like a swan
and as he fades from life’s charades, the night awaits the dawn.
 Apr 2013 Michael
What Should I Do & What Can I Do
My Feelings For You Are Exacerbated By The Fact That I See You Everyday
I Am Continually Taunted By What I Cannot Have !
 Apr 2013 Michael
madeline may
i was told once that
playing with fire was
because someone always got

all i know is my body
is charred beyond
which begs the question - who lit the
 Apr 2013 Michael
Scot Powers
Standing, on the other side of lonely
looking in
waiting,like a becalmed sailor
for the wind
looking , for a reason not to shed
another tear
feeling like a paper doll tossed
by the wind

But those long goodbyes
are taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
strain our two lives
desperately , clutching the years

Talking,to help myself remember
who I am
Journeys a thousand miles out and back
I've been
discovering, what a loss and what a fool
I've been
hoping, for redemption and another
invite in

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears               x2
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately, clutching the years        

Seeing, you standing in my doorway
once again
knowing, that this is exactly where
you should have been
touching, softly kissing the one that
I've missed
loving,for forever it's always
where we've been

But those long goodbyes
keep taking up our time
bring forth all your tears
those long goodbyes
straining our lives
desperately clutching the years      X2
a new one for the upcoming album.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Timothy Brown
Staring into a stream.
Side by side; it gets no better.

Eyes blur so pictures
walk across the page.
Side by side; it gets no better.

Roof is collapsing.
Floor is sinking .
Side by side; it gets no better.

It's a birthday.
It's an un-birthday.
Side by side; it gets no better.

Living together
while alone.
Side by side; it gets no better.

Underneath the sun.
Underneath the moon.
Side by side; it gets no better.

Many happy returns to your days.
Many happy returns to your nights
Side by side; they will get better.
In which Eeyore has a birthday and receives two presents.
© April 24th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Marsha Singh
Unassuming, at best– no
tempting minx, I confess,
but this I would bet (speaking
humbly): give me paper and
ink, half an hour to think– I might
just convince you to love me.
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