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The mists rise over
The waters at Asuka;
Memory does not
Pass away so easily.

Asuka gawa
Kawa yodo sarazu
Tatsu kiri no
Omoi sugu beki
Koi ni aranuku ni
 Apr 2013 Michael
I didn't like her as soon as I met her.
She'd known you an hour, and said your name wrong.
But she was pretty and little, and blonde.
You smiled, and charmed, and I rolled my eyes.

For Christ sake.

While you were out for an hour or two,
I knocked on M's door with a bottle of Sprite
from the vending machine downstairs.

Let's toast.

I unscrewed the lid and she uncorked the bottle.
She didn't ask why, just nodded and agreed.

**** yes.

Fizz, fizz. Glug, glug.

There's a mug in my hand, and I'm drinking it up.
Tastes like sweet soda, not at all like wine.
We're sitting in silence, when I start telling M
I don't mind, really I don't.

At least you're over him.

She pours, and I swallow,
the bubbles pop in my mouth.  

I hear you come home, little blondie in tow.

Have a nice night?

I ask loudly, standing too close.
You're toeing your shoes off, and I realize we're alone
in your room.

Go for it!

The wine whispers, urging me on.

Can I help you? I'm trying to change.

I want to do something, but what?
I'm scared you'll smell the sugary alcohol on my breath,
and dismiss whatever I do as a buzzed regret.
But I wouldn't regret it, what I see in my head.
I would go to you. I'd kiss you and kiss you,
till the wine wears off, and my lips are red
and a little bit raw.


That's what I would do.
 Apr 2013 Michael
The Lotus
 Apr 2013 Michael
The lotus dances on the lake at night
under the bright moon
and the water lily  ballets upon the river
the fairies dance in the shadows of the moon
the flowers waltz in the meadow
and the moon casts its rays upon the ground
making the ground look like silvery
shadows of light hitting the
waltzing flowers
the sounds of crickets and that of katydids
and nighttime birds fill the
and the sweet fragrance of
lavender, lilacs, honeysuckles,
and roses fill the air
and the lotus continues
to dance on the lake
to the song of nighttime birds and insects
and the water lily continues
to ballet upon the river
to the song of the flowing river
that she ballets upon

only at night

© Hilda April 24, 2013
 Apr 2013 Michael
What a beautiful world,
she whispered to the sky.
The media gives us one idea,
of what us girls should be,
yet we're always told we should be ourselves.
But society prevents that doesn't it?

What a beautiful world,
she said a little louder to the clouds.
People are cruel and vicious,
they seem to sink their teeth into innocents,
and tear lives apart.
To make themselves feel better.

What a beautiful world,
she yelled to the darkening sky.
The lives we lead are full of choices and challenges,
and people and notions go out of their way to ruin us,
and we are expected to pull through and make a life for ourselves.
But it isn't easy.

What a beautiful world,
her voice screamed with the wind.
This torrent of emotions,
can make or break a person,
and when someone plays to hurt someone.
The emotions shut them down.

What a beautiful world,
she cried with the rain.
The tears she cries,
will go unseen for they mix with the rain,
and the rain is the bigger problem.
Not the damage done to the girl's mind.
I might do another poem with the title "What a Beautiful World" except then the world will actually be beautiful.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Terry O'Leary
Clouds, the clouds diffuse a sad and somewhat somber hue;
Wind, the wind bemoans her loss of reins and calm control;
Crows, the crows flee men of straw, sleeves slapping at the wind;

Grass, the grass defends with blades, impaling truant gusts;
Rain, the rain descends aslant from angry ashen skies;
Stones, the stones repulse the pearls, exploding tears of gloom;

Woods, the woods assuage the angst of misty brooding trees;
Leaves, the leaves desert their branches, dropping one by one;
Fields, the fields imbibe a quaff to quench an arid thirst;

Streams, the streams meander, hushed, to distant vapid shores;
Breeze, the breeze intones a tune, a mourning monody;
Sands, the sands, in chaos, dance across the dappled dunes;

Shades, the shades appear confused, alone in lurid haze;
Mice, the mice discern the dawn, their beady eyes ablaze;
Clouds, the clouds diffuse a sad and somewhat somber hue.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Kristo Frost
Halcyon grass in absent wind;
your conscience drifts away.

Alone, you watch the rising tide;
above, it ties you in.

Lost, lost, lost;
as you were, among the reeds...
 Apr 2013 Michael
J Drake
The Wall
 Apr 2013 Michael
J Drake
The walls of your soul that you
  Toil away building;
The windows are dark and the
  Bricks are unyielding...

( Hate, with a hammer, cracks the wall;
   But Love, with a whisper, makes it fall. )

How many times have I told you, Believe?
And then will you learn how to truly Receive.
  For giving is getting -- these two are the same;
  And living is learning to dance in the rain.
 Apr 2013 Michael
Never waiting but always wanting,
Trying to become who you want to become,
who your parents want you to be,
what society wants you to be,  
looking for acceptance,
you die your hair a certain color,
you wear makeup because that's what everybody else does.
Well, ***** society.
Be yourself,
Be bold,
And don't look back.
Edited and reviewed Kestrel
 Apr 2013 Michael
at this moment in time
at this given place
I struggle to elude loves evil embrace
woe is me my feelings act irrationally
cant sleep 20 past three
no sunshine just the moon and me
passing into an inauguration caught up in my dreams of you
just can t live without my final intoxication
calling u at 5am asking what we gone do
torn apart,falling to pieces without you
torn apart,broken again, going crazy without glue
p.s...loves gone sorrows here now its not death but love i fear
 Apr 2013 Michael
Ruby Watson
Not many people noticed the box
she carries in front of her.

Undefined, yet heavy.
Bottomless,  not deep.

Only he
ever saw inside -
on that last day
she ever cried.

made him turn away;
He left her
alone on the street.

for the next bus,
she never felt it
start to
               ­             k
*listening to HINDER: Homecoming Queen...*
give it a listen :)
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