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Melissa S Feb 2017
Master Manipulator
Parading around with all his strings
Trying to control
Use her to carry out his way of things
Why does everything always
have to be on his terms
Why does she even listen to  
all his mean and careless words
She is a real person
not just a puppet for his life
Now on to him and his ways
She finally sees the real him and understands
and is why she now carries scissors
in her hand :)
Melissa S Sep 2016
I would like to say that I am not selfish
but I would be wrong
I think we are all born this way
and before you disagree with me
Think about it....
We are all constantly in the
Pursuit of Happiness
We want to escape from whatever
is making us unhappy or suffering
No one wants to be miserable (all the time)
There are lots of ways to do this
There are many choices out there
Even when you are thinking of others
It is of some benefit to you
because making others happy
Makes yourself happy
This is just the way I see it
I know some will disagree and that is okay
It doesn't make us bad people
To want to be happy
It just makes us human
the poetry contest theme: Me and Others.
Melissa S Aug 2015
Lets go where we can pluck the happiness
out of the jaws of sadness
and drive away those darkened corners.
Where we can burrow in only lighted tunnels
that have only honey phrases
we can lap up anytime we want.
Where we wear funny goggles
to comb through all the fields of thought.
Where we can jump from one cloud of happy
vision to the next and swim and
drink freely in the cool labyrinths
Lets meet inside on the merry round.
merry round = Happy Head and just another way of trying to stay positive and have only good thoughts enter your mind.....  Happy Friday :)
Melissa S Dec 2012
Just wanted to wish my HP family a Very Merry Christmas xoxoxo love you all and hope the holidays treat you well!!!
Melissa S Oct 2015
Come in and enter our world...
Follow us down the rabbit hole
We are more than just masters of words
We are the whispers of stories yet heard
We are the spaces and
the meaning between the lines
We give our sorrows and joys
The very thoughts that pass our mind
More than our imperfections or flaws
We are the well thought out pause
We are the ideas on the tips
of everyone's tongue
The phrases that dance
across the screen to make you come undone
We are the sum of all that and more
So come on in and see what we have in store
Melissa S Nov 2012
Do you ever go outside and just sit in the sun, breathe in, and just be still?
Do you ever listen to the wind blow and just let Mother Nature seep in and heal?

Close your eyes and look up to the sky and let your body sway with the trees
Be thankful for where you have been and for the journey that will lead you now to be

I try to do this as much as I can and wanted to share a little piece of me with all of you
This love affair I have with nature helps me reconnect and gives me strength to push on through
Tis the season to be out in the woods hunting and thankful for life's many blessings :)
Melissa S May 2012
Heaven has blessed me
Looking into those blue eyes
Is the ultimate prize
Melissa S Nov 2016
The leaves were just at the very peak of their color
and the air was full of change
Seasons have come and gone
and still I cannot forget his name
Sometimes we have to let go
of those godawful memories
In order for our heart
to forget the pain
Darkness will try to ride up on
its darkened horse from behind
Some days I just ride it out
Other days I beat it back down
All that animosity makes us go blind
I have to remind myself that I am not back there
I have to remind myself to just breathe
Some days we all feel sad and I think we just have to ride it out
Feel it, then move on
Melissa S Sep 2017
Hey there Mr. Music Man
Wanna make some music
together if we can?
Don’t just play me
songs of promises
Leaving them
drifting in the wind
Sing them to my ears
so that I may hear
them deep within

Let the sweet melodies
dance across my senses
Like musical scores
with resonating crescendos
Touch me with those eyes
Hold me with the words
Fill my head with elsewhere
Steal away any memories
before us
Be the blissful force
which holds me still
Until the time of never
Is constant in the ears
of my everything

Come closer...
breathe me in like the air
Whisper in my ear
all the soft and pretty
Words I need to hear
Blanket me with you
Pull me down make me sigh
Dynamic release in harmonies
until we are spent

Hey there Little Miss,
I can promise not much,
but I do what I can
so just hear these words,
and then take my hand
We'll sing them so quietly,
but they will be sure,
and speak them so softly
that they can't be heard

We can trip over
the words so spoken,
and dance in
the sentences light
while we lose
in the worn
truths we write
Like warm blankets
and cold evenings,
I can cover you in ways
we do not speak,
to whisper into your core
the being of mine
and shatter your resolve
to hold onto anything

You can rush into my lungs,
a warm inviting scent,
while I rush into you,
a smooth and crashing river,
to inhale your sighs
and speak the words we
If you haven't read Eric W then please go now ~
Melissa S Oct 2016
My muse can be thought of as a curse
for it comes at the most inopportune times
but she also plays nice
and brings me peace of mind

My muse pounces on me to write
Hit by the force of nature in nature
The sound of crashing waves guide my hand
Releasing words from my body

My muse is like a lover
She comes to me in dreams
She teases, pleases then leaves

Calliope my lover comes often
She's never satisfied
This temptress of the tablet

Just think we could feel
the warmth from the same sun
Hear the same whispers in the breeze
Wish upon the same fallen star
and look up to the same majestic trees

She connects all
No matter the place
Her sirens song on the wind for all
Under the same night light constellations
Wreathed in the fog under veiled trees scribbling

She is a giver
When allowed to live within us
She gives a whole new view
Bringing two poets together
Even though there are miles in between
She gives her heart and soul
and the drive for us to dream

Her gift is poetic eloquence
Stirring within two
Beautifully scribes new words
New places to explore
Distance means nothing to a muse
She bestows everything she has to her
chosen oracles*

By Melissa S and Palmer
This was such a fun experience. Palmer is an amazing poet if you do not already know his work go and check out more of his writing ~
Melissa S Aug 2011
I feel as though an angel is watching over me
Holding my hand and walking right along beside me is she
Guarding and protecting me with her beloved wings
Giving me strength and love in all that she brings
I still talk to you from time to time
Asking for patience when tough times and stress come to mind
On this earth she was such a sweet and sympathetic soul
That has to be why God took her from me to serve with his purposeful goal
As I lay my head down at night and say my prayers
I whisper I still love and miss you Mom... and I still know your there
Melissa S Sep 2017
I know you can stimulate me with your hands
that's easy....:)
Now I want to see what you can do to my mind
Let's have a stimulating conversation
****** me with your words
Tease me with some ****** poetry
Sing to me a song from your heart
Tell me what you want to do to me....
Be VERY descriptive
Take your time with me ~let it last a little longer
The bond between us will only grow stronger
The lesser known erogenous zone for women is the mind... :)
Melissa S Apr 2018
I come here as much as I can
Love the sounds and smells that surround me
It is just so peaceful and I love to people watch
I try and imagine how their lives are
Are they happy or in pain
Do they, like me, yell out their lies and frustrations
to be carried out swiftly in the wind                                                         ­ 
Are their disappointments and regrets
washed away by the waves as well...
Do they draw pictures in the sand of broken hearts
Do they become a beach scavenger
Searching for discarded treasures
I wonder if they come here as an escape
To renew oneself and just be
One with this constant ...our constant the sea
Heading on a girls beach trip soon to see my constant the sea :) I cannot wait!!!
Melissa S Mar 2012
As I look in the mirror today and stare at my image
I begin to pluck out the gray and poke, tuck, and pull
I cannot help but see a different side to these wrinkles and gray
I see them more like my medals or my crown jewels

They are proof that I have made it through some tough battles
and I have made it to the other side of the unknown
Though I still have a long road ahead of me
I know I'll overcome because of my grit and backbone

Today I feel more wise and more comfortable in my own skin
Not relying on other people for my happiness I find the peace within
I don't worry about the outside as much these days
It's the good stuff on the inside that paves the way

I no longer have to be haunted by memories in my past
The future is not promised to me or any of us for that matter
The present is whats important because life just goes by...
Too **** Fast!!!
Sunday is my birthday so was feeling a bit reflective...:)
Melissa S Sep 2011
Longing for the warm flowing parchment of your skin
Our very own love lingo that only we can comprehend

Your beautiful words etched deep inside of me
Penetrating my core to the very existence you see

Detailing your handiwork you trace my outline with your lips
Shadowing my body as my very own lunar eclipse

The Darkness and past memories that once were embraced
Have now been washed away with your light in its place

We take each other to the depths of the unknown
Embracing what was meant to be together not alone
Melissa S Oct 2016
From the very first time
I felt that flutter in my belly move
I knew the best gift of life
and that gift was you
My son
My gift from God
You are my happy place
Nothing brights up my day more
than when I see your smiling face
I will do my best to teach you
and raise you right
Always say please and thank you
Know what battles to fight
Do not worry about love, son
You will find the right woman
When you have become the right man
Don't take for granted this life
that god has given you
Treat people the way
you want to be treated
and always see things through
We are not promised tomorrow
So live it well and seize the day
and ride the sun the entire way
Melissa S Jun 2011
My life my soul faded into what you wanted me to see  
everything I did was to make you feel better.. but I forgot about me
I guess we all lose ourselves from time to time  
Life has its twists and turns and has no meaning or rhyme
The one thing I will never lose touch with is that sweet little face looking up at me
no single word not even love could possibly be enough for what I feel nor will it ever be!
Melissa S Jan 2013
I have embraced my dark side
because I know it's not all that is seen
My light shines brightly enough
in all the spaces in between

For even in the darkest of places
light can still be found
It is where the light shines brightest
As the shadows cast on the walls all around
Melissa S Feb 2011
Your fingers dance over my skin
bringing out an old song
that I thought had gone away
You have instilled in me a new hope
that I may live to play another day
Playing my chords that only you
have come to know so well
Whispering your beautiful words to me
and putting me under your magic spell
Im just gonna ride this out
and see where it takes me
Thank you so much for showing me
my way and setting me free
Melissa S Aug 2017
I am stronger than I ever knew
I have found thanks to you
Change keeps coming at me
and I just let it blow right on through
I've made bad mistakes
but I don't have to admit defeat
To fight fear we must first take that leap
I might not have won the fight just yet
but I will never just lie down with regret
Change can be scary...
but do you know what's scarier?
Allowing fear to hold you back
No more expectations....
**I am responsible
for my own happiness :)
Melissa S Jul 2020
Don't litter
my pretty tree
with ugly
truths for leaves
thorns that cut
like swords
with no
protective sheaths

Seeds of a deceiver
try to take
to *******
sweet and sticky
to grow into
choking vines
It's only purpose
is to bind
then confine

but my tree
is too strong
It has to be
I blow with the wind
that carries me
Down by the sea
Peaceful quiet
and fancy free
Melissa S May 2016
I really need only two things
to turn me on
Nature is one
and your mouth is two

Nature provides the perfect backdrop
The moon and stars are the perfect lighting
The crickets and cicadas provide the perfect music
The lightning bugs dance around for us
A soft breeze cools our hot bodies off

Your mouth
I just stare at it
Watching your words
Drip down and fall
all over my body
As your tongue licks them all off
Soft and sensual and **** as hell

Actually I lied earlier
I do not even need nature
I only need you
Nature is just an added bonus
Melissa S Jan 2016
If I am feeling the need to purge
I head on out to nature's church
Where I can feel peace
Where I can have quiet
and practice my amen in nature's diet.

Do not know which I like more
Listen to an owl call for his mate with a hoot
or when the tree frogs start singing and follow suit
Have a picnic under my favorite birch
oh yeah nature is my church

Do not know which I like more
My favorite coffee while watching the sunrise
or watching all the colors of a sunset in the skies
Seeking out treasures and trails to search
oh yeah nature is my church

So let us show a little appreciation
and give a thanks to the man upstairs
When it comes to his creations
We should bow our head in thankful prayer

Who says I am lost if I wander
but I can get lost in God's wonder
It isn't hard just look around and search
Nature should be all our church
I got the idea of this poem after listening to the beautiful song by Maren Morris ~ My Church.  If you haven't heard that song give it a listen
Melissa S Jun 2017
The light had gone from this woman
Her days now became lonely and dark
She would go to the shoreline
To repair what had been torn apart
She would shout out to the shoreline
O please bring me a new light, a new moon
I am tired of feeling lonely and dark
Will you please bring it to me soon
Just like that the gilded clouds did part
to reveal to her a new moon
Time for this woman to have light again
Time for her to be swooned
This new moon was most welcoming
with his arms open wide
Lit up this beautiful woman again
and brought out the pearl we knew was inside
Melissa S Jan 2012
The sands of time flow through the glass destined to reveal my fate.
When the last piece of sand does land though, I am still at a loss
not knowing if what it revealed you feel is love or is it hate.

It seems it is easier to remember the bad things people say about you than to remember the good.
Harsh words for a harsh world things said that would not be taken back even if they could.
Do you think people or things control your self worth?
This way of thinking has been instilled within us since birth.

With the New Year I do not want to be afraid and have certain things control me anymore.
Instead I want it to bring me a renewed strength and hope
something felt on the outside as well as deep inside my core.
Melissa S May 2012
You think you have defeated me
You think that you have won
Do not stick that fork in me yet
The fight in me is not done!!
Melissa S Jul 2012
Psssst are you still down there
as I check to see if there is still a beat

I know I haven't paid much attention to you lately
but its time to get up and not feel this defeat

I promise from now on I will better nourish you
Just needed some time not to feel and think things through

So after many months of not feeling
it has all finally came to an end
Me and my heart can now again be friends

In some ways I guess it was good that after so long
my heart could still feel such ache
But next time (if there is a next time) I think I will
choose for it not to break
an oldie but a goldie :)
Melissa S Dec 2014
She hums to herself because she is an
unrivaled botcher of lyrics. Her yellow
butter hair swings buoyantly to her tune.
She smells of bubble gum and does not have
a care in the world. She likes to make up her
own words and her own set of rules. This girl
that thinks she has an answer for everything.
Inspired by Sean Critchfield ....(here on HP) This, the footnote under his poem "Poem by Chance" and Victoria (aslo here on HP) "No Reason"
'This is the product of an exercise. I was instructed to grab the 7th book on my shelf, turn to page 7, and use the 7th line as my first line. The poem was restricted to seven lines.'
Melissa S Apr 2013
My mother finally gets to hear..... that beautiful baritone voice :)
My mother tried to go to several George Jones concerts but he always was a no show and now that he is in heaven with my mother he is playing for her now front and center ~ RIP!
Melissa S Feb 2011
Mel, Shed no tears
for me my Dear
I am where I need to be
We will be together soon
dont you worry you will see
I am with your Mother
and your Grandfather
and we are doing fine
carry me in your heart my love
you will always be in mine
Melissa S Feb 2011
I know this isn't Goodbye
but its so hard to think of you and not cry

You have been my rock and inspiration when needed
and the one who grounded me even though I pleaded
You were a beautiful person inside and out
and I only hope to make you proud
of me without any doubt

You could make everything bad be good again
with your loving hugs and beautiful smile
without you here there is a constant darkness
and my heart is so fragile

Cant believe all the things you've missed or will miss
rocking your sweet grandchildren to sleep
and putting them to bed with a kiss
Watching them grow up so fast
not knowing if what we try and teach them
to do or say is gonna last

I know your still around when I see a beautiful sunset
or when a warm breeze blows by
I have so many unanswered questions
and look up to God for answers why

The world is a different place without you in it
I hate we had such a short time before you had to part
One thing I will always know to be true Dear Mother
you will forever remain in my heart!!!
Melissa S Feb 2013
If you knew me at all you would know that chocolates or flowers are not required...
What I require is just a moment of your time to feel appreciated and loved
Regardless of what you think I am actually very easy to please
Watching the sunset with you and a few beers in hand
Would make me feel like the queen of all the land.
For just that moment I could fantasize that I am at the top of your to do list :)
Melissa S Oct 2017
When the last person living
Takes their last breath
Stares down the darkness
and meets their hour of death
Birds will not cease singing
The trees will still grow
The tide will still pull
and the wind will still blow
The sun will still come out
As will the moon
The leaves will still sprout
and the flowers still bloom
It is only our arrogance
Which makes us think we
are at the axis of all
That we touch and see
Life will go on without us
Year after year
We will just become the people
That once lived here
Melissa S Oct 2012
One look was all I needed no words need even be said
You take my hand and lead me outside to Nature's bed
The colorful canopy offers minimal seclusion and makes us feel wild and free
~and I cannot wait to get your hands and mouth all over me
You tune everything else out... I am all you want to hear
My sounds of pleasure ...nothing but sweet music to your ears
Melissa S Nov 2015
He weaseled his way
into my life
Saying what he thought
I wanted to hear
Empty promises
Lie after lie
That's on him, on him

Me letting him
into my life
Believing his lies
even after my
gut told me no
Something is not right
well then
That's on me, on me
Trust in your gut :)
Melissa S Jan 2012
He is tall, built, with dark hair and even darker eyes
The warmth of his eyes when he looks at me amplifies all my senses
These eyes seem to speak only to me and certainly could tell no lies

As the last rays of  sunlight and rain fall down
it bathes his body in this amazing liquid haze
This only intensifies the depths of me wanting to feel
him inside of me a sensation that I not only want but crave

Hand in Hand we walk to the boat house to get out of the rain
We light some candles and then open up some champagne
We drink to each other and then drink to the night
Neither wanting the night to end forbidding the first rays of light

The candles seem to start dancing and performing before us
as we watch the flickering images on the wall
The contrast between reality and illusion is intense
as we start dancing our own dance the most passionate of all

My breath steady and low
My heart fast and loud
My head spinning
My body trembling
Melissa S Apr 2013
I looked at you and you looked at me
How those sparks flew instantly
Oh how I thought you hung the moon
and the story of us began with a swoon

Then the story of us...became the story of you
and I grew bitter and thought things were through
I wanted to tell you I miss you but could not figure out how
I never knew that silence could be that loud

Maybe if we could just meet in the middle now
Maybe it will all get better somehow
Maybe now we can just kiss under that moon
Maybe our story isn't over .... it just started to soon
Melissa S Mar 2013
You shimmer softly like the kiss anticipated upon my naked soul
and when I am with you I feel like I am whole
Your touch releases me ~ springs me from material bonds that bind me
I give over my heart to you, as within your sweet embrace I feel free
I am cleansed with you and have forgotten all my fears
and when I close my eyes ~ you shower away my tears
Your graceful curves cascade all across the open range
As your fluidity reminds me of the very current of change
One body against another writhing in waves of pleasure
and my love for you is beyond any amount of measure
Salt stained lips whisper softly as you wave me goodbye
Tell me, can you please guess ~ WHAT AM I ?
Had a little help on this one from a wonderful friend :-) and also felt inspired to try my hand at a riddle poem after reading Bruised Orange's  Temptation Guile which I never could guess by the way!!
Melissa S Feb 2011
She paints on that beautiful smile that you see
because she doesnt know any other way to be
Hiding and disappearing
has become her greatest game
Laughing and crying
are all one in the same
Sometimes it feels like she is running
but she is really standing still
no choice but to go with it
it was all against her will
She has totally lost herself
somewhere along the way
and uses her best defense mechanisms
when there is nothing left to say
Good times have come and gone
so many wasted years
so many empty promises
and so many Im sorry Dears
Melissa S Oct 2015
Desire blows in like a warm southern breeze
Waves submerge us into seducing seas
Fill me up with your words
Now paint them on my skin
with your tongue
Teasing me while you glide and savor
Tasting my love of the sweetest of flavor
Touch me with your eyes
Wrap me up with your smile
Crave me with your fingers
Call me your symphony
Make my nerve endings sing
Each bite tinged with pleasurable stings
Soft sighs
Turn into soft cries
Passion heat calling out your name
Passion only will douse the flame
With no fear or no regret
A moment of passion we will never forget
Melissa S Jan 2013
Piece by broken piece has been taken away
Until I have found I am lost to myself

A friend recently told me when I asked her
totally out of the blue ~ "Who do you think I am?"
She said," You are kidding me...right?"
"You are the glue that holds us all together"

I find that very ironic

Will someone pass me that glue please
so I can start putting myself back together  

                 Thank you :)
Melissa S Jan 2012
You there.....Yeah You
Why did you put me up on this pedestal
You see I am really scared of heights
And not sure how I will get down
What the hell happens once I am on the ground
Will you just build me up again
I am afraid that you will
And what I really want is for you to see
That I just want to be me
Melissa S Mar 2013
Imperfections are life ~ Life is messy ~ Why not embrace it
Melissa S Jul 2017
Breathe you all in
Can't help myself
Get ****** in :)
I cannot get enough it seems :) Love to you all <3
Melissa S Jun 2018
The battle between
darkness and depression
is onslaught for any troubled soul
for it takes place much deeper
than any dug out hole
This darkness seems to just find me
Takes over my world into my sanctuary
It settles around the iris of my eyes
Turning me into someone who just seems to cry
Rooted in negativity and lost in my pain
Through my eyes it enters my brain
Corrupting my each and every thought
Breeding unwelcome memories that like to haunt
Spreading now like poison through my veins
Trying to take over till nothing remains
Writing words is my only defense
When nothing else I do makes any sense
The power of prose keeps that place deep within me
Safe and free from this darkened toxicity…
Sometimes writing is the only way to get it out my crazy and I know that other people out there also suffer from darkness/depression so just trying to hopefully help others in the process
Melissa S Jan 2017
The night was so lovely
neither wanting it to end
Maybe that is why we joined
together in the dark cool waters
With the moon as our only witness

There was freedom in the water
Freedom in looking at the moon
and what a moon it was :)
I could only ask of it one thing
Please don't let the morning
and him come too soon
Just having a bit of fun!!
Melissa S Feb 2018
If you knew me at all you would know that
chocolates or flowers are not required...
What I do require is just a moment
of your time
to feel appreciated and loved
Regardless of what you may think
I am actually very easy to please
Watching the sunset with you
with a drink in hand
Would make me feel
like queen of all the land
For just this moment I would be
At the top of your to do list :)
Repost out of the archives for Valentine's day :)
Melissa S Aug 2017
We are members of a poetic society
A unique learning class
We may or not be good at other things
But mentally we kick ***

We value all our words
Cherish our thoughts not heard
We are on the road to self discovery
Choose only words that we feel tell our story

We see the world differently than most
The world makes us.... then breaks us
So we write for survival and to give hope

Some say our heads are in the clouds
It is safer there in our own creative playground
We are miles up and never want to come down

No use for conformity
We escape the constraints of uniformity
We break out from the box ~ find new ground
*And Seize the day ~ Unbound
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