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3.0k · Aug 2013
Melissa Malan Aug 2013

Where you find other people
and lose yourself
918 · Oct 2014
Melissa Malan Oct 2014
One day I will say it
Not because I will only feel it at that very moment
But because it's something I have so passionately been feeling since I met you that I can not go another day without blurting out.
I don't need to tell you, you know by the way I look at you, lie next to you, laugh with you, trust and confide in you.
One day I will say it
Not because I feel it at that very moment
But because I have always loved you.

I love you
665 · Oct 2014
Social Lies
Melissa Malan Oct 2014
Find me on the Internet
Where you can find the best version of me,
I'll make sure of it.
648 · Sep 2012
Wondering eyes
Melissa Malan Sep 2012
You read books
like they are leaflets that are left on the window of your car
have always been so intriguing to your nature
You take in all your surroundings
and don't hesitate to stop
to mentally take a photo of anything you find beautiful
with the blink of your eyes

Your eyes search, anything and everything
You map out a persons every detail
You will walk away knowing their name, where they come from and what they do
yet You can not tell me what colour t-shirt they were wearing

And as you move on
to bigger things
greater experiences
learning so much more, moving on, maturing
One thing I ask of you is,
never lose those Wondering eyes
616 · Aug 2013
Melissa Malan Aug 2013
I never think about you
Your name is distant, your face  blurred
as if purposefully hidden

I never think about the things
things we did, things we created to make us more
than just familiar acquaintances sharing nothing but a Hello  

I never think about the places
the ones we used for adventure
ones we made our own without permission but acceptance

I never think about the times
The firsts, the lasts, the bests, the only

You are not forgotten
not even close to a faint idea
Your presence lingers
silently, with the ambiance of our home

You see I never think about the things
because I treasure them as if they were so beautifully fragile
even the thought would break it, break me

I never think about the places
to leave my mind standing in them feels empty, cold,  lonely

I never think about about the times
because I want to face the up and coming ones without tears and reminiscing  

I never think about you
because you are constantly in my thoughts
you are always a part of my mind, my heart

So don't for a minute think that I dont think about you
I don't,
your always there
Melissa Malan Oct 2012
Because your smile is the truest I have ever seen
and your love for others
The most

                                -Nicola Sarah Soekoe
497 · Feb 2013
True Beuty
Melissa Malan Feb 2013
And who are you to decide that I am not beautiful.

well I decide your wrong.
471 · Aug 2013
Human race
Melissa Malan Aug 2013
The human race can never win
In their constant battle against the human race
415 · Aug 2013
It's in a song
Melissa Malan Aug 2013
A good song
is one where you can sit in silence for those four minutes
and feel like you didn't waste anytime.
you gained something   *beautiful
414 · Oct 2014
Melissa Malan Oct 2014
To have lived the life you loved
is to love the life you lived.
Making it harder to leave but satisfied when leaving it

— The End —