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Emily Dec 2013
I need a twelve step program
But not to stop any substance abuse
Rather, to stop a love that I can't seem to let go of
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
2013 was
The year I fell in love with you
The year you broke my heart
The year I changed completely
All because of the failure
Of you and me

2014 will be
The year that I get over you
The year I rehabilitate myself
The year that I start new
And spend it on the people
Who actually love me
Happy New Year!

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jul 2013
It's 3 A.M.
And I want you in my bed
Rather than in my head

But I'd take that any day
Just to have you in my life
Is like a world with

You're like an angel to me
You make my worries disappear
It's gotten to the point where I have

You make me feel so good
I only hope to do the same
I hope you know this is
© Peyton 2013
Emily Aug 2013
In 6 days
Something important is supposed to happen
But who knows if it will
Because you're so ******* bipolar
It really is unfair

In 6 days
We're supposed to be happy
But who's happy anymore
This is all a bunch of
Fake *******

I'm tired of being the only one
The only one that makes efforts
The only one that shows emotion
The only one that shows affection
I give up

Quite frankly
You don't deserve me
You don't even trust me
After everything I do for you
And all the love I show you
You're still this way

You ignore me
You're short with me
You give me nothing
I'm so used
I don't want you anymore
Not like this

No wonder you don't want me
Because you treat me like dirt
And I still stick around
I must look like a coward to you

Not anymore
I'm stronger than that
And I know what I deserve
And you're not it

As hard as it is for me to stay away from you
As hard as it is for me to not talk to you
I'm ******* done

In 6 days
You'll have none
A rant of a poem.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Aug 2013
Well, it's the 20th
Which means our 12 days of freedom together will finally happen
You're off work
I'm finishing my summer
Hopefully you don't act like a ****
Sometimes you do that and it's a ******

You always have my undivided attention
When you're around
There is always some sort of tension
Especially with those stare downs

It's because you like me
And I like you
But you're stubborn, you see
Because you know it's true

You avoid reality
All because you worry about him
But in actuality
He is quite grim

So I'm waiting for you call
To see what will happen
Even though you won't, I know I will fall
With that, it is me you will sadden
© Peyton 2013
Emily Feb 2014
She told me you're a cheater
But I already knew
I see through all your lies
And that's something you can't undo

You say you're with someone
Then you say you're not
It's always a different story
That really can't be bought

I'm a fool because I'm well aware
Yet I give in because I'm weak for you
I try to forget and maybe believe
That you could perhaps love me too

Your actions speak much louder than your words
Even if you say all the right things
But proving them is what matters
Proving them is what true love brings

You never prove it
This has been sitting in my collection for a bit.

© Mela 2014
Emily Oct 2013
Give me your mind
Give me your body
Give me your soul
I promise to keep you
Safe and whole

You're everything
I want and need
But I don't want half of you
I want all, indeed
Your thoughts
Your love
Your care
Your ***
These things I yearn for
These things I'll respect

When I think of you
Nothing comes to mind
Other than
Beauty & grace
Strength & intelligence
Nothing negative
Combine these elements
They're what make me
Fall deep in love with you
Can't help but feel in my heart
That this is true

You're some kind of special
A type I've never experienced
I hope it never ends
Cuz about you, I'm serious
Thoughts of you take over me
They will never let me be
Your love lights my life
Maybe one day you'll be my wife
Not that great and a little corny but I don't really care, wrote it as I fell asleep.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
I miss you
When you're asleep
Alone in your bed
I wish you could rest
In my arms
I'd hold you so close
Right near my heart
Where you belong
With me
We can be
Eternally happy
You light up my life
Now let me light up yours
You're the fire
Ignited in my soul
We're just getting started
We have a lot more to go
On this adventure together
We'll always feel in love
No matter what the weather
© Peyton 2014
Emily Oct 2013
Something inside of me
Is alive again
Thanks to you
Thanks for appearing in my life again, baby.

10 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
I sit around wanting you all day
Even when I'm sitting next to you
I feel like it's not enough
I want my hands on you
I want to be kissing you
All the time
But I ruin us
Why do I always feel so uneasy?
Why do I let my mind get the best of me?
I overthink every second of every day
And it destroys me
Along with everything around me
I dig my relationships
Into the ground
With all of my thoughts
They don't hold any truth
Yet I still find myself believing them
Why can't I just accept reality as it is
Accept that someone loves me
Accept that someone wants me
Accept myself as I am
But I cannot
I am full of self loathing
And I fear it'll never go away
I've come to terms with the fact
That alone I'll always stay
Wrote this in 5 minutes as I sit next to him. Literally having the worst day.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
We had a good run
Thought you were my only one
But when things had to end
You still remained my closest friend
Now that it's been a while
Rarely do we ever smile
Something has come between us
Now we lack in trust
I wish I could erase
This feeling of disgrace
I have so much guilt
Over destroying what we've built
I fear the loss of you
Even though we've been through
Everything and anything
Now you are missing
From my every day
I'm hoping for a way
To somehow reconnect
And change this defect
I want us to be strong
Where nothing can go wrong
That is how we used to be
And you still mean that much to me
My love and care will never fleet
Because without it I am incomplete
Missing someone that was my constant for a very long time. He will always have a special place in my heart.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
When my feelings are this strong
I can't help but feel scared
Giving one person
So much power
Can leave my judgement
It feels so good
To love this much
But what if one day
It all ends
The heartbreak
Would be enough
To change me for good
Bleeding forever
Like an open wound
© Peyton 2014
Emily Dec 2013
Being attracted to no one
Having no *** drive
They say it can stem
From confusion
Who do I want
A boy
Or a girl
Or both
I don't know
But I just wish
I could have ***
The mental blocks
They hold me back
And I'm just here
By myself
Someone so selfish tried to argue with me about my feelings and who I'm attracted to. Thought they knew everything about what's inside of my heart and my mind. Seriously irked me. I just wrote this quickly.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
I get his texts
I see his face
I feel his arms around me
And in those moments
That's when I know my life
Is exactly as it should be
Short n stupid but I love him a lot.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Aug 2013
I found the love of my life
And nothing could be better between us
But I started off by telling this one tiny lie
And can't help but wonder if our love will get hit by a giant bus

I don't know how to rectify the situation
What we have is so heavenly
I don't want to further complicate the equation
We express our love so sensually

My adoration for her fills my heart
She is my only purpose
But it feels like I'm pushing a very heavy cart
And it's causing me a disservice

A cart, heavy with this burden
The burden of a tiny mistruth
With the impact of a canon
And the ability to destroy youth

But I am what keeps her sanity in check
I show her just how worthy she truly is
Without me, she'd be a wreck
Is this a test, or just a quiz

Probably a test, a test of true love
If what we have is real
Then we can get past the rough
Because what we have is stronger than steel

I can show her my true self
Without having to hide this one small detail
We can demonstrate our relationship's health
And continue living this fairytale
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
Things that are the most precious
Are worth waiting for
And I'd wait a thousand years
For you
© Peyton 2014
Emily Aug 2013
Of course you ignore me
I don't know why I expected any different
You're so back and forth, like a flea
It's as if your silence is deliberate

I have spent years wasting my time
Over thinking and worrying about you
Hoping one day you wouldn't think loving me is a crime
Over you, I'm sick of being blue

You talk to me as if you're in love
You're around me as if you need my presence
But sometimes you fly away like a dove
Disregarding my feelings and our talk sessions

You tell me I'm pretty
And you tell me I could get anybody
But you make me feel so ******
When you can't even love me

Why are you so scared of your best friend
That makes no sense
I'm so sick of this trend
Back and forth, this is all so tense

I keep saying time will tell
But I've waited too long
Too bad I already fell
Too bad you think we are wrong

Pretty soon I'll be moving on
And you'll stay stagnant
You'll sit around and wonder where I've gone
My love for you will be absent
© Peyton 2013
Emily Aug 2013
They say God works in mysterious ways
Sometimes things happen that are out of our control
People leave, people lie
People smile, people cry
Someone can be in your life
And they can pretend
That they love you
But in their own mind
They know they're wrong
For stringing you along

You get hurt
But you get back up
You're broken hearted
You're angry
You keep moving on

Then, something will happen
That balances it all out
Someone comes along
And erases that pout

It may even be the same person
Trying to right their wrong
Or it may be someone different
Who sings you a song

The universe has a way of balancing out
The sadness and the sorrow
With happiness for tomorrow
© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
The past few months I’ve been living a life
Different from any life I’ve ever known
I go every day completely absorbed
In the wrong thing, the wrong person
How is it that I have been brought to here?
I wish I never would have done
What I did
Because then I wouldn’t be
Where I am
I’ve always been a lover
I’ve always known deep love
But this love, this is different
I don’t know if it is good or bad
But mostly, it brings me heartache
They say love ultimately brings happiness
Well not for me
I’ve broken people’s hearts
And I’ve had my heart broken
What about brokenness
Brings happiness?
Does anything ever last?
You don’t miss me
You miss the feelings I used to give you
No one ever showed you a love such as mine
Where did your love even go?
Mine stays sitting right here
Right in its chair
In the corner of my heart
And the crevices of my mind
Lingering and slowly fading away
I really want it to stay
But if it is just left there to be alone
It will eventually
Be gone
And I am afraid that that
Is what has already begun
To happen
I won't beg, but I feel like begging.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
You take over my heart
Just like you take over my mind
I almost forgot
The feelings you gave me
Such a longing
To make you happy
I just want you to see
That you're the one for me
I will never seize
To want your affection
And need your love
You're what I live and breathe for
There's no one else above
You're my number one
My eyes are set on you
Be my baby for always
And make my dreams come true
© Peyton 2014
Emily Nov 2013
I know
I am the best lover
You've never had
10 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
Thank you,
Best Friend
For bringing me
You keep me sane
I love you
Dedicated to Ben.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Sep 2013
I hate not being around you
I could talk with you for hours
Just lay around
And feel you near
Your breaths
They're something I feel and hear
Feel them under my hands
As your stomach moves up and down
The warmth of our bodies
Radiates heat
The tension rises
A sheet of love overcomes us
The silence is overridden
With this feeling of lust
And heavy desire
Our love is a must
It takes us higher
Spending every day with you
Is my ultimate joy
This will last forever
This can't come to an end
It'll work out
Because we started out
As best friends
My best friend and I finally get our time :)

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
Someone new is on the prowl
Someone so unexpected
This is the best kind of feeling
Knowing you are wanted
Especially by a person
You thought didn't know you existed
© Peyton 2013
Emily Sep 2013
It's your birthday today
The big 2-2
Too bad I can't even celebrate with you

You were always the older one
The wiser one
The stronger one
It should have been you that survived the test of life
Now I am here, trying to figure out the meaning of all of this
Will I ever?

It's your birthday today
So I'll light some candles
And sip on a drink
It's almost too much to handle
I can't even think
Only about you
And how you're not with me
Wanting you around
That would set me free
But no
I'm so young
And have so much life left to live
Without you
Hopefully I can do it
I don't think so
But the thought of you
And our love that never died
Somehow gets me through
This life

On the other side
That's where we'll meet
It'll be a beautiful thing
Catching up on a love seat
Happy Birthday to the one person who made me feel worthy of everything. I know you're celebrating in Heaven. I love you, Charlie. RIP.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jul 2013
Liking you is so painful
Because of my love, you are not mindful
I let it be known that I care
I let it be known that my love is rare
You act as though we’re so close
“Best buddies” is what you call us
I guess that’s all we’ll ever be,
I suppose

You are so unsociable
Yet, you tell me how you love me
And how I’m the only one
You can spend time with for hours
And have the most fun

It makes no sense
How you only see me in this light
The light of close friendship
The light of tight kinship
You can’t stand women
Yet you’re in love with my company
But not me?

I think you are confused
Since you’ve never known a love like this before
All I can do is hope and pray
That time will show you
To come my way

Can’t you see, lover?
That the best relationships
Start with close friendship
Start with tight kinship
When will you realize
That you are blind
And that your heart
Resides in mine
© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
I wonder if people make nice
Just for their own personal gain
Why don't you talk?
Why won't you break the ice?
It's not always my decision
To put a stop to this friction
There must be a way around
The things that have kept us bound
Bound away
I feel insecure
Kind of like a prisoner
Stuck in between
Being nice and being mean
I guess only time will tell
Whether this will end well
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
My thoughts can destroy me
But my mind is also the thing
That keeps me going
It allows me to think
And have in my head
The fantasies
And the ideas
That I have of you
Without my mind
I wouldn't be able to think
About how beautiful you are to me
And how you're the only thing
That keeps me breathing
On a daily basis
You put the smile on my face
While I can only manage to
Roll my eyes
Or scoff at others
I sometimes wonder
What it is about you
That I love so much
That gives me hope
And fills me with a peace
That I can't find anywhere else
You make me laugh
And you make me think
You allow me to look at the world differently
You're so new in every way
I'm fascinated by all you ever say
I just keep wanting more
Of all that you are
You make my heart beat
When it only seems to be torn down
You nourish it
With your bright spirit
And I never want you to leave
© Mela 2014
Emily Nov 2013
You are not here for me
So why should I
Be here for you
I have people
Who think I'm good enough
So why waste time
On one who makes it rough
It's so difficult
But I'm done with being isolated
So why love you
When your love is so jaded
Hate to say it
But every day
I feel us breaking
And that's no way
To live a life
So I guess
This is goodbye
Written about a week ago. Unfortunately it still rings true.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
It feels nice
In comparison
To the ****
You made me feel
On purpose
15 words

© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
Cancer comes around
Infiltrating the lives of innocent people
I found out today my dad has cancer. Prayers appreciated.

10 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
Last night I saved you
From going to jail
Although it was scary
I knew you were a violent male

You have some major
Growing up to do
The whole world does not
Live, think, talk like you

A nice man approached me
To ask me a question
You immediately got violent
And started to punch him

It was in front of
His young & innocent son
How dare you act on violence
In the presence of a young one

You assaulted a man
It was incredibly immature
You're brutal and a savage
Your heart is so impure

The real world doesn't function
Like your violent movies & music
There's a thing called civility
You need to learn how to use it

You say this is a red flag
For most women, well,
I'm included in that category
And last night was hell

I saw the side of you
That I try to contain
But I guess I need to learn
That some people can't change
Last night this middle aged man and his son innocently approached me to ask me a question. My friend went crazy and started to attack this man for NO reason, right in front of his young son. I had to force my friend off of this man and thankfully, the man didn't call the cops. I yelled at my friend and made him apologize to the man and his son. I feel horrible for them both, but especially the boy who was most definitely traumatized by my friend's actions. My friend has a history of being prone to violent behavior. He has some mental issues but none justify his actions. I am trying to teach him that that is NOT normal and that resorting to violence is never the answer. One can't just lay their hands on someone for NOTHING. Honestly, truly scared. Next time my friend won't be so lucky.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Nov 2013
I'm starting to care
Less and less
Mainly because
I've been made numb
And looked dumb
Too many times
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
My cause of death won't be
A physical ailment
I won't have a heart attack
I won't get heart disease
I won't be plagued with cancer
I won't die of old age

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I give all of myself
I stop whatever it is I'm doing
To help those around me
I listen to and advise my friends
I assist my family
While no one does that for me
I am left alone 99% of the time

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I must internalize
Whatever emotions I feel
Because nobody understands
How deeply they go
They judge me and find me crazy
There is no one out there
Who is as equally emotionally strung
I am alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that when I get sick
Or when I am hospitalized
Like I was earlier this month
No one seems to think it's a big deal
My mother doesn't pay much mind
Not even the one I'm in love with
Said one word to me
I was alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I don't see hope for the future
I see ignorance all around me
I see laziness and poverty
I don't see any opportunities
For me to get out of this place
I am wandering aimlessly
And alone

The cause of my death will be
The fact that I hate myself
For allowing my heart and my soul
To break as they both have
I am hypersensitive
I feel abandoned
I am weak and fragile
Even in a crowd of people
I always feel alone

No, I will not die from something physical
I will die from a broken heart
© Peyton 2014
Emily Jan 2014
I always feel so alone
Laying in my bedroom
Everyone I desire is out of sight
Everything I want doesn't seem worth the fight
It's hard for me to ignore
The heavy weight on my shoulders
Pressure from my family
To do a certain thing
And be a certain way
Pressure from outsiders
To feel things I can't feel
And do things I've never done before
I don't know who I am anymore
I've lost myself in my sorrow
It cannot be found
I've been searching long and hard
But I think the changes are permanent
I am no longer the same
I wish I could start over
And get another name
I want to go away
And forget about everyone I know
Just like they forget about me
Maybe I'll find someone new
Perhaps I'll develop a new passion
I'm tired of this life of mine
I'm too cowardly to end it
So I'll just sit here
Continuing to fail
From digging myself out of this hole
Maybe one day I'll get the courage
To go somewhere new
And start over
© Mela 2014
Emily Oct 2013
I think about you at night
And wonder what you're doing
Do you think of me?
Am I the one you're pursuing?

Sometimes I feel it's real
Sometimes I think it's not
Although my heart's all in
I feel yours can't be bought

Not with my tenderness
Not with my affection
It's not supposed to be bought
I'm just dying for your attention

Maybe I mean something
Maybe I don't at all
But you are something special
And it's hard not to fall

I fall for your soul
And your perfect heart
I feel the need for you
And I never want to part

You've got me on lock
I am under your spell
My love travels deep
And with that I'm compelled

Compelled to adore you
Forced to want you
And until I can have you
I'll continue to chase you
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
I'm not very attracted
To those who're easy
Those who go out
And act like they're so hot
Like what they do
Doesn't matter
As if there are
No consequences
I can get to know you
And love how you are
Love how you look
Walk and talk
But if you do that
With everyone
That crosses your path
You're no longer that special
Nor are you unique
You're not a person
Worth treasuring
It's a shame
People don't realize
Every choice
Makes a difference
When it comes to
Building one's character
© Peyton 2014
Emily Oct 2013
We have a nice thing going
But then it gets boring
Because I am unable to give
What you want most in this
My insecurities block me
From giving you your plea
And I disappoint the both of us
Then we feel there is no trust
Truth is, I don't trust anyone
Because my body is no fun
No, we can't have *** like that
All you would see is my fat
You respect me and you're patient
And for that, I try to not relent
But I'll always be held back
It's just a cold hard *fact
© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
Our relationship is so complicated
But it's anything but overrated
The love we share is concrete
No other feeling can compete

We make each other so happy
Together we form an army
That can withstand all adversity
We go about our love assertively

We don't want to hide
Or get over our pride
We want everyone to see
That our love sets us free

We've held back for so long
Always thinking our love was wrong
But now we're able to express
This beautiful relationship we possess

I truly feel like we're made for each other
I truly feel like you're my number one lover
Without you, I'd go crazy
You clear my mind when it gets all hazy

To have that peace and pleasure
Gives me contentment that I can't measure
Never stop giving your love, angel
Because to you, I'll always be faithful
© Peyton 2013
Emily Jul 2013
Sometimes I don't understand you.
Sometimes you say things,
but don't necessarily act like what you say is true.

You'll say you love me,
and your favorite thing to do is talk to me.
We'll speak all day and I will be so happy.
We talk about life, each other, our love, us.
Nothing could be better.

Other times...
You are short and not very talkative.
You put distance between us,
and I can actually feel it.
Nothing has to go wrong,
you just wake up and are this way.
Everything is different.
What happened that's making you stray?

I know it's not me.
It's someone else who hurt you.
And you can't get them out of your mind,
out of your heart.
You dwell on them and it rips us apart.

When will you see that I am the one for you,
making all the efforts for your happiness.
When will you realize that I give my all to you,
and that even just a little bit of you is
so satisfying.

It's hard for me to keep going on with this.
I need reciprocity.
I need care.
I need to be shown that you'll be there.
And that you want to be.
I am afraid that this is all **too much for me.
© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
That's what you are
5 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jul 2013
You consume me
I can't even sit down,
Without having to drown,
In thoughts of you.

I want you with me,
So I can hear you breathe,
And never watch you leave,
From my side.

This sounds generic,
I'm no writer,
Or a nail biter,
But it's all I do, because of you.

I want to love you,
And show you the world,
Such a beautiful girl,
Who deserves it all.

You're so perfect,
I guess I'll just have to wait,
And leave it up to fate,
That one day I may have you.
© Peyton 2013.
Emily Feb 2014
I once knew this person
Gender doesn’t matter
What mattered
Was this person’s heart
Although I’ve never met them personally
I can still tell
What love and care it held
We weren’t lovers
We weren’t friends
It was somewhat of
An in between
Some weird connection
That came out of no where
But it was fun
They were so nice
Always so caring
And so gentle with their words
They would text me
The second they woke up
The second they were going to sleep
We would tell each other things
That we never told anybody
I know their deepest secret
Not even family members are aware of
It’s such an honor
To be trusted like that
By someone I’ve never even met
It shows that
They know the real me
And know that I am trustworthy
Just like they are
We’re both deep and emotional beings
This person had such a kind and caring soul
I miss how genuinely sweet
They were
It makes others seem rude and selfish
Not everyone can be the cream of the crop
But this person was
And I miss them
© Mela 2014
Emily Nov 2013
I'm curled up and cold
No matter how I bundle up
I never get warm
My heart is frozen
My tears keep me company
From all the emptiness
I feel within me
My soul aches
From a hunger so strong
But there's nothing here to nourish me
This pain is so real
I feel myself bleeding
From the inside out
Curled up and cold
Starting to close my eyes
So that I can drift away
Into a dream
The only place I'm loved
The only place I'm wanted
Reality is just too hard
I don't want to go on
So I'm curled up and cold
In a few minutes I'll be asleep
And for the hours that I'm away
I'll be a little bit okay
Tired in every way.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
I am plagued
With the curse
Of your sweet love
10 words

© Peyton 2013
Emily Jan 2014
I'm just a ****** up
I don't deserve you
And I don't deserve her
I deserve hate
From the both of you
It would be best
If y'all just
Cut me off
© Peyton 2014
Emily Nov 2013
Dear Brother,
Today we partook in something
Mother wouldn't have been proud of
We tried to keep it a secret
But mothers know all
I wanted to wait for another time
I wanted to do it a different way
Be responsible
But I gave in to your rookie ways
Wanted to be the cool sister
And provide for you what my little bro wanted
Just to have a little fun
Now I'm in trouble
I take the blame for you
I won't let mom find out
But let this be a lesson for the both of us
Listen to your older, wiser sister
And the fun can still take place
But until then, I'll take this fall
And accept the consequences
Because I love you so
And don't want our mother
Looking at you the way she looks at me
© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
Dearest you,
It's hard to put into words
The feelings I get
They make my stomach turn
Sometimes good, sometimes bad
At the end of the day
You're the best I'll ever have
We talk about forever
We both think
We'll end up leaving each other
But let's not get ahead of ourselves
Let's live for this moment
When we think about our long lives ahead
There's only one image that comes to mind
Only one way in which we'll spend our time
Only one we can imagine marrying
Only one we can imagine loving
And that's us
You're my best friend
That'll never change
From here, we'll only grow
And we will continue to exchange
We have it all
Every day, I continue to fall
Thank you for being you
My dearest
I love you
That is all
For my B.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Dec 2013
I die inside
When I think of how much I want to love him
But I'm stuck loving you instead
20 words.

© Peyton 2013
Emily Oct 2013
Not solely your beauty
Strength and wisdom
Compel me to love you
But your darkness
Sorrow and despair
Make me delve deeper
Onto a different layer

The layers to your mind
And the levels of depth
To your broken soul
Strike something in me
And I just have to know
Everything about you
And all of your thoughts
I only wish to help you through
And untangle your mind's knots

You are the victim
Of a unique circumstance
It's brought awful symptoms
But I'm hoping I get the chance
To bring you comfort
And allow you to feel secure
Then maybe I could convert
Your tarnished heart to pure

I want to help pull you
Out of this despondency
Expose to you the truth
And be with you constantly
I wish you could see
All that you are to me
You're everything and more
The one I truly adore
Realize your worth
And don't ever leave this earth
© Peyton 2013
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