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 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
I haven't been honest.

Chaz only sends me snaps of
bunched rosettas, I want to tell
him, move your pitcher back
as the stacks form so that you
get a more elongated pour

but I don't want to deter him
from correlating steamed milk
and espresso with my name, so
I don't. And he has a new girlfriend
now with slim fingers and defined nostrils
that make me think of Audrey Hepburn, so
at first I tried to insert myself into their bubble
to be a part of their happiness or maybe just
Audrey's beautifully sculpted features. But
to be honest I stopped talking to him
back in May or March because we had
this sort of thing that I didn't know
how to handle and so many girls
had handled his **** since then,
since me, that nothing felt like
it held any concrete significance,
pursuing whatever it was that I
was pursuing, would not make
me feel any more whole, which
was what I was aiming for.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

I've never taken the time to get to know the people I have loved.
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
"You're a very selfish human being."
The mirror
word or breath back.
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
i get lost in the
valleys but You
always bring me
to a clearing
before we shove
on you bandage
my heels.

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
please be kind to people like that,
people who turn down the music
whenever it rains
because they are afraid
of how big the world is
and yet somehow comforted by
how small the sky makes them
feel when it opens up

please stay silent in the
passenger's seat as they greet
every spec of the universe
that comes quietly to their

be gentle as they
try to make sense
of space and time
and all the longing
those people are always longing

please speak softly
as they pull their knees into their
chest, just to feel closer
to themselves
because they forget
what the backs of their wrists
feel like sometimes
& that alarms them

please don't laugh
when they stare at their feet,
wondering how many miles
they've used up
and how many miles
they have left

please be kind to people like that
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
I touched the horizon
for less than a minute
and cleansed myself
of you.
we did not belong
i was a moment away
from texting you to ask
if it was cold outside today
in my south east texas town

it hit me all over again

every road sign, a sigh
to the fact that i am unable
to enjoy the weather
to enjoy your company

you make it clear that
you will not be coming back
to tell me how the weather
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
 Oct 2014 Megan Grace
I have always
kissed first,
unzipped first
nuzzled into
your hip bone
first, while you
hid your face
beneath my pillow, first.
the nervousness evades
me with it's wispy fingers
too afraid to be afraid I
live by first come first

(c) Brooke Otto 2014

A real problem.
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