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May 2022 · 191
Love Poem
meanwhile May 2022
It's a yearning, an aching
An apparition crawling back into my skin
The return of a once again forgotten feeling
A desire to hide inside another's arms
To be surrounded in their scent as they hold me tight
Even if the one I love loves the one I loved
To have them whisper sweet nothings into my ear
Empty words that I'll hold dear
Til the day I break and vanish and start anew
With a body that is different yet still mine
Or so I am deluded enough to believe
It's all I can bring myself to ask
Though more than I can even dream of receiving
For I've naught to give in return but shallow words written on a phone screen
And though it feels like the world is always ending
Like the sky is always falling
It's just the heart talking, lovesick beating
Any significance in this feeling will be lost in a week or two from now
it's something
meanwhile Oct 2019
the ferns are entangled around my tired legs
stood in the forest that sits on the edge of the world
we've been gathered here for hours, our eyes locked to the skies
the ever-growing warmth ******* the water our of the air

my neighbour's cat is a mist around my ankles
struggling to comprehend what we're all seeing
the birds that peppered the skies are blown out by the blinding light
neil is at a complete and utter loss for words

the ocean that surrounds us begins to reach its boiling point
the fishes and the sharks and the orca finally found unity
fleeing even deeper into the abyss in order to survive
faced with a predator that's larger than life

these are the final moments of the universe
soon the sun will swallow us all alive and we cannot stop it
my skin is burning, i hope it won't take much longer
but despite it all, i'm glad i can spend my final moment with you
Oct 2019 · 202
cold star, pt. 2
meanwhile Oct 2019
i lift my hand to the sky
i hold my cold, dry palm up high
your gentle embrace graces my skin
my cracking tapestry of veins and bones

i lower you down so i can see you
twinkling, freezing, before my own teary eyes
you were my cold star on a hot summer night
but my star is no longer in your night sky

i carefully pry my fingers open
as these lips you once kissed form a small circle
i blow you away
drift free, cold star, you need not return to me

deep down, i know you can't turn around
deep down, i know our veins don't cross
my starless, icy palm returns to my side
residing where you once were before i sent you off

slow pulsing, tear dreaming for that cold summer embrace
meanwhile Sep 2019
i've been awake since 6am
i'm running on two and a half hours of sleep
i've been on the road since 7am
and i'm writing this at 1pm
i'm thinking about greggs sausage rolls
thinking about where i'm going in life
thinking about when this road will end
thinking about slowthai's yugioh cards
thinking about how much i love frank ocean
thinking about how i interpolate milo lyrics to fit my life
though i probably couldn't tell you what his words mean
thinking about how i drift from one person to the next
desperately searching for a new friend to cling to
thinking about why i didn't shave my face
for two weeks i was scared that with a blade in reach
i'd be tempted to slice my throat
if i drowned, would my body float?
thinking about how i should cut my hair
thinking about how i can act cuter
thinking about that coil girlfriend
but maybe i'll go for a boy instead
i burned my mouth on a greggs sausage roll again
so it looks like it's all going to plan
sometimes i view greggs as a temple
and the sausage roll is my zen master
i find solace in cheap british bakeries
just like how i find peace in a black man's philosophies
today i'll get my groceries from the nostrum grocers
and write poems at the apex of my sleepiness
this road is only going one way
and i can't go back to pick up the pieces
so i collect what i can to stitch together a new tapestry
made out of the few remaining pieces of the old me
maybe one day driver will say i have perfect hair
thinking about how excited i am to read tallen's messages on discord
it's nice hearing about his l5r discourse
thinking about how i promised to deliver instrumentals for quetzal
but i never did get started on them
thinking about my friend gabe's new album
and how i wish i had richard dawson's falsetto
and how i wish someone would hug me
but if i admitted that, that'd feel pretty needy of me
i don't know when this road will end
maybe i'm stuck on here forever
immortalised in the asphalt like a dead bird
approach me like you would your dad hanging in trafalgar square
i used to smile in every selfie
now it's a chore to smirk at all
but it ain't all bad
i might make curry on saturday
or maybe i'll make chicken soup
and it'll be better than hers
because i'll make sure to remove the bones
Sep 2019 · 212
an ice cream paradise pt. 2
meanwhile Sep 2019
i waited by myself on the corner
of the fever dream street at the border
i don't wait for you here anymore
last week you went and walked out the door

struck hard by the sadness, i cried into my ice cream
this cold bowl of sweet tears, i set it down next to me
i didn't think i could go on, i muttered to myself "rest in peace"
the bus don't come for me, but it's nice that i've set me free

i still drift on through my ice cream paradise and
i ain't gonna stop but i think of you from time to time and
i know i wasted 10 months sitting in your front room laughing
but no matter how angry i feel, i can't say i honestly regret it

i still drift on through my ice cream paradise and
i ain't gonna stop but it would be nice to find someone else and
maybe this time i'll find someone who actually always cares for me
... bonus points if she listens to coil too

the sun's gone down and the sky is clear
but still no stars sparkle in my mirror
i'd like to climb back up there and see the world so clear
but for now i think i'll spend some time down here

next time i'm up there, i'll remember to buy myself a souvenir
i love ice cream and i don't need a girlfriend to keep loving it
May 2019 · 229
an ice cream paradise
meanwhile May 2019
we waited for each other on the corner
of the fever dream street at the border
our bus passed by but it was out of order
that's okay cause i know a way that's shorter

as we dawdled along the shorter route
so engrossed in each other like we're glued
talking about the tv shows that we viewed
and the sweetness of all the snacks that we chewed

the tide goes on and on and
i hope it doesn't stop and
i cherish every second and
i wish we could drift through this ice cream paradise forever

the tide goes on and on and on and
we're swept up by the waves and
we're taken someplace new and
we're carried slowly through this ice cream paradise together

i feel you on my arm as we watched the skies
stood in awe and secretly hoping one of us cries
protecting each other from our bored sighs
knowing we're in this together until our demise

then we made it back to your place, loving
the time we spent together, memories preserving
we spent six months in the front room, laughing
and collaging all our dreams together, photographing

later you laid me to bed and told me what i knew
and i still teared up cause it's coming from you
the sweet words you utter shine with a rainbow hue
and then we end another day by saying "i love you, i do"

i wish we could drift through this ice cream paradise forever
i hope we can drift through this ice cream paradise forever
i know we will drift through this ice cream paradise forever
i wish we could drift through this ice cream paradise forever
i love ice cream and i love my girlfriend
meanwhile Apr 2019
near, far, wherever you are
or something something something like that one song said
some swan song for the long gone
their lives no longer drawn on

i'm sat in a dark room, pen in hand
pondering on the whereabouts of my old friends
writing free form poetry about them, behind their backs
but i ain't seen them in years, for all i know they're all dead

the rivers have been dry for decades
the mascara doesn't run for those exempt from life
the heart has already ran on long ago
the mind is always stuck harpooning at the past

piece together the swan song
the lad's best friend was dragged away
years go by without a single thought of him
then it sweeps me off my feet like a mental clothesline

he could be living the dream in australia
or hanging from a tree in his ma's backyard
could've took after his abusive father
wonder if he even remembers who i was

lied about him being murdered to others
somehow it made my sadness feel more real
in retrospect that all made him sound far less real
wonder how he'd react if he knew i did that

he's probably making good use of his time and life
enjoying his days for however long they will last
but here i sit all alone, clock past midnight
writing up a drawn on swan song for the long gone
some form of stream of consciousness from a tired state of mind, maybe it makes sense or something
Apr 2019 · 246
Marble Skull
meanwhile Apr 2019
Winds ripple through the marble skull
Crystalline structures forming in the eye sockets
A soft chime rings, droning through the air
Cutting through all who come near
As the grass climbs the crescent
The emerald blades cross the sun
Life has found the lifeless skull
The giantess of old has found new beauty
Her flowing locks shine in a glistening jade
Owls have found a home in her cranium
Her new found form has allowed her to return

The emerald queen is here. Bow thy heads to o' Mother Nature.
Mar 2019 · 156
Second Decadence
meanwhile Mar 2019
Trawling through a glacial mist
Grasping at the straws of space and time
Trying to comprehend what's come and gone
Trying to comprehend the storm to come

My coat drags along the white powder snow
My past footsteps obscured with each march onward
My eyes locked to nothing in the distance
My lips ****** with my teeth sunk in deep

I drop to my knees
I bury my face
I scream out my lungs
I scream out your name

I know there's more to come
I know I must pick up what I've dropped
I know you're out there
I know you're with me

But I'm waiting for your love
To animate my veins.
meanwhile Dec 2018
dusty winds of solemn
dance around the column
shatter the glass heart
a love i will impart

o, hear my songs of affection
deft remarks of reflection
o, hear my songs of rejection
shivering introspection

feel my cries, my darling
the feelings i am guarding
let them find you
let me find you

o, feel my words of dejection
all my thoughts of complexion
o, feel my words of confession
my begging for protection

let it find you
Dec 2017 · 384
. "Wandering Stars"
meanwhile Dec 2017
Wandering stars
Like a shattered glass bauble
Broken like a promise
Or... actually, did I break it?

Did I say I'd stop forever?

Those glass shards are still falling
There's still time to catch them
To pick them up and put them back together again
To breathe new life into an idea that was once thought to be dead

While it may never be the same as it was before
Its new form has the potential to be even better than the last

It just depends on how you actually look at it.
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
meanwhile Dec 2017
This is it.
My ending.
My epitaph.
I am exhausted.
I have explored every idea I wanted to explore.
I have told the stories I have wanted to tell.
My imagination has been stretched to its very limits.
It's time to call it a day.

For now.

Perhaps, someday, I may return.
To write a second chapter.
A new beginning.

Until then, farewell.
meanwhile Nov 2017
An iron gate slams shut in the wind
A train grinds against the rails as it comes to a halt
A man can be heard talking to himself down the hallway
His voice echoing through these otherwise silent corridors
"I'm all alone again."

As I enter the room
I find myself surrounded by shadows
Men and women, all dressed in black
Some are crying, others stand idly with a grim look on their face
All facing a coffin in the middle of the room.

A few people turned towards me
But no one said a word
In the crowded court of this grief
I found myself feeling uncomfortable
To save myself further embarrassment, I made my excuses and left.
Nov 2017 · 342
"Hatred of Music"
meanwhile Nov 2017
Please, make it stop.
Every note feels like a bullet to my skull.
Every melody feels like a sword cutting through my spine.
Every song feels like I'm being drawn and quartered.
I try asking them to turn it down,
But they only turn it up!

Every sound feels like torture
Ripping through my eardrums
Even the click of a pen is deafening
I try to cover my ears, but the sounds just don't stop hurting!
Every word I say makes me crush my own head with my hands
I just want to sit and wallow in absolute silence
Away from all this noise
I want to be rid of this pain
Even writing this poem sounds someone tearing at my brain
I just want to die.
Nov 2017 · 337
"Promised Land"
meanwhile Nov 2017
We stray far from a land turned to ash
We sail away from the perils of warfare
Passing through guarded political borders
And hiding in the blind spots of armed watchtowers
We're gonna get there.

There are five of us split between two boats
One boat suffered damages during our escape
While the men are free from their slavery, they are still forced to work
Throwing buckets of water overboard, in rhythm with the waves
We're gonna get there.

As the sun begins to sink into the sea behind us
We spot dark clouds forming ahead
As thick as the smoke from the burning city we fled
We will be hit by the storm, just like our hometowns
We're gonna get there.

In the wind we swayed back and fourth
The damaged boat crumbles away. Three men drown.
They died with dignity. They died as free men.
We must push onward. We cannot let their sacrifice be for naught.
We're gonna get there.

We spend the rest of our days reassuring ourselves
Ensuring we know what we did was right
We spend the rest of our days searching
Travelling the crossroad between life and death
We're gonna get there.
To the promised land.
Nov 2017 · 359
"Rockets Fall"
meanwhile Nov 2017
The air raid siren sounds through the busy streets
People flood out of their homes and rush to the bunkers
Children and pets are trampled by the tidal wave of screams
It was every man for himself at this hour of the night

The hobos and the madmen of the alleyways looked at each other
They knew they had no place to be safe from the oncoming terror
Rivalries were dropped so they could all enjoy their final moment
Together, as the city's outcasts. Together, as a family.

Overhead, a squadron of heavy bombers fly over the city
Like shooting stars in the night sky - except they don't bring wishes
As they pass over the city, they open their hatches
Atomic payloads drop out of the bombers and fall to the ground

Upon impact, an entire civilisation is wiped out completely.
Millions of lives. Decades of work. Lost to the wind.
Thousands of happy stories, erased and replaced by one sad poem.
All that remains is the shadow of the people, scorched into the ruins.
Nov 2017 · 468
meanwhile Nov 2017
She stands in the midst of a vast meadow
A wind blows gently, it doesn't phase the widow
Only the rustling of the grass and flowers can be heard
Not a single creature lives here, the widow is alone

Before her stands a tall archway made of sunflowers
Each flower spiralling around one another in unity
To form two curved pillars that interlock at the top
It is a portal to an alternate reality: A gate

The widow has known about this structure for some time
She has examined it from every possible angle
But she has never entered it
She does not know what lies beyond, or if she can ever return

Finally, the widow decides to explore the world beyond the gate
She gathers her wits and steps underneath the interlocked pillars
To be greeted by a world that is not too much different from her own
But as she turns around, she sees that the world is engulfed in flames
Nov 2017 · 453
meanwhile Nov 2017
I stand tall on a pillar of bones
And I look towards the sky
As magnificent wings tear open my back
Emerging from my spine
The splendour of these white feathers
That I have been gifted for my efforts
I will cherish them greatly
For they are my new pride and joy

I spread my wings and look down
These bones I stand proudly on
The lives I've sacrificed for my lord
I did everything I had to for this gift
I have slaughtered my enemies
I have slaughtered my friends
I have even slaughtered my family
All for the glory of my lord

I have assembled this tower of bones
So I can become closer to my lord
So I can bask in his grace
So I too can become a god
To swim through the skies
And be free of the horrors of down below
No sacrifice was too great for this moment
I have finally broken free

I throw my body off of my pillar
With my wings spread, I glide
I soar through the skies with pride
I flap my wings and begin to ascend
But I notice that my wings start to feel heavy
They start to grow stiff
My wings are turning to stone...
My wings are turning to stone!

Please, my lord, why is this happening!?
I did everything for you!
I gave you my entire life!
Please, please, please, let me fly!
I don't want to fall!
I don't want to fall!
I don't want to fall!
I don't want to...

Regardless of my begging
I plummet towards the ground
Engulfed in a ball of flames
I am an angel of stone
Sent down to the ground so soft
My impact will bring holy fire
I am the divine intervention
To bring an end to those who walk the same path I did.
Nov 2017 · 241
meanwhile Nov 2017
Street light's red
He fondles his girl
She appreciates his touch
Love is in the air tonight
The ****** tension is unbearable
They cannot wait to get home
To explore each other's bodies in bed

Street light's amber
The car behind honks its horn
He is caught off guard
His girl gets up to look out of the sunroof
Her denim shorts rest against his face
He is distracted by her glamour

Street light's green
He slams his foot down on the pedal
The engine revs and the vehicle jerks forward
He hasn't even grabbed the wheel yet
His girl loses her balance and falls into him
His hands knock the wheel
The car swerves into the intersection
He curses and tries to gain control of the car
His girl tries to regain her balance
But a semi ploughs into the vehicle from the left
The vehicle is tipped onto its side and scrapes against the street
His girl screams and tries to get back inside
Another car speeds by in panic and it hits his girl
Her head is ripped off by the impact
He is knocked unconscious
Their foolishness caused this scene

Sirens ring in the distance
He regains his consciousness and climbs out of the wreck
He evaluates the damages to figure out the costs
But he stumbles upon a sight which will haunt him to this day
The body of his girl spread out and mutilated by the crash
Her blood pours out of her neck and pools in the street
This night was to end in splendour
Yet their actions only resulted in misery
Nov 2017 · 222
meanwhile Nov 2017
Five hanged men drift peacefully way up high
Disturbed only by the rip tide in the sky
Casting an unusual light like a firefly
Who are these men, and who did they defy?
Why do their ropes tell me unholy lies?
Even beyond the clouds do their chains rise
Nov 2017 · 241
meanwhile Nov 2017
This place is just too perfect
It's begging to be wrecked
It leaves no box unchecked
It makes me want to disconnect

All of my sins I've confessed
I almost feel oppressed
For I am imperfect
Trapped in this flawlessness that I detest
Trying to meet these standards, it's making me stressed
I know I'll succeed at a couple things at best
Before I end up ripping my heart out of my chest




Nov 2017 · 376
"Palmless Prayer"
meanwhile Nov 2017
A woman kneels on the edge of the cliff
She carries a child in her arms
Her tears fall to join the black sea
She holds the child's tiny palm in her hand

The woman looks up as she prays
But her prayers cannot reach her god
A thick film of smoke obfuscates her wishes
A barrier born from the destruction of her village

The king's men quickly approach
She knows they will not spare her
For she does not believe in the same god
She will be thrown into the flames with her companions

The woman turns to her pursuers
The men in chainmail are closing in
She knows they will **** her before they **** her
For they see her as a pagan savage
She sees them as the same.

She looks back to the black sea
If she is to die, she wishes to die with dignity
She clutches the child tightly
And she steps backwards.
Nov 2017 · 259
"Glass Walls"
meanwhile Nov 2017
Why can I not see through to her?
I raise my hand to wave
But she's just a blur
Has she made me her slave?

Do I love her too much?
Is that why I am behind this veil?
I simple want to feel her touch
But each time I try I only fail
cheers for the name, johnny!
Nov 2017 · 244
"Machine Gun"
meanwhile Nov 2017
All lined up
Palms against the wall
They're praying for a saviour
But they know nobody cares

Three men raise their arms
Tools of war, constructed only to take lives
To spray the walls with the blood of the guilty
Or the blood of the innocent

The order is given
Sharp cracks fill the street
Like a master whipping a slave
Only a thousand times faster

Hollow cylinders of brass clatter on the cobble floor
The wine of life flows through the grooves in between the stones
As the bodies fall, their essence pours into the drains
To join the rest of the waste this city wants to dispose of
Nov 2017 · 631
meanwhile Nov 2017
Smog lingers in the streets
Neon lights flicker to trip hop beats
Tears of the homeless pool around the people's feet
The alleys are chock full of perverts and creeps

These people have never even seen the sun
The only ones who have are on the run
Only to be killed by the gun
By the ones who find no elegance in fun

A chain link fence surrounds a complex
Developed to promote society's prospects
Through the act of turning victims into objects
Enslaving them to work on the government's projects

The prisoners are fed soggy biscuits
And can only hear the sounds of artificial crickets
Forced to work just to see something explicit
The only thing left that can raise their spirits
Nov 2017 · 486
"Funeral Pyre"
meanwhile Nov 2017
The trees have come to a standstill
The crows and the ravens watch over the field
Nothing dares make a sound, out of fear of being revealed
A mist rises from the ****** soil

A funeral pyre stands tall
Made out of the spears and shields of the fallen
The remains of several families that have been destroyed
Oh how the gods must be overjoyed

Twelve preacher boys
All stood in a ring
Around the pyre
Longing for dusk

Once the sun had ducked behind the horizon
One boy stepped forward
He cast a torch into the pyre
The lost can only be freed by the fire
Nov 2017 · 306
meanwhile Nov 2017
His existance is a sin
His left arm is remarkably thin
His torso is built like a tank
But he has a heart of glass

He wishes he was dead
But they refuse to pull him out
Each time the heart rate monitor beeps
Nobody but the mutant weeps

Each beep is like a shockwave
It feels like sandpaper to his brain
He wants to sever himself from this machine
That causes him extreme pain

Trapped in the vanity of his form
He is enveloped in his misery
To serve as entertainment for his sadistic creators
Is the reason why he was born
Nov 2017 · 302
"Let go"
meanwhile Nov 2017
You’re too close
Move away
I want to get out

This cage you trap me in
I appreciate your will to protect
But your embrace only restricts me
You render me vulnerable
I hate it

In this position I am powerless
I am forced to rely on your warmth
Of which you could use against me
In this very moment

Please let go.
Nov 2017 · 412
"Life and Death"
meanwhile Nov 2017
Let them all down
Let them all drown
I brought them this far
I don’t need them anymore

Let them all run
Let them all burn
From here onwards I walk alone
For I am now the free man I want to be

Cut the shackles that bind me to strife
Cut the shackles that bind them to life
They are no longer a burden to me
Now they can only torment the worms

The only difference between me and them
Is life and death
Life and death!
Life! And! Death!
Nov 2017 · 367
"God Grid"
meanwhile Nov 2017
An overarching god
Like a grid painted in the stars
Omnipotent, but no longer omniscient
For he has lost his eyes!

Two giant ***** of crystal flung through space
The god grid’s once all-seeing eyes
Hurled into a colourful sphere floating in place
A planet made of wax!

The wax creatures panic
The wick economy crashes
Their once peaceful civilisation
Was about to be torn apart!

A vivid explosion
A tightly woven species shatters
Launched into the furthest reaches of space
There is naught that can be done
To prevent a god’s accidental wrath!
Nov 2017 · 233
meanwhile Nov 2017
She’s too cold
She tries to keep cool
But it’s ice cold
She’s frozen stiff

No space to see
No space to think
No space to breathe
No space to scream

Any movement would disturb the snow
Making her situation even worse
She has become embodied with the mountain
A goddess who can only **** herself
Nov 2017 · 249
meanwhile Nov 2017
Cut the ties that bind you to strife
Be rid of the ones that hold back your life
Slice the umbilical cord with your knife
Put an end to them before your halflife
Nov 2017 · 214
meanwhile Nov 2017
Walls smeared with red
The rotten smell of a cadaver
He won’t be the last one here
There are flies on the window

                                                         ­                 A liquid pools around her
                                                             ­  Looks of wine but reeks of death
                                                           ­         She won’t be the last one here
                                                            ­     There are maggots on the walls

He follows the flies
He knows they’re full of lies
It’s a question of trust
But in a state of panic, trust is all he has

                                                            ­                     She weeps as she slips
                                                         But this final stretch can’t be her last
                                                            ­                      It’s a question of trust
                                                           ­         She trusts fate to save her past

He thinks he is getting close

                                                          ­     She knows she is going nowhere

He thinks it’s a question of time

                                                         She knows the maggots draw closer

He can see the flies growing in numbers

                                        She can feel the maggots crawling on her skin

He is stripped of his sight
The flies love the smell of the guilt on his face
He screams

                                                        ­                             She cannot hear him

He fights the demons that feast on him
He rips off his skin to free himself from the guilt
But that only attracts even more demons

                                                         ­     She is stripped down to the bone
                                                         The maggots have found their home
                                                            ­                                       She screams

He cannot hear her

                                                     She realises that fate betrayed her trust

He realises that the flies betrayed his trust

                 Their trust only drew them closer to their demise
Nov 2017 · 302
meanwhile Nov 2017
The sun is ablaze
Scorching the fine grains
He trudges through the sand
Counting his steps until his last

His skin is peeling
Flaking away to join the burning powder
The trail he leaves is drenched with blood and sweat
Remnants of a bygone civilisation remind him that he will not make it

The wind picks up
He finds himself in a cloud of unknowing
His eyes are blasted by the remains of his ancestors
His feet are crumbling but he does not realise it until he has fallen

His heart pounds
The ruins around him collapse
The one he hopes to find is long gone
He is blinded by the guilt that this land punishes him with

He is suffering
The dust is clogging the wounds created by his lust
He keeps crawling but exhaustion is getting the better of him
He wants to cry but he is too dehydrated to let the tears go to waste

He is fading
This torture brought upon him is making him forget
He does not know why he brought himself to this land lost in time
But none of that matters now, for he will join the ones who came before him

Waiting for the next to make the same fatal mistake

To find the ones who are lost

Only to join them in the sand

Another grain to punish the next
Nov 2017 · 222
"Concrete" Pt. 2
meanwhile Nov 2017
I stepped out of the doctor’s office
                      My vision is fuzzy
       I cannot see straight
He told me it was terminal
             I don’t have long
      I need to move
                      I can’t move
     I must move
        How do I move?
Nothing is moving but I must move
            I want to go home.
    I want to go home.
                                 Let me go home.
               I want to go home.
           I am running
                    I think I am running
       I want to live
              I am running
I can’t run fast enough
                 I need to run faster
      How was she alive?
                   She shouldn’t be alive.
   I am running
                         Not much further
           I cannot stop
                         Not much further
           I mustn’t stop
                         Who am I?
           I will not stop
                              I can see it
                     I’m home.
             I’m home.
                    There’s someone outside.
          Who is he?
                     What is he doing?
           His arms are out stretched.
                     His arms are out stretched.
                               His arms are out stretched.
           Is he signalling me?
      Should I go?
I don’t think I should go.
                I must go.

But the man is no longer there.
I look around, but I cannot find him.
All that remains is four holes in the ground.
Only one hole is empty.
Friends fill the others.
I am home.
Nov 2017 · 219
"Concrete" Pt. 1
meanwhile Nov 2017
Grey skies loom
Street lights bloom
The roads are dead
A car’s on fire
But the flames don’t move
Is it all in my head?

Houses with broken windows
Boarded up shops
A town once in motion
But has since stopped
Shards of glass still cover the sky
Am I alone?

I turn the corner
A grey room on a hill
Surrounded by concrete walls
Protected from the dead
A small pillar of life
Will it always remain?

Here are my friends
But also some foes
They stand on this hill
Within these walls
Loitering around
Looking at the ground
Even in this dead world I am not at peace

I enter the grey room
This is my home
A cold, yet comfy place
Tarnished by their disgrace
Everything is mine
Until the end of time
I rest here hoping things will be fine

A bag hangs from the wall
Inside, a rifle
The beautiful walnut stock
A glimpse into the once colourful past
The world that once was full of treasures like this
Where this splash of colour was taken for granted
Those times are gone

I hear someone come in
She calls my name
I turn around
A spectre? She shouldn’t be here
She places her hands on my cheeks
I thought she was dead
Nov 2017 · 235
meanwhile Nov 2017
it is important not to set the bar too high
to reach a peak so soon
it burdens the mind

the mind is like a field
continuous rich harvests burden the land
a poor harvest is required to allow the land to recover

if one continues to raise the bar each time
only disappointment will ensue
to find yourself in a position where you can’t satisfy even yourself
it truly is distressing
but stagnation is important for prolonging one’s creativity
so you can slowly improve
and eventually bring yourself closer to that bar you raised so high
until you are ready to raise it once more
being new to poetry, i have found myself frequently setting the bar higher for myself. with my last poem, "Bridges", i personally feel like i have stagnated - so i decided to write a poem about stagnation in general, as a way of getting my thoughts down somewhere
Nov 2017 · 209
meanwhile Nov 2017
In a land of walls
Towering so high
Cold to the touch
Covered in snow
A world so bright
Yet oh so cold

But it is not endless
For beyond these walls
New lands lie patiently
Waiting to be found
All it takes
Is for one to discover them

Between these lands
Stand bridges of ice
Glistening paths of light
Reaching over the abyss
To bring new territories to life

Who made these bridges?
One could not tell
Yet their purpose is certain
To carry us further
To take us to new wonders
To reach beyond our scope
And expand our knowledge of the world
i personally am not too keen on this one, i feel like i stretched myself for ideas, and it doesn't really go anywhere. it was an exercise of writing something atmospheric and uplifting, but it lacks a progression, and as a result it merely lingers around the same idea.
Nov 2017 · 483
meanwhile Nov 2017
I will guide him up a rope to the sky
I wish for him to see the world how I see it
I wish for him to feel the stars how I feel them
I wish for him to hear the wind how I hear it
I will guide him up a rope to the sky

For us to tower above the ego of man
For us to look down on the petty war
For us to cherish the thought of living
For us to find the happiness we all seek

But should he fall
Should he slip
Should I fail to grasp his hand
It’s a long way down
He will fall the greatest depths
Fall further than we have climbed
Fall beyond the conflict we strove to escape
Together, we will be no more
I will be in the sky
He will be down below
Hanging by a long, twisted thread
As he snaps out of it
A flower trampled into the mud
Nov 2017 · 359
meanwhile Nov 2017
Mountain of flames
Higher and higher
Smoke climbs higher
Orchards of fire

Seconds, minutes, hours
Days, weeks, months
Years of history
Stories in the wood
Take to the sky
Higher and higher
As the smoke climbs higher
In the orchards of fire

But the history is not lost
No, it is only misplaced
Stolen by the atmosphere
Spread across the skies
Fragments of a past life
To shield us from the stars
Nov 2017 · 387
meanwhile Nov 2017
Tumbling through the liquid space
Their teeth surround me
Red mist engulfs my face
I think they have found me

Lost in a cloud of doubt
The cage they want to escape
My core pulsates
Every pulse bursting red
I am a beacon

The rose scatters
They approach me
Existence flutters
They encage me

Tumbling through the red liquid space
These walls that surround me
They are made of flesh
Dentine blades rend me
My life ruptures
To what purpose these jaws serve
Other than to put out another beacon?
Nov 2017 · 223
meanwhile Nov 2017
ideas spiral around my head
so many things i want to do
so many things i want to create
but i can only create more ideas
everything is unfinished
even this poem isn’t done
everything remains an idea
a graveyard no one visits
everybody enters
but no one leaves

perhaps through poetry
i will clear my head
of all my ideas
before i’m

— The End —