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  Aug 2017 Marrisa
Andrew Guzaldo c
"True friends are like diamonds,
Precious but rare,
Fake friends are like dry fallen leaves,
And unfortunately they are found everywhere"
By A Guzaldo 2017 (c)
Marrisa Aug 2017
Another man with sad seal eyes.
Water collects in them but
it hasn't moved past the borders
and down the cheeks.
Above the surface
he silently composes himself.
A bruised heart will not
break his pride.
Sad and hurting, he swims off
into the deep unknown.
There's more fish in the sea,
he has to believe.
A teardrop does not
matter underwater,
where it can go by unseen.
  Aug 2017 Marrisa
No one knows
about the real monsters,
not the ones under the bed
or hidden in the closet
that want to take us away
but the ones that come dressed as humans
and claim they love you
but don't.
They don't know that
monsters rule the world
and their only goal
is to make us be like them.
Marrisa Aug 2017
These walls that she built
were not meant to be destroyed.
The gate is sealed,
no longer able to be opened.
A heart hardened
by the words that were spoken.
Her checks were dampened
by the tears that never dried.
The happy appearance that showed
wouldn't be changed.
No one needed to know
what she had gone through.
Her lips were tightly closed
so these feelings would stay secured.
She stayed hidden away from the walls
afraid one day someone will come
and break down her barriers.
Marrisa Aug 2017
Just a little girl
with no wishing;
No dreaming of being free.
Hurting so bad she can't feel a thing
until something starts reminding her
and it all comes flowing back.
Left always asking "Why me?"
Not caring what tomorrow will bring
since the pain is just a blur.
She’s waiting for the oncoming attack,
hoping she'll be quick enough to act.
Momma crying. Daddy yelling.
She's praying that it'll all go away.
Words go flying and so do items.
Her story goes on, forgotten.
Losing all sanity, all her family.
She's finding that Jesus
is as real as the struggle.
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