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At any moment I can pretend it’s all okay,
And that’s just what I’ll do to get through my day

I’ll sit and I’ll smile, I’ll chat and I’ll wave.
No one sees through the way I behave.

When my feelings creep up on me once again,
I’ll push them away till they creep back in,
And I’ll cry, way past ten

When it comes time again to go through my day
I numb myself, and the pain goes away

The best part is, you don’t even see
you would never imagine all that’s happening to me
I hide behind my own brick wall,
Build to hide from myself, the thoughts, the words, and everything else
Sadness captures every thought,
My capacity to love is becoming wrought
I can’t tell you what’s happening, deep inside, but I can tell you to please, be very kind
Because you’ll never know when there’s a kid just like me
Crying themselves to sleep without a reason to be seen
They can’t ask for help because nobody believes
Just exactly what is happening to me

And nobody, ever sees
It’s part of the trick, the curse, the scene
Tragic as it may be, it’s happening, everywhere you look
Everywhere you can’t see

Blinded by the simple thought that a smile means you’re happy,
And a frown that you’re not
I can’t believe how little you see,
Shocking, slightly, it kind of is
But then I’ll think I don’t want you to know,
And as another tear drops I’ll curl into a ball
No, no, this isn’t happening
But oh it is, darling sweetie
Voices, inside your head, fight with one another, oh, who will win?
Twisted, insane and sick thoughts
Creep through your head
And you can’t tell a single soul,
Oh, you hide it so well

No one will ever know
I am a candle.

My flame is small. It provides no warmth, and just enough light. But it takes only a little bit to get me started. Once I am lit, I will burn for a long while. I may not have much to give, but I will give it all, until I'm just a puddle of spent wax.

I can't endure much. I will follow you, but only if you carry me. I will weather the wind, but only if you shield me. I'll be your hope, your light, your shining star.

I am a candle.
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
I sit here
Listening to the haunting melody
As she sings our song.
I imagine you here
By my side singing along.
It feels wrong to listen to the music
We used to love
And listen to together.
I miss you so much.
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
I keep flipping your pages
And giggling aloud.
You spread a fuzzy feeling
Across my chest.
Can't stop smiling
I figure people think am nuts
But i feel alive
And for a moment
Nothing else matters
But reading you to completion.
I haven't really done the feeling justice
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
This bed feels strange
Without you here.
And i would give up all this space
To have you near.
All this emptiness
Only makes me ache.
Cause its raining and am alone
I need your arms around me.
I wish you could come
To hold me close.
Nothing feels so good
Nothing ever could.
I need you more, in this cold.
Someday you will be here.
The sun opens our eyes to a fresh start

And we let the day rot.

We beat the clock demanding more time

And burn the wicks of our lives with anger.

Hope is overlooked

As our vision turns to darkness

And life without light becomes truth.

All light appears as a tease,

So we lay in the dark 

In fear of being let down.

Trapping our thoughts in negativity may be easier,

But by reaching for the light, 

We find the strength to free our souls
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
I would write you a poem

to tell you how I feel

but when you left

the melodic flow that

passionately pieced

my words together

followed you



 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
Clumsy as words, I dared approach,
And over the edge I bent.
A sight unexpected appeared to me
And reeling back with a gasp I was sent.

I gathered my senses, gazed brave as I might,
And the water within shone a shimmering light,
And reflected the white of a man's final night,
Penetrating the darkness of his final fight.

Weary from a sorrowful walk in the woods on a whim,
And the madness and heartbreaking sadness within,
I had long kept a silence, and my heart was burdened,
And so I greeted thought foe as a friend:

Exclaiming, I realized that no hunt, but a chase had taken place,
That instead I had followed dear death, and I wept.
'Twas then that I opened my mouth in prayer
And then I closed my eyes and I leapt.
 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
Viv O
This is Anna
Anna has a dolly
A raggedy little thing
Her name is Miss Molly

Anna loves Miss Molly
She had her since she was three
Miss Molly loves Anna
They are as close as can be

Sometimes Anna is happy
Which makes Miss Molly happy

Sometimes Anna is sad
Which makes Miss Molly sad

Sometimes Anna had to leave
Which makes Miss Molly angry

And when Miss Molly is angry
Anna is scared

But that's okay
Because Miss Molly always says she's sorry
And Anna forgives her
Because friends accept apology

One day, Anna had to go on a 'trip'
Miss Molly wanted to come
“No, sweetie, Miss Molly can't go
This is your first day of school,” said her mum

So Anna left
And Miss Molly grew angry
She grew so mad
Her smiley face turned ugly

When Anna came back home
And went to her dolly in her room
Miss Molly started shouting at her
Her face full of anger and gloom

“Why did you leave me?” she yelled,
“I thought we were best friends!”
“We are,” Anna cried back,
“But you have to wait until school ends.”

Miss Molly grew quiet
Her face blank on her raggedy head
A few minutes passed
And she finally said

“Stay with me, Anna,
Forever and ever.
We will never be apart
Whenever and wherever.”

Anna looked at Miss Molly
Into her dolly's button eyes
And finally said, “Okay.
No more saying goodbyes.”

In the closet on a little girl's room
In a box full of forgotten toys
Lay two little dollies
Smiling in the silent noise.

The End
This story was my attempt on writing a scary, short, poetic story that was not too extreme for younger children, but will still scare them. I was originally going to narrate this with illustrations for my Art class, but then realized that it was not suppose to have too many words :(. Ah well, enjoy and please review!
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