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 Mar 2013 Wilted Seaweed
I found all the old letters.
I read them all again, some twice through.
Smiling with all the sweet words you said.
Remembering how you said you missed me.
Reminicing on you telling me you wanted nothing more than just to hold me.
I found your old sweater.
The one you gave me that one day in the snow.
We spent hours outside acting like children.
Once we were done I was numb,
though you were freezing youself, you gave it to me selflessly.
Every now and than I put it on.
Sit on my bed all wrapped up in you.
I can smell you on it,
so badly I wish you were next to me in this bed again
I found our old pictures.
All our good times.
The endless memories.
Back when things were simple, happy, unbroken.
I found myself in tears.*
Thinking of everything we had.
I thought it would last forever.
We shared so much;
secrets, tears, laughs, and smiles.
Everytime I find something,
I break a little more.
I dream in my waking mind
A recurring dream of you and i
Arms around you side by side
this dream kills me every time
Maybe one day you'll realise
Until then you i'll sorely miss
 Jan 2013 Wilted Seaweed
Viv O
You look out for that woman
With ringlets of waves
On the crown of her head
As they crash around
Her body that flows down
Like sand in an hour glass
And the tideline of
Her widow's peak
Meeting her pale face,
Slightly tinted sky blue
That darkens as time goes by
Where her right eye
Dims its blinding light orange
And the left one
starts to sparkle in the
Infinite depth that is space
And darkness so black
They stretch forever so
No one knows
Why and where and how
They descend
To the clouded lips
That breathe out cold, salty breeze
Every time she laughs
Or sighs with pleasure
When the gulls fly across her face
And the dolphins leap in her hair
And the seals sleep on her skin,
So she, too,
Lies down and
Marks the rest of the world
On the edge.
NOTE: DON'T READ IF YOU WANT TO BE ENTICED BY THE MYSTERY OF THIS POEM BECAUSE I'M GOING TO EXPLAIN WHAT IT MEANS! This woman represents the California coast line, which I wrote for a project. Her skin represents the sand/ beach; her hair represents the ocean and its waves; her right eye represents the sun while her left represents the stars; her lips represent the clouds; her face represents the sky. Everything else, you could probably guess. Thanks for reading and giving this a chance!

— The End —