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567 · Aug 2013
i just wanna be pretty
maybella snow Aug 2013
5 words

*fat, ugly, gross; everyday words
don't tell me i'm pretty please, it's not what i'm asking for.
simply making a statement about societies effects on young teenagers
yeah female and male, there's ways people should want to look
if thats what is displayed as "pretty"
then there's the whole, "everyone is beautiful in their own way"
why do words like fat ugly gross exist if everyone is "perfect in their own way"
beautiful in their heart, it doesn't matter if these words exist anyway
567 · Jul 2013
you haven't killed me yet
maybella snow Jul 2013
i love you so much          
i know that  
if anything happened              
if you told me, you no longer loved me
or you couldnt be with me                              
it would **** me                                    
i know that is pathetic
and now that i know        
if you hurt me, it'll **** me                    
and i think you know that too

is this just a                
elongated form
of suicide?            
is it enevitable that you'll fall out of love    
and **** me?
yet i don't want to do anything
about it                      
i know you could            
**** me        

but you haven't yet      
you're my suicide
565 · Oct 2013
never the same
maybella snow Oct 2013
the wheels on the bus go round and round
- i drag myself to school to escape home.
round and round
- school is too much. home again.
round and round
- sleep comes at 2am
the wheels on the bus go round and round
- dreams or nightmares are distant fuzz
all the way to school

the baby on the bus goes wah wah wah
- hold emotions in, or people will know
wah wah wah
- don't want people to know they won't understand
wah wah wah
- they think their school crushes, gossip,
the baby on the bus goes wah wah wah
- school dances, will end them.
all the way to school
563 · Jun 2013
warming up winter time
maybella snow Jun 2013
winter:                                                                      ­        
frozen crystal diamonds sparkling in
     the morning sun                    
dew wet cobwebs
strung between trees              
blue glass clear skies        
crisp fresh air

scarves and gloves        
socks and blankets
i got you in

it made winter              
beautiful for me      

winter is no longer drab and cold        
when you're holding my hand

so don't let go
562 · Jun 2013
freezing tears
maybella snow Jun 2013
i'm cold                 yet thats nothing new                
i'm always cold lately        

i refuse to put more layers on
so i sit                          
and shiver        

i actually feel something        
it's bitter cold                        
but it's real    

not like the fake heat            
of thinking about you                
fake love
where it was real

no, instead                                    
i remain frozen                      

an ice statue  
where tears fall                    
but its okay      


they freeze
before they get far            
they roll down
to halfway                  
before stopping
on my cheek          

tiny frozen icicles
maybella snow Oct 2013
i wish to burrow into your velvet skin

deep down past the harsh coldness

into the veins leading a clear pathway

past the protecting ribs

around your sturdy collarbone

directing me to your heart

where warmth resides

as a permanent member
maybella snow Feb 2014
my head throbs
and the vivid dreams
as a side effect of my
medication makes me so tired.
I dream that I'm
laying or siting in bed
at night and I can't sleep
so every morning
I wake up and wonder
did I get any sleep at all last night?
and all I want is the throbbing to stop
and to be able to do the things I know
I can do but I just can't at the time
this makes me so so so angry
that I lay in bed thinking
about how I am going no where
and all this is
is the endless tourture
of depression
                                          *(i wish i was more scared to die, than i am to live and fail)
maybella snow Sep 2013
maybe if
i don't sleep
for long enough
I'll       sleep
560 · Jun 2013
once upon a promise
maybella snow Jun 2013
once upon a time                                            
you promised never, ever                  
to hurt me                                                      

once upon a time          
you promised never, ever                    
to let anyone else hurt me            

once upon a time                                        
you hurt me                        
and let everyone else hurt me too                              

once upon a time                  
i loved you                                              
and you loved me too                        

this is just a thought, not about anyone
556 · Nov 2013
change it up forget me knot
maybella snow Nov 2013
remember that time you told someone
you got lost in my eyes? and forgot
I could hear you?
I do
and I was half asleep at the time
some memories I'd **** to get rid of
that's one of them because you must
have lied, my eyes are shallow and dead
nothing special about me whatsoever
and you forgot me in a heartbeat
that's okay I'm glad your heart
still beats some kind of
what ever
it's hard to stop pain
when its irrational
and emotional
maybella snow Jul 2013
no one ever wants them
but nothing really stops them
15 words
553 · Aug 2013
receiving three hours sleep
maybella snow Aug 2013
i woke, with no hope                    
instead: determination
to get through the day,
where i                     almost fell back down
but i didn't,                                        
instead with help      
of a former poet's      
skill of writing            
about mourning        
and moving on          
where i realized        
it's okay, if i try          
to forget your death  
and if i do                  
Remember you          
not to be sad              
it's alright if                
forgetting you            
helps me through      
the day, so i tried      
and i have almost      
made it, five more    
hours till midnight    
then, i have made it  
through one day        
without crying          
because of your loss
sorry love,                                                                    
i'm not forgetting your love                                                                    
i'm forgetting you                                                                              
or trying to                                                                                                                    
to save myself                                          
i love you                        
but in the end
you're dead
i'm not
not yet
"Remember" Christina Rossetti.
maybella snow Feb 2014
warm blankets
cover me yet
there seems to be
a new coating
of frost on my skin
rippling tired
depressive wakes
behind me
shadows are
attached yet mine
is lacking in
a certain lustar
because it's constantly
fading... or maybe
I'm just slowy
into something
sharp and cold
and no longer
I'm seeing a psychologit  tomorrow.. I'm scared and am probably going to be medicated soon I need someone to hold me hah
551 · Sep 2013
its almost a month
maybella snow Sep 2013
i'm still alive
and it has almost
                       passed a month
            of my living
without you living
           i don't know
how i'm going to be
                                                 will i be asleep
                                                 when the time ticks over?
                                                 will i be dreaming of you?
                               or maybe
                               i'll be awake
helping your kin
the twin you left
               he's struggling too
                           and i worry
for us.
maybella snow Aug 2013
to be held until you fall asleep
and wake up with them still holding you

to know the noises they make before sleep
and wake to their morning noises

to mumble adoring words until you cant anymore
and wake knowing they're all true

to fall asleep with their scent embracing you
and wake covered in it and still smelling that way after showers

i wonder what that would be like
i wonder why i keep torturing myself with this
maybella snow Sep 2013
not loving enough,
you shall loose
543 · Sep 2013
you're why
maybella snow Sep 2013
i don't think
you quite understand
how much
                            i need you
to get better
for me
to get better
            because i cant
live with another
         death on my mind
and he told me
                        to look after you
                        to help you
make it out
                  so i am;
            i'm living for you
understand this
please, i'm just scared
to tell you outright
but it's true
                                     besides my best friend, with obvious reasons
     you're why
                           i'm fighting death
     you're why
                           i'm trying
     you're why
                           i'm waking in the morning
i know
this could be a pressure to you
maybe thats why i haven't said anything
but please, read between the lines
realize i'm helping you
to help me
                                           to get us both out
              of this self inflicted dungeon alive
    don't make my struggles worth nothing
help me
                  this team of two
     might just make it then
                                                   but i need you to pitch in okay?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i told you                        
about the stupid thing I did
i'm sorry, i know it was stupid                        
i just hope
pray, wish    
that my stupid thing                        
doesn't cause you                        
to do an equally stupid thing                        
i'm sorry
it was a stupid
thing to do
539 · Jul 2013
somehow you made it alive
maybella snow Jul 2013
you traversed this unchartered land
you have the only map                      
                                       ­                                                            you found the sinkholes
and   a v i o d e d   them                                            
                ­                                                                 ­         you noticed the catching vines
that   e n t a n g l e   and   t r i p                                  
                             ­                                                        you discovered the deepest rivers
and   s w a m   a c r o s s   them                                  
                          ­                                                                 ­      you climbed the mountains
w i t h o u t   any   a s s i s t a n c e                            
                                                                ­                 you were confronted by the monsters
which you   f a u g h t   and   w o n                            
                                   ­                                                                 ­       you found the treasure
you   r e c o v e r e d   my   h e a r t                            

guard the map
engraved into your heart
and keep the treasure
close also
539 · Jun 2013
you killed my shadow
maybella snow Jun 2013
everyone has a shadow
                                                       perpetuity connected to them
following them everywhere
a not so hidden part of them                      

          is it possible to get rid of it    
                        that darkest part of you that follows you everywhere

i've found someone
who slaughtered my shadow                    
      eradicated the darkness of me
                                             they shone a light
not because i asked them      
           they did it, unintentionally
and killed my shadow                            
                         in turn
                             i noticed how                  
when we stand    
hands intertwined              
in full sunlight                            
                                               your shadow's gone

we eliminate the darkness in each other

~      ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼      ~
maybella snow Jul 2013
rustling leaves whisper love poems
               into the listening ears of lonely poets
                                            no one knows what has become of the
                      truth anymore
         its lost with the real lies of fake people
                                                hearts break more often than love is found
                                           young funerals are more common than real love
  heart-ship and hard-ship
            wrestle in common puddles throughout winter
                             lights flicker out as a parents yell at their teenager/s
             for simple things that they once knew how to do
a teenager fights back, forever scared of them and what might happen
                                             families tear apart like shredded documents of marriage certificates
                two young lovers fumble with clothing in the dark
                             trying to find some bliss in the world
where every happy memory is ripped from them
                                                     a child screams when they realize they've lost their mother
          in a once bright, now terrifying supermarket
                                  flowers blossom only to wilt again
i don't know what this is, it wasn't meant to be this sad, free writing completely, i had no plan for how this was meant to turn out.
maybella snow Jul 2013
on occasion                  
   i think i'm pretty
and i almost believe it too
all the comments flash
all the looks                  
all the unkindness      
all the memories          
of being called  
fat, gross, ugly  
it hurts to add on
it hurts to think
you were the first
random person
the only person,
who didn't know me
an almost stranger
to call me beautiful

i can't help but wonder              
is it all a lie?
maybella snow Jul 2013
- steady rain
- howling wind
- slight creaks of our bed
- taps of my keyboard
- your chuckle
- our cat's claws on the floorboards
- a boiling kettle
- swirling coffee in a mug
- toast popping up
- soft click of our bedroom door
- clinking dishes
- your heartbeat
- pattering feet
- running water
- your breathing
536 · Aug 2013
i wrote a poem on my arm
maybella snow Aug 2013
bogeymen are                                                         its hard to
no longer hiding                     where'd                        remember
in your cupboards                 all the                     that i'm alive
or under your beds                   beauty                           some days
they're hidden in                       go?                         because i feel
the depths of                                                         so dead
your dark mind                                                        on the                                i want to replace
ready to jump out                                                        inside                        the blood in my veins
and cause the                            a lonely poetess                                                with ink
self hate that ends                   sits in a pool of blood
in blood covered
many different fragments, read by font, not line
536 · Oct 2013
i'm not lost anymore
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm positively sure
that  i'm simply
mapping out
no mans
maybella snow Aug 2013
in my head
  goes back
   and back
to you
i really am sorry everyone
maybella snow Jul 2013
is it strange that i believe in supernatural things
       like fairies
                                wild creatures that cant be found
or looked for
          they appear when and if they want to
                                              living separate
with nothing to do
     with humans
                                      mischievous things
                                                           that never die
of common illnesses
      i do believe that fairies
be possible
                           because there's nothing
      to prove anything

                                                                                                              and you're far to
                                                                                                              to be a simple
                                                                                                              like me
the title's a part of a song in peter pan.
532 · Jul 2013
i began giggling
maybella snow Jul 2013
you looked surprised              
and frustrated              
then dad made a comment like
"see she can laugh"          
and you growled for me to go to bed              
(10:57pm) i wouldn't sleep anyway                                              
what you didn't see
was by the time
you couldn't see my face        
tears had began to
trickle down my cheeks
faster and faster
until i lay down
and let them all
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm crying for no reason
but there's obviously something
deep in my mind
that i am emotional about
all   i   know
is i want to fly
with him
530 · Oct 2013
for the many who unfollowed
maybella snow Oct 2013
i realize i was sad
a little help would
have been
or at least

even nicer?
to feel as if i                                   wasn't alone
to say the least
530 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
dope me up to my eyeballs
maybe then they'll be pretty
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm sick of being the girl
who's invisible behind glass walls
                 you saw something in me
- or maybe you lied about that too -
               but the look
that i was something
that i had a worth to you
             - though that was a lie also -
made me feel like i did have something
that might be desirable
made me feel like it was okay
maybe someone could love me
even if i don't love myself
but then again
                                         it was all lies
                                         so i really am nothing
529 · Jul 2013
your safety and love please
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't want to ask for much
       but there are two things
                                   i need, please:
keep me safe, or just feeling safe when
                 the darkness closes in
      and i can't move for fear.
hold me loved, really love me when
          i can't face the light of day
                        and the numbered pressures it brings
   i promise,
i'll keep the darkness away from you
         i'll hold you loved when light presses in
just please
                          keep your promise
529 · Jun 2013
eliminating the fog
maybella snow Jun 2013
a fog in my head
           i couldn't see past it
                   it was too think for
   any eyes to penetrate
it blocked thoughts
           and d i S t o r t E d images

                 i found that external pain
             eliminates that fog
                like a swift breeze

too bad it resulted in bruises
            and cuts

              but i now can think clearly  
       and i hope that fog
               doesn't return for a long time

maybella snow Jun 2013
5 words
im not sure if there is such thing as a 5 word poem, but that is my 5 word poem C:
maybella snow Jul 2013
i remember the butterflies you gave me                                          
well, you were the reason they fluttered                                          
deep in my stomach, then migrated                        
to the depths of my heart                        
butterflies are small                                                            ­                    
flighty creatures                                                        ­                            
but they're                                                          ­                              
delicate and fragile                                                                  ­               
easily crushed
in the palm of your hand
how long                                                             ­   
will the butterflies                                                      ­          
inhabiting my heart                                                            ­    
live?                                                       ­       
before their thin,
delicately patterned
wings are crushed
into flightlessness
five poems in the one poem, if that makes sense
527 · Aug 2013
r.i.p. baby i miss you
maybella snow Aug 2013
there was no chalk outline
there was no accident
                  no wheels screeching before impact
     but i think
there would have been tears
                          in your eyes
                    under the water
or you held them
so tight
to block out light
                    i'd think
the water wasn't too cold
it was summer over there
                                        this wasn't an accident
          a suicide
and executed
by you
                        at least
                 there's no one hurting you
                      and no more pain
                              no life
i love you baby
rest in peace
with my love x
r.i.p MountL
baby i love you
forever x
526 · Aug 2013
i wanna be a tree
maybella snow Aug 2013
standing against the wind
shading people                  
creating air for the world  
growing leaves                  
small green sprouts          
blooming flowers              
dropping seeds                  
roots extended into the ground                  
as my leaves slowly change                  
to colours of red, orange                  
yellow, brown                  
to loose my luxurious leaves
as they dance
and fall around my trunk
swirling in the wind
until i'm bare
and i have time to            
sleep during winter            
waiting to blossom
and my leaves to grow
once again                      
and i can shade people
maybella snow Aug 2013
love isn't
death is -

- sometimes
i want to
die -
523 · Aug 2013
a handful of white pills
maybella snow Aug 2013
i just discovered a shot glass
            filled with a handful of white painkiller pills
i wish i hadn't
                  now i know they're there
                  now i have to try and forget they're there
                  now i have to stop myself from swallowing them all
i wish i hadn't
   oh how i wish i hadn't found them
521 · Jun 2013
no, i wouldn't pick you
maybella snow Jun 2013
"if people were flowers i'd pick you"                                                             ­                                       
                         ­                  no, i wouldn't pick you
because if you were a flower            
you would be too fragile and beautiful
                              for me to pluck you from the ground
take you out of the soil that you're living in              
                                                ­because flowers, after a couple of days
                                                   wilt and slowly die
                                                             ­             while their colours fade

                            instead i would grasp the hardy weeds around you
making it a safer place for you to grow          
give water to you every day                                                        
send love to you every day                                                        

    ­                                       then if i was feeling really selfish
i would dig you up                
roots, dirt and all      
not leaving any of you behind              
and place you gently in a ***
before placing you on my window sill

letting you grow                                                             ­                                       
giving you water                                                            ­                                          
and loving you                                                              ­                                          
no, i wouldn't pick you

521 · Jul 2013
romantically tragic
maybella snow Jul 2013
you asked if that was what i wanted
i said                                                             ­                   
"never"                                    ­                                          
i've got that;
my own
love story
i don't want it
to be even worse
520 · May 2014
code names
maybella snow May 2014
when your skin stings in the shower, and get close to a bit of metal you name cat
when you become close friends with the toilet, and name her mia
when you know the depths of the darkness, and recignise deb
when you feel the emptiness known as ana
and when you know the temptation of sue

im sorry
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