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630 · Sep 2013
to fly with my angel
maybella snow Sep 2013
a beautiful boy
went to heaven
despite what he thought
of his evils
                  he gave a girl love
                      like nothing else
                        like no one else
that beautiful boy
went to heaven
to be free of the pains
but he left some
              he gave the girl pain
            like nothing she'd felt
                          it crushed her
with her
beautiful boy
in heaven
                                 she lost the love
                                 he had given her
it must have flown away
alongside him to heaven
              because his girl only wants
                        to join him in heaven
                      to feel whole with love
but if she lost the love
maybe she'll never gain it back
     even then if his girl went to hell
she'd be too empty to feel anything

                            but she dreams
              of flying with her
        beautiful boy
in heaven
629 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
wake up in the morning
to light
that isnt as bright as it used to be
as a child age eight
light meant the start of a day
when the sun was only up for a few hours
it seemed
the light
is dull and drags me through the day
to the night
where everything slowly
to smother
any inner light
i gained as a ten year old

i dont care anymore
i dont care for the light
627 · Jun 2013
runaway resolves
maybella snow Jun 2013
my resolve resembles a little like                  
a stray hair                                                                
escaped from a bun, plait, braid, pony tail      

i know i belong somewhere
but the wind is pushing me away from it      

and no one can                                          
catch me                                    
to return me there                        

though i know that's
where i belong
626 · Aug 2013
"a pill for every ill"
maybella snow Aug 2013
   this one just requires
an overdose
of whatever pills
626 · Oct 2013
leave me alone
maybella snow Oct 2013
can everyone just stop
asking me if im okay  
im not okay  
and im not going to tell you
because you didnt help                
when i needed it
you told me to grow up
"get over it"
well no
you* stop asking me      
you lost my                    
trust a while ago okay
625 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
blades away
shoved in a bin
blood well sealed
inside my skin
seventh day
623 · Feb 2014
spinal & vocal cords
maybella snow Feb 2014
I want to know
if touching my skin
ever gave you
tingles down your spine

because simply hearing
you speak, made me shivers
down mine
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words

*i'd be the happiest person ever, if you woke here
i wish and dream and pray this every time i fall asleep
maybella snow Jan 2014

you still

hurt me


I still

need you
maybella snow Jul 2013
you're the best person ever              
i love you
not in that romantic way, not exactly                      
i love you like more than family            
no, you are my family, my chosen family                            
a family of one                                                
lets keep it that way    

family of one
for always being
the best
i love you
maybella snow Aug 2013
i want someone to love me back  
i want to be the only one they see
in a massive crowed                      
you're the only person
who saw me                  
and as sweet as it was
        as happy as i was
you're gone  
       forever x
i still love you
maybella snow Jun 2013
wanting you is:                                                                        

                                                            like I’m missing a lung
                                          yet still trying to breathe
                                no taste on my tongue
                                        taste-buds, are on leave

needing you is:          

stomach quartered in size                                              
requiring even less intake                                                        
voice-box only utters lies                                            
solely what it can make                                                        

seeing you is:                

my eyes no longer itch                                                                    
you are their soothing balm                                                                                  
feeling my wind pipe hitch                                                        
before i begin to calm                                                                                

                     having you is:

                                         giving me heart attacks
though it beats even stronger
                     my brain, thoughts it lacks
                                           everyday things take longer

hating you is:                  

my mind towered with bricks                          
all walls have gaps and holes                                        
my soul punches and kicks
till my fire is reduced to coals                                            

                                                                                                                  loving you is:

                                                                                                                  never ending ache to my being
                                                                                                                 i require you to live day-to-day
                                                                                                                  you near me is my soul freeing
                                                                                                                      so please, let me live, stay

me attempting rhyme and rhythm, not something i normally do, but a change, its different
609 · Jun 2013
your unpredictable moods
maybella snow Jun 2013
how can anyone
about what type of
you're going to be in?

how can anyone
about your

no one can      
nothing will change it
607 · Aug 2013
school friends (sea gulls)
maybella snow Aug 2013
i haven't eaten anything
at school in a week
and the one day
i bring something
                                            it's gone
taken by a "friend"
who just wanted food
and happened to notice
i had some in my hand
                                 i bet
          they didn't notice
               i haven't eaten
                        in a week
the sea gulls
stole my food
maybella snow Jan 2014
lay in bed
cool sheet covering you
and think
                                            or remember
that time you were
ignored by a                 friend                  ?
wonder what it's like
to be them
do they think it was harsh?
maybe               or maybe they were scared
never will you know
what they thought then
and does it matter?
if they            remain in your life
is it because you were loving enough
to forgive them               maybe
they didn't deserve you
                                                                   either way
it hurt didnt it?
605 · Jul 2013
insanity shadows light
maybella snow Jul 2013
you scare me                                   
when you say you're heartless                 
especially since you also said                                   
that you gave your heart to me             
and that you are now, an empty shell        
are you telling me now                        
that you always were an empty shell?

i'm scared
because i gave my heart
to you                

so, am i the heartless one?        
since you have my heart                        
and you never had a heart to give          

am i truly empty now?
maybella snow Nov 2013
i know your eyes sparkle
when you look at me
but the lights in my eyes
died before the light got to you
maybella snow Dec 2013
charcoal pencils
scraped across blank paper
dark stains and smudges
unable to remove
603 · Aug 2013
i like angry music
maybella snow Aug 2013
there's something about
listening to angry music    
the way the artist expresses it    
and the fact that they had the amount
of passion to express such an angry song
makes me feel as though, everyone gets angry
so it's okay if i like their angry music
to express my anger by singing it
maybella snow Jun 2013
i want to see all your scars                  
only because                                                
it will show me                                
that you're stronger                                      
than what you hurt yourself with                        
you're stronger than any blade        
fire, rope                                                      
and you'll be okay                    
when we cant talk              
you're strong            
and your scars show it                  

i want to see your scars    
602 · Aug 2013
restless without you
maybella snow Aug 2013
nothing i do
is calming me down
like every time
i talk to you
you have an effect on me                                      
where i immediately feel so                  
much better                                                    
a ball of                                    
nervous energy                        
buzzing and shaking          
i'm waiting
always waiting
for you to be here
to simply talk to me
just that                                                
talking to me                                                
well you mostly singing
and me sitting
we don't exactly talk
we exist                    

i think, that                                      
is what calms me                                      
a sense that
maybe i'll be
whole again
601 · Jul 2013
vulnerable mornings
maybella snow Jul 2013
you look so beautiful in the morning                        
you're mostly vulnerable    
yet not fragile                  
just unhidden                                                         ­                                     
there's no guarded look                              
there's no armbands covering you            
there's no mask                                              
it's just you
nothing to hide,
and love...                  
you're *beautiful
601 · Feb 2014
90% likely I'm fucked
maybella snow Feb 2014
and I
it's like
to feel
to the
71 out of 100, mental health warning is high and somehow it feels like a lie
600 · Jun 2013
inability to *hate* *you*
maybella snow Jun 2013
i hate
   the feeling i have
           when i know you're able
       to talk to me
                 but you're not
i love
. . . .
599 · Nov 2013
go away pls
maybella snow Nov 2013
I know my 'poems' are ****
don't comment on them
reminding me of that
get over yourself
I'm not here to **** up to anyone
I know I'm **** at writing
I know I'm not a writer
I know I'm ****
stop telling me

maybella snow Sep 2013
you remind me that
some     animals
are    exited
to wake
598 · May 2013
glass heart, liquid love
maybella snow May 2013
my heart is a glass of water
sometimes its boiling over
other times it expands and cracks
and it freezes me from the

i n s i d e   o u t

if i'm feeling confident
that you will look after
my heart
i will pour it out, a
to begin with
then as it falls
faster and faster

you   c a t c h   it

with a strainer
instead of your own
glass heart

my love continues to flow
unsure of its destiny
and away from

y o u
596 · Aug 2013
fine china
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm feeling really fragile
     delicate and brittle
easy to break
               and finely painted on
           mostly pale with pastel color
please don't
           me to shatter on the ground
   be gentle with the fine china
594 · Jul 2013
i'm an earthquake
maybella snow Jul 2013
i began shaking again
     was it the thought
                   of needing you?
or the thought
  of you in pain?

a mixture
  of both

        and it caused me
to shake

     my cup rattled
as did my plate
          the table shuddered

shaking my body

i'm an earthquake
you're the cause
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
I've never had a nosebleed before, I got one tonight
maybella snow Sep 2013
a pretty light
        of inspiring qualities
                                                    a weight lifted
                           depressing emotions shifted
less    alone
in  a  world
filled   with
                                       an easy smile
                      troubled thoughts
                           warm hugs
                                           easy ways
pink dresses
take away coffee
warm blankets
                                      soaked in a hue of happiness
                                      naturally bight and warm
a wonderful person
in a beautiful package
thankyou b
                       i am, and will be
           forever grateful
                  for the love
                            i love you too x
maybella snow Jun 2013
an ache                                                                
located where my                
left ribcage holds a                                
bleeding heart                          
under the sturdy bones                                  
beneath muscle and veins                    

my heart bleeds        

i thought the other day                                
this bleeding has to stop                                      
internal organs shouldn't hurt like this                          

maybe if i cut off the blood supply to it              
there would be no blood for                        
my heart to bleed                                                    

finding veins in my wrist                
blade sharp          
heart bleeding                  

swapping internal pain                      
for external pain                      

can't hurt too much      
not compared to the ache                          
the never ending bleeding              
of my helpless heart                      

i'm stopping pain...                                                          
not causing it...                                                        
i thought that at the time

589 · Aug 2013
you liar
maybella snow Aug 2013
i hope you know
that i've finally realized
how much of a liar you are
and i feel sorry
for all the girls
who fall for you
like i did
you liar
587 · Jan 2014
why love love?
maybella snow Jan 2014
what's the space between space called
what makes the darkness darker
where's the highest height, lowest low
how does light lighten up things
how is there a place between places
how does a smell stay smelly
what gravitates gravity
why can't I stop loving and needing you
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words

telling someone to smile
isn't making them want        
                            to smile
it's simply forcing them                        
to fake one
                                is that what you want?
maybella snow Aug 2013
i really need to scream
all          these
emotions out
583 · Jan 2014
maybella snow Jan 2014
let me steal the light
from your eyes
because you stole
the light from mine
in a heartless display
of affection
because you wanted
to light up the stars
as they were sad

did you forget
the fact you took
the light from my
heart, now it's left
with the likes of the
underworld and my
light is in heaven
right where you
put it, in the
stars so they
could shine
this is horribly bad sorry
583 · Aug 2013
i'm so clumsy
maybella snow Aug 2013
i hope i trip on the street,
fall face first into a puddle
and drown
i hope i lean too far out a window
loose my balance while closing it
and fall
maybe i'll die by mistake                    
i'm just so clumsy            
it just might happen
581 · Dec 2013
maybella snow Dec 2013
well his eyes aren't blue
but he holds the sky
in his gaze
and his body isn't muscly
but he is able to hold
back the demons
his mind isn't light
but his thoughts
get flighty
his heart isn't strong
but it beats and
two is better
than one
579 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's difficult not to feel so empty              
a glass of water less than half filled    
when you know                
there are so many girls/women                
who are bleeding
because they're over it                
they don't care anymore        
they're spilling blood
on rooftops                            
in bathrooms                        
behind locked doors            
but yet                                                        
they all have reasons                          
you can't judge any one of them                          

this is one of the reasons
why i don't want to become
a mother                                
why would i hold                                      
a dependent baby inside me                    
when i'm dependent also                          
and the world will corrupt them anyway                      
like it has to me
where my mother, wouldn't know if i stained tiles

it's called bubble wrapping                    
overprotecting your children                  
so they grow up and can't handle the world    
but really                                                                          
maybe their parents are just too      
of what happened to them,      
to let it happen to their dependent child                

the thought of becoming a mother                                              
is difficult to me                                              
i wouldn't want to ruin a new life                
i'd hate to know i didn't fix it                
even if i never knew, guilt at the world
corrupting a child
my child                
would be too      
too bear.
maybella snow Jul 2013
i saw a boy and girl today
                           they were about our age
the boy looked nothing like you                                                                                            
the girl looked nothing like me                                                                                              
                                                                    yet something
                                                  about the way they were
                                                              around each other
                                        how they seemed to know the
                                                                  others thoughts
                                            without talking or anything
and it made me think                                                                      
if thats how we look to others too                                                                                            
like we're
its just

577 · Sep 2013
this is jumbled nothings
maybella snow Sep 2013
loneliness presses
to fill the emptiness
of a broken heart
as anger fills the gaps
only to remind oneself
that they're alone
tears slip down the
face of an "angel"
as they beg
for their place
in heaven
575 · Jul 2013
living in insomniac city
maybella snow Jul 2013
i want to live in a city
          where street lights are a constant
     sound echos when people sleep
                   but for all the unfortunate souls
the insomniacs
            they're up and moving
     brains ticking over
                                           but it's not so bad
         there's the echo of the city
                 and the constant light
                                           maybe there are others
                    i'm not alone in
     insomniac city

                                            i am in the country
                       the crickets sleep
                                  clouds cover the moon
                                             it's too dark and quiet
                           my mind ticks over more
              i wish
              i lived in
              insomniac city
572 · Aug 2013
inventive names
maybella snow Aug 2013
people have inventive poetry names
or statements
mine is a name            
a name i believe is nice
a name that i think works
to define me, my poetry
people believe                                                    
becau­se its such a true sounding name
that its real
okay, i lie                      
my name
is a lie
completely true                          
also true          
my name is a lie
isn't everyone
572 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
i remember                                    
you said you loved watching people with hiccoughs
[hiccough]                                                                                                                it made you laugh

i've got hiccoughs                                                                    
do you love me?                                                  
569 · Oct 2013
another untitled
maybella snow Oct 2013
fuzzed out thoughts
where the meaning
is still there
just to
568 · Aug 2013
sigh and i still love you
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm fighting an internal war
and it seems          
love                                 is winning
though i don't want it to
hate its forcing its way without progress
let me hate you please
you hurt me                            
let me hate you
it'll be easier
for both of us
i just
568 · Oct 2013
too much pressure on love
maybella snow Oct 2013
a flame tickles
heats and lights
a little fire
is enough
to scare                
the darkness away
and keep warm
too much fire  
get carried away
sparks fly
things burn
the heat increases
too much heat
yet it seems
for a while
until it burns
and hurts
until it burns out
uses everything
and turns
into ashes
a pile
of black
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