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1.1k · Oct 2013
where to find perfection
maybella snow Oct 2013
(shhh its secret but..)
- a nail perfectly holding two surfaces together
- a flower growing from mud
- a **** protesting and growing in that tiny crack
- mould becoming penicillin and saving people
- that perfectly played set of notes
- officially ending another well written book

(don't look to humans
for perfection
there is no such thing
for the likes of us. no
we are all imperfect
sorryyyyyyy i know its ****** but yeah idk
1.1k · Feb 2014
am I even normal
maybella snow Feb 2014
ironic how
those "asthma attacks"
weren't what anyone thought
ironic how
I took teddys or toys with me
everywhere, because I couldn't cope
ironic how
I took heaps of days off school
because I forced myself to be sick
ironic how
this happened when
I was younger
ironic how
I have had panic attacks
since I can remember
and my parents didn't know
what was wrong with me
ironic how
I've been at risk of depression
since a young child
and everyone thought I was
simply shy
ironic how
I've never been scared of death
psychologist said I've had anxiety since I was young and havebeen at risk of sever depression for ages... I guess it's no ones fault at all.. I'm just ****** up
1.1k · Aug 2013
[self destruction]
maybella snow Aug 2013
queue wrecking ball
              [building falls]
queue clean up crew
                    [swept up]
                 [taken away]
nothing remains
                                               *(i wish)
1.1k · Jan 2014
the acquaintance on the wall
maybella snow Jan 2014
consisting of eyes it sits there on the wall wondering what wondering is like and liking where it's thoughts wondered. eyes sat still seated no where in particularly yet sitting. watching in wonder waiting to see what the sad girl who happened to sleep where it lived living happily while she simply lived. it waited and watched. watched and waited. wondering why if she brought home a man he left soon after. she cried. it wondered what there was to cry about. she had a bed. she ate and slept. showered and dressed. studied and learnt. yet she cried. and cried. distressed about what was wrong with her it wondered. it especially wondered why she had red lines on her wrists that she covered. but she ate and slept. lived and cried every day.

she felt the pressure getting to her. texts to read tests to pass. and the pain was persistent. not possible to pin point. it was everywhere. covering her from hea to toe was an aching throb. some days when the ache wouldn't stop. the only way to focus it on one point. was with a blade. simple and harsh.

it got lost in the missing spaces of the girls life. live simply to live simple as that.
my thoughts make no
sence I know sorry
1.1k · Jan 2014
alternative help
maybella snow Jan 2014
I'm empty
but filling slowly up
with self hate
why would anyone love me
when I don't love myself
I don't respect myself
I don't even see anything of me to respect
my stomach isn't flat
my thighs rub together
and my arms are disgusting
my sides are lumpy
and I'm short
                                                  I gag at myself in the mirror
how could I be so disgusting
no wonder no one wants me
no wonder I lay alone every night
the only presence I have is death
because it looms like possibilities

I want someone to want me
to say it's okay that you don't
like yourself, because I love
everything about you
I want someone to help
I need help
help convincing myself
I'm worth living
I'm worth trying

this counselling **** does nothing
******* prove to me I'm worth something
and not just a hole in the groud
tell me I'm beautiful
even though I won't believe it
I'll believe the look in your eyes

help me
love me
maybella snow Dec 2013
hold your skeletal hand in mine
and lets venture into the world
darkness aside, encompass love
forgive and give, forget to get
what a strange adoration i hold for you
in the depths of darkness
yet find the light
lost in my soul
discover the height and weight
that made the tower of love
reserved for you
light it up, skeleton hands
hold me close, dark heart
maybe if you lost yourself in me
i'd find myself wondering
the maze of your mind.
razor-blade walls, sharp, deadly
don't lean on the walls baby
it'll cut your skin
i'd hate for that to happen
i don't want to hurt you
no matter how you've hurt me
i'd hate myself more if i hurt you
lost in years
you've hurt yourself more
don't make me something
that causes you pain baby

i may not be
the baby dolly
lifeless eyes
cold ceramic skin
but i am lifeless
in another way
and my skin is cold
holding together
our skeleton hands
i like this poem
1.1k · Aug 2013
[attention seeking]
maybella snow Aug 2013
look at me
- no don't -
i'm self conscious
look away
idk what this is about
1.1k · May 2013
everyday nightmares
maybella snow May 2013
i wake from a nightmare,
a nightmare where i was alone.
i was cold,
frozen to the bone,
and in a lightless place.


i feel my love behind me,
not quite touching,
but there all the same.
my heart flutters in happiness,
still recovering from the scare i got.


i can sense them like a detached limb,
i always know where they are.
they haven’t moved in a while,
they must be in a deep slumber.


i realize its freezing,
roll over and snuggle closer to my love,
a comforting smell,
a warm body.
there’s nothing.


i reach my fingers out further,
still nothing.
only more coldness.


i stretch my limbs out to resemble a star fish.
touching all corners of my bed.
my heart wavers,
i remember.


they were never there.
i never had them beside me,
never had been in love.
it wasn’t a nightmare,
it was real.  

1.1k · Jul 2013
protecting protectors
maybella snow Jul 2013
i have a tiny amount
         of people
unrelated to me
                who have
     completely of their own will
come to love me
         and they would protect me
with their everything
these people
        the small amount of people
    i love them dearly
                  i'm so sorry if i do or say
       that hurts you
  i try my best
          to protect you
                           just as you protect me
because i love you
         and i don't want anything happening to you

i don't want any more people
            to love
  i have my tiny amount
                              and they're perfect
   so i'll stick with them
     and protect them with my life
as they do me
maybella snow Jun 2013
i am happy
it's just that
i'm unsure as to how
to express it in a poem

do i describe the feelings?
or the thing that made me happy?
at the same time maybe?

on cloud nine?
tickled pink?
in seventh heaven?
over the moon?
walking on air?
as happy as a clam?

why must there be
set places
and things
to describe how im
feeling happy?

im happy
with you

just that
nothing more
nothing less

1.0k · Aug 2013
not ready, no i'm not ready
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm not ready to face the world
no, help i'm not ready
no, i don't wanna face them
i'm not ready
no, i don't wanna
no, not ready
no, help
i never thought the world is too big
but it is without you
i'm not ready
maybella snow Dec 2013
i miss the sound
of my fingers hitting the keys
and letting my soul pour out
the wall i put up
blocked my soul
from my head
maybe that is a good thing
but **** i miss that sound
1.0k · Nov 2013
ruby heart
maybella snow Nov 2013
I locked myself away again
hid in a form of a closet
bunched between the jackets
and moth eaten dresses
I closed myself in a drawer
between the trinkets
and stale kerchiefs
and oneday
maybe someone
a tresure hunter of sorts
will sift through the junk
to find the broken
stained little girl
who was once able to look in a mirror
and not see every inch of fat
every layer of skin
as disgusting
polish up the jewel to my heart
don't sell it though sweetie
this ruby gets cracked with
the slightest pressure
1.0k · Oct 2013
please stop ignoring me
maybella snow Oct 2013
that bubble that rests
it may be my lack of food
but for some reason
i think its because
i miss you
992 · Dec 2013
its not a definition
maybella snow Dec 2013
real councillors
over used
to people who
understand more
than people

dark corners
with mysterious
invisible eyes
visible to those
unlucky enough
to see them
with eyelids

light traces
and patterns
lacing bodies
with streaks
of red
and stains
of pain

toilet bowls
lent over
by overbearing
starved and
of bones

shaking hands
firmly planted
against brick
cracked bruises
harshly noticeable
and starkly

dried tears
only means
they were
wet once
984 · Oct 2013
dark fog
maybella snow Oct 2013
running through grass as high as your calf muscles
                        you gasp for breath,
it fogs out in front of you as you pant;
its a cold night,
one where smart sensible people are indoors and covered,
                                                        huddled before fireplaces,
                                                      or cuddling up to someone.
lost in a field,
you look around,
                                          its too dark to see far but the moon is out
             because the fog is illuminant and pale everywhere you look.
there's an imposing figure,
                            you feel it getting closer,
hot breath near your right shoulder,
                            you shudder and try and **** away.
only to feel something cold.
a freezing breath on the opposite side of you,
                                                           it hugs you as you struggle.
                                 too cold,
                                 too cold you think,
                   too bitterly cold.
pushing off it your hand reaches something that bites with cold,
you pull away quickly and turn. as you turn around there's black.
you wonder where the moon went because the fog was white before.
no, now there's only black, yet glancing up you definitely see stars.
                                                                                                                       what's going on?
                                                                                                            why is this happening?
                                    you trip,
but its not the grass you trip over its nothing,
                                                   there is nothing there.
                                                                 nothing imposing.
                    why did you trip you wonder.
then you realize you didn't just trip you fell.
you just reached the next level.
                               something hits you hard as hot and cold figures cover you.
                                       screaming and gasping you're being burnt and frozen.
         you can struggle all you want,
but below there's only blackness,
                                    and above,
hot and cold burn you slowly.
dirt shoved in your mouth,
               gaged and held.
  there is no escaping.
        whatever it is.
it will burn your skin then freeze your heart and mind.
sorry idk what this is but its depression i guess idk
975 · Jul 2013
a tickle or scratch?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i've a feeling          
its like it needs to be itched                  
but it's not itchy                    
or a tickle  
but its not ticklish
maybe it hurts                                
without pain                                
or being watched                                              
with no eyes on me                                              
uncomfortable in            
a comfortable position  
but its a feeling
i can't get rid of
966 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
i want to go to sleep
     but you're just waking up
  so now i don't want to

timezones = ruining lives
966 · Jul 2013
flawless skin... really?
maybella snow Jul 2013
studying my face today
      you said
  "i wish i had your flawless skin"
               my skin is far from flawless
you can't see the scars
        lacing my limbs and chest
so maybe i don't have pimples
                 but my skin is not
maybella snow Aug 2013
as my brain fogs up
and my breath struggles              
throat closes                      
my hands clench air
as my muscles shake  
and a shudder rips through me      

i need you                                                                            
just to hold me                                                                            
rub my back,                                                                            
and hold my                                                                            
clenched hands,                                                                            
lay me down                                                                            
and hold me.                                                                            
kiss my cheeks                                                                            
nose, lips, eyelids                                                                            
and hold me.                                                                            
nothing needs to                                                                            
be said,                                                              
just hold me until
everything's okay
until the pain leaves  
until i can think again
until i notice you        
holding me
i'll return                      
all the kisses
hugs, hand holding
i'll return every minute
of you holding me
with me holding you
every time you need
to be held
i'll hold you
until you sleep
if you hold me
to sleep tonight
960 · Jun 2013
repairing bridges
maybella snow Jun 2013
|         |                  
a bridge                  
boards spread          
but rickety            
more holes                
than a strainer        
uneven walking        
spanning a long        
. =-=~==--=-        
sometimes the wind
or fog              
can block      
or sway            
our distance bridge
|          |            

build on love    
in our hearts      
for only            
our souls to cross

the fog is blocking me                      
from being able to see you          
our bridge needs repairs                    
at both ends                
.|. /
maybella snow Nov 2013
you mentioned loosing yourself in a maze
a maze of skeletons and sadness, this maze
created by you, to defeat yourself in a way
you went mad in this maze,                    
a maze with no exit
you grabbed my hand, dragged me along
because, you discovered me in this maze.
who made this maze i wonder                                                
was it me?                      or you?                                                
well im lost                                                                
and you're gone                  
you became a skeleton
you're in the walls        
driving me insane
and i cant wait to join you              
so long as i drag no one along until then
946 · Jul 2013
blushing under scrutiny
maybella snow Jul 2013
a       gentle       brush                
of       warmth;                                            
the      sky      blushes
under the          
of     the     morning    sun    

‹ . › . ‹ . ›
942 · Jul 2013
weighing boxes
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's so terribly sad
           that unless you're located
  in a place with no or little food
            people are criticized for their weight
            put in boxes
and there's no
                                                   [perfect weight]
instead there are people
                               on diets
             to gain
        or to loose
                                                 to attempt to get the
                                                   [perfect weight]
there are adults
                                          who only want food
                                          they're in their own box
                                                                                                      they're [starving]
934 · Oct 2013
doubting flaws
maybella snow Oct 2013
soft movements
brushing your
across scared
skin, will you
kiss them
in acceptance?
love me
with broken
926 · Oct 2013
pondered possibilities
maybella snow Oct 2013
cracked cups
stained sheets
peeling paint
haunted house
broken back
lustful lungs
strangled screams
healing heart
maybella snow Nov 2013
perscripted after
mother found me
bleeding from
my wrist
more than a
week ago going
"strong" she has
my blades but it's hard
to take the harshest weapon
when it's your head
and it's sharpened in the night
918 · Feb 2014
"i miss you"
maybella snow Feb 2014
i miss me too
the happy me
but i miss you
and i wish
i could take
bad back
i miss you
I miss loving you
916 · Nov 2013
shy sky
maybella snow Nov 2013
blue eyes are said to be beautiful
but why would I want to get lost in them
when I can hardly find my own
***** green brown eyes
I've lost too much
to the skies
I refuse
to loose myself in any mans blue eyes

but then again
your eyes aren't blue
and I've lost myself in you
913 · Jul 2013
- perfect men
maybella snow Jul 2013
my mother once tried to tell me
that i'm worthy of the perfect man
when i'm all grown up
all i had to do, was wish for him
she described him to me
            - tall
            - handsome
            - blonde hair
            - blue eyes
                                                            ­ but then again,
                                            that was her perfect man
not mine
mine is:
            - tall
            - handsome
            - dark shaggy hair that changes hues with the lighting
            - brown eyes
                                                            ­ wait.
                                  i just described you
            - perfect
911 · Oct 2013
five day aim
maybella snow Oct 2013
thinking "small"
five days isn't much
but its the most
i've lasted for
some time
905 · Jan 2014
snow queen
maybella snow Jan 2014
if my name really were
maybella snow
id wish to live
in the simple form
of poetry
shaped words
if only
maybella snow Dec 2013
and not see every sadness reflected in my eyes
to not see every mistake written on my skin
and not see every inch of fat and self hate
to not see every little mistake that I am

I wonder what it's like to look in a mirror
and not hate everything I see in the reflection
898 · Nov 2013
"why do you hurt yourself"
maybella snow Nov 2013
"because i hate myself"
"how can you hate yourself so much though?!"
"i just do"

i know its difficult to understand
but i thought this through
and i've figured a way to describe what its like
i hope maybe you'll understand
a little maybe.

                                                           imagine you're angry with someone
                                      they've maybe broken something special to you
                             or forgotten to do something and it ended in disaster
                           well,  you're angry with them, so frustrated and angry
                     and you have built up rage, muscles tense and you know
                 you cant hurt them, because thats bad, and you'll feel worse

but the person you're angry with
                                                                        is you.
its like there's two of me
the me that is a body
just simple and does what its told
then there's my head
                     my mind
                     my mind gets frustrated with my body
so very angry
                     my mind punishes my body
for not being perfect enough
for not doing something perfect
for forgetting or not doing it g
ood enough

imagine that
over every
tiny* little thing
of course i hurt myself
its how i learn
to be perfect
i'm working on it
but i'm still angry
with my body
for not performing
good enough
maybella snow Jan 2014
i love that gentle touch you have left for me
                             after 11 at night
when we're lost in breathing
and holding onto
                                         future struggles
i love the slight pitch change of your voice
when you laugh at my jokes
               and chuckle when my voice breaks
after 1am as it always does
                                                  when im tired
i love that you ask if im feeling well
inquiring about the last mental
                                                  breakdow­n i had
simply needing to know
that im okay
                          not what why when
i love how you call me
to catch my attention
to ask what time it is
and whether i need sleep
by which its 2am
and im in love with you
896 · Feb 2014
my fault. my harm
maybella snow Feb 2014
I wonder if you ever remember the nights
where all I did was listen to you breathe
and no nightmares came

I don't remember what it's like anymore
to feel at peace with a human, comfortable
because I want to cover myself in scars
so maybe I can finally toughen up
and get use to no one wanting
or loving me
maybella snow Aug 2013
[screaming]                         [screaming]                       [screaming]      [screaming]        
[scream]               [scream]     [scream]  [scream]           [scream]                           [scream]            
[screams]   [screams]                            [screams]     [screams]                       [screams]                              
[screamed]                  [screamed]             [screamed]           [screamed]  [screamed] [screamed]

*[screaming]                         [screaming]                       [screaming]      [screaming]        
[scream]               [scream]     [scream]  [scream]           [scream]                           [scream]            
[screams]   [screams]                            [screams]     [screams]                       [screams]                              
[screamed]                  [screamed]             [screamed]           [screamed]  [screamed] [screamed]
maybella snow Jan 2014
10 words

about someone
who would think less
of me than anyone
872 · Sep 2013
"have this, it'll help"
maybella snow Sep 2013
vitamin after vitamin
envisioning happiness
laced in each one            
maybe it will
or maybe            
its all in your head
and you're endeavoring
to place it in mine        
with a glass of water
and slight smile
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*and if you are, i don't want to know you
858 · Oct 2013
excuse me for being proud
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm proud of my scars
wait, listen to me      
i'm not proud of          
the fact that i have them
i'm proud                    
of the        
fact that
they used to be cuts
and are now          
because they've                      
856 · Oct 2014
life is painful
maybella snow Oct 2014
im better
not fixed
not perfect
but better

the medications cleared my head like wind off the sea
i cant remember the last time i had a clear thought
70ml prozac along with a mix of anti psychosis to sleep with
i wake up more often not hating my life
im not suicidal
i still want pain
but i want to live
maybella snow Jul 2013
gently placing two dainty daffodils
into a cracked vase                                              
holding it under a cold running tap          
and half filling it with water
the daffodils sway slightly                    
caught in the ripples and eddies                                              
made by the small space and flowing water            
their fragrance is thrown upon the place
as if wanting everyone to smell                          
their powdery yellow fragrance        
setting it onto the middle of the table                    
they live comfortably                              
until the water slowly seeps out the faint cracks
water staining mahogany wood
the flowers wilt long before they should have                
with life saving water spilt everywhere                      
they loose their brightness  
and forget their sweet smell    
to become lifeless nothings                          
settled into a waterless vase
title relating to something someone said to me once.
maybella snow Dec 2013
I'm doubting you again
are you truly the man
I first met. or were you never
the man I thought you were
your eyes did trickery
on my heart
and I lost myself
in the folds of your hugs
maybe your smell
deceived me
with a hint of musk
to hide the blood
bleach doesn't help
stains on skin
maybe you never were real
and I'm just a fleeting
moment and thought
of lust
never love
maybella snow Jan 2014
I tripped over myself
looking for where
you hid my heart
rib cage empty
thoughts blaring
I drank little
too much
I noticed my words
slured and he looked
sideways at me when
I slowed down
yet he never stopped
to give me a hand
I guess that shows
how I mean nothing to him

I managed to text broken
letters to him at 12:30am
and he was still awake
hours away, in a bed
I messed up
told him I wanted to die
he told me to stop drinking
and find somewhere
off the streets to sleep
he didn't tell me to
go die or get help
because after all
I drank little
too much
846 · Jan 2014
apologies my lord
maybella snow Jan 2014
hold yourself above
the scars of my heart
displayed on my wrist
stomach and thighs
hold yourself
higher than my
low life
845 · Jun 2013
sugar cages
maybella snow Jun 2013
if i was stuck in a cage
it would be made of toffee    
thick strands dribbled in the form of an
        old fashioned bird cage
with no door to open              

made of toffee                              
               brittle, yet not indestructible
enough tears will break it down maybe                          
                  slowly dissolving the sweet encasement
    until the thick strands      
are able to be broken                                          

                                               then maybe
i'll be able to escape
fly the coop                      
                                 away from the tears

but for now:
                       i'm pinned    
                               in a toffee cage
crying enough tears                                    
to be able to break out                  

                                                                                                                                     my sweetened cage

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