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235 · Jul 2013
is the well dry?
maybella snow Jul 2013
or will there be
water works        
where this        
came from?
234 · Jul 2013
our tears//our love
maybella snow Jul 2013
all my doubts
                 about your love for me
                                 when you told me
               you were crying
                       because you missed
      the sound of my voice

           just like how
i'm crying now
                      because i miss
     the sound of yours
maybella snow Jun 2013
i dont think you understand
             how sorry
i am
                          how stupid and silly i feel
      i fell
                        f a l l i n g
but i remember

                        you fell hard a while ago
and i tried to catch you
             you were just in my fingertips
                    i'm sorry i didn't do good enough
i am
            i'm so so so so sorry
                                            i didn't know
       what its like
                to be falling
and know you're falling

            but not be able to do
                          about it
                                            i'm sorry
for not grabbing you
      for not catching you
            but why now
as i'm falling
             you're falling too


                       from me

     i'm sorry
232 · Jul 2013
you just seem to know
maybella snow Jul 2013
its so amazing how
        you just seem to know
  without me saying anything  
                that i'm slightly doubting your love for me
and you remind me of it
   of how strong it is    
           how true it is
how much you need me

you seem to know when i need you
to tell me of this
                             i dont know how you do
but this is just
           another reason
why i love you
232 · Jul 2013
any less than you
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't have any less blood  
i don't have any less thoughts
i don't have any less movements
i don't have any less love
                                                            but it's all for you
all of it
maybella snow Sep 2013
15 words

*you never know their intent
or how they plan
on getting them
to become real
231 · Jul 2013
love and hurt
maybella snow Jul 2013
you showed me love        
and you gave me hurt

i gave you love
and i showed you hurt    

230 · Jun 2013
maybella snow Jun 2013
life. . . . .                                                                                

s            i            g            h
229 · Jul 2013
we're drowning birds
maybella snow Jul 2013
like land birds        
we circle,
                                 glide after each other
over the sea                                  
there's no place          
for a land bird to rest                              

                                      will we simply
stop flying
                                            and drown?
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
technically about two people but yeah
228 · Jul 2013
why "god" why?
maybella snow Jul 2013
why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?why do i live?

                           no, if "god" existed/cared
i wouldn't be alive
                someone is lying
      i don't care
                             for the truth
but i shouldn't be
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't know
     if i have
the effort
               or inspiration
to write
anything today
   i'm too tired
and my brain
is completely
on you
but you're too perfect
and art
will not amount
to you
even if i try

so i don't know
if i'll write any more
225 · Jul 2013
yeah idk
maybella snow Jul 2013
its hard
not to feel heavy                                      
   when its been
                                                                                                     so  l o n g
225 · Jul 2013
i believed you, i still do
maybella snow Jul 2013
someone called me pretty
        i didn't believe them
             yet somehow
i believed you

224 · Jul 2013
living =
maybella snow Jul 2013
knowing you can die
at any time          
but continuing                
to live

i'm not                        
224 · Jul 2013
our house, room, life
maybella snow Jul 2013
we talked about what our house                                                                                                
would be like                                                                                                
it was a while ago                                                                                                
but i remember                                              
how you described it to me                          
it sounded perfect                                          
and of course                                                  
it had you                                                                            

yes i still remember,
when you told me
it surprised me
to start with
but not

i love you                                                                        

223 · Jul 2013
when i really know people
maybella snow Jul 2013
◊                                                       i've found that            
when i really get to know people            
i know them                                                  
so well                                                  
that i know what they're thinking    
before they can say it    
its a little weird                      
but i just cant help it              
i get to know people too well              

220 · Jul 2013
i'm done here
maybella snow Jul 2013

i've got my poetry
and if you don't care about that
i don't care about you
i'm over trying to be who you want
i'm over it
i'm not smart
i'm not sporty
accept it

and i don't care                                                                      
i'm not trying for you                                                          
i'm living for me                                                                    
220 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
write me a poem of love,
remember to include
your love though
219 · Jul 2013
i'd like to believe
maybella snow Jul 2013
i know that sometimes          
i live in my head
because it's where we're together      
it's better than the cold                                  
real reality of how alone i feel now
218 · Aug 2013
empty and sad
maybella snow Aug 2013
at least we only feel that
                        when we're apart
      but we'll never be alone
   we know what's wrong
         but can we fix it?
       do we want to?
    is there any need to?

              we're whole and happy
     when we're together
           that's a good thing
218 · Jul 2013
please just
maybella snow Jul 2013
hold me?
love me?
help me?
love me?
hug me?
love me?
hide me?
love me?
please                                  ?
218 · Jul 2013
our death
maybella snow Jul 2013
you want to die sometimes                                                  i want to die sometimes
you live for me                                                               ­        i live for you
you'd die for me                                                               ­      i'd die for you
/     \
/          \
/               \

i hope nothing pushes these scales
either way
because it'll end
in our death
maybella snow Jul 2013
i have to keep reminding myself        
that no, i haven't lost a friend
just lost contact with them                          
for a while
217 · Jul 2013
move in with me instead?
maybella snow Jul 2013
you're moving                        
yet it has no effect on me
because i'm on the other side    
of the world anyway              
i wish                                                          
you were moving        
to live                      
with me                                    
if only
215 · Jul 2013
you always were
maybella snow Jul 2013
the depressed
the hurt
the lonely
the one in pain
                                   when did i turn this way?
215 · Jul 2013
memory pain
maybella snow Jul 2013
its hard to know
         if you're actually in pain
or just in the memory of pain

214 · Jul 2013
i'm not exactly empty
maybella snow Jul 2013
i just don't have    
anything right now                
that i want to write about
well i do, i just can't put it to words
and i don't think i want to
214 · Jun 2013
. . . .
213 · Aug 2013
so, today;
maybella snow Aug 2013
i wasted a day
i do this
how many days            
until i waste a life?                
                                    my life
209 · Jul 2013
i'll suicide in the rain
maybella snow Jul 2013
5 words
*as rain and tears combine
i'll become a part of
the "sad" rain
208 · Jul 2013
"you don't know love"
maybella snow Jul 2013
maybe i don't
         but i know pain
    and it's not here when you are
love, no one really knows
      if it's ever real
i'll take what i've got
                         on the wing
      if it's not love
  well i love what we have
maybella snow Jun 2013
it scares me                        
that i don't                                  
actually completely            
know what you want from me
and i don't think                  
that you'll ever tell me                      
the complete truth        
i don't think you want to              
/ . /
207 · Jun 2013
its not the same at all
maybella snow Jun 2013
is as it used to be                    
everything is
so different            

it's so much better              

205 · Jul 2013
want not
maybella snow Jul 2013
i need you
5 words all together
maybella snow Jul 2013
"where are you?"
204 · Jul 2013
from a distance
maybella snow Jul 2013
watching people from      
a distance

as they perform everyday      

i wonder    
if someone, somewhere
envies my life                    

as they watch it      
from a distance
204 · Jul 2013
i know i'm nothing
maybella snow Jul 2013
.                                        can you at least
                                         pretend to care?
204 · Jul 2013
i hate when this happens
maybella snow Jul 2013
i hate that          
            i've fallen into
one of these moods                                                        
                                                          where i question
your love for me
200 · Jul 2013
why're you going to hell?
maybella snow Jul 2013
you're telling people        
you're going to hell
what did you do to think
that you're going to go to hell?
what happened?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i haven't felt the need to be perfect for you
because i know                                        
i'm perfect for the person i love
and they're perfect for me
so where's the need  
for me to change
only for you
195 · Jul 2013
broken lovers & poets
maybella snow Jul 2013
is it just poets that are
             broken lovers?
     or is it just
broken lovers that
             become poets?
195 · Jul 2013
i'd really like that
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'd really like to make a book
          filled to the brim
    with my poetry
i'd really like it if my poems
  connected with people
                   made them feel less alone
i'd really like to meet my readers
                       to know they're real people
              and let them know i'm real
i'd really like to write
        and make it my career
194 · Jul 2013
zero to can't say
maybella snow Jul 2013
your attempted suicides
     out number mine
mine being none
                                      yours being too hard
                                to talk about
                           for both of us
192 · Jul 2013
~ i love you ~
maybella snow Jul 2013

                              such a
            three words

i love you
192 · Jul 2013
somewhere in between?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i want to be
                                                                                                                                                    on the other side
                                                                                                                                                    of the world
                                                                      is there somewhere                                            with you
you want to be                                                 we can meet?
on this side                                                    
of the world
with me
189 · Jul 2013
what does love feel like?
maybella snow Jul 2013
because i'm only in pain now
        you're the only thing
  that stops it
                 yet you're unable
      to be here all the time
i know i love you
         but why am i hurting so?
189 · Jun 2013
live in dreams
maybella snow Jun 2013
wouldn't it be frightening
if dreams we our real life        
and our real life
was our dreams      

would it be much to scary?
or absolutely wonderful?
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