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263 · Aug 2013
winter trees
maybella snow Aug 2013
bare of leaves
i wonder
if they
     get cold in winter
          so cold
that they
       forget who/what
                   they once were
how do they
  to grow
            in spring?
262 · Jul 2013
i cry
maybella snow Jul 2013
for many reasons
5 words
261 · Aug 2013
i fall
maybella snow Aug 2013
for the                                      
10 words including title
261 · Aug 2013
i am alone
maybella snow Aug 2013
nothing feels right
to be felt in
the misshapen body
i'm stuck in
no one see or hears              
the horrid thoughts
that are in my head
no one knows                      
how alone i feel      
you cant know                        
you're not
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
*when every time i wake up cold, alone and awake
maybella snow Jun 2013
i love you                              

i cant live

without you                      

259 · Aug 2013
[blood falls/drips]
maybella snow Aug 2013
how much          
until there's            
no more      

how much        
until i die?
259 · Jun 2013
maybella snow Jun 2013

     there is such an
                      of faith
                 residing in that

there is such an
                      of people
                  depending on that

i'm not                                                                                                
one of                                                                                              
i hope no one takes this the wrong way, but i don't believe in religion , and i don't want to
258 · Jul 2013
silent screaming
maybella snow Jul 2013
mouth wide open    
eyes squeezed shut                
i feel i'm in pain
but i can't scream  
i can't utter a noise            
there's nothing            
im silent screaming                
my hands are ******
to stop them shaking      
but it's not really working
because my arms are tensed        
if someone touches me i'll lash out  
so don't touch me
while i'm silent screaming  

my shaking hands reach up    
to grab a fist full of my hair
yanking at it i continue to scream
but again nothing comes out              
not a peep, nothing
maybella snow Jul 2013
                 why is there so much of it
      between us
                                               when all i want
is to be
                            to you
                                            fingers entwined
               palms pressed against each other
                                                 arms touching
                                           i'd say shoulders,
                       but you're way taller than me
i know
                 it'll be a couple of years
    from now
                                       until the time when
we can be touching
in simple and small ways
simply because we can
and no one's here,  to
stop us
257 · Sep 2013
i can't stop thinking of us
maybella snow Sep 2013
what we could have become
you were perfect
       why                why        why        why
why       why                            why                 why
        wasn't i there
   to save you
              to stop you
and you'd be alive today
we'd be so happy
everything would be perfect
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*i'd travel to you if i could, believe me
256 · Jun 2013
a small something?
maybella snow Jun 2013
i felt something today
     i felt a small tickle of

it was only tiny
    it didn't last long, but it was
                                                       it shocked me
i'm not broken

        not quite yet
                                it gave me    the slightest feeling

of happiness
                                       it wasn't complete
               i'm not complete

i cant be
                 not for a little while longer

but i was okay today
        only okay
255 · Jul 2013
is this pain, or love?
255 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
words and numbers
                                                                      clash and
                   unsure of where
they're wanting to go
                              probably no where
                                              just wanting to get out
                       of here
                              - this brain
                                                               i don't want to be here
     i feel sorry for the letters

              stuck in this crazy place
  it's a maze
           i hope they find the exit
                              without too much harm
255 · Jul 2013
i don't need i don't want
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't need sleep
        i need you
i don't need food
       i need love
i don't want sleep
        i need you
i don't want food
        i need love

i need your love
i need you love
254 · Jul 2013
no one cares
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's simple
               most times
no one cares
     and i know that now
254 · Jun 2013
let me kiss it better
maybella snow Jun 2013
i found your scars
you attempted to brush me away
i persisted
brought your wrist
up to my lips

and whispered
"i'm sorry, it'll be okay"
and continued to kiss them
all better

253 · Jul 2013
thinking about
maybella snow Jul 2013
i think about you
     more than i'd like
to think about
253 · Jul 2013
your coffee making
maybella snow Jul 2013
i love coffee
i also love the way
you make your coffee
it's not the way i drink it
but it still makes me laugh
        step one: make coffee
        step two: put in a little sugar
        step three: realize you need more sugar and dump more in
oh i love you
this really isn't a poem, a memory. a happy memory C:
251 · Aug 2013
i look like a mess
maybella snow Aug 2013
nothing like reflecting what you feel on the inside
251 · Aug 2013
just maybe
maybella snow Aug 2013
neither yes
nor no        
a hope              
it could be either
or nothing.
this word
only means
to my
hopeless mind
maybe i'll be okay
maybe i'll finally give in
maybe you love me
enough to comment
a "maybe yes"
...maybe not
in response to Kestrel, Poetic Challenge
251 · May 2013
i find i'm lost
maybella snow May 2013
sitting, not thinking

i find something peculiar

i'm crying


i have no idea

they flow down my cheeks

yet i cant stop


maybe its because

there's nothing

nothing in my mind


i dont know

i have no idea, im lost

but i know where i am




i cant answer that question

so stop asking

i'll tell you when i know
250 · Sep 2013
hours pass
maybella snow Sep 2013
i wonder
                                                      if you're                                              here
watching me
                                                  waste my life                                        away
and regretting
your choice to die
250 · Aug 2013
are you dead?
maybella snow Aug 2013
how the **** could you do this to me
you can't do this
i love you
and you're dead
**** idk what to do
250 · Jul 2013
there's a saying:
maybella snow Jul 2013
"god only gives you
    the struggles he
       believes you
        can handle"

someone obviously got that wrong
         or "God" is becoming
                        there are far too
young suicides

                                          than anyone
250 · Jul 2013
i want your pain
maybella snow Jul 2013
the cuts on you          
    have no rhythm or rhyme
no certain flow
-like this poem-                          
but i want
to copy them      
onto my skin in the exact places
as you

i want to know          
the pain you went through
...hey the last part rhymes a little ooops
249 · Jun 2013
i'm tired
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*how could you go die on me? i love you
maybella snow May 2013
sometimes i
wonder what life
would be like without
you, then i realize
that i would be
nothing without you.
you are my
everything. sometimes
i consider what would
happen to you if
you didn’t have
me. you would
continue to live
strong as ever, living
everyday like the
last, its tragic that
i cant live without
a counter part
maybella snow Jul 2013
// too many ideas
   &     not being able to think of
only one to do //
248 · Jul 2013
dream up a place
maybella snow Jul 2013
can you tell me
                     write it down
                     dream it out
of a happy place
             so we can escape
   and be

           and please make sure
                      no matter what happens
              we'll be able to go there
   any time we need

                           i'd dream it out
                           and write it down
     if i could
              but it seems
my imagination
       is faltering
                                     so could you please help me out?
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's amazing how
we're not related
we haven't even met
                            you're a guy on the internet
                            you know more about my life
                            than some of my friends
we're not in a relationship, hah no way
you're more like..
                                 an older brother
                                 and in weird ways
      i think you actually care about me
      and yeah i care about you
                                      in a weird way
                                                                         we have our jokes
                                                            and our kind of fights

and i'll miss you...
248 · Jul 2013
, r ; ` . a ; ' ` i : ´n ;
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'd like to think
     that when it's raining here
'  '' ,   . ' . ; ,  :  ' ' , '    : ,   ' '  ,   ; ' ´    , ''', '
'  ,' ;  ' ,   : ' '  ; , : ';    ,'    ' ', ;   , . "  ' ´
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;     .  ,    n   ;  ' '   , ' ' 
   .         '    '  ;      . 
                                               ­                     the sun's out where you are
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*i'll fight whoever for it, i need my love back
maybella snow Jun 2013
a twinkle                      
a spark        
a reflection          
of light
hitting my eye            
at an unknown angle        

~ ~ ~ ~
15 words...
maybella snow Jun 2013
i found myself
                            reading over my poems
               (i got bored with no inspiration)
            and i noticed something
they've changed
             i don't know if its for the better
or for the worse
                                     they've become
more jumbled
                                    than ever
and my poems
            are my thoughts
                     and emotions
     i suppose that makes sense
              i feel lost

so i guess
       thats why my poems
have changed

                        my thoughts
                       and emotions
have changed
245 · Jul 2013
is not wanting to live,
maybella snow Jul 2013
the same as wanting to die?
245 · Aug 2013
talk about yourself?
maybella snow Aug 2013
broken empty alive
wanting to die
243 · Jul 2013
i just can't stop crying
maybella snow Jul 2013
5 words

*hold me until i do?
243 · Jul 2013
this isn't what i wanted
maybella snow Jul 2013
5 words
I changed this from it's original content because it wasn't what I had wanted, deep apologies
maybella snow Aug 2013
i don't wanna know who i am
but usually i'm nice                    
until someone walks all over me
then i'm too hurt
to care anymore
242 · Jun 2013
define: love
maybella snow Jun 2013
.  _         .   -      x  
x   .         X      .      :  
       x    =     .    :      -   .       +    
~       .             x   .    
=      :   +       X    .    .     ~
.       ~    =        .      x      ~    
~      x      ~     .    =        
.    ~   X
x     ~   .        ~  

not possible                    
but that comes close          

because it makes                
no sense                                  
at all          

241 · Aug 2013
these tears
maybella snow Aug 2013
are dedicated to you
                              you caused them
          i just wish you kept them
                       but you wouldn't know
    the cause was you
                      and you won't be sorry
    i'm not asking you to be
                              you don't know what's wrong
  and i won't tell you either
239 · Jul 2013
of course i am
maybella snow Jul 2013
sometimes i think
you suspect              
            that i lie
when you ask if i'm

and i nod                    
and smile                              

                                          of course i am
i'm scared of you            
knowing the truth
239 · Jul 2013
i tried?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i fought back
          against you                         but            
nothing really                                
                                               at all
i tried?                                              
236 · Jul 2013
something important
maybella snow Jul 2013
well with the poem following this one, you'd assume I'm talking about one person, I'm really not, it's one of those slightly annoying 'you're important' 'everyone's important' kinda things :\
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