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287 · May 2013
sand stories till the end
maybella snow May 2013
our lives have been written
in soft, wet sand
done in a delicate hand
careful not to mess up


how can it be certain?
how wont it mess up?
the sea will wash it away
new beginnings again

over and over

again, it will be constantly
re-written, re-drafted
until you get where you finish
at the end of your story
285 · Aug 2013
oh how times change
maybella snow Aug 2013
they always do
they always will
there's no holding the past
it's gone too quick
memories are all just
that, memories
285 · Jul 2013
i don't...think...know
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't think I'm okay
i don't know if i will be
i don't think anyone can help
i don't know what i want
i don't think you care
i don't know why i'm writing this
284 · Jun 2013
it is said that...
maybella snow Jun 2013
mothers know when their children
       are in pain
                   or if something is wrong
     even something significant
if that
             is so true

           ­          don't you hear, or know
                                     that i cry every. night.
                     that i'm not sleeping well
       that i feel too sick to eat
               that i'm hurting all the time
                                   that i don't want to move from bed
                that i've acquired new scars
                                            that i'm in love

                                         why don't you know?
                            do you know, and not care?

                                  its said that
                          mothers know when their
                                                children are in pain
                     or if something has changed
                                                 significant or not

.... do you know?
284 · Aug 2013
i feel sick
maybella snow Aug 2013
sick sick sick
sick sick sick
284 · Jul 2013
you're not letting me
maybella snow Jul 2013
for every time
i've been tempted to            
                    grab a blade
and pierce my
i pick up a pen        
and draw or write            
                 a word or two
                 on my

                                                                i know you don't know the exact
                                                                 reason for me writing on my skin
                                                            yet i feel like you should know
                                                              that every time you growl at me
                                                                   for writing or drawing on my skin
                                                     and you tell me not to do it
                                    you're hurting me
you're telling me not to help myself                              
which is what i was doing                                              

i'm trying to help myself
284 · Jul 2013
casual morbid thoughts
maybella snow Jul 2013
your death
  will be
          the suicide
       of both
of us.
283 · Jul 2013
i'm a little strange
maybella snow Jul 2013
people say                                                                        
they hate being home alone                                          
for too long                                                                      
it's too quite.                                                                    
they play music, the TV is on                                        
just so they wont feel so alone                                      
i love being alone
no one is here
to expect anything of me
so i do more than if
everyone is home, and asking me
to do things, because i'm not.
i'm alone all the time                                                      
so being physically alone                                              
almost feels like you're here                                        
not them, you                                                                  
like you're simply sleeping
in our shared bedroom
because you didn't get to sleep
until late//early morning
you were too busy
watching me sleep, and keeping me safe
so you didn't sleep until you were sure
i was okay
this wasnt meant to be a love poem, it kinda just happened
maybella snow Sep 2013
i'm the living, dead without him
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm falling like the snow
        you promised we'd play in
my tears fall like the rain
        you promised we'd kiss in
i'm shaking like autumn leaves
        you promised we'd dance in
i'm dying like the roses
        you promised to give me
   you broke your promise to live
           can't i break mine?
281 · Jun 2013
† R.I.P †
maybella snow Jun 2013
          /                                  \        
/                  †                    \
    |                 R.I.P                  |    
|                                   ­         |
|                                             |
|                a sad                   |
|                      lonely            |
|                 person                |
281 · Aug 2013
sometimes i try
maybella snow Aug 2013
yeah i know i seem like a mean person sometimes
  but i swear, thats only when/
                                                     if someone hurts me
and i don't really know you
   yet i'm worried about you
                                  sometimes this is my downfall
           because i care about people
that will leave and not care about me
                            but i just cant help it
                                   i try to keep a                                                                  distance
but it never really works
                                                              please don't hurt me
                                                                            i get hurt too easily
                                          through my fake thick skin
                                                                                  i hurt more often than not
280 · Jul 2013
blank page//map?
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'm blank

i don't know
      what i'm thinking
if i'm thinking at all
             but i think (if i'm thinking)
  i missed something
along the way
     received wrong directions
to you, or
            you're moving further away
from me
                       and i'm so confused
maybella snow Aug 2013
in every
10 words including title
279 · Jul 2013
not even my friends
maybella snow Jul 2013
my friends;
they don't know what my poetry knows
my poetry is always with me
              stuck in the corners of my mind
                     wanting to escape my heart
my poetry
is a direct link
to my mind
                               *"shhh no one knows"
                         "please don't tell"
279 · Aug 2013
why do you care?
maybella snow Aug 2013
if people talk about me
behind my back                  
i really don't mind                
i don't hear it,
it doesn't bother me
why do you care if they do?
why are you scared to tell people about me?
...yeah it hurts, you don't want them to know?        
279 · Jun 2013
classifications of "love"
maybella snow Jun 2013
i feel love
how do i know this?
it just feels right

i tell someone,
"you don't know love"
is their reply

how do they know?
have /they/ felt love?
it could be different for other people?
279 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
i just love
him s
o much
278 · Jul 2013
another 15 words :/
maybella snow Jul 2013
light reflects over
                            and i'm sorry
for anyone
                feels the way
i do
278 · Jul 2013
i woke, yet again lonely
277 · Oct 2013
bad ideas:
maybella snow Oct 2013
telling you.
asking for help.
pushing you away.
maybella snow Jul 2013
i've changed    
my mind              
it comforts me more now                          
because i know                                                  
that when i plunge                                                            
into its                                                                                          

i wont                  
have to come back  
to a place            
i have to call "home"
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
*can't the universe understand i need something to be sad
not just me
275 · Aug 2013
i can't hear it now
maybella snow Aug 2013
remember that time
         you gave me a song
said "you have to
listen to it!"

                             so of course i did
                             and i fell in love with it
                             just as i fell in love with you
for weeks
                                              ­      it was the song
                                                            ­ that was us
maybe our love was forever
                     i cry every night
          that you didn't make it
                       to our "forever"
i've stopped
listening to it
it hurts
                                     i'm still waiting
                            for your
                                 "good morning love,
                                              sleep well? x"

if i'm james dean you're audrey hepburn
sleeping with sirens
273 · Aug 2013
just so alone
maybella snow Aug 2013
no one holds me at night
no one hugs me in the street
no one hangs onto my hand
no one wants me
no one
273 · Jul 2013
repeat ~ taeper
maybella snow Jul 2013
the clouds are
      thick overhead
so i'm not cold
              thinking about
                and writing
     a poem
about how the
     cloud coverage
means i'm not
sitting outside
               thinking about you

sorry if the title is a little confusing, it's simply repeat backwards C:
273 · Aug 2013
maybe it's easier
maybella snow Aug 2013
to be pushed down the steps to hell
than climb your way up  to  heaven
273 · Sep 2013
maybella snow Sep 2013
i changed
into my
very own
i hide in
under beds
ready to
**** at
any time
but i'm
not even
the demons
in my head
and the
angel in
my heart
all created
273 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
lay me down
on a tower of cards
watch them buckle
as i fall through
maybella snow Jul 2013
no matter how loud
          i listen to my music
even if it       p o u n d s
    its never
       loud enough to smother
the volume of my thoughts
270 · Aug 2013
will the lies ever end?
maybella snow Aug 2013
5 words

*will i know the truth?
269 · Aug 2013
how can a heart get stuck?
maybella snow Aug 2013
because mine          
is definitely              
lodged in my throat
maybella snow Jul 2013
pictures of you            
hold no texture  
hold no warmth
hold no love      
all i want                              
is to hold you            
and you to hold me              
maybella snow Jul 2013
i messed this up again                                ~why cant you do anything right?~
i just want you to love me                                          ~who would want to love you?~                        
            i don't mean to live this way                                              ~why wont you change?~    
i just want to die                                                   ~is it that hard to live?~                              

will you let me die?

maybella snow Jul 2013
sometimes i wonder
     if people think i'm a "loner"
or lost
                when i'm by myself
        the truth is
i don't sit next to you
                                  because i don't want to
          i'm not going to change
                                   myself, to be
who you think i should be
          who you think i should be like
                      i'd rather sit alone
         and wait for people
                 who like me, the way
i am
           for me
     not who you want
who i want
267 · Jul 2013
i am in my heart/head/soul
maybella snow Jul 2013
i know you're not sleeping well    
you're hiding it from me                
you're not telling me                ♡    
but i can tell                      i'm sorry
i know                      and i just wish
♡                        i could be there  
to hold you tight at night
until you slept soundly and safe
267 · May 2013
fast forwarding time
maybella snow May 2013
i don't know
what for
but i
need it
and time
isn't passing
quick enough
maybella snow Jul 2013
[hugs] [kisses]
    o            x

if only you get them
                   if not        well
i love you always

[hugs] [kisses]
    o           x

267 · Jun 2013
¿?cannot compute¿?
maybella snow Jun 2013
my brain has began to not function
                       as it used to
               it's lagging, catching on old things
    it didn't use to do this
            or maybe its just not as noticeable
maybella snow Jul 2013
.          .        .         .      .      .          .              .            .
                           . .          .    .                . .               .                    .       . . .                 .
.       .        . .              .          .         .  
.                  .           .            . . . .       .          .        .  
.               .               .                    .    .  .                    .               .  .             .
.       .   .      .          .       .             . .                         .
.               .        .      .         . . .               .         .       .     . .
266 · Jul 2013
e m p t y s p a c e s
maybella snow Jul 2013
i have too many empty spaces
       that can only be filled by you
             - my fingers
             - my bed
             - my arms
             - my head
             - my house
             - my heart
             - my love
             - my pain
             - my life
                                         you can
                                         fill the  g a p s
265 · Aug 2013
maybella snow Aug 2013
265 · Aug 2013
i didn't. i wish i did
maybella snow Aug 2013
i didn't scream at your face
i didn't punch you
i didn't bleed
i didn't stand up for myself
i didn't just leave
i didn't never come back
                                                           oh how i wish
                                                        that i did
264 · Jul 2013
"you okay?"
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