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313 · Jul 2013
scar tissue's beautiful
maybella snow Jul 2013
is it sad                                                         
or grotesque                                                 
that i find              
your scars              
to be beautiful?                                                     

i hate that you have                         
so    m a n y of them                          
and if i could
i would go back
and love you more                                
before you hurt yourself                      
but i can't
and i'm not
the reason for them                                            
but i love your scars                                          
they're a part of you
and who you've become

and i love who you are                
scars and all                         
you're beautiful                      
about my friends and boyfriend, you're beautiful, and i love you all
maybella snow Jul 2013
there aren't many of them      
i think i can think of one at least              
it's winter here
summer there
yes, stating the obvious                  
we'll never both be cold                                                                            
in your summer                              
you send me warmth to get me through winter                
in my summer                                
i'll send you warmth to get you through winter                

no, we'll never both be cold
312 · Jul 2013
parents are asking
maybella snow Jul 2013
my mum's asking
     if she can see my poems
i don't want to show her
                       she'd know all my secrets
   she'll know i'm not sleeping well
she'll know about him
           she'll know how i'm hurting
she'll know everything

       and i'm not ready for her
to know
                    i'm not ready for them to know anything
312 · Aug 2013
a dead light
maybella snow Aug 2013
that dark pipe that
             connects us
i remember a light
                at the end
        where i'd only
have to travel to it
      and everything
      would be okay

your light died
you're gone
you aren't coming back
your life died
312 · Jul 2013
i whimper, stop, go away
maybella snow Jul 2013
you screamed at me,
told me how i'm not good enough
                           how i could be better.
          why were you so surprised
     when i fell to the ground
                     crying and whimpering
"go away
     go away
  nothings wrong
        go away
          go away
     i'm fine leave me alone
             go away
               go away"

                                       with my head held
                    knuckles white
                              rocking back and forth
   why didn't you
*go away?
312 · Jul 2013
[tears fall]
maybella snow Jul 2013
they fall faster than i fell for you
10 words
maybella snow Jul 2013
the book that i write in
nothing special, simple lined paper
i randomly pick a page      
with nothing on it
and write                                          
somewhere completely silly
sometimes only containing a small
string of words              
and somehow i classify it as a poem
there are most likely a bunch of "poems"
that are and will be forever lost
  sometimes this saddens me                
lost "poems"      
maybe they're just free from eyes
maybe they shouldn't be found
flicking through my "poetry" book
on occasion i find them
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's starting to get late
                                and the essay
        i have to hand in tomorrow
isn't getting done
i have too many words
                              irrelevant to the topic
                              to get out first
before i'll have a clear enough head
                                  to write about it
                                                          my head fills up
                                                 with irrelevant words
                                        needing to out spill before
new words,
on topic,
come to replace them
311 · Jun 2013
you're shoving me
maybella snow Jun 2013
i'm a happy person
i'm satisfied with my life
where it is
how its moving along

so what if i cry on occasion?

there's no need for you to jump
get upset and assume
think that i've fallen over the edge
the edge of sanity

why are you pushing me?
pushing me to get help
for something i don't need help for
there's nothing wrong with me

i'm an average teenager
with average problems

stop pushing me
311 · Jun 2013
never ever never
maybella snow Jun 2013
i'm tired
                   i'm sick
      i'm hurt
         and i don't care anymore

i'm still waiting
      for a response

               but don't expect
     to be as it was

310 · Oct 2013
make it stop
maybella snow Oct 2013
if i hung off a bridge
would you reel me in
give me kisses
and hugs
or are you just going to leave me
and wait for a bigger, better
fish to gobble me up

you dont know
you wont know
i love you
i dont want to
309 · Jun 2013
boxed lives
maybella snow Jun 2013
i search through boxes
the boxes are filled
filled to the brim
with sadness
anger, madness

they're taped off to me
they're not my boxes
they're cramping me
i didn't fill them with sadness
anger, madness

i wonder in between them
watching them carefully
waiting to see which one
overflows first
sadness, anger, madness
maybella snow Sep 2013
10 words

*when did it change from an ending,
to a freeing
308 · Jul 2013
we fell in fall
maybella snow Jul 2013
in fall                                                                                                              
we joined                        
fiery leaves                                                  
as they                              
and flew                                                                                      
in a                      
of beautiful                              
to settle                                                                                              
on the                
safe and                                                                                                          
*grab my hand
we'll fall together
307 · Sep 2013
is it called a choice?
maybella snow Sep 2013
when others make it for you
by pushing you down far
enough, to force your choice
to **** yourself

*bullies? family? no one?
306 · Jul 2013
you're here; don't go
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'm so happy when you're here                  
giddy with love                    
                               but i know you'll only have to go
sooner rather than later
i beg you                                                                
every time                                                                        
to stay                                                  
forever this time                                                              
                              don't leave me this time
                                       it hurts more
                                                                    every time
i beg you                    
                           just stay
don't leave me
maybella snow Jul 2013
when you reach the top of a ******
                     and there's nothing but the fall
but you're too high up to see the bottom
        you're falling before you know it
                            you just have to accept
this fall
    will be your last

                             there's no coming back from it
              enjoy falling
                      imagine you're flying
                                       its better that way
         - from experience -
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't think
      it's a good idea
for me to live
               this close to the sea
  it just seems
way to
                                    for me to
maybella snow Oct 2013
ragged breaths and torn skin
     healing cuts and slow movements
sheets crumple as you toss and turn
lost within thoughts and broken memories
         emerald leaves and sapphire skies
tumbling to a lowly height
losing a love to death
losing a life to love
missing a heart
while holding one
meh idk
305 · Jun 2013
nothing will amount to us
maybella snow Aug 2013
how do you continue
to           muddle
the thoughts
in my head
so it has
to do with you
305 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
hold me down
watch me struggle
and wait for me to die
you'll be the death of me
if i wasn't already dead enough
304 · Sep 2013
its okay it was 9 days ago
maybella snow Sep 2013
clean                              cut
9 days ago
recently medicated                                                              
you laughed, told me i made you smile
you have no idea how important that was to me
                         that i could be helping you
and that day
was the 9th                                                          
so i understand why
                                    but 9 days ago
you havent done it                                          
since, you've talked to me                        
           more than usual
304 · Jul 2013
sometimes i want to scream
maybella snow Jul 2013
i want to scream now
i want the world to hear it    

but this -                                
words on a website
doesn't relay the noise  

i want to scream
until i've lost my voice      
or until you hear me

i'm screaming as loud as i can
my ears are throbbing  

can you hear me yet?
i just want you to hear
how much i need you
maybella snow Jul 2013
"words can't describe what i see
beauty and more, in one being
                                             are you an angel?
i guess it's just as well
you're absolutely gorgeous to me,
i'm sure it's not only me, who sees,
the beauty you hold in your entire body,
but it is most certainly seen by me"

                          the first poem you wrote me
                   i didn't ask for it
                           and it was given before confessions
                                          of love and adoration
no this isn't my poem, it was given to me, by the boy who stole my heart...
this poem isn't on his page, he hasn't put many poems on, i convinced him to join C:
MountL, the boy who stole my heart
304 · Aug 2013
your death did kill me
maybella snow Aug 2013
shut down i'm dead
but i'm also here
to pick up the broken pieces          
of the heart you shattered
you loved me enough
to break my heart
303 · Aug 2013
i'm getting nothing
maybella snow Aug 2013
.    sleep: no
   awake: no
         life: no
     death: no
is there
in between
we're able
to agree on?
               : no
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't believe in it at all    
how is my soul
going to mystically travel            
into either the sky                                              
or the depths of earth?
only depending on how i do    
in life                                
well i'm not bad at it
but i'm definitely not good
i want to die                            
and i don't think                                          
there's anywhere worse                                          
or anywhere better                                          
than earth                                          
i'm just seeing the
worst side of it            

i also don't believe in heaven or hell
and you know what?
hell; its in the ground                                                                  
where do we get buried?                                                            
hell; its a burning pit                                                                    
why do people get cremated?                                                    

burnt and buried in the ground                                                

i don't believe in heaven
or hell                                    
i believe
can be both of them
303 · Jul 2013
i don't have the strength
maybella snow Jul 2013
you found enough
for both of us        

i love you
300 · Oct 2013
growing blades
maybella snow Oct 2013
a blade
sharp and still
frost must have got it                              
so it crunches yet                                    
tickles when i stand on it                      
green and brittle                                      
the blade of grass                                    
reaches for sun                                        
no real meaning of life                          
but it doesn't know that                        
it only wants light,                                  
so it will grow                                        
to reach the light.                                    
cut it down                                              
it will heal                                                
and continue to grow                            
be *that
type of blade
not the steal one you thought of
when you read the first line.
299 · Aug 2013
"mum, she's suicidal..."
maybella snow Aug 2013
"she's just seeking attention"*
"well yeah... i guess..."                
"[aren't we all?]"
"me talking"
*"her talking"*
298 · Aug 2013
freedom has many forms
maybella snow Aug 2013
the only ones i want
is for my heart to be trapped in yours  
and my head to be caught in yours      
while my body is held captive in yours
yeah this is the                                          
                                                                ­          freedom

i'm asking for:
to be your prisoner
298 · Jul 2013
i'm stuck in five words
maybella snow Jul 2013
my heartache is killing me 5 words
all i want and need 5 words
is you, my heart aches 5 words

if i said five words 5 words
for times when i hurt 5 words
i'd be going on forever *5 words
298 · Jun 2013
jagged hearts
maybella snow Jun 2013
you cut a heart in your chest
did you do it because
     you felt heartless before?

or did you just have to
re-define your heart?

the lines were jagged
not at all soft or full of heart
297 · Aug 2013
maybella snow Aug 2013
my head*
        hurts *
so much
297 · Jun 2013
d r i f t w o o d
maybella snow Jun 2013
i feel lost                                                                                              
like a piece of
d  r  i  f  t  w  o  o  d                                    

cut off          
cast away                                

no direction                                              
no place to be
295 · Jul 2013
like a fork with the knives
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't belong here
      too many sharp edges
295 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
crying myself to sleep                                                
                                                         didn't really work
the tears didn't fall                                        
                                               i haven't slept yet either
                              neither sleep
            nor tears
           have fell        
upon me yet

maybella snow Oct 2013
hide my heart, a booklet of lines
     etched as jagged ripped lines
glue your love to it
                           cover the holes
but they'll always be there
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
i realized my poems don't have complex wording, and i don't usually write like that, i like using simple everyday words, that no one really looks twice at, because they might not sound intense enough for poetry, i try and fill my poems with emotion, not big words
293 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
soft hearts
melted into
shapes of
maybella snow Jun 2013
why?! why do i care about people?!                    
why do i have a helping nature?!              
why do i want to be nice?!                                
when people are horrible?!            
why do people hurt me?!                  
why do i continue to be nice when they do?!
why do i shed tears when this happens?!      
why do i find people who hurt me?!      
why do i go back to people who hurt me?!              
why do i apologize when they hurt me?!    

292 · Jul 2013
lay alone under the covers
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'm feeling more alone
          than ever
  i'm scared that your love
                       went down the sink
with the blood
         that once flowed in
thin delicate veins
       obtuse pipe work
291 · Jul 2013
you love me?
maybella snow Jul 2013
5 words
290 · Jul 2013
hello, i'm me
maybella snow Jul 2013
to the people who read my poetry
          you know what?
    you probably know me
                      better than some of my friends
        it might be weird
              but my poetry
  is my heart, soul, mind, secrets, life
                          so to the people who read what I write
              hello, i'm me
                                         who do you think i am?
     because i'm mostly
              a young girl, still in school, living at home
and in love with a boy
                    who happens to be
                                       on the other side
      of the world

              it's bittersweet
                           it hurts as well
but he loves me too
288 · Jul 2013
when we call
maybella snow Jul 2013
you called me
                   or i called you?
                                 it's been too   l o n g
since i last heard
   the deep timbre of your voice
                your soft breathing
                         deep chuckle
                                                         ­         for a while
                                                           ­       we just sat
                                                             ­       distanced
                                                ­                   connected
and listened to our breathing
                                      in... out
                                                                ­                      and i noticed how
                                      we're in synchrony
288 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
my poetry is thoughts
about what i'm feeling
and yes,
everything i write
is about my life
i don't understand
how to not write
about what i'm feeling
because that is
why i write
to get out thoughts,
feelings, events, etc
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