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333 · Sep 2013
hush dont tell
maybella snow Sep 2013
no one knew
about the sobbing,
shaking mess i was
last night
333 · Aug 2013
can't handle anything
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm ready to
bash my head
against a wall

i'm about to
cut my wrists
with a blade

i just want
my death to be
sooner rather
than later
332 · Oct 2013
331 · Jun 2013
capturing sadness in film
maybella snow Jun 2013
i found a recent picture of me
i look sad

i went back and looked at a picture
of me      
  a couple of weeks ago

i was happy
full of life                        

i had no idea
that i had changed so much          
i thought i hid
under lock and key

but i guess                                                  
only photographic evidence
was able to      
convinced me                              
that i cant hide              
this strong of sadness                    
within me                          

330 · Aug 2013
i don't want to be here
maybella snow Aug 2013
here: living with you          
here: living at all                  
here: in this body                 
here: in this head                  
330 · Jul 2013
hyperthermia's setting in
maybella snow Jul 2013
my heart it cold
my skin is frosted
my eyes are ice
my mind is frost burnt

your love is my fire
                   defrost me
                      warm me up
i'm too cold
i'll die soon
329 · Jul 2013
your pillow's gone
maybella snow Jul 2013
the other night              
i woke up                            
and realised that
the pillow that belongs                    
on your side of my bed                          
was gone

early morning tears    
isn't the best way to
start a day                        

but i couldn't help it                

your pillow                    
wasn't there                          
for you        
it wasn't there                                
for the time when                                   you
lay down next to me            

it was gone      
and i cried
328 · Jul 2013
perfect flaws
maybella snow Jul 2013
i love how                
our flaws      
don't clash                  
instead they      
seem to work  
well at finding the problem
and fixing it
328 · Jun 2013
cloud figures not science
maybella snow Jun 2013
: ' ' ' ''. , .  ; ' ' ';
       ' ; ,                 ' ',' :
         : . , . ' ;  ..    :
                                           : ' ' ' ''. , .  ;                                             , ,   ; ' ' '; , .  ; ' ' ' ;                              
                ;  ''                    ',' :                                       ' ; . ,                    ; '        
                              ' :                , ,' :                                                 ; , , . , ; ' ' , ;                        
               ' ', .'   , .  ;'                                       : ' ' ' ''. , .  ;                      
                                               ; ',                 ',' :
                  ; '  '  ;                         ' : . , . ' ;  .. , :
   ' .     '. , .  ;                    
                ; ,                  ',' :                          
               : . , . ' ;  ..    :                      

clouds only look like things
when you have an imagination
10 words
328 · Jul 2013
every time we talk
maybella snow Jul 2013
our souls clasps onto each other
         attempting to hold
                         onto what we both know
   will be gone
327 · Jun 2013
the "art" of crying
maybella snow Jun 2013
eyes blur

nose stings

jaw clenches

muscles tighten

brain yells

salt drops fall


. . . . . . . . . . . .

*the art of crying is not pretty
it's real
327 · Nov 2013
history repeats
maybella snow Nov 2013
there's no denying it
325 · Aug 2013
less alone with a storm
maybella snow Aug 2013
thunder encompasses my body
lightning shows my deformed being
                          broken and cold
the storm holds me
cold as it may be
                   it continues to hold me safe
                                                                                   while some people are frightened
                                                                               the power of the storm
                                                                                                has no meaning to me
                                                                                        it can't lie to anything
                                                                                        it can't break me more than i am
                                                                       so i let it overwhelm me
                                                                                                           and i finally feel okay
maybella snow Jul 2013
meeting you                                  
a boy with nothing to live for
anymore, despair, loathing          
i fell for a broken boy
not broken in the way of crushed
but shattered                      
i found your heart
yes, there is one there      
you just seemed to have forgotten
how to use it
but don't worry          
because i think
you've remembered now
325 · Jun 2013
never stop haunting me
maybella snow Jun 2013
floorboard creak as i walk through the house                    
                           i stop for a moment to listen for you
                                                                         and there you are
                              two steps behind me
                       you're not really there                                                          
but i feel your presence
you're a ghost in my mind                      
you return to me late at night                                          
                or when no one's home
                                                                         i hear your deep chuckle
                                                                                              and can't help but smile
you're two steps behind me                    
you're a ghost in my presence                                  
           but you're there
you're with me
you're reassuring me
                       constantly of your love for me
                                           and my love for you

let your ghost be here                                                      
when you cant                

                                                                                         haunt me
                                                            and never stop

325 · Aug 2013
tell me lies
maybella snow Aug 2013
tell me it's                    
all going          
to be
even though
we both                
know it                            
wont be,                
tell me
maybella snow Jul 2013
5 words
*when did i become painless?
324 · Jul 2013
the hot tap's too cold
maybella snow Jul 2013
in the shower
         turning up the hot tap
      sigh, it's still cold
turns the hot tap up more
                 discovers it's as high as it goes
                                   turns cold tap down
still not hot enough
still too cold
still warming up
still need you
still cold without you
still needing your warmth
324 · Sep 2013
wishful thinking
maybella snow Sep 2013
your hand slides through mine
a pale figure unseen by eyes
         a cold warmth
         hold me tight
                                           you may be here
                                                  but not alive
handling lies
        after lies
                             don't leave me
                   your ghost is all i have
      though i know
                          its just me imagining it
                  but i cant let you go
                                                            i need you here
                                                        ghost or not
                                                            i need you
                                     even the thought of you
a ghost
holding my hand
supporting me
                                                   hold me love
                                                 give me a sign
                                                     help me live
                                                     because i'm struggling
323 · Sep 2013
distance relationships hurt
maybella snow Sep 2013
i was the last
to know about
your death
i had died
of times
before i

i've died more times
and am dead on the
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's been a while since i've woken up
          before everyone
   its quiet
                           and restful
       there's also no one
                          giving me looks

those will come though
when everyone else wakes too
maybella snow Sep 2013
it's not
but will it          
work for me      
if i beg enough?
323 · Jul 2013
you told me you're insane
maybella snow Jul 2013
insanity just looks too good on you
322 · Aug 2013
poets die tragically
maybella snow Aug 2013
a girl in my year
commented "i'd hate to be a poet
they always live sad, and die
i smiled at the truth
and cried on the inside
maybella snow Jun 2013
don't                  please            
do anything                              
to get my            
chance is    
you already had it                          
321 · Aug 2013
i tried
maybella snow Aug 2013
nothing is in my head
                                          i cant think
                                                  because i                                                                           banished
to a place                                                          
             where it doesn't
      think of poems
or maybe
there are too many                                  
for me to get a single one
                                                                               ...written down...
maybe they're just
tooentangled to free
321 · Aug 2013
maybella snow Aug 2013
:)                                |h|e|l|p|                                                                           why  cant  some  people
|h|e|l|p|                          read between  the lines?
|h|e|l|p|                                                              isn't it obnoxiously        
|h|e|l|p|                                                                                                          obvious  to you?
|h|e|l|p|                            some people ask
|h|e|l|p|                                                                                                                                in plain sight
|h|e|l|p|                                                     |h|e|l|p|                  
and  they don't receive  it
|h|e|l|p|                         maybe they are asking in
|h|e|l|p|                                                                                           the wrong place    
|h|e|l|p|                                                            but they're asking
|h|e|l|p|                                                                       some people just cant                                  
|h|e|l|p|                                                       read between
|h|e|l|p|                                                                                             the lines
making a point
maybella snow Jul 2013
i remember a time
when "i love you"      
was the strongest,
most potent thing                
you could say to anyone        

yet now                        
when i tell you  
"i love you"              
it doesnt seem to quite      
send the message                    
as strong,              
and potent    
as it used to be                            
or i want it to be
320 · Jun 2013
a different type of numb
maybella snow Jun 2013
'                                                       i feel numb
                   but its different
its the type of numb
       you feel when
                      you've been crying too long

                                       your brain
                                                          is exhausted

              so it stops everything
                                                         just to rest
for a while, nothing matters
                      you don't care about anything
                                           you've cried all your tears away
                       along with the last problem
                                          you had struggles with

  and you feel

                                                             that different type of

320 · Jul 2013
like that one time
maybella snow Jul 2013
like the grey white hotel sheets
       you tell me you love me
i know it's true
   and i love you too

like light peeping around a
            block out blind
                               you're a constant
the brightest thing in the morning

like the humid summer air
    enclosed around us
                 you held me closer and
   tighter than you ever did

like the stains inside coffee mugs
   no scrubbing will remove
             the scars you engraved
  using pain to forget me

like the bleached white towels
    where they've removed the nasty colours
  breaking down what was
            to what it is now

319 · Jul 2013
i'm feeling slightly guilty
maybella snow Jul 2013
over the fact
               that i'm now
    starting to wear

        simply to hide
the dark smudges
             under my eyes

and the light scars
    on my legs
          even the continuous bruises
                                 over my knuckles
so i'm wearing make-up
   to hide
            what i don't want
                           to see

maybella snow Jul 2013
15 words

*some people think it's a little weird...
maybella snow Jul 2013
if your arms were a destination
             i'd fly to it
if your lips were the sky
        i'd bask in it
if your hair was sea ****
                i'd get lost in it
if your eyes were the trees
     i'd live in them
if your heart was an ocean
           i'd die in it
318 · May 2013
the dearest things
maybella snow May 2013
i desire to relive
all our times together
g o o d   and   b a d
your splendor overwhelms me
my heart aches at the times
when you don’t regard me
or don’t see the subtle moves
of me trying to get nearer
sneakily brushing your arm
when it was easily avoided
these artfully planed gestures
filled with   l o v e   and   w a n t i n g
go unnoticed sometimes
my world breaks open
to let me fall in the gaps
where darkness resides

though there are better times
occasional times where
all of me
my gestures
my glances at you
times my
h e a r t   f i l l s
when a silent smile is shared
a meeting of our eyes
glint in your eye for me
my favorite is when
every time your warm body
t o u c h e s    m i n e
in an innocent touch
my entire being
wakes up
a l i v e
i see the world
utterly wonderful
with you at its center
318 · Aug 2013
and here is the explosion
maybella snow Jul 2013
sometimes i think the only reason
       that i'm able to sleep at all
  is because i know
           that right then

                  you're wishing
                     were here
                       with me
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*easy target, free ****. i won't resist, make it quick
316 · Oct 2013
my feels
maybella snow Oct 2013
during?    \    \\
bleeding  \\
needing         \\
hurting   \ \      \
not everyone will understand an thats okay
maybella snow Sep 2013
waiting for someone
to take me away;
i couldn't stop
the thoughts of you
going around
  and around
                      in my mind
i miss you
so much x
315 · Jul 2013
something random about me
maybella snow Jul 2013
my eyes turn from a greeny brown
         to bright emerald
when i'm sad or angry
                                          you laughed
true my eyes change colour...
314 · Aug 2013
even mum has noticed
maybella snow Aug 2013
my face is pale                
my eyes red and puffy  
my smile's gone              
the colour i had
in the happiness of you
is gone
314 · Jul 2013
b o x
maybella snow Jul 2013
s   q   u   a   r   e
e                        s
r         me         q
a            ­           u
u   q   s   e   r   a

i'm stuck
314 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
i saw your name (----)
in a book i was reading                
i stared at it for a while        
then longer                                            
and longer                                            
until i burst into fresh tears

the sight of your name brought me
to tears, how pathetic can i be?

(----) i love you x
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