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357 · Jul 2013
f **r**A *g* m e n T *s*
maybella snow Jul 2013
life consists of* tiny
f rA *g
m e n T s
                  glued together            messy
*yet whole
maybella snow Sep 2013
10 words

*a weight lifted,
everything is going
to be okay
355 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
funny these poems of "love"
when i dont love you
im stuck on him
i love him
not you
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'm waiting
                                     for you to walk in the door
                           wrap your arm around my waist
                 kiss the skin below my ear on my neck
                     and whisper to me that you love me

its never going to happen
yet i still
                         wait and expect
                                  and then get too disappointed
                                            when you never walk in
355 · Sep 2013
bittersweet sixteen
maybella snow Sep 2013
i have to learn
that i can               be happy
with two
                         helium                     balloons
and                                     a cake
happy sweet sixteen
maybella snow Aug 2013
stared through
they're forever
not looked at
instead looked through
                                  do they understand
                                  they're needed?
they keep in warmth
they keep out wind
they keep in cold
they let in wind
                                                they have a purpose:
                                     to be not looked at
                                     instead looked
353 · Sep 2013
maybella snow Sep 2013
my creative flow
is no longer a natural,
beautiful downhill stream
it's a mountain hike
where the water
gives up
352 · Sep 2013
for the falling leaves
maybella snow Sep 2013
small swirls                              
twists and                                          
spirals and                  
all                                               leaves      
some    faster                                      
just remember
we all                                                              
fall from that tree              
(of life) eventually
maybella snow Jul 2013
i love how sweet you are to me
   i hate that the rest of the world doesn't see
                     the kind,
                           amazing person you are
you disguise yourself
         hide it behind insanity,
but i love that the only thing
            you don't hide
        is how much you love me
maybella snow Aug 2013
why the hell              
did seeing that
hurt so ******* much
i don't love you
but *******            
that hurt                                        
to see you loving someone else

i don't even know
why this would hurt
but the knife in my chest
at seeing that                          
******* killed me

and no,            
you'll never know
that this poem
is for you              
you won't know
how to stop                      
this pain
because you don't know
it's you causing it
351 · Jul 2013
is life fake?
maybella snow Jul 2013
it's hard to know            
what's real                      
in a world so fake
it thinks it's real
fake seems to be the new "real"
if this makes sense to anyone I'd be surprised, it doesn't really make sense to me
351 · Jul 2013
i smile in old memories
maybella snow Jul 2013
i can't help but fall
                     for you again
every time i see you
   you make me clumsy
                   and i fall
  *e v e r y   t i m e
350 · Jul 2013
"how are you?" "i'm okay"
maybella snow Jul 2013
can't you see the tears in my eyes?
the dried blood on my legs?
how much i want to die?      

i'm obviously not okay
but i'm too scared to tell *you
maybella snow Aug 2013
the wall seems to be unaffected by my apologies
348 · Aug 2013
you're a drug; i'm addicted
maybella snow Aug 2013
5 words

*cant get enough of you
348 · Nov 2013
dont comment
maybella snow Nov 2013
.          i was happy last night
until i remembered
           im not allowed to be happy
           i cried myself to sleep
why? i dont know
   but im not meant to be happy
          i dont deserve it

this morning i was happy
                        i smiled as i yawned
then they barged in,
the whole family
         and reminded me
    happiness isnt for me
                and i cut open my skin
    once again i bled
                          i dont deserve to be happy
maybella snow Aug 2013
i hide me from myself
i don't like me for who i am
348 · Jun 2013
48 hours... longer?
maybella snow Jun 2013
its been
              48 hours
         or longer?
since i last heard from you
   i'm worried
               only ever you

life has become
                 a monotone
                                    in comparison
you're a playlist
                    in my head
   forever on repeat

                                          o v e r    a n d    o v e r

i smile at our little jokes
                       said not too long ago
i'm joyful
      i am
                but i need to know
     where and how
                     you are
347 · Jul 2013
a little inside... joke?
maybella snow Jul 2013
at home we have                        
i guess you could call it a joke
involving a plastic spider                      
about the size of my palm                      
this spider
a red-back i believe
is placed somewhere
on top of a door                                        
so it'll fall on the next person                  
who opens it                                              
and the whole thing
is a bit of a competition
of who can not be scared
when it falls unexpectedly
onto them, then put it somewhere
where it'll fall on someone else

right now                                                          
i believe its perched                                        
on the shower head                                                                    
i didn't put it there                                
i spotted it out of                                    
the corner of my eye                              
i hope i don't
forget it's there
when it topples onto me
346 · Oct 2013
only one escape; death
maybella snow Oct 2013
is it normal
to feel claustrophobic
inside my own skin?
                            skin that grew with me
as years passed
   burnt in summer sun
chilled in winter
               i think
                              the scar tissue
is making me
because i cant
               i'm stuck
inside this body
      and i want
to escape
346 · Jul 2013
aka now
maybella snow Jul 2013
i know, this saddens me
          but i know
that i will never know                    
everything you do
                  everywhere you go
everyone you're with                            
                                            i have
reason not to trust you                                      
                                          i also have every reason to trust you

and so i do                                                                  
i trust you with your life                                                          
i trust you with mine                                                                
                                          just as
                                             you trust me with your life
                                      you trust me with mine

in these ways    
its hard not to think        
              that we can't make it
through the roughest times                                      

                                                                                                                                    aka now
*i trust you
346 · Jun 2013
unknown awakenings
maybella snow Jun 2013
i woke up at 4am                          
              it just happened
one minute sleeping
                            the next, my eyes opened
no matter how hard i tried      
i never returned to the safety                    
                 of my dreams
where you held me closely
snug and warm                          
                                               instead i lay awake
                                         cold and lonely
until it was        
time to rise        
and prepare        
                                  for the day
without you
maybella snow Aug 2013
all my aches left me
i stopped hurting    
most bad thoughts  
were gone,                                          
to be replaced by                                          
and happiness                                          
and i think  
90% of it      
was because
of you                          
so much
344 · Nov 2013
i have no future
maybella snow Nov 2013
i hold onto the past
because he isnt in my future
and i cant see anything
hes dead
maybella snow Nov 2013
its becoming
and easier
and easier
to hide everything
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
*i smiled because of your laugh, you laughed more then
343 · Sep 2013
i'm crying again
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*i cry myself to exhaustion, but i don't sleep well
any ideas on how to get a good night sleep? tried mostly everything. sigh.
341 · Jul 2013
cats that don't run, fight
340 · Jul 2013
it's not that i'm lazy
maybella snow Jul 2013
but i can't function
       i find myself
                               doing nothing
              all the time
          moving things
              putting them back
   shifting objects
                                       i can't write much
                                          and that hurts a fair bit
                                  i think
              halfway through writing this nothing
                              tears began to fall
                                           but i can't recall why they did
         but all i want
                           is you to wipe them
      but please keep them safe
                        because i think
                                                         they're for
                                                         and because
                                                         of you
340 · Aug 2013
hold me love
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm cold
yet your skin
is freezing
hold me closer
340 · Aug 2013
noises are just noises
maybella snow Aug 2013
"i know you hate this, but
      it's not hurting you"*
                                                      maybe not physically exactly
                                                      but the mental hurt
                                                      did cause physical hurt
                                                                                       in the end
                                                 you just don't know
maybella snow Sep 2013
and forget
i'm talking to you
not him
15 words all up
337 · Jul 2013
friendly darkness
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'm not afraid of the dark as i used to be
     i welcome it as a friend
                                    lost lover
                                    only child
      i miss you
it's killing me
337 · Aug 2013
you doubt my love?
maybella snow Aug 2013
i doubt my reason for living
                    without my love
337 · Oct 2013
it is an addiction
maybella snow Oct 2013
when your body spasms
           you force back screams
the pain is inside
smashing your hand
          into your head
to make thoughts stop
to focus the pain
somewhere else
               clawing at skin
trying to stop that pain
                   internal pain
                       that echoes your head
          and radiates down your spine
     its an addiction
    to change internal pain
into external
                             so i can sleep at night
                                       dream (nightmare) free
336 · Jul 2013
two months, twenty days
maybella snow Jul 2013
i'd cope better
if i was
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words

i don't know why i'm feeling this way, but i feel like i need to explain everything to everyone
exactly what i'm doing right now sigh
335 · Aug 2013
how? how? how? how? how?
maybella snow Aug 2013
i can't look at pictures of you
       not yet, it hurts too much
yesterday went well
i didn't shake, cry,
break down
all of the above;
i began shaking, crying
                      silent tears
and i broke down
                                                    all because
                                                    i saw you
                                                    all your videos
please, stop hurting me
please, stop please stop
i can't handle this
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
it's 11:49 and i've still got nothing
gah this isn't good
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