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maybella snow Oct 2013
if I was a fish
would you catch me;
reel me in
then realise
you had a
fish that had been
partly nibbled
and return me
to the sea
to die?
378 · Aug 2013
[head banging]
maybella snow Aug 2013
i think it's a little different
when it's against a wall
378 · Aug 2013
don't don't you dare
maybella snow Aug 2013
don't read my poems
just to keep tabs on me  
that's not fair                                
don't lie when you comment on them
377 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
death never really scared me
it just never seemed a legitimate option
and now it is
and i dont care
377 · Aug 2013
fell into your eyes
maybella snow Aug 2013
your hair fell into your eyes
      but you didn't brush it away
      you left it
     covering your eye
it was so cute                                                        (i love you)
but i hated
    that you left it there
    and i wasn't able
    to brush it
    it tortured me
    please don't leave it
    just move it
    for me please
    end my torture of not
    being able to move it
maybella snow Jul 2013

the list could go on
but you already know
all of what you own
because i own that
about you
376 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
float me a boat
as  i cry a river
375 · Nov 2013
loosen up
maybella snow Nov 2013
i feel like im floating
                 im not in this body
     just watching it
slowly die
without being able
  to care because its too
far gone for help

                                      small fact
i dont think im going anywhere in life
and if the teenage years are "the
                                                         best" well im not
gonna make it far
375 · Aug 2013
i'm okay with feeling empty
maybella snow Aug 2013
5 words

*i've been filled, and emptied
374 · Jul 2013
no return ticket
maybella snow Jul 2013
there's really something
                         about being on a
                  balcony high enough
                          that no one
            can see you
                                                                       of flying
                                                                                                         far away
       with no
return ticket
374 · Jul 2013
sharing stars
maybella snow Jul 2013
i really wish that                                
we shared the same night sky                            
instead I see the                                    
southern cross                                    
while you see                                    
the big dipper                                    

*   .    .  *  * .     *     .  .
. *  . *   .   * .   * *.    . .   *    .   *  .   .  *  . *
.   . . * . *    . *      . . *    * .       .
maybella snow Oct 2013
and i think that's a good thing
because i don't want anyone
to know what this pain is
so i know you don't
understand and i
am glad of that
accept it
370 · Jul 2013
you hate you hate you hate
maybella snow Jul 2013
you hate when my eyes glaze over                      
when i wear my blank expression            
you hate when i'm about to cry                            
when i show my weakness                        
you hate when i yell back                                    
you hate when i don't respond                            

what do you want?              
to make my life hell?            

well congratulations
you've succeeded there
370 · Aug 2013
aching everywhere
maybella snow Aug 2013
everything hurts
           my backbone is constantly struggling to keep me upright
        my head is always hanging
     my heart
                         well that's broken. shattered is a better word actually
           my everything
                  everything is being subtle
more than everything hurts
                                         but i cant think of a word
                                            that describes it
better than everything
                                         because my
           ­        everywhere
                                                                ­      and sometimes i think
                                                           ­      that maybe
                                                           ­                 a hug could help
                                                            ­                                 why can't anyone tell
                                                      i just
                                                                ­   need
                                                          ­                              to be held safe
                                                            ­                 because i feel broken
                                                          ­     please
                                                          ­                         hold me together
369 · Aug 2013
innocent love
maybella snow Aug 2013
in had a childlike innocence
      i loved you
                    the first thirteen years of my life
  yeah, i did love you mum
            now my innocence
      and free love
                                        has run out, it's gone now
you want my love?
    it's your turn to earn it
                          i'm not giving it to you
maybella snow Jun 2013
i made a wish                                                      
late last year
or early this year?      

it was set highly upon a                                                            
l                                 ?                        
l                           g                          
i                      n                            
n                i                              
g          y                                
or   l                                  
f                      star        
but i wished                                                              
(sorry cant say the exact wish, it might not come completely true then)
i wished                                                              
for someone to make me happy                                      
the happiest person                    
i got it
or part of it

i got to be happy, i'm happy now              
but without you                                                                
i'm not happy                                      
and neither are you            

all wishes come with a price....                                                                        
is that my price?                                                                          
or is it going to be more expansive?            

i don't know if i am willing to pay                                        
for the expenses of a wish set upon a star
369 · Aug 2013
you still doubt?
maybella snow Aug 2013
you doubt his love for me?                                                                
you didn't read the poems
you didn't hear the pain in his voice
you didn't see his tears because he had to go
you didn't know about the amount of times he threatened people
(because they had made me cry)                              you didn't see the change in him
you didn't see how he was to begin, how he improved impressively
you didn't count the times he told me he loved me
you didn't hear the happiness in his laughter
you didn't see the adoring smiles
you didn't see/know/hear
any of this
you doubt my love for him?                                                                
you have no idea
how much i love him
you have no right
to pose this opinion on me
maybella snow Aug 2013
i made it through
one whole day                    
without crying                    
                           a whole day
without crying          
about the utter loss  
i feel, because you're
                   gone, forever, cold
i did it                                
                 now for tomorrow...
maybella snow Aug 2013
20 words

*i sleep; i dream of being held safe by you.
i wake; always alone and craving your warmth and safety.
368 · Sep 2013
going? going? going? gone
maybella snow Sep 2013
i'm so jumpy
every creak makes me
flinch away            
a comforting
on my back
i've gone insane
but baby
hold me tight
i know you're here          
i am                          
but i don't      
even care  
368 · Jun 2013
"i love you... goodbye"
maybella snow Jun 2013
you said you love me
you said goodbye

i heard you've fallen further
down that depressing black hole

you never told me
never considered me

i know you're hurt
i know you're not okay

call me selfish but,
i wanted to help you

be your little life raft
now i don't know

you're gone from my view
i cant save you anymore

you need to talk to me
i hope you will finally see

i need to know you're alive
is there any saving you?
367 · Oct 2013
just curious
maybella snow Oct 2013
does anyone read my "poetry"
i dont think its poetry at all
365 · Jul 2013
~connected~ through ~pain~
maybella snow Jul 2013
sometimes i think                              
that we                                                      
                               really are
                                                because when you tell me
                                      you caused yourself harm

and if i think back            
i remember a                            
                       slashing pain
over my skin    
                                                                                where i hadn't
                                                                                                          done anything

so really                                                    

you're hurting
both of us.

                                                             please stop.

. .
365 · Jul 2013
dead on
maybella snow Jul 2013
aim and
  my heart caught alight
you hit me
         dead on
363 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
give me wings
so i can fly though the day
without dark thoughts
dragging me down
363 · Aug 2013
just a lil bit
maybella snow Aug 2013
i'm stressing
just a lil bit            
i think thats why my stomach is
                                                                          doing flips
because i'm stressing                
even a lil nervous          
                               okay a lot
but this stressing                                          
might be the cause  
of my flipping stomach            
and squeezing heart      
                                                                                    i don't think its overly
                                                                                      healthy for my body to
                                                                 be flipping
                                                                    or squeezing
it hurts
just a lil bit
maybella snow Aug 2013
but i don't think i deserve it
so i'll continue saying
"i'm sorry"
because i really am
but instead of forgiveness
i'd accept a knife in my back
because i am
so so so
don't forgive me
maybella snow Jul 2013
i don't know if it has anything to do with
     what i do
                           but all my friends seem to be
             in different stages of brokenness
from shattered
     to splintered
     to destructed
     to cracked
                                          is it something i do?
                                 i love them all, and i'll forever be there for them
                                   but even, when i first meet them, and think
"hey you're an alright person"
              by the time i'm really close to them
            they're broken or beginning to break
                   and i'll always help them
but sometimes
i wonder if it might be me
who forces them to break
362 · Sep 2013
small nothing
maybella snow Sep 2013
catch me in a whirl wind
swirl me through life
chuck me in a washer
let me tumble dry
362 · Jul 2013
i'm chasing away everything
maybella snow Jul 2013
this morning
        i chased my thoughts away
                       with physical pain
this afternoon
               i chased my pain away
                         with mental guilt
this night
               i chased my guilt away
                           with literal tears
362 · Jun 2013
tumbling in love
maybella snow Jun 2013
oh there is irony in love
you fall in it
you fall out of it
it makes you who you are
it destroys who you are
it can make or
break you

362 · Aug 2013
i'm done//sigh
maybella snow Aug 2013
****//everything hurts//cant breathe//****//help//crying//ugh//no//i love you//ugh
maybella snow Aug 2013
i punched a wall, many times today

             i should apologise to it, it did nothing wrong
maybella snow Jul 2013
it angers//disappoints me            
                                   that my poems
never end up how i    
want and think they'll be                            
                                          i set out
ideas in full blast                
and try and write exactly how i                          
feel and why                    
                                      or what i think about it
                                                  but i write something
and everyone has their own views                                          
ideas and musings on what my                    
poem could be about                                                      
of course everyone's going to do that                                                            
                                                                      i just want people to see
                                           what i want them too
                                         what i set out to do
it doesn't work though
358 · Sep 2013
this isn't a poem it's shit
maybella snow Sep 2013
i need you
right now
cradled in my arms
or you holding me
i don't know
i don't care
but i know
i need you
you understand
358 · Jun 2013
it's completely true
maybella snow Jun 2013
huief foifho 309jhfapo             fnoifs
            nfoeip03      u3 offomia                                oiOIHSNIOAMA""}
foaih8 eho               dOIHD DOINX NOS9OIESP
                                ifm'pefjo iaAR GF
                                                         dwap9r          oiHDOId nfslif oifhw  ooif
                a pfou esvjaH NFGIO
IFUAH ODIO D DHIAOA                AOIDHA oihdda  IOH oif

                                                                                                                                                i exist
yes that is simply rage typing, not words
358 · Jul 2013
messages & replies
maybella snow Jul 2013
i got the messages you sent                                                                      i replied to all of them
                                                     now i'm just waiting for your reply

                                                                                                                               will you actually send one?
                                                                                                                                              i hope so
because the last thing i sent was
                             *"i love you"
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
*i can't sleep i have words needing to get out
358 · Aug 2013
a lonely dear
maybella snow Aug 2013
stuck in the headlights
                        a cold night fogs
lost in white light
    the fog was transformed from a
        comforting damp blanket
into  a  white
wall of smog
                              a lonely dear
                         hears traffic everywhere
                                   but the wall
                                                                      pushes her back
              so she turns and runs
                                 lost with the noise
                         and bright white
                                                                     there's always
                                                             a loud screech
                                                     before impact
a lonely dear
lost in white
dies slowly
at the crime scene

————i'm a such a deer————
dear and deer swapped purposefully
358 · Aug 2013
i wonder
maybella snow Aug 2013
is it warmer
or is it colder
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