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425 · Aug 2013
i feel like a blind person
maybella snow Aug 2013
where's my noah bear?
what's going on?
who are you?
why did my noah go?
where did he go?
where's my love?
you're not him
go away imposter
liar where is he?
423 · Jul 2013
its only
maybella snow Jul 2013
six feet down
...10 words...
423 · Oct 2013
sing me a lulaby
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm tired, not simply
physically tired
i'm exhausted
and sadly enough
i'm just waiting
for someone
to rock me
to sleep
423 · Jul 2013
i want to fly
maybella snow Jul 2013

5 words
422 · Jun 2013
following set niceties
maybella snow Jun 2013
its polite to say
         "how are you?"
                  and it's presumed
that you're "okay" or "good, thanks"
     so thats what i say
for convenience
"how are you?"
         "i'm good, thank-you"

what i want to say is;
                        "alive, unfortunately"

420 · Nov 2013
turn tables
maybella snow Nov 2013
i hate that when i wake up my thoughts go to you
you're dead can this stop
i miss you
come back
420 · Oct 2013
imagining again
maybella snow Oct 2013
silken voice
sliding through
vulnerable gaps
into various hearts
you sing me to sleep
with your breaths
a sweet lullaby
in uneven
maybella snow Oct 2013
419 · Jul 2013
death is a prison break
maybella snow Jul 2013
after all the bent spoons          
broken fingernails
i hope that      
this one last attempt
will work                                    
so now          
all I have to do              
is crawl through      
till the end

and i'll be free                                                

this prison
maybella snow Jun 2013
15 words
        i wish it was a poem
                                         but i lost it
thinking too much                
about you                                

418 · Aug 2013
my strength is mostly gone
maybella snow Aug 2013
not saying i'm weak
i really need
someone to hold me


i s   n o   l o n g e r
w     h     o     l     e                                                      a t   a l l
418 · Jul 2013
suspect? ....society
maybella snow Jul 2013
if life doesn't **** everyone
          society will and has killed some already
society is the blame for so many deaths
      why does no one suspect it?
maybella snow Aug 2013
i've been
           so close
to crying
                                            so many
                            times today
                                    it is
                                             really quite
418 · Aug 2013
maybe it's a bad thing
maybella snow Aug 2013
that it has been so long
and i've refused to look
at all the pictures
cute messages
                  that you gave me
     complete with an "x"
and "i love you"
                but it just hurts
                way too much
                to think about
                your life                or more importantly
                your death
not ready
i'm just
not ready
to see or
your life
not yet
417 · Jun 2013
just stop it. JUST STOP IT!
maybella snow Jun 2013
you                                                              ­            





you always do!                                                             ­       



                    ­                                                                 ­                  ANYTHING

I                                                      ­            

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no                                  

                 I DIDN'T

                                                      ­    I DIDN'T

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
                                             no no no no no nononononononononnon no no no no no no

I DIDN'T!!!                                                     ­                                                               


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

just stop

its not me                                                               ­   
its you                      
and i know this                                                             ­                   
so please                                                          
stop hurting me                                                               ­                   
                                             ­              because i didn't do anything

just stop

*s   t   o   p
417 · Jul 2013
"you're dead to me"
416 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
if i let enough blood out
     not enough to die
                   just to slow the blood to my head
         so i don't think as much?
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words
a girl cries because she just can't handle it anymore

i'm just a young girl
and i'm hiding away
under the covers
curled into a ball
it's warm, and simple
and no one
can see my tears
or hear my sobs
415 · Jun 2013
remaining upright
maybella snow Jun 2013
i'm just so
        my spine weighs me down
it has lost its
each vertebra has taken in sadness

they hold it, being my backing weight
         pulling the energy out of me
sapping my life slowly
                        because of the         effort

that it now requires
     just so that
i can hold it up,
     it tires me

        to remain upright
heh just re read that, i wrote it without thinking much, it doesn't exactly run well, but i don't want to change it.
maybella snow Jul 2013
i had to go outside
                  bare feet
           pajamas on at 1:55pm
and stand in the rain
              to remind myself
i'm alive
                          not all my senses are dead
                 because i can feel it falling onto me
maybella snow Jun 2013
                           i                                                                ­                        

                                       ­                        miss  

                                                        ­                                                            you

so                                       much

                                                          ­                         it

                                                               ­                                                                 ­     hurts

                          i              love             ­ you

                                                          ­                x x
                                                               ­                                                                 ­                    x

                                          ­                      x
                                         ­                                                                 ­                 x x x
                                                               ­                   don't                                         ­                   

                                       ­                                      me

                                                             ­                                                             live­

                 without                                                          ­                              

                                                               ­                                                           you
  ­                                                   ever

                                                              ­                                       again
                                      x x
maybella snow Jul 2013
do you ceace to be
a child                                              
when you meet          
a cirtain age?

or is it when                            
you loose your childish
and everything that goes                  
with it?
maybella snow Jul 2013
thankyou so much                
for not giving me ****
about how its all gonna be okay  
because sometimes          
you just know  
it's not going to be okay                
it's not going to be a happy ending    
it's not going to be cherry blossoms in the wind
because ****                    
it's not gonna be okay
power on soldier
**** the *******
because no                  
it's not all gonna
be "okay"
413 · Oct 2013
maybella snow Oct 2013
emotionally challenged
im telling you more than i should
yet nothing important
i dont want to get stuck
413 · Jul 2013
food won't cure this hunger
maybella snow Jul 2013
the hunger i feel isn't curable by food
  my eyes desire to devour your body
my ears starve for your voice
  my lips are famished in need of yours
my fingertips crave the feeling of your skin
  my heart tightens in pain

this hunger doesn't decrease
     with the consumption of food
413 · Jun 2013
embrace old age
maybella snow Jun 2013
gentle lines surround the lips
crows feet corner the eyes
sliver hairs over come fake dye
forehead dotted with sun spots

growing old
keep it that way
be proud that you made it
you got to get wrinkles
living didn't **** you
embrace your slivering hair
crows feet make your eyes stand out
sliver hair sparkles in the sun
sun spots show you have lived

you did it
you grew old!
maybella snow Aug 2013
how many people bleed
           from self harm
                    and hate?
how much blood falls
          until people
               know the
how many people
       have to die
     until society
                                                 something horrible has gone wrong
                                                 there shouldn't be people bleeding
                                                 blood shouldn't fall from self harm
                                                 people shouldn't die because of it
                                                 how doesn't the world see that this;
                                                 judging people, who don't care at all
                                                 are effecting everyone, even those
                                                 who might not die, bleed, self harm
                                                 it effects the people who know the
                                                 people who are bleeding their lives
                                                 away, it effects people everywhere
                                                 somewhere something went wrong
                                                 so wrong that the effects are death
                                                 blood, hurt, everywhere, mental
                                                 illness, perfection kills people
                                                 just the idea that there is such thing
                                                 as "perfection" is killing people
                                                 there is no such thing as perfection
                                                 it's not possible, so why, why, why
                                                 are people in pain, dying, dead
                                                 because o
f it? it's not right, no
                                                 it's society, and it's ways, it's
                                                 killer ways
maybella snow Aug 2013
10 words

*everyone effects someone's life, i don't wanna mess anyone up
412 · Sep 2013
strung higher than a kite
maybella snow Sep 2013
it pains me
to say
i'm addicted
to the pain
i'm sorry
maybella snow Jul 2013
i can't believe
          it took me this  l o n g
   to actually    
                                 fight back
maybella snow Aug 2013
anyone care to make                                
                                                            a ****** suicide
plan with me?                                                                                            
i promise to die at the end
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm more ****** up than I thought
this ******* urge to cut won't leave me
alone, I'm lying in bed shuddering
twitching and spasming  
night one, and I know
I'm not strong enough
to last, it hurts
maybella snow Jul 2013
10 words

~a constant reoccurrence throughout my day~
410 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
maybe i'll come back
maybella snow Aug 2013
but letting you completely in my heart again
scares me more
407 · Jul 2013
it still shocks me how
maybella snow Jul 2013
how you're able                                                                                    
to effect my vital internal organs                                                                      
you control my heart                                                        
you've made it speed      
you've made it slow        
you've made it fly            
you've made it sink        
you've made it stop        
you've made it start        

you've got control of my heart                                                                    
hijacked or stolen                                                                                                  
you have it now                                                                                    
i just hope                  
that you don't              
**** it                      


marks the spot                                                                                                                      
i think you found it
maybella snow Aug 2013
no, go away
you've had your opinion
i listened, i didn't get angry
now it's time
for you to go
before i explode
406 · Jul 2013
where's the line?
maybella snow Jul 2013
between friendship
405 · Aug 2013
finally i'm home alone
maybella snow Aug 2013
i've a pounding headache.              
i havet eaten much.                                
i need a coffee
and maybe some music
Sorry this is not even a poem, idk
405 · Jul 2013
maybella snow Jul 2013
cute couples
     they're so adorable  
          how they dote over each other
slight glances while the other
            isn't looking
loving messages
               over the internet
      for everyone to see
my cute other half
             isn't able to talk to me
    not fair
405 · Aug 2013
your poems aren't about me
maybella snow Aug 2013
don't get offended when mine
aren't about you
404 · Sep 2013
i'm marked with fault
maybella snow Sep 2013
my left arm
is that time i didn't ask
if you were okay      
my left leg
is that fisrt time                  
i changed for the worse          
my right leg
is that time I cried to you        
and it broke you apart
my stomach
is the last time
i spoke to you      
did i say that i love you?
my marks
are for the time
i wasn't awake                    
when you were dying

i'm marked with fault
i didn't do enough to save you
404 · Nov 2013
maybella snow Nov 2013
first theres nothing
a little sting,
maybe its recovering from the shock
then slowly
blood starts to well
small droplets
sitting above the cut
as it drips
theres still little pain
you've dried the blood
washed it away
cleaned yourself up
then the pain hits
it burns
i should delete this i dont want to trigger anyone
404 · Aug 2013
i just feel so sad
maybella snow Aug 2013
i've no effort                                            
i just want to sleep                                                
but the world    
or everything    
and everything
and it seems
only tears                                                    
or just crying                                                          
tires me out                                                  
exhausts me                                              
just enough                                                          
for me to fall
into a subconscious
sleep or
maybe sleep
- might be
sleep -
but it's just                              
not     e n o u g h                                
to sustain me                        
and it has
resulted in
self formed                                                            
that unfortunately                                                
results in blood                                                
all    t o o    much                                                                
i'm too sad
i cry myself
to half — maybe
— sleep
403 · Oct 2013
asylum seeking
maybella snow Oct 2013
open that box
you call a heart
and let me
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