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maybella snow Nov 2013
blue eyes are said to be beautiful
but why would I want to get lost in them
when I can hardly find my own
***** green brown eyes
I've lost too much
to the skies
I refuse
to loose myself in any mans blue eyes

but then again
your eyes aren't blue
and I've lost myself in you
maybella snow Nov 2013
I locked myself away again
hid in a form of a closet
bunched between the jackets
and moth eaten dresses
I closed myself in a drawer
between the trinkets
and stale kerchiefs
and oneday
maybe someone
a tresure hunter of sorts
will sift through the junk
to find the broken
stained little girl
who was once able to look in a mirror
and not see every inch of fat
every layer of skin
as disgusting
polish up the jewel to my heart
don't sell it though sweetie
this ruby gets cracked with
the slightest pressure
maybella snow Nov 2013
I know my 'poems' are ****
don't comment on them
reminding me of that
get over yourself
I'm not here to **** up to anyone
I know I'm **** at writing
I know I'm not a writer
I know I'm ****
stop telling me

maybella snow Nov 2013
i want to be pretty          
people always told me
i'm a beautiful person
i'm wonderful              
on the inside

excuse my messed up head
but i wanted to be beautiful
on the outside                                      
so with a blade
slashed across skin
i got my insides
to be outside me
and only then
****** and tired
did i feel pretty
sorry its gruesome but i never said i like my thoughts
maybella snow Nov 2013
dope me up to my eyeballs
maybe then they'll be pretty
maybella snow Nov 2013
wishing on a star                                        
is useless because                                      
by the time you                                          
see their light                                            
they're dead                                              
they've burnt out                                      
   dont wish on me
its too late already
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