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maybella snow Oct 2013
that bubble that rests
it may be my lack of food
but for some reason
i think its because
i miss you
maybella snow Oct 2013
sinking into a web of consciousness
tacky hands and feet
lightness of air
lost with beauty
smoothly lighthearted
and dangerously lilted
i wonder
if you'll ever realize i love you
maybella snow Oct 2013
i'm crying for no reason
but there's obviously something
deep in my mind
that i am emotional about
all   i   know
is i want to fly
with him
maybella snow Oct 2013
(shhh its secret but..)
- a nail perfectly holding two surfaces together
- a flower growing from mud
- a **** protesting and growing in that tiny crack
- mould becoming penicillin and saving people
- that perfectly played set of notes
- officially ending another well written book

(don't look to humans
for perfection
there is no such thing
for the likes of us. no
we are all imperfect
sorryyyyyyy i know its ****** but yeah idk
maybella snow Oct 2013
i wish to burrow into your velvet skin

deep down past the harsh coldness

into the veins leading a clear pathway

past the protecting ribs

around your sturdy collarbone

directing me to your heart

where warmth resides

as a permanent member
maybella snow Oct 2013
a blade
sharp and still
frost must have got it                              
so it crunches yet                                    
tickles when i stand on it                      
green and brittle                                      
the blade of grass                                    
reaches for sun                                        
no real meaning of life                          
but it doesn't know that                        
it only wants light,                                  
so it will grow                                        
to reach the light.                                    
cut it down                                              
it will heal                                                
and continue to grow                            
be *that
type of blade
not the steal one you thought of
when you read the first line.
maybella snow Oct 2013
i want to love you
but i cant
i'm scared
and you don't
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