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maybella snow Oct 2013
pain everywhere
what to do with life
backed into a corner
stop feeling anything maybella
hold it all together
                 no one can know
                 no one
           because they all hurt
they’ll all backfire and hurt
they don’t care
and if they do
    it’ll be gone soon
don’t tell them
hide it
hold it in
you’ll be okay soon
its just a little pain
    it’ll be gone soon enough
keep dreaming mayb
                 you’ll trip
                 you’ll fall
just, don’t bring anyone with you
       remember that
don’t let it happen
don’t let anyone care
because you’ll care about them
         and we’ll both get hurt
you’re in a corner
stay there
befriend the corner
it cant hurt you
we’ll be okay maybella
but we just have to hold it in
written a while ago but i guess it still applies
maybella snow Oct 2013
running through grass as high as your calf muscles
                        you gasp for breath,
it fogs out in front of you as you pant;
its a cold night,
one where smart sensible people are indoors and covered,
                                                        huddled before fireplaces,
                                                      or cuddling up to someone.
lost in a field,
you look around,
                                          its too dark to see far but the moon is out
             because the fog is illuminant and pale everywhere you look.
there's an imposing figure,
                            you feel it getting closer,
hot breath near your right shoulder,
                            you shudder and try and **** away.
only to feel something cold.
a freezing breath on the opposite side of you,
                                                           it hugs you as you struggle.
                                 too cold,
                                 too cold you think,
                   too bitterly cold.
pushing off it your hand reaches something that bites with cold,
you pull away quickly and turn. as you turn around there's black.
you wonder where the moon went because the fog was white before.
no, now there's only black, yet glancing up you definitely see stars.
                                                                                                                       what's going on?
                                                                                                            why is this happening?
                                    you trip,
but its not the grass you trip over its nothing,
                                                   there is nothing there.
                                                                 nothing imposing.
                    why did you trip you wonder.
then you realize you didn't just trip you fell.
you just reached the next level.
                               something hits you hard as hot and cold figures cover you.
                                       screaming and gasping you're being burnt and frozen.
         you can struggle all you want,
but below there's only blackness,
                                    and above,
hot and cold burn you slowly.
dirt shoved in your mouth,
               gaged and held.
  there is no escaping.
        whatever it is.
it will burn your skin then freeze your heart and mind.
sorry idk what this is but its depression i guess idk
maybella snow Oct 2013
its just dull
a blown light        
a ripped net          
a cracked glass      
a snapped rope    
i'm useless
and broken
dont ask me
for anything
i gave my all
to save you      
and it didnt work
i'm tired
but dont try
and save me
i'm not worth
why use        
a blown light        
a ripped net          
a cracked glass      
a snapped rope    
when you could
have so much
tittle: broken appliances
idk if anyone would be able to read it so yup
maybella snow Oct 2013
during?    \    \\
bleeding  \\
needing         \\
hurting   \ \      \
not everyone will understand an thats okay
maybella snow Oct 2013
wake up in the morning
to light
that isnt as bright as it used to be
as a child age eight
light meant the start of a day
when the sun was only up for a few hours
it seemed
the light
is dull and drags me through the day
to the night
where everything slowly
to smother
any inner light
i gained as a ten year old

i dont care anymore
i dont care for the light
maybella snow Oct 2013
hugs legs to chest
wraps arms around oneself
silent tears fall
stop breathing
rock back and forth
head back in agony
i give up

(i'm tired)
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