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max Dec 2021
this is killing me
but i want to die anyway right
i’m fueled and i feed off of your energy
you might not have died that night
but baby i swear you’re dead to me
but please come back
but stay the hell away
but look into my eyes
just for a moment
then quickly look

maybe we’re meant to be
i’m gonna ruin **** cause i can’t heal from your stab wounds
182 · May 2022
max May 2022
Nobody can mute me, but I never said nobody can't shoot me
180 · Apr 2022
max Apr 2022
see i knew it was different
when you fell and i kept cheering
but when i fell,
you kept walking
you turned around and averted your eyes
but when you fell i helped you up
despite the painful screams i still tried
but when i was hurting
you went inside
you went to hide

i knew we weren’t the same
when a pen dropped and you’d run
but i’d go find the sound
and pick the pen up

you left a mess
and i cleaned up

i’m not on a high horse
i’m simply better
than you, at least
because i learn
because i try
because i’m not afraid of the unknown
and i push away my pride
you’re a pig
i’ll say it, i admit
you’re the worse thing that ever happened to me
but thank you,
cause i learned from it
177 · Apr 2022
max Apr 2022
i hate hearing past memories
from your old peers
of you and your buddies
wronging the ones who
simply wanted love
because you thought it was fun
you all make me sick
knowing what you’ve all done
was hurting them fun?
you’re a hypocrite
it’s sad
to see you trying to get with a little kid
stay away from him
you, them
y’all are bad people
he deserves better
she deserved better

maybe you were right
we were hardly friends to begin with
i don’t know you
i never did
to think i was dancing with a poser
a fake with a mask
for an entire year

i hope you’re better know
but you’ll never be forgiven
for what you did
177 · Jun 2022
max Jun 2022

I’m done.
not maliciously–
I love you
I’m done.

We had fun,
we had a good run,
I love you
this chapter is over
the book is finished,
off to a new one

I love you,
we both won,
we’re still here,
even though we both
held guns

Have some fun,
I’m finally done
the end
i won’t be coming back to this account
it’s like a time capsule now
see you around
177 · Dec 2021
what do you want from me
max Dec 2021
you want me stay
but you beg me to go
i don’t understand
you’re not the only one
who’s heartbroken
my ******* soul is trying to sew itself together
that ENTIRE ******* relationship, i was falling
i was ******* dying
i tried so hard to save you,
what did you do?
you wouldn’t put in the effort to save yourself
you never met me half way
i was in a constant state of decay
trying to act like i was okay
to save you
every single day
i didn’t even see it as a chore
i was okay with it
but you took it too far
i didn’t give up
i didn’t let you ******* fall
my last resort was to make that ******* call
that was me trying to save you
i didn’t know what to do
you’re hot then you’re cold
176 · Mar 2022
max Mar 2022
I wanna get better
While my friends were getting high and chasing girls down parkway lines
I was losing my mind 'cause the love,
the love, the love, the love, the love
That I gave wasted on a nice face
In a blaze of fear I put a helmet on a helmet
Counting seconds through the night and got carried away
So now I'm standing on the overpass screaming at the cars,

Hey, I wanna get better!
i was broken til i wanted to change
max Oct 2021
i miss him
i miss you

i don’t know what to do
what the **** is wrong with me
173 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
I am what I am
I know what I know
I'll let you down if you let me too close
You'll catch me running away
then you'll know
I can't change
Guess you could blame it on my
left-side brain
I should know better but you know
I know, I know
I ain't ever gonna change
172 · Aug 2022
max Aug 2022
YOU WONT ******* DIE
theres you.
so leave
god please
get out of my life
you’ve traumatized me
170 · Dec 2021
max Dec 2021
if you feel like I do right now
Don't say you're on the run to the other side
My love
You say you wanna try
But you never do
Sugar, there's a reason why we lose
Baby come on
You say you wanna try but you never do
169 · Nov 2021
max Nov 2021
i can bring
as many bodies into my bed with me
and still
no one fits my frame
like yours did
how do i say i miss you without giving you the satisfaction of, yeah. i miss you:/
168 · Apr 2022
drunk in the dark
max Apr 2022
how the hell did we get so far apart
166 · Mar 2022
max Mar 2022
A lump in my throat
Glueing closed my tear ducts
Don't cry don't cry
You have no valid reason
Oh you're stressed?
**** it up life is stressful
166 · Nov 2021
max Nov 2021
after all this time
i really am still into you
max Apr 2022
If all he does is smile at you—

Doesn't leaving me mean a little less if you left my life
But never loved to begin with?
You never loved to begin with
You never loved me
winnings for the lucky, living just takes painkillers
155 · May 2022
max May 2022
did you walk off to cry
cause no one cheered for you?
or cause you saw me flipping you off in the stands
you walked up and everyone was silent *****
im so glad im never gonna see you again pffft
154 · May 2022
sick i wrote a song
max May 2022
If your seeing this,
i miss you

you told me to bring you along
then i remembered it was only just a song-
listening to it now feels like
peppers in my eyes-
i wish when i saw you
i’d just go ******* blind
forever isn’t a life time but maybe more of a dream—
you left me a mess, when you left,
a mess i had to clean
you were a tornado dashing through
my mind
i’m tired of it this time

i wanna get better, it’s time to get better
i knew it was different,
when you fell i kept cheering
but when i messed up,
you walked away, you shut me out,
all **** day and you gave up
don’t rage at me for shooting yourself
you pulled the trigger, you had the ***
you said you were ******* done

i wanna get better, it’s time to get better
i’m tired of this *******
tornado weather
i’m drunk in the dark
alone, on the ground at a park
how the hell
did we get
a million miles apart

forever isn’t a life time, but more of a dream

Drive by my house and look me in the eyes
tell me that it was worth it
through all the lies, those burnt up ties, swallowed by flies, memories of me caressing your thighs oh i’m done with the lies no i’m done with the lies god i’m done with the lies all those lies all the time!

i knew it was different,
when i kept cheering
you walked away
and you closed your eyes

We both shattered stars, we crushed the moons to hearts
my minds racing, i don’t see you here
try listening for your heartbeat but there’s nothing to hear
you said it was gone, for thousands of years so why did i keep trying to find something under the rubble and wasting my time

sitting in the dark
shifting through the stars
wondering where you are,
it was bad from the start
maybe we’re destined to be apart

i told you in another life
forever isn’t a life time,
but more so, only a dream
151 · Nov 2021
are you that fucking dense
max Nov 2021
“dude are you good??”
i haven’t blinked since that scene
150 · Nov 2021
max Nov 2021
even when i’m close to you
you feel so far away
and even when you’re in my arms
you can’t promise that you’ll stay
so i’m sorry for the “heartache”
but i’ll have to let you go
my fragile heart can’t handle this
that’s all i need to know
maybe you were trying
more than i thought
maybe we can try again
but gods i truly hope not
149 · Apr 2022
just get out of bed
max Apr 2022
it’s starts with routine
just get out of bed
no not at noon
no not at 11
no not at 10
just get out of bed

it’s starts with routine
go water your garden
fill up the dog bin
stare outside
for 10

it starts with routine
make something to eat
go do your laundry
make your bed
get a little reckless
cut your hair
pick up a pen

it starts with routine
it starts with living the exact same way
over and over again
without leaving your house
for two weeks straight
it’ll be worth it
i keep telling myself it’ll be worth it
it just starts with routine
just keep swimming
144 · Apr 2022
Heavy on..
max Apr 2022
I’m not mad at you.

That’s who you are,
that’s your character.

Be that character,
but I don’t have to deal with it
144 · Apr 2022
max Apr 2022
i’d give up
to touch you
cause i know
that you feel me
143 · May 2022
max May 2022
“be gentle with yourself
as this moment passes through”

you are uniquely you
thank you
142 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
Running feet
Sound of seas
Trouble me
I give into weariness
Half asleep
Until I can wake me up

Tell me that I'm ok
From the haze
Dripping in reflection

Suddenly you are here with me
Sweet and safe
Nothing else will matter anymore

I see my body yet im
Im floating way above
Hold in hysteria
140 · Dec 2021
max Dec 2021
i wish i never got hurt
but i did
i can’t trust anyone again
139 · Nov 2021
maybe it was a phase
max Nov 2021
you’re out of my life entirely
and i don’t feel a thing
i’m sorry you had to be there for that
139 · Dec 2021
maybe we’re meant to be-
max Dec 2021
are we whole
or just two halves
reaching out to the unknown?
137 · May 2022
can’t lose again
max May 2022
im struggling,
honestly, it’s alright
cause i got me
and me is all i need,
i’ll get through it,

i always do,
i always have,
i know the universe
has my back,
but that doesn’t mean
im not struggling
cause i am,
just silently

but i don’t need help,
as long as i can see
that i got me,
i’ll be alright,
i just gotta believe

keep believing
even while my heart is weak,
and i can’t feel my chest beat,
and there’s a lump in my throat,
and my eyes get heavy,

i’ll make it through
even if im struggling
as long as i keep silent
and don’t forget me
136 · Apr 2022
i hope this works
max Apr 2022
i’m happy
im happy for me
i hope it works out with her
in a genuine way
because i actually like her
not because it just seems like the right thing to do
like it was with him
or because she’s the only thing keeping me alive
like it was with you
but an actual genuine feel

being wanted is so much better
than being needed
max Apr 2022
you can pray for my downfall
for your whole unhappy life
it does you no good
it doesn’t affect mine
my mind is shielded
i’m constantly on the run
my wounds have healed
my heart is no longer  undone
don’t rage at me
Because you shot yourself
with your own gun
just for fun
you can pray for my downfall
all you want
but i will always land on my feet
and resume my daily run
here’s to hoping for the best i suppose
135 · Jan 2022
my versailles
max Jan 2022
Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
134 · Jan 2022
max Jan 2022
i have urges
ripping up my mind
stomping on my morals
i have urges to disappear
gently and quietly
to turn around and walk one way
never looking back
i’m bored.
i’ve got urges to leave
don’t tie me down
i have urges that i bet you don’t know about
i’m not who you think i am
i’m not who anyone thinks i am
i’m not who
think i am
i’m different now
i’m ready for change
i’ve grown out of this town
everything just stays the same
133 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone
133 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
i felt so helpless
he grabbed me and i went still
i left
i didn’t leave
but something in my mind did
i left
i couldn’t move
i could have but i didn’t
i felt trapped
i didn’t move
why didn’t i move
why me :/ why is it always me man
max Dec 2021
be sure you kiss your knuckles
before you punch me in the face
131 · Nov 2021
i wish we could go back
max Nov 2021
i’d go back in time
and relive the days
every day
if i knew we’d end so soon
this way

i’m not going anywhere,
as much as i’ll say,
but it’s just you,
i can’t stay away,
i’ll convince myself, too,
i’ll lie to me, to them
i’ll even lie to you
i’ll put up a front as much as i can

that longing feeling to hold you,
those brutal feelings of love,
the feeling of my hand in yours,
that’ll never leave my heart
not for a long time
you’ve got me wrapped around your finger
i knew it from the start
have a good life
don’t let this be goodbye
but simply
i’ll see you soon?
but we just can’t keep running in circles
here’s to figuring things out

i know you can see right through me, everyone can
i wish i’d just let myself let go instead regretting every decision i’ve made *****
131 · Nov 2021
i don’t understand
max Nov 2021
I'm the love of your life until I make you mad
It's always one step forward and three steps back
Do you love me, want me, hate me?
130 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
I get my rage from my mother's side
And addiction vibes from my father's line
And man OCD's pulling out my hair
Yeah my brain feels like a nightmare

I'm attention deficit
And my anxiety's loving it
When I think about possibly dying
I wonder if i'm really ok?

Ouch! Life hurts like that
When hearts and panic stress attacks
And even though I feel like hell sometimes
I kinda always find a silver lining

Ouch! My smile's bruised
It's often that I feel confused
But even though I feel like hell is waiting
I know ima be ok
seth 78
129 · May 2021
The world is mad at me
max May 2021
I've destroyed so many things
In my mind
Now its costing me
Every single dime
The damage is done
And the world is mad at me
I can no longer reach out
For a life line
Because now my life
Is on the line
I have my heart in my palms
And its pumping so pitifully
I might as well squeeze
Put it out of its misery
128 · May 2022
The Moon is Beautiful
max May 2022
we both shattered the moons and stars,
i can’t see you anywhere
it was an apocalypse from the start,
i wish i could say i’ll meet you at mars
but the airs too polluted
from us driving our cars,
so maybe instead
in the future i’ll see you at walmart,
maybe at a few bars.

i know we’ll meet again one day
it’s written in the disfigured stars
but somehow despite the distance
you don’t feel that far
max Dec 2021
they’ll never take us alive

i don’t care if you’re contagious
let me hold your hand
i don’t care if your sick
you’re beautiful to me
let’s both lie bedridden
they’ll never take us alive
i’d rather die
max Jan 2022
i don’t mind spending everyday
out on the corner in the pouring rain
i keep reminding myself to chill and that there’s nothing i can do about it and i keep telling myself that i’m happy i shouldn’t be upset everything is nice everything is groovy, but god this hurts–this really *****
i’m sad
127 · May 2021
Sunshine on the other side
max May 2021
I know you can't see it
while the world is gray,
But hold my hand,
Don't let go
Everything, my love, will be okay,
We'll see better days,
The gray will fade,
I'm with you,
I'll lead you through the fog,
I've got you,
I'm here right by your side
max Feb 2022
Forever isn't for everyone
Is forever for you?
It sounds like settling down -
or giving' up?
But it don't sound much like you,
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby
Snap out of it
I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it
I'll be here waitin' ever so patiently
For you to snap out of it
in the space between, arrow in your heart
124 · Feb 2022
max Feb 2022
Where will I go,
Who will I be,
when the knowledge that I've thrown
lands on me?
I used to fear the words of the priest,
Til i found out he's just a man like me,
And all the wrongs I've done
They got me on the run

And it's what you do
That comes back to you

What will I find,
Who will I meet,
knows that hate get their hands on me
Is there a line that I have crossed?
What do I gain, for all that i've lost
Comes back to you
max Nov 2021
please let me go home
i’m so lost on my own
i cant stay here and wonder
or sit here and ponder
why i’m still here

am i

i’ve got nothing to live for
my hope slipped away
i’m so scared of myself
i don’t know how to survive another day
max Jan 2021
let me drown myself in music
as if the words are water
from the salty blue sea,
flooding my lungs,
losing consciousness,
simply drifting away

the ocean seems peaceful,
safe and calm,
the thought of drowning
is comforting

the ocean is where i belong
where i was born
and where i will die

i was a boy who drowns
in another life
max Nov 2021
you literally lead me on
and had the audacity to tell me to move on

maybe it was easy for you
but i’m still heartbroken
wrapping my head around
our entire year together down the drain

i dont want to think of you when it rains
don’t ruin that for me too
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