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1.7k · Jan 2013
The rebound
Matt Walsh Jan 2013
I play sports but


Was never my game

Don’t get me wrong
I’ve dunked a few times

But when I shoot

I never score


Once again,


The Rebound
1.7k · Aug 2012
Matt Walsh Aug 2012
Stuck in this perfect, digital life
A robot went crazy in a world without strife

It wanted more than dull and perfection
It wanted more than fake affection

So it switched some gears and off it went
Into to the place where it was meant

A world of mistakes and a world of sorrow
A world with true love and decency to borrow

With all the good this world had to offer
The once tough robot became a little bit softer.
1.4k · Oct 2012
Waking up during surgery
Matt Walsh Oct 2012
You never realize
What you are


Until you are
Put down for

You lay there
Heart beating loud


Skin is pricked
And then soft

There isn’t darkness
Tube in mouth


Nurse we have
A problem now



They tell you
You awoke during

You are angry
And kinda scared


Morphine is good
It kills pain

You heal up
Normally of course


The tubes all
In your head

Against everything you
Are at mercy


Can **** you
And you’d never
1.1k · Apr 2014
Gamble shamble
Matt Walsh Apr 2014
Gambling can be fun but
When hearts is your only suite
In this casino we all
Wander losing our love

What is risk without reward
What are kicks without any risk
All I know is I
Can’t leave here alone

Someday when I’m totally spent
Ill get my drained heart and
Stumble to the bar and
Meet a spent girl

With eyes like money and
A smile that shows shiny 7’s
And I will know I
Just hit the jackpot
1.1k · Jul 2012
Matt Walsh Jul 2012
We sift for love
Like it is gold


All of the rocks
And dull-looking things


Gold can be found
Inside those rocks


Love is silver
Or platinum
Or bronze

Love is not face value
It's what you love to love
933 · Oct 2012
Hit or miss
Matt Walsh Oct 2012
Green eyes
Brown hair
It’s your smile
That makes me

Or not even
When you’re here
It’s every season
I’m hot cold and
Always perfect with
Your kisses wherever
They land

Onto me I hope
But I can’t tell
A hit from a
Miss my eyes are
Too busy licking your
Figure over and over

Maybe I looked
Too much
Maybe I didn’t
Say enough
Either way you
Are gone

And its tough
812 · Oct 2012
9.81 m/s
Matt Walsh Oct 2012
Fleeting soul
Pretty girl
Why do you hide
I just wanna curl
Up next to you
Lets begin a whirl

Wind of sighs
When you are
Wandering through the
States you wander
Through my states
Of mind

How you feel
I feel without
9.81 meters per
Second I am
High on your
Floating freckles

What is worse is
That I can't come
Back much too high
Lets lose love I
Fall from the sky
789 · Jun 2014
Head West
Matt Walsh Jun 2014
I wonder why West is
Where the sun does set

Those crazy cowboys always
Trying to tame her

Makes me think
Of all directions

West is
Least understood

767 · Jul 2012
Looking back
Matt Walsh Jul 2012
As I lay here underground
With bones, dirt and bugs all around
I wondered why I ever frowned

To think that I was once above the earth
With ego, clothing and jewels as my girth
That life material and without worth

I missed what really mattered
The way the wind made the trees chatter
The animals around me with their paws a-patter

If I could just take things back
And give away the wealth I never lacked
Then I could’ve had a heart less black

As a lonely, rotting corpse I lie
In a deep hole waiting to fully die
For beyond my body my spirit still cries
New stuffs
719 · Nov 2012
Starry-eyed kid
Matt Walsh Nov 2012
How is it
That some time
Can make a
Sun bright beautiful
Like you turn
Into the opposite
A black hole
Dark and devoid
Of any life

Our words would
Happily orbit around
Our smiles and
A simple kiss
Would turn my
World upside down

I hear that
People ask about
Us what happened
You two were
Perfect I don’t
Get it well

Let them know
When a sun
Ceases to exist
The planet who
Orbits around it
Will go dark

And become just
Another floating and
Lifeless space rock

I guess I
Am just a
Starry-eyed kid
713 · May 2012
Matt Walsh May 2012
I wish there was something I could say
To take your breath away
But there isn’t.
I wish there was something I could do to hold you up
But you’re already there.
Your floating above me and I wish I was there
With your love, tried and true.

I’m your biggest kept secret
If only you knew the right place to keep it
There’s more to me and you
You know what you have to do
Keep our love tried and true.

Just last with me until the light
We’ll fight together to make it right
Grab my hand and we’ll both take flight
Destroy this preventer, this keeper
Time, which only gets steeper
And pulls on our love, tried and true.

Finding no cure, seeing He has won
We scramble as the shards fired from His gun
Keep pushing and pulling and morphing our one
Love, tried and true.

As day comes up we vanish with the night,
Its as if there was never that flight,
Time to heal and become anew,
Washed away with the morning dew,
Forever our love, tried and true.
Any suggestions are welcome!
707 · Jul 2012
Matt Walsh Jul 2012
Do not cry because the day is over
But smile because it happened
The sun hitting your face when you wake
And the smell of food on your plate

Be happy that you can see
And run around amongst the trees
The friends you’ve made past and present
And the carefree future promised in heaven

Take note of the world happening around you
The sun, the grass, the sky, and animals surround you
Make the most of it because soon someday will hit
And make you old, grey and tired without wit

The birds will not sing for you anymore
And suddenly life becomes a chore
The ever-bright world that we live in
Is now a giant hollowed can cage of tin

You’ll live on love and hospitality of others
When you really don’t care 'cause this place is a bother
So make **** sure that you remember
What life’s light was like before it became embers
This is dedicated to my Aunt Janine.
699 · Sep 2012
Under the sun
Matt Walsh Sep 2012
Come over later you say
Reluctantly I agree, okay
Things haven’t been going our way

I finally get there
All we do is stare
The silence is too much to bear

You take a deep breath and tell me you’re done
I sit there, silent
I am literally stunned

You say you don’t want me
I say that I want we
You say no that I want she

You know this isn’t true
You know I want you
We both know we’re through

Acceptance comes soon
It’s an unusual tune
To hear both our sobs in un(ison)

We stop the tears
And look back on the years
And talk about our hopes and fears

She says don’t worry
To find another I’m in no hurry
Just to slowly ease my fury

I say I don’t want anyone
Ill wait for you under the sun
But right now I’ve got to run

I ran all the way back home
Past all the neighbors’ stupid lawn gnomes
To our bedroom, now a tomb

I’ve been here quite a bit
Here near the window I sit
Under the sun, I will not quit
675 · Oct 2013
Matt Walsh Oct 2013
Tell me how you really feel
As our clothes fall off
Tell me how nice I am

You moan with joy because you
Think I’m just too perfect
A match made in her heaven

We finish and you lay waiting
Waiting for my gentle touch
I get dressed and wait to

I wait for you to dress
Wait for you to leave
For me to finally fall asleep

I dream wondering where you are
What you are wearing now
If you wanna undress with me

If you’d moan with joy too
Because you want me back
A match made in her hell

We’d finish and I’d lay waiting
Waiting for your gentle touch
Your body and soul against mine

But you get dressed and wait
Wait for me to dress
And wait for me to leave

So you finally get some sleep
someone is always thinking about someone
664 · Feb 2014
Matt Walsh Feb 2014
If you go to the beach
To find sand
You will never see beauty

If you go to the forest
To find trees
You will never see beauty

But if you go to
The beach to find trees
The forest to find sand

You will see great beauty
627 · May 2014
Heart, in the write place
Matt Walsh May 2014
Have my heart
Every fleeting beat
Every single cell

Lives for you

Your steady rhythm
Slow graceful gallop
Holds my meaning

Make me pulse

Find me here
Take these hands
Have them tingle

A smile slides

To each ear
Your teeth translate
Light laughter and

Spill my soul

Let me mind
A long love
Lasting our lives
621 · Jul 2013
Matt Walsh Jul 2013
I don't get mad much
But when you want to be babied
And comfortable

You will never live life
No matter how many moments
You pretend

That he is the only one
That he wont let love
Slip away

Because you think that this
Excuse for a real relationship
Will work

Keep that heart locked too tight
It will one day be broken
And you

Will remember the silly bashful boy
Who actually gave a flying ****
About you
595 · Nov 2012
Matt Walsh Nov 2012
If we were stuck in outer space
I'd give you my space helmet
Because you take my breath away
589 · Oct 2012
On her way
Matt Walsh Oct 2012
And why not tomorrow
She wakes up with less sorrow
And leaves bed with less pain

She is strong enough to make it
And lived long enough to shake it
The bygones of yesterday

I envy her badly
Take her hand so gladly
And have her be my queen

She would probably deny this
Probably deny a kiss
From me onto her cheek

And that’s just fine and well
She’s a free soul I can tell
So Ill let her be on her way
Written as I listened to The Avett Brothers
578 · Dec 2013
Upper Case/lower case
Matt Walsh Dec 2013
I know now
what you feel like

Exactly how
you like to be held

To be loved
the right way to kiss

With you
it only took two days

Its just easy
and then you leave me
547 · Jun 2012
Matt Walsh Jun 2012
I was that ghost who held you close
In the best and worst of times
You were the one I loved the most
Despite your despicable crimes.

You built me up, you took me down
Cheated, lied, and wrote my part
All I could do was give you a frown
I was a ghost who lost his heart

You made me tremble with feeling
And I never wanted to let you go
And then you ended up stealing
Every ounce of love I used to know

Without my heart and without my soul
I am a ghost forever with no love to dole.
536 · May 2012
Let go
Matt Walsh May 2012
It doesn’t take much to fall off the earth
Just let go
Forget everything you thought you knew
Falling on your own you become anew

Tilt your head up you’re still looking down
Don’t be scared you’ll land safe and sound
Don’t wait on them
If they want to follow let them fall
No one pushed you off at all

It doesn’t take much to fall off the earth
Just let go
When you land
You can take my hand
Finally free from grains of sand

The skies are green
The ground is blue
And I can tell our love is true
Time may stop
Or time might die
But we’ll continue to fall
And continue to fly
533 · Jul 2012
Matt Walsh Jul 2012
Sometimes she sits
Lips pursed, with
Pretty fingertips
Gently pulling at my hips

I want her more than
Anything in the world
I’d give up the gold pan
Or any other girl

Sometimes she thinks of me
And all that we lost
If I could tell we’re meant to be
It would set my heart free

I wanted love and she didn’t
So I braced for impact
It seems the sky is not the limit
I’m grounded here I won’t submit

Sometimes I see her
But does she see me?
Her beauty and loveliness together
Wreaking havoc inside absolutely

She may not feel my pain
And I wouldn't want it
She's the only one I want to gain
For now I'll hold my heart and sit
This kinda came to me and I haven't edited it much
505 · Sep 2012
Matt Walsh Sep 2012
I am drunk
It’s not my fault
I wasn’t planning on losing her

I am driving drunk
Pigs are flying tonight
They fly right past me

I am not yet home
Thoughts of her through my head
My mind goes much faster than my car

I am finally home
I want to talk to her
Just pretend to want me back

I am in my bed
Her laugh and smile in my head
Soothing my broken heart

And finally
All at once
I succumb to sleep
504 · Sep 2012
Musician's Haiku
Matt Walsh Sep 2012
I know this is fast
The life I live, life you want
Lets just see it past

When this tour is done
You know I am coming back
So just keep track of

All the kisses left
On your lips, I want you to
Please keep them intact
Should I leave the period or take it out?
503 · Dec 2012
Thinking about forever
Matt Walsh Dec 2012
Get up shower and get ready
For today your heart won’t be so heavy
Today is the big wedding

Suit up smile on get the ring ready
She’ll waltz in slowly keep the knees steady
Finally two will become one

Stand here look there wait for the bride
Here She comes with a slow steady stride
Closer closer closer right past your eyes

See them smell Her hear the vows
She and your old friend you look down how
You were too afraid to get Her back

A kiss too late to have Her now
496 · Jan 2014
Space dust makes life
Matt Walsh Jan 2014
Clocks in her hair
Time on her side

Her head is spinning
Hips side to side

And we wind

Like time and space
Have just now colli-

487 · Aug 2012
Matt Walsh Aug 2012
Don't **** up
They will see
And judge you
480 · Sep 2012
Together we're fine
Matt Walsh Sep 2012
“I’m not in love”
She says
“I’m not in love”

But I can see it
The way her eyes water
She just needs help with some demons

The way her hands
Are all balled up
To pretend like she means it

How her breathing
Is so shallow
Like she was pushed in the deep end

Her lips
So shaky and unstable
Her mind must be shouting how I make her so able

So I just softly smile
Then with firmness and soothing
I hold her close and let nothing between us

I am hers
Like she is mine
And nothing can break us

Together we’re fine
464 · Dec 2012
Classic heartbreak
Matt Walsh Dec 2012
Who me?
I’m not alone in this bed
I’m not closing my eyes
I’m not pretending this pillow is your body in my head

Alone you say?
I wasn’t lying on the floor
There were no tears here
I wasn’t yelling promises to you that I could offer so much more

Want you back?
That I would never
You’d make me so happy
All the pain and sorrow you simply would sever

Leaving already?
Yeah maybe you should
I don’t want to bother you
But your smile and sweet perfume make me wish that I would
459 · Nov 2013
Water made me
Matt Walsh Nov 2013
I visit the water

The ocean told me
Make waves

The river told me
Flow free

The lake told me
Maintain form

So I always do
449 · Jun 2012
Matt Walsh Jun 2012
Who are you
To know my every secret, motive, and move
And to leave me lying like this
Alone again in the universe?

To once touch
Every part of my now cold skin

To once breathe
Every breath entering my now deflated lungs

To once feel
Every beat of my now silent heart

And then drain
Every ounce of my fragile being

And to
Watch without sorrow
As I am falling

Piece by piece
Losing my love
My world
448 · Jun 2013
Matt Walsh Jun 2013
Just a little something to make you smile
Something to keep you warm for a while
The love from friends that can be felt for miles

A tripod has three legs for us
Stitched, secured and sealed by trust
Friendship over the cracks and
Good jokes are always a must

So while you read this please
Remember you aren't alone
There are still two more legs
Even when seams become unsewn
They will be there to take care of you

Friends forever,
In memory of Alex Kane
401 · Feb 2014
In here
Matt Walsh Feb 2014
We lie here
I turn and say

I have nothing
For you and you

Nothing for me
Why are we here

We are here
Then she points outside

'Cause out there
We are so alone

We kiss and
I fall back asleep
Wondering why she's here
394 · Feb 2013
One year
Matt Walsh Feb 2013
One year it’s been
One year since you
Confirmed all my fears

Talk about flying in
Clear skies but all
We got was turbulence

Talk about the future
As we got high
Off of our lies

Talk about the girl
Like she was awful
But I still ache

Talk about my mistake
The one where I
Ruined all your faith

One year it’s been
One year since I
Lost you my dear
377 · Feb 2013
Three 7s
Matt Walsh Feb 2013
Was it college
Or maybe the


That made you
Not need me


But things change
I’m lucky with

322 · Mar 2013
Matt Walsh Mar 2013
We still lay here
Just bones
All our skin slid

Too comfortable in it
It drips
So does our worries

We are still apart
For now
Until you crawl back

It won't be so
Lonely we'll
Put some life into

— The End —