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Marvin Paul Oct 2016
Alicia a hazardous descent by rope way into her heart. 
The beautiful views sets her apart.
A stairway to an ancient observatory which is state of the art.
Her hearts timeless beauty.
This poem has to be
Spoken before the gate is closing.

Although the gate stood open her heart was broken.
The beautiful crown on her head is golden.
A notice which reads you only got one moment.
Her tears create a destructive flood.
Hurt her and you will be dragged through the mud.
When she is happy her heart is a blooming garden.

When she is sad her heart turns into a wilderness.
A passage that leads to a lot of closed doors which seems endless.
Her heart lost like the ancient city of atlantis.
Her heart lost in the ancient city of atlantis.
Her heart is elegantly furnished.
He wrote her a poem and then forever vanished.
Marvin Paul Aug 2016
Zunè Veronique leading to a mall is a river that flows through a tunnel of trees.
Where her boutique is. 
A lock that hangs on a key chain with three golden keys.
She asked me to write her a poem please?
Before you can enter the boutique there is a a bridge completely covered in water to cross.

Walking through abandoned malls to find her boutique.
Her favourite show could be heard playing in the background that is ridiculousness. 
Her name can be seen in the logo when I stand in front of the boutique.
From the boutiques entrance you cant really see what is going on, on the inside.
Plants that are standing on the outside. 

Huge windows where you can see her lovely design.
Her clothes are top of the line.
As I enter the boutique bubbles flew past me. 
It was so fast I didn't see.
Before the sun sets.

I walked past princess Jasmines dress.
Mordecia was seen he was a mess.
Her favourite song could be heard playing over the stereo.
While your looking at her photo.
The smell of clothes as you enter the boutique. 

I saw a mirror that shows her how beautiful she is.
Going into the boutique is like entering the depths of her heart and her creativity can be found there.
Hurt her and beware.
When you enter the boutique you see her beautiful face.
Whenever your looking for her you can find her in the boutique.

What is she designing something special from her heart.
She is designing a black dress with gold shoes, painting someone's nails and doing her hair close to her heart.
Everything she designs is genuine.
Her heart kept safe in a bag of her own design.
I knew it from the start that she is a sweetheart.
Marvin Paul Jun 2016
Kiyara riding past all the buildings, in her heart is a small church that looks abandoned but it has very tight security.
Her special place where she goes apparently.
A blue and black car speeding towards the church with a loud stereo playing her favorite song.
When she wants nobody to come along.

When she is sad or hurting there's a storm over the church.
When she is happy the sun shines on the church.
The sound of the clock can be heard when she wants to be alone.
The steps of the church is covered in small stones.

There is a fence around the church.
A huge cross can be seen before you enter the church.
Grass has grown around the church.
The gate is constantly locked.

The church has to open wooden doors for you to enter.
The gate can't be opened from the outside that means you can only come in if she allows you to enter.
A sign that reads warning please do no disturb.
The silence means that she must not be disturbed.

Walking down the long aisle of the church I couldn't believe it.
The church windows are too high you can't look out of it.
A painting of her feelings is on the roof of the church.
The statue that resembles her heart stands in front the church.

I can hear music in the background playing.
On the outside you can't see the church decaying.
A projector her memories displaying.
As I walk through the church I find her sitting alone praying.
Marvin Paul May 2016
Celeste Christabell Chrisp He doesn't know what awaits.
He saw three huge gates.
Each of the gates has name plates.
He should've apologized in the first place.

The first gate was covered in dust and had a sandy road.
Each gate has a secret code.
The first gate opens with a puzzle.
If you hurt her there's going to be trouble.

The second gate has plants growing all over it and it has a path that goes through a thick dark scary forest, past a pond.
What you have to say has to correspond.
A gate that opens with a riddle.
To protect her heart it gets harder little by little.

The third gate was the biggest and the most mysterious of the three, it had strange carvings on it and it has a rocky path that leads to a stone bridge.
A gate that opens when you say the right password to unlock a huge switch.
All three gates are constantly locked.
He had to find a way to get them unlocked.

He answered the riddle and got the second gate open but he still had to cut down a whole forest.
He walked past something she dearly cherished.
He tried but couldn't ignore.
Three huge hanging pots hanging over the fire.

The house so long abandoned it looks haunted.
The front gate to the house looks haunted.
The house like her heart looks hauntingly beautiful.
From the front gate the beauty of her heart is viewable.

A lock that opens with sound frequency.
Her heart looks like the inside of a palace.
As beautiful as the sky with the aurora borealis.
On the outside her heart is fortified like a castle.©M.P.Jacobs
Marvin Paul Apr 2016
Michelene she is uniquely beautiful. A rainbow in her hearts skies that looks beautiful. I hope this poem is suitable. 

When I saw how beautiful you were I couldnt stop thinking about you. This might be the final time I wrote a poem for you. Walking through a thick dark forest isnt as scary as talking to you.

When I saw how beautiful you were I couldnt stop thinking about you. This might be the final time I wrote a poem for you. Walking through a thick dark forest isnt as scary as talking to you.

My heart told me to stay away, he didnt listen and now he is paying the price. The next time he will think twice. If I could write you a beautiful poem would you appreciate it or throw it away.

By his heart betrayed. He wont make the same mistake. I had to tell you before its to late. 

To write a poem for you that is my fate. When I first got there I was stopped by snow. I shoulve written this poem long ago.

He has to pass an ancient wall with pictures off all the girls he loved on it. Some of the pictures have fallen off and the wind has blown them away, symbolising all the girls he has forgotten. Rain has fallen on some of the pictures, symbolising all the girls he cried over. There are holes in the wall, symbolising all the girls he would rather forget.

If she doesnt like this poem what would his life sentence be. The lamp I wanted to use to wish so that she could forgive me sank beneath the sea. A building that keeps her heart safe sank beneath the sea.©M.P.Jacobs
Marvin Paul Mar 2016
She is sweet.
Without her this poem would be incomplete.

Every time he sees her there is a smile on her face.
Without her there where her poem should be there is a blank space.

She is hot to handle like a key engulfed in flames.
Waiting on her hearts train tracks for her hearts trains.

How she will react to this poem I cant foresee.
Jumped over the fence to your heart but had to jump back because your dog bit me.

She likes making memories.
A wall with her hearts pictures. ©M.P.Jacobs
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