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 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
Tall Trees Reach Up
To Touch The Sapphire Sky
Red Dirt Paths Accent Nicely
With Green Grass And Nodding Ferns
All's Tranquil And Peaceful
In The Beautiful Forest
Sun Rays Slant Their Rich, Warm, Honeyed Light
Across The Dirt Paths
Winding Here And There
Spring Beauties Grow Beside The Path
Washed With Rain Their Blue Petals
Sweetly Scented Japanese Irises
Unfurl Their Blooms Towards The Sky
In The Forest Everything Is Quiet And Calm
It Heals Your Wounds And Brings Peace To Your Soul
Further On As We Walk Mist Fills The Air
All Around Inside The Forest
And All Around The Rich Red Path
A Hushed Spot Of Lavender
Grows Quietly Almost Without Being Seen
Periwinkles Refreshed With Dew Awakes
To The Bright Blue Sky And Twirling Mist
And Everything Is Beautiful And Green
We Walk Hand And Hand Unseen
Amidst The Pines And Dazzling Furs
We Smile And Our Eyes Dance
For We Are The Fairies
Who Will Forever Live
In The Forest

Just A Simple Poem Which Drifted Through My Head
And Made Me Feel Very Happy!!!! :) ~~~~<3
So, I Thought I'd Share It Here!!! :) ~~~~<3
Please Enjoy It!!! (: ~~~~~~~<3
 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
Dri p
 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
You have seeped into my veins
An intravenous drip of affection
Conjured into this darkness and
Coursing through my bloodstream.

My valves twitch obediently;
There is nothing natural about this affair
Where you rest your tired head on
The wells of my body.
My collarbones greet you with great
I love you.
But as long as I don't take the risk
There will be nothing special.
But I treasure the friendship
we have right now
and this feeling that I want to suppress
keeps on growing somehow.
I tell myself to forget you.
And for once I did.
But one glimpse
One smile
Those heart-wrenching eyes
took me back to square one.
I love you.
But as long as I don't do anything
There will be nothing.
I treasure the something we have right now
And I don't want to lose you somehow
and be forever gone.
I love you.
But as long as I'm writing this poem
My feelings just take control
And I spill my heart into the pages.
I wake up every morning
thinking maybe I can see you
And I go back every evening,
thinking tomorrow maybe I would.
I want to ask you.
Do I have the chance?
Do I somehow have that spot in your heart?
Or am I just another girl?
This is unfair.
I keep on thinking of you.
But do you think about me too?
I keep on loving you.
But do you love me as much as I do?
I love you.
But as long as I keep pretending
As long as I fear the unknown
As long as you don't understand
You would never ever know.

I'll tell you someday.
But for now,
This is just gonna be another day.
 Jan 2014 Martin Illy
 Jan 2014 Martin Illy
I am haunted, I think
By the ghost of you
It lingers in hallways
And in the corners of my view

The faint outline of your head
I can see, lying on my chest
Ethereal hair brushing my skin
While I lie with someone else

It is worse when I am alone
Staring at the space between my hands
My delusions resuscitating
The memory of how well you fit that span
 Jan 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
 Jan 2014 Martin Illy
jane doe
They tell me to walk away,
To forget about you.
Come what may
They don't have a clue
About how I feel towards you

I think of you everyday;
I don't care about what the others say.
You never leave my mind
And I fantasize about you all the time.
How could loving you be a crime?

I constantly long for your embrace
There is too much time to waste
Another day without you is night.

So quick!
Wrap yourself around me and
Cradle me until the end
Captured chills
release their patten of ice light shows
against my skin.

desolate and alone,
could my heart call yours home?

in these sheets I try
to lay not lie
but it is difficult I find,
to be honest about my mind

I watched the stars from a
mile away
and it feels as if
I'm only pulling on what's left of yesterday

keep treading
on these open waters
for you are too valuable not to spare

But if you shall sink,
like a rusted anchor
in the deep
know I'm already there.
Four cold walls have trapped me,
I am stuck here even with the door wide open.
There is no safe, easy escape
There is no cure for the broken.

Drain my entire body of this aching,
Soothe my skin in the warmest water you can find.
You can replenish every inch of me,
And still not cure my mind.

My unstable conscious has been waiting for this very moment;
I am shutting down without any care.
No matter how many baby steps I proceed to take,
What I need to cure me just is not there.

My biggest fear is to lose any bit of the world I may have thus far.
But I have already lost myself.
It’s only ever once
I’m inside the box
of your mind
that my tongue turns
misty blue
and in small whispers,
I pass away,
dying in some nonchalant way.
Oh how the days race on by
and how you pretend not to notice
that I’ve got my eagle eyes on you.

Easy shells,
we’ve made a mockery
of legitimate feelings
but I cannot deny such vraisemblance

You are a beach
in September,
or a summer in
rigor mortis.
I think we were both dead
when we met,
only just beginning to beg for rebirth
and I brought you maps of no-man’s land
so now here we are

Stuck in the mud
of a pneumonatic love.
I will always be the coughing Queen of Anomie
and you’ve still yet to unleash
your lungs.
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