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 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
I'd blow kisses off
the tips of my fingers
And you'd catch them
in the palms of your hands
Now you avoid puddles
on rainy afternoons
And I spend snow days
catching up on

You write math equations
in the margins where
you used to scribble music notes
And I write phone numbers
on the backs of receipts
where I used to scribble
It hurts to think about it.
It hurts to think about someday in the distant future,
he may dismiss our love as untrue.
He may tell another girl that he thought he knew what love is
but he never knew until he met her.
And maybe it will simply be a line,
but maybe it will be truth that his soul aches to say
and he will no longer think of me.

His I love you's will be built on the thoughts of someone else
and how her eyes look in the sunlight
and how her hair falls to her shoulder
and how she breathes his name into the air in the bed that they share.

It hurts to think about the future.
It hurts to think about where I may be when he's lying next to her,
tracing his fingertips across her palms
and brushing hair off of her face before he kisses her goodnight.

And we will simply be experiences and stories to keep locked away
in our memories that are never to be spoken of or reminisced.
We'll be letters that we wrote for each other
and art on our walls and knick-knacks on shelves,
all enveloped by dust and faded emotions.

And he may hear my favorite song in twenty years
and I hope he chooses to remember the good
and I promise to try not to be bitter.
And when I run into him in twenty years and he speaks of his success,
I will smile for his happiness even if it is not me.
It only hurts to think about it.
I wrote this last night because I couldn't sleep. Sorry about the format of the poem. I wrote it as a huge paragraph and I was kind of winging it with the line breaks.
Today, our only question
is whiskey or wine,

fire or silk

mixing drinks
with you is like
mixing colours

out of nothing
Come interrupt me

And fill my soul

With your own words

As I am not able

To find

My own

Teach me

Your language

Soft and slowly

So there will be

More of you

More of me

More of us

Be my poetry

I’ll be your poem.
"Is it bad that I never made love, no I never did it
But I sure know how to ****"

god i might not know how to
say those three words,
but i'll kiss you against your soft
cotton sheets
and sprawl bare against them,
and make you think it all the same.

"Cause I had some issues, I won't commit
No, not having it"

i'll slink my body
and move my hips around the atmosphere
we'll both be drunk,
slurring on the beat
that my tongue moves to.

"I'll be your bad girl, I'll prove it to you
I can't promise that I'll be good to you"

my mouth is like
you'll never get enough of it.
but baby,
its so self destructive.
spending my four in the morning procrastinating on an essay listening to relatable rap songs and writing ****** poetry~
 Feb 2014 Martin Illy
Nik Bland
Broken is this state of mind
So I searched for another
Only to find I'd left behind
The thoughts of a long lost lover
And so I travel to my depths
To my core to find where they lied
To hear the whispers of the disrepaired
In my broken state of mind
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